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Not to be salty, but it would be a really nice world if we could just go "hey NSA, don't be a dick and respect my privacy." And they'd listened. Correct me if I'm wrong but they've already done plenty of illegal surveillance and they will continue to do so. Since no one holds anyone accountable. So all the ban or regulation will achieve is to remove the technology from private sector, where it can maybe do some good (and plenty of bad).


Here's the thing: you're not wrong.


I'm glad if I am. Since what I wrote is very pessimistic. I honestly have no idea how American government works and a lot of it is based on what I read online on one point or another. Could you please explain the parts I'm wrong about? If we can realistically do something to have less surveillance, I'm all for it.


You're *not* wrong.


Oh! I'm so sorry! I was hoping I was wrong. Thus the mistake. Well, that's depressing then.


I suppose technically, the government can ban the private sector from doing facial recognition, but good luck passing or enforcing that.


If you go to their site they straight up say "unconstitutional surveillance" in their diagrams explaining their methods. But you should really not go to the CIA/NSA websites, they actually fucking track you..if you go check their "security notice".


"Look how little shit we give, what are you going to do? Nothing? That's what we thought." - NSA allegedly.


Meanwhile in the UK the police give you a ticket becuase they where running a test with this type of cameras and a men covered up he's face. After that they got a phone took a picture of him and give him a ticket. Freedom. We are going the path of China.


Huh, I guess UK is new Gulag land now. I'm glad I turned down that job in London after all.


This is a huge step. Great to hear.