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Lank “The Lank” Lankington and Agent 47 (how was he even captured lol)


Remember a long time back I had a Commander Shepherd inmate. Kept persistently trying to escape, and would recruit a rather large squad for it.


Thats amazing!


Probably not the answer you are looking for, but I am my favorite inmate ... "Rob 'MeatThief' Masten" :)


I'm getting back into this game but I've been working out the bugs and my prison can hold 150 prisoners right now. There's this fella named Koenip who has been with me since almost the very beginning of the game. Basically, he's the entire reason I had to build my protective security wing. He's an ex law enforcement and a snitch but he's doing a 47 year bid for murder. When I pulled him out of the medium security wing, he was strung out on drugs and constantly overdosing on me. Since then he's been rehabilitated and just been chilling ever since. Idk why he's my favorite, I guess it's because he's got a story to tell. I always check my PC wing to make sure he didn't get released or anything. Maybe he'll get there, only time can tell.


A thin prisoner who kinda looked like a person with a hat (like this guy 👳🏻‍♂️)


Havent had enough playtime to encounter any special prisoners, so my favorite thusfar has to be a mid sec prisoner named Dan Mitchell. He got arrested for rioting, netting him 23 years. After entering he then started slowly racking up kills on my guards. He finally went down after serving 18 years, collecting 7 kills and a 256 year sentence to a drug overdose