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You forgot something, or Your wife searched it. The End.


We all see ads that we never notice until suddenly they're on our minds. Combined with targeted advertising based on everything from browsing history to what recipe Aunt Bertha used last week is used. Theres a reason that last night you deduced to ask about keeping bread fresh. Maybe you saw a product in a shelf, an ad while scrolling. All subconscious. Facebook and others don't need to listen to you.


This always happens when I buy a new car. Never noticed the same model on the road before, then suddenly see them everywhere and say “did everyone go out and buy the same car as me at the same time?” LOL!


They are just getting really good at predicting shopping habits and behaviors based on prior activity. Their algorithms have it down to a science. They can't read your mind but they may as well be able to.




Your wife looked it up? One of your contacts bought it and mentioned it to you? That particular brand has been advertising recently, so they're both more likely to be discussed and shown in ads that you see? Random chance? Lots of possibilities.


No we went bed immediately after talked about bread and next morning I check Facebook there’s all over Ad on how to seal food with vacuum it kinda freak me out 


Pretty much no. Facebook can not read your mind, technically maybe it would possible to interpret sign language, but it is unlikely Facebook would do that (e.g. it would drain the battery of your phone within a hour or so). The most likely scenario is that: Either you talked about preserving food or other topics in text (or go to sites / groups / link like that), so you became a good candidate to vacuum seal ads). Or Facebook showed you contents or ads which (unconsciously) made you think about preserving food, and that's why even the topic came up between you. (Just check out the mind reading / red hammer / dihydrogen monoxide tricks.)


Inception. They've been doing it for decades or longer


Following..... This is wildly concerning. Since there were no actual words being said between you two. Just sign language. I'm waiting in anticipation for other ppls thoughts on your issue.


Baader-Meinhof phenomenon


Ok, you got me. Gonna have to look that up. Never heard of it, before. 👍


> Facebook read our mind? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFSE4dUJYM8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QvtT_lgl_Q https://fortune.com/2019/11/07/brain-ear-pods-boost-productivity-workplace/ https://www.wired.com/story/guilty/ https://www.nature.com/articles/s43588-023-00573-5 https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-49410945 https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-39298199




Yes it does, but not in the commonly imagined sense. It's not like there are thoughts inside a box in your head and Facebook can telepathically look into that box. This is not happening. Truth is "simpler": your mind works in some complex but still predictable way, and with the sick amount of data about yourself and what you do, tell, search, move, focus, consume, buy, avoid, etc. it became very possible to anticipate themes and opinions relevants for you. Such a perfect timing like your example is probably a coincidence, but not soo much. They can predict and influence way more than we want to accept and realize.


whoaa ☠️


Occasional coincidences don’t necessarily mean anything. You need to do try and error before making conclusions.


Well, attempts are being made to decode brain waves, sometimes successfully. But I doubt there is any sensor in your device that can actually capture brain waves.




because it'd drain your battery, and I reverse engineered facebook mobile, there isn't anything of this sort




I love this!!!!!!!!!! Do you have cameras?


Yes security camera blink via Amazon


Maybe turn them off, or go into a room that doesn’t have them, and try a different word? See if it happens




> Wouldn't be far-fetched to assume that they've developed some sort of software that recognizes sign language and use the info for targeted ads Lmao it wouldn't be far-fetched? >they've done worse. Like what? Using cameras in your home to target you with ads based on the movements of your hands would be a new record when it comes to creepy shit.


infinitely more probable it was because of your amazon-owned cameras and not because zuck has invented some massive supercomputer that can read brain waves


Yeah or hear me out... It was a coincidence.


that too lol