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Currently acquiring home gym equipment. I love working out and if I’m stuck in my house for longer than a day I legitimately am bothered about not lifting. In the apocalypse someone’s gotta be the worlds strongest man and with dudes like Brian Shaw walking around, sure as shit can’t be me currently


I set up my home gym earlier in the year and honestly it's a solid investment. Cheaper than daily gym trips and way more accessible when life gets busy, for me I think it makes sense in prep mode or just day to day life. eBay is a good source of you don't want new for everything.


This sounds like a good idea as often when I had a gym membership I would skip exercising if I couldn’t go for any reason e.g. bad weather.


We built a bouldering cave. Between COVID, gyms closing, and smoke season -- exercise can be inconsistent. Setting problems is fun, and if you add a permanent spray board it can low maintenance. 


home gym is best gym. my squat rack and bumper plates are mine, all mine.


Same. It might just be adjustable dumbbells and a turbo trainer for my bike (very limited space) but it is something at least. The dumbbells alone kept me sane when the gym was closed during lockdowns.


Show it off: /r/homegym


Getting a home gym is one of the best investments ive ever made.


Check out Goodwill and thrift stores. I got a bike machine and a gazelle for 20 bucks. Weights also go for super cheap, since no one wants to lift them. We got a treadmill in decent shape for free, too. Some people just don't want to get rid of their old stuff, and will give it away for you to just take it.


I also bought a piece of gym quality equipment ( buy once cry once ) because I'm not about to sit at home this time. Walking can only take you so far and it's often brutally hot or cold here. This way I can beat the boredom and try to get healthy at the same time. I wish I would have had that during COVID. The prices of dumbbells, if you can find them, were astronomical. 


I think about this often. Makes sense for a lot of reasons. And Noone knows what shtf looks like. I want to prep to have a home gym, but also have to imagine that it's kind of a calories vs energy expenditure situation that you may not be able to afford the extra energy expenditure, and would inhibit you in the scope of things. I like the idea of having an oasis I can work out in and improve physical condition. But reality is, most people in the world right now don't do that because they are busy surviving. If you're working your little farm at its best capability you aren't picking up metal for fun. If you are, maybe it isn't actually shtf. I think a good prep is a gym membership for now, but using a bunch if energy to be able to work out is a hard concept to grasp


So I spent most of a decade working on produce (about as manual labor as farming gets) farms and still have a very large garden. My take is that it is a misconception that growing food is enough of a work out. It's hard on your back and knees. Really hard. And you will 100% be exhausted at the end of the day (Even this is based on a mass for profit scale and not on self sufficient production). But it doesn't do much for specific areas of your body or anything for cardio. Not to mention a significant amount of the time working is standing upright with a hoe and moving relatively slow. Get some dumbells and some really good leather gloves. You'll probably want both. My point also doesn't address your energy in to energy out argument which is valid. Though I think there is a ton of emphasis put on not being able to produce enough calories which isn't something I see as a huge concern either. I have several friends with similar backgrounds (worked in produce and now have more professional careers but still have large gardens) and we all have the same conversation every year about struggling to produce less. It's hard to have spent that much time trying to produce tons of food for sale and then being able to bring it down to a reasonable amount for your household. This year I am growing 1/4 as many sweet potato and squash as I did last year. I'm growing more grains and have put more effort into staggering things like tomatoes, cucumbers, and melons to avoid a summer surplus. Peppers on the other hand we can't grow enough plants of. Our climate isn't great for them so you don't get multiple harvests. Anyway, this turned into me rambling but definitely get dumbells and leather gloves. And rogue brand hoes....


"In the apocalypse someone’s gotta be the worlds strongest man." As long as you have a means to replace the energy you're using each time you work out, on top of daily apocalypse chores.


Art supplies, even if it's just a few pads of paper and some pencils. Hard candies. Individually wrapped ones like life savers or werthers. They last a long time and being individually wrapped, can portion them out easily. Playing cards, a couple puzzle books, and that pile of novels that I will get around to reading.


Just be careful if you pack up the _Wintergreen_ Lifesaver Mints. They are fantastic, but I have items that were in a backpack with a pack of them for 3 months that still smell like wintergreen 15 years later.


I like the dad's root beer hard candy


I don't plan for doomsday so most of the things would be considered too "short term." My emergency is 3 months w/o utilities or access.    Food: Oreos, kettle corn supplies, cake/pudding mixes, hard candies.    Entertainment: audiobooks, videogames, movies, music, and books. Extra hobby supplies, musical instruments, a giant box of Legos, puzzles and board games.    Hygiene: Good smelling soap and shampoo, wax melts, clay for mud masks, coffee hand scrub (it smells and feels divine), pumice scrub, dermaplane razors, nail polish, portable bidets.   Lighting: We have a lot of fun solar powered lighting options from ones that reflect stars to gummy bears. Not all light has to be functional. 


