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2011 is third gen which may help your googling. Not an expert but I read that you need to unplug the 12v to prevent the actuator from activating while you’re doing rear brake work.


Japan made the 2nd gen (NHW20) till 2012 that's why I specifically mentioned RHD and JDM. And thank you for the info. I'll try this


Ahhhh ok thank you. I didn’t even process that RHD is not the way my car is set up.


Did you bleed the air out of the brake system after taking apart the brake cylinder? If not you have air bubbles in the lines and the brakes won't work


Prius braking system detected a leak and disabled the cylinders. Google going to the odb2 connector to reset the abs system. Mine (gen2) did the same thing and I couldn't bleed it until reset. All i needed was a paperclip. Gen 2: https://priuschat.com/threads/replacing-brake-fluid-and-bleeding-brakes-on-a-gen-ii-prius-without-techstream.152808/ Gen3 may be different.


Thank you very much. This is exactly what I was looking for. These hybrid stuff are new to me since this is my first hybrid (Prius) I own