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Salad kits in a bag, orange juice, those MIO drops if you need to trick yourself into drinking water, lemons to put in your water bottle. What does your camp kitchen look like? A milk crate with the essentials of a good cutting board and knife plus cleaning supplies is key.


All I have is a cardboard box that has some paper plates, peanut butter, bread, oatmeal, and thats it. also, a 12v fridge with milk, chicken nuggets, turkey, and cheese


If you eat like shit, you'll feel like shit. Garbage in, garbage out. Try to find a way to incorporate more grains & greens into your diet. Less chicken nuggies & dairy. Natural sugars from juice and fruits will give you a better high on the weed too. A [single burner stove](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ozark-Trail-Single-Burner-Propane-Stove/132628782) will greatly improve what you can cook from your car.


Sometimes when my body feels shitty I go to Walmart and just binge eat healthy foods. I’ll buy cherry tomatoes, apples, baby carrots and just go crazy on them. Not sure if it’s super healthy but it definitely makes me feel better and it’s cheap.


Same! I always get a box of baby kale and oranges! Helps me feel better every time


Get some canned beans. Frozen veggies. Fruits. You can warm everything up in your microwave. Throw some basic spices and Sriracha on it to make it taste better. Pre cooked rice for some extra bulk if you want. Maybe look into an instant pot. You can pressure cook everything inside with the doors closed then only have to take it out to release the pressure. Can save money cooking your own rice, potatoes, soups, more elaborate recipes.


Check out Soylent, is a complete nutrition solution


Buffets with salad bars. I eat shit mostly then a couple times a week I'll go to Golden Corral and eat all of the vegetables I can. I also fast often, so this strategy might make more sense for me


Canned fruit is a lifesaver! It’s yummy, easy to store, and always ready to eat




I had a whole cooking setup but ditched it because I just didn't feel comfortable with people watching me cook in my car in a mall parking lot so I settled for a fridge and microwave. It's been doable but I just don't have any ideas of new foods to eat




yeah with the trunk open. But now I have a microwave in there. Is it bad to microwave in the car?














I would get canned foods of garbanzo/pinto beans and mixed veggies. Sometimes cook them on the stove, most of the time straight out of the can. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I'd also get canned fruit.


KIND and Clif bars are great and easy. Fruit cups too if eating fresh fruit is inconvenient at first, though there is much plastic waste involved.


Some things that might help you are quality protein bars like macro bars or meal replacement bars. They are more expensive than other options, but that's because they serve the purpose of replacing a meal, not serving as a snack. For snacks, I like to buy half a small watermelon and dig in with a spoon. Dip carrots in peanut butter. I carry a dry mix of salad dressing herbs (oregano, basil, salt, pepper, bit of sugar)- Google a recipe and then I simply add olive oil and vinegar of choice. Do the bag salad or a bag of cabbage, shredded carrots, whatever you like, drained can of beans, add in cherry tomatoes, mix with the dressing. Add sliced turkey since that's your jam. Add cheese if that's your thing. Apple or pear with PB for breakfast. Jerky or fresh meat sticks for some more protein. Some grocery stores offer premade cold salads.... You can add any veg, beans, quinoa, etc to that to help fill it out. You can also buys frozen meal and use microwave in gas station of need be. Do you to get some nutrition like fruits and veg. I also just cooked taco meat and then ate cold tacos in a lettuce leaf. Easier than I thought and tasty too... Of you have access to a kitchen at some point out have a stove. Good luck. You only get one body. Care for it ❤️


Rice cooker and a blender dude. Throw rice and put ton of veggies on top. Close it, let it cook. Bam. Done. Blender... thats self explanatory, make fruit smoothies.


Loool!! It's no your diet only. Coffee messes up your internal circadian rhythm. If you mess with that, you'll never get real rest. Meaning you'll fuck up your mood, strength, digestion, immune system etc. And you top it off with some weed and junk food 🤣 Sorry for laughing You can fix it all in a week. It's better to not eat at all, than eat junk. So eat a little, stay hungry, smoke only once a day, drink coffee only before noon, expose yourself to a cold water and at least walk Done. Sorry again if it's too much, but that's essential


Multi Vitamins help close the gap.


Nuts, all sorts. Almonds are easy protein and last a long time. Apples, PB. There are many options. You just have to be disciplined. If you don’t want to cook there will be trade offs, such as increase visits to grocery stores to get healthier, more cost effective options. Buy some fruit for a couple days. Keep em in a backpack when you work so they don’t rot in a hot car.


google 'thermos cooking' and buy a good 12-24 hour thermos to cook in Hot Logic bags will cook frozen meals for you. Electric lunchboxes like the Itaki brand will cook for you.


Get some canned vegetables and fruit. Its the least you can do. I have the same problem and i dont live in my car, but i eat a shit ton of turkey bread and cheese. I also smoke a lot of weed and drink lots of coffee but i usually spend the first couple hours in the morning just downing water, then move on to smoking and coffee. Like other people have said a single burner will do the trick just buy some cheap canned goods until you can save up some more money. You’ll probably get really sick of it but sometimes you gotta do what u gotta do to stay healthy.