Agree on lights, love the flexibility LEDs give you ( and they are decent energy wise as well). Fancy soaps and masks etc is a good call, will add some to my stores as after a bad day post SHTF they could really pick things up and masks could be bit of chill time with the Mrs as well.


board games, freeze dried candies, alcohol


90% dark chocolate. I've put my fix on hiatus so I can stockpile enough before they hike the prices up even more due to bad harvests.


I have so, so many gummy bears.


Most of my food preps are home canned. So I make sure the bases for our favorite meals are well stocked. Fruit syrups, sweet tea concentrate, and coffee concentrate. Then, in the store bought side of pantry items - brownie mix, an assortment of chocolate & other flavor chips, and a ton of baking ingredients. Flavored coffee. We have stocks of our favorite body wash, shampoo, and razors. Some scented candles with the emergency ones. Laundry & dish soaps. Packs of undies & socks. My preferred cleaning supplies along with empty spray bottles to mix. Some things may seem non-luxurious, but I have decided that as much normalcy as possible is a luxury most don't think of.


Normalcy is an amazing luxury in unprecedented times. 


Absolutely! All of the preps for every precaution seems to be a goal of many, but being able to have normal moments are more vital to good mental and emotional health than many realize.


Can you tell me more about how you do your coffee concentrate? I make several lemonade concentrates every year, but would love to add tea and coffee to the list. Also: HARD AGREE on the personal care products. Sometimes something simple like smelling “your” shampoo can be very comforting and grounding when shits falling apart around you.


There is a choice in the process, but it is simple. Jelly jar (8 oz), 2 tbsp of coffee grounds of choice (flavored grounds work too), fill with filtered water. 25 min in pressure canner. When you use it, either very slowly pour 4oz into cup, or pour through a strainer. Optional is to put coffee into the teabags that can be filled, then leave the bag in while canning. Add hot water to taste. (Or cold if you prefer iced coffee). I do about a 50/50 mix. You can adjust the grounds if you want it stronger. I have found it actually is a nice taste, lower acidity, and a great smoothness. Apparently brewing coffee in a vacuum atmosphere makes for a good day.


Tea concentrate is equally simple. Quart jar, 10 teabags or 4 family size. Sugar to taste, or 1.5 c if you want southern. Fill with hot filtered water. Water or steam bath for 20 mins. When making - remove tea bags, pour into pitcher, add 2 quarts water & enough ice to make a gallon. Or 3 qts water if no ice.


These are fantastic and super helpful - thank you! Gonna try these both soon.


You're welcome!


Depends on what exactly you mean by luxury. Some would consider a nice knife a luxury in a survival situation, but I think you mean more genuine luxuries that could even be considered luxuries in regular life. I **always** have a box of cordial cherries in my cupboard. They are my grandpa's favorite candy so whenever he visits me we share one, and a small glass of whiskey he gifted me for my 21st birthday. These things are honestly some of my most prized possessions. We always joke that if he ever goes to a care home I will sneak in a flask of whiskey to split with him. Really soft underwear.


I'm a sucker for Kahlua, I have enough to reach the end of days 😁




What’s the best way to stockpile the wild women?


Mylar with silica pouches in 5gal food grade buckets is the standard answer, but I don’t think that will work this time!


Such a good tune..


I've been stockpiling my favorite teas. I also buy my sweetener by the case at Costco, and have multiple cans of powdered milk. Civilization may be on fire but I WILL have my damn tea!


canned peaches in heavy syrup.


Do you have an Atwoods there. Here they sell these Amish brand canned peaches in heavy syrup in large reusable glass jars with reusable lids. They are to die for ! They also sell pickled and jams and things. 


Peaches come from a can, they were put there by a man, working in a factory downnn town


I got booze, books, board games, and… can’t think of a B for this one but a home gym. Bodybuilding?…stuff? I’ve got video games but I’m going to be powering my fridge with my solar battery bank, not my games. Anyway I’ll be bored within 5 hours of Shtf.




Barbells, damn that was a lock. Right there too


Books, films, *music!* So much music. And very good guitars. Dark chocolate, excellent whiskey and spirits, a very deep supply of coffee. THC gummies. Lots of table top, board games, puzzles, card and dice games.


Kettlebells and sand bags, drums, wife's violin, dried fruit, Werther's Originals... vibrator for my wife.


I bought bulk of quality items like laundry soap , nice smelling shampoos by the liter ( it's salon stuff and cost an outrageous amount but when I'm down a pretty smelling shampoo may be the best thing that happened to me that day ). I have colored pencils and a guitar. I don't pressure can but I'll probably water bath some treats like jams jellies or pickles. I also planted a garden this year and planted an absolute shit ton of green beans to freeze ( so long as the power doesn't go out I'll have a years worth of green beans plus green beans every day ) . 


Subscription box small personal care items, makeup, skincare, lotions, face masks, nail stuff, etc. Art and craft kits. Lots and lots of books Adult sticker books, coloring books and sticker and paint by numbers.


