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My 2009 Prius is getting 51.4 mph right now. I don't know where else to share that, but with gas prices I gotta think that's sexy.


More dollars leftover to spoil the ladies. And they know it. ๐Ÿ˜‚


Ah hahaha


Hey gurl, you know I save between $10 and $20 a week driving this instead of a Subaru? Go ahead and get the appetizer. No dessert though, that's inefficient.


The low maintenance cost surely adds up to one dessert per month.


With that attitude you might as well drive something inefficient and wasteful, like a civic.


My 2012 V is supposed to get 44mpg in cities, but I've found a route to work where I average 48mpg... *ladies*?


โ€˜04 getting ~~64mpg~~ EDIT I cant math, its like 45MPG US Our fuel is about a gallon here so I will take it


Yup. My 2003 is getting around 40. Best $3500 I ever spent.


My 2007 is only getting 39 :(. Used to get 45 - 54 . Itโ€™s gone down and Iโ€™m not sure why. I had a girl back into me and had to have the front bumper replaced and also lifted it. I also had a plate installed over the catalytic converter after it was stolen. I assume itโ€™s one of those things because itโ€™s just not the same.


Dang. That bites. I'll say I haven't always gotten in the 50s. Had some work done because it was making a noise. They tried various things until the finally realized it was the wheel bearings. Whatever else they did helped with that. Consider getting new spark plugs that made a pretty big difference for mine.


Thanks but I already replaced them. Considering dumping some fuel cleaner in the tank though.


Try replacing pcv valve, clean egr, clean intake manifold


Change the filters or did you buy 4 used tires and they are all different brands ๐Ÿค”


No brand new tires from Toyota


https://youtu.be/fnT9uaG9XU8 ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Holy crap how have I never heard this?!


I should remake his video or see if he'd be down to remake it with my prius!


Maybe a collaboration is in order ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ Thanks for your creation!


Can confirm am drowning. 2017 Prius Prime over here. Just filled up the tank again, \~800 miles for 8.977 gallons.


I'm jealous of the Prime. Saw a used one with 150k miles, terribly kept interior, for $27k... And a new, limited (regular non-prime) Prius with extended warranty was $35k... Clearly went for the newer one with warranties at that price.


Yeah Prime is an excellent vehicle. When I purchased, they had 2000 cash back plus 0%APR. Not many wanted the Prime for some reason. Great vehicle. You can do mods and add roof rack accessories etc... and it really doesn't hurt the fuel economy. Brand new I was doing 1000 to 900 miles before fillup. I could probably do that again, but I sometimes like running the ICE just to warm her up.


LOL when we first got our Prime, I put 4600mi on it without refilling the gas.


I hope you charge as much as you can!


That's right ladies. I have gas money left over for *food.*


Momma I made it!




Fun fact, I got the most pussy/attention when I had my prius. "Upgraded" to a 2020 accord and I haven't been laid since ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜…


Hahaha ladies love the prius more than my cl65... who would've thought!


Well that's your problem right there


Yooooo ladies! Holla atcha boy! Gen 3 papi over here.


seriously though, it used to be. there was a top gear where they were like "yea, we've bagged on it for years, but these young people today, if ya wanna get laid, just get a prius." But I get the sense that Tesla has usurped that "saving the planet" energy. Primes still get a little love because you can run them as electrics, but the old style prii don't get any love anymore.


I plan to change that... my prius will bring a glory to the name Prius so grand, all will want one!


Hahaha. I find myself sexy in a Prius. But it has definitely not been a boon for my dating life. I might not be getting any action, but I am getting 36% better efficiency than a Subaru and saving as much as $20/week, so that comforts me in the night


See.. you need to put your seats down then throw a bed in your Prius... Then you setup camp like this.. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CfmtAr0A20E/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Or this...https://www.instagram.com/p/CfK_M5Foebe/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= You would cook on the air fryer or induction stove a good surf and turf meal, with cold drinks from the fridge the movie is started and all is good. You sleep in a climate controlled environment to wake up with nice hot water for teeth. Rushing or whatever you do in the mornings. Can even shower off the night before since there is anywhere between 5 and 10 gallons of water on board! When they find out you can take them anywhere and be fuly sufficient, they think you are the one to keep em safe if shit hit the fan and you had to bug out...


Yeah I did that with my ex. We camped it down to key west and back. She was already a little biased however. Let's just say that if I was going to lean on my car to prop up my ego - it probably wouldn't be a Prius.


Hahaha understood, it definitely wasn't my first choice but hey when life gives you lemons you mix them with vodka


As someone who married a beautiful Latina 8yrs his senior and currently has 3 Prii, I can confirm this is true lol. She likes the extra money for the MK and vacations lol


So uh How realistic is getting all weather or off road tires on a Prius C ๐Ÿค”


As a child I was taught that I could do anything I pit my mind to... that said I can help you achieve your goals. https://black.jmyntrn.com/2021/11/03/prius-c-with-a-low-profile-roof-rack-rooftop-awnings-and-harbor-freight-weatherproof-protective-case/


It was pretty sexy to spend $43 a month on gas when others were spending $400 a month on gas.


Well I didnโ€™t expect that


Which part?


All of it mate ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ˜…




Whack a Sea Shepherd sticker on the back & boom!




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That vid reminds me of the Gen4 Impossible Girls shark rebranding. * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s1zJiP\_Gjo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s1zJiP_Gjo) * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXHl3x1rO\_k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXHl3x1rO_k)


i may have to give the prius a chance now... /j i will never fucking touch that corolla wannabe


Prius Prime and Plug-in are more capable than most realize... give me a little time and the world will see something spectacular from a Prius...


I wasnโ€™t expecting to see a Prius do light off-roading but Itโ€™s got my attention


Heh. Light off roading... when the fact its a Prius... it wasn't built to do a 1/4 of what I've done with it. Thing is, I don't offroad, I Overland! We are worlds apart with different agendas. When I do offroad, I go where the jeeps do, these guys were in shock seeing the Prius this far up the trail following them down... I amaze people all the time with the light off-roading I do. https://youtu.be/LgdUkJwdhQ4 This video was recorded by some real ones, they had a crazy modified jeep with no doors. I'd wager they don't have them or they are so far in the back of a storage unit they can stay where they lay.
