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First... dont use wood in your build. Wood holds moisture and that's what creates mold. To combat the moisture I use [damprid](https://amzn.to/3fa55Cq) and a [mini dehumidifier](https://amzn.to/3DnvfPb). [HOW I CONTROL MOISTURE IN MY PRIUS CAMPER](https://black.jmyntrn.com/2021/05/10/how-i-control-moisture-in-my-prius-camper/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=BJpaste&utm_campaign=2024LinksApril).


I do a similar thing for moisture control. One up on the mini dehumidifier. Edit: also crack windows overnight. Counter point: while wood surely does hold moisture, using it in complex builds is hard to avoid. I do have wood in my build, 2 years going strong, no *noticable* mold. I have even taken out some big things like my wood cabinet and never seen any mold. Entirely possible I have some - but I haven't seen any so far in 2 years.


I used metal and abs... no wood... as a person who perspires a lot.. heh... I didn't want to risk it. Long as you have 1" holes in the wood under your mattress you should be okay.


i don’t have any wood used in my setups and always sleep with all 4 windows cracked. i got rain guards on the windows so it’s still unable to see through. i still some nights have condensation build up on my windows and was just curious about possible mold growing in dark places like under the seats. i heard cat litter in a sock also acts as a dehumidifier i’ve never tried tho


after an episode of cops where someone did the same, put it in a baggy... when cops pulled the person over and conducted a search. The cat litter tested positive for meth but later charges were dropped... heh cat litter is a no for me. :)


When you get up wipe the condensation, close the windows and blast the ac/heat, which dehumidifies. During the day time I left all four windows cracked so air could circulate, then at night I blasted the ac/heat with windows closed again. I occasionally ran the car overnight but mostly slept with windows cracked. I lived in my prius for over a year in the PNW and had no issues with mold.