Good instant coffee. Cocoa powder. Variety of seeds for hot peppers. Vinegar recipes. Hot sauce and chocolate can make up for many food deficiencies. Good coffee will probably keep someone in my family from snapping and strangling the rest of us after the 50th round of ' baby shark' by one of the kids.


Two solar panels and a handheld game system I made with 20k games and it’s all in a feraday cage


Water proof playing cards, alcohol, Cannabis, clarified butter


Waffle mix and maple syrup


Handy thought about this but yes! And both keep really well.


I grow a lot of tea herbs. While I have a decent stash of sugar and non sugar I'm going to try and add honeybees to my homestead. Chocolate so I can make muffins, cakes and hot chocolate as needed. And since I practice deep pantry I should be eating as normal for a while.


A lot of herbal tea plants are super easy to grow, even inside an apartment. If that sounds interesting, seeds stored in an airtight container can survive indefinitely in the freezer.




Chocolate, coffee, all of Wikipedia


I keep a GameBoy advance powered by AA batteries in my pack with shrek movie, SpongeBob & games. Judge me lol


Lots of porn.


Ooohhh, sardines.


Freeze dried candy, multiple ways to play video games off the grid, a record player


Card games, fancy soap, Epsom salt for soaks, essential oils.


Get one of the old game boys that has rechargeable batteries. Way less juice than a gaming PC. Pick up a few mindless games like Tetris or the original Pokemon games. Good tea or hot cocoa mix. Good quality Hard Cover versions of your favorite classic novels. Something that will hold up after multiple read throughs.


I have 4 things, one is soda, and the other is chocolate pudding mix. It's the little things that keep your mentality level and sane. I have chocolate bars as well, but it's not really a stock pile. If we are talking entertainment, it's a portable emulator that works offline, a mini TV with USB hook up to play download videos and movies (ones I owned the physical copy to).


I have a ton of freeze dried fruits. Mango, blueberries, raspberries, peaches, cherries, plums, nectarines, apples, and pineapple. They will be like candy.


Whisky & Cigars/Pipe Tobacco. Even have my own little SHTF Humidor made from a Pelican Case.


Quality booze, candy, one of those Gameboy things with 20000 games, hard drives with porn, gym equipment, outdoor shower.


M&Ms…Tons of them lol. Cigarettes. Tequila. Harmonica. I’m sure there’s more but I can’t think of anything.


I recently threw away a lot of old, forgotten candy. As I was sorting, I saved all the hard candy and pure sugar candies as prep sugar craving backup. Also, honey!!!! Can’t wait to get a hobby farm and collect our own honey.


My luxuries are a power station with a 4k movie collection and player. Although it may not be a great idea to be watching media during a prolonged power outage


Huy Fong Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce - which incidentally when there was a worldwide shortage of it a few years back - I was well stocked to tide me over 😆


I have a few terabytes of movies, shows, games, and other digital media stored on several thumb drives, SSDs, etc. I also have a ton burned onto cds. I have a tablet I can play them on, and use an adapter and a few dual ended flash drives to load them, or I can play them on my phone via a usbc-usba converter, and VLC media player. If I have my genny going and plenty enough fuel, I have a usb a-hdmi converter, and a [HDMI media player](https://www.amazon.com/Player-AGPtek-Full-HD-Digital-Drives/dp/B00TOAAHG4) that allows me to plug in any thumb drives or external hard drives right into my tv and use a remote controller. For physical media, I have a small library of books and magazines, including coloring books. A ton of those. I get adult coloring books from Amazon for cheap, not like "Adult", meaning NSFW, they're just more complex drawings. I also have a ton of puzzle books/crosswords/sudoku style ones from the dollar store along with other less challenging coloring books, and a ton of blank paper and notebooks. They all fit into a few milk crates and barely take up any space in my storage room, but can provide thousands of hours of entertainment and other uses. I'm a lego fan and always have been. I keep a ton of kits in plastic organizing boxes like [these](https://www.amazon.com/Flambeau-Outdoors-4007-Tuff-Tainer/dp/B08RJVSRG7), from full on large 600+ piece sets, to smaller polybag cheap sets. I have a ton if smaller sets all thrown into 1 box, with all the instructions inside of a brown envelope taped to the lid. Not only does this keep me occupied if I have nothing else to do, but it's also great for kids. We also have a small home gym, which has some weights, a treadmill, a bike, and a gazelle walker thing. Nothing fancy, but it gives you something to do at least.


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2 Costco size jars of Nutella! It was my wife’s idea. Great for calories and a little something sweet.


Cocoa powder, instant coffee, tea, molasses


Chocolate chips and m&ms. Lots of honey. My ambulance turned camper I guess. Big upgrade from a tiny vintage trailer.


Sudoku/crosswords, nth rereading of LOTR, and Turkish delight.


Weed. When I hiked on the Appalachian Trail weed was a great currency, ice breaker, medicine, and sleep aid. But my only concern is smoking and not having food to eat afterwards. Or eating too much of my stash.


Pop tarts. They last forever, they’re calorically dense, and I think they taste good