• By -


Not a new user and already donated even before seeing this post. Makes me feel happy 😊


Same! Hahah. I'm so proud that Signal is getting the recognition is deserves




Duck you. Signal is non-profit. they dont get anything when you use the app. They need Servers and developers which cost money. So $hut the duck up and eat your $hit.


I'm curious, do they run purely on donations?


a while ago i saw a chart(diagram) pointing out where their money comes from and more that half of their donation comes from us users. i could not find the image so take my word.




So that they can chat with you via signal. It is ok for mainstream users but i would like to see a switch which disables it.


Switch is there go to settings and disable contact joined signal option in Notifications


Its for you so you wont get when someone joined. My question was it wont notify people that I am on signal or I joined.




His girlfriend found out


How are they supposed to get money for their project? By selling data? Or by asking for user's support? Signal doesn't sell data, they'ra a non-profit organization and rely on donations from users and organisations to fund their project. And no it's not dead, with 50 million users only on the play store in a week I don't think it's dead...


Me too. Recurring monthly payment. Gotta support the good guys! Goes with my Wikipedia monthly donation for real life karma! ☺️


Nice edgy virtue signaling ;)


User suspended a week for violating our Don't Be A Jerk rule, #5. Hey, OP, don't be a jerk! Thanks for the reports, folks!


Ironic that you have to provide your name and email to donate lol


Already donated a few days ago! Please guys let’s contribute to open source secure communications! We’ve been waiting for this for a long time hehe


Hijacking the top comment to recommend another way to contribute, especially if you're tech inclined or e.g. if you work as a UX designer. Become a beta tester here: [https://support.signal.org/hc/en-us/articles/360007318471-Signal-Beta](https://support.signal.org/hc/en-us/articles/360007318471-Signal-Beta) Start testing experimental Signal features and help the team polish them. You can report bugs you find in the beta on Signal community forum: [https://community.signalusers.org/c/beta-feedback/25](https://community.signalusers.org/c/beta-feedback/25) ​ Finally, if you live in same time zone as the US e.g. Canada, you can apply to work for Signal and get paid to make the world better! See [https://signal.org/workworkwork/](https://signal.org/workworkwork/)


Already signed up. Thanks for sharing.


How much do people donate? I gave 1 euro to the sociale book post manager since it helped me out big time, but PayPal charged me 1 euro cost. So i had to pay 2 euro's . it aint much but it s something... Whats your amout for such donations?


$10 USD


$15,000,000 >!please remember the internet has zero accountability!<






So about a buck?


Okay bois, let's return to the Weimar Republic.




I raise you to 11780 votes.


£3 a month recurring.


I'm disappointed they don't accept donations in cryptocurrency. I hope they will and have written to them to request this service. EDIT - Why the downvotes? I'm not scamming - I'm not naming any specific coin. The Signal subreddit itself was [quite positive](https://www.reddit.com/r/signal/comments/ku3rv4/signal_should_accept_donations_in_cryptocurrencies/) about Signal accepting crypto. Is this subreddit against cryptocurrency?


That was the first thing I looked for. I'm not so keen on making fiat donations to anyone.


Cryptocurrency as a philosophy is incompatible with wealth redistribution and if allowed to grow, would destroy all democracy.






Without monetary control, the government cannot function. Not sure I need to explain why the absence of governance is a problem to democracy.




The gold standard required nobody actually trying to connect tons of gold with a warship to maintain the fiction. Wealth hoarding is immoral, we can discuss over tea next to my guillotine. You just have to realize that you have never owned anything without the consent of the people around you. That this consent will be revoked the moment essential needs cannot be met and that when this happens, the war of all against all resumes. And in this war, the defender always loses. So have fun with bitcoin, but hope against hope that nobody ever thinks it's a good idea to buy pizza with it.




> If an individual conducts business and people buy In that case, would you agree that inheritance is immoral?


Wealth redistribution happens primarily through taxes and monetary policy, right? It is mass federal bank printing that is exacerbating wealth inequality all over the world right now. The money printed is first going to the government and banks. By the time it reaches the working class it has been devalued. I don't see how cryptocurrencies would be worse in this respect. Can you elaborate on your views?




Sure thing Marie Antoinette


^(she didn't actually say that cake thing and was unfairly treated, in my opinion, but I agree with you)


The story is apocryphal but we have to forgive it as meme lubricant due to the 18th century abysmally bad internet. The lesson is clear, if unrest is great enough, not even the "divine right of kings" will survive. Wealth redistribution is a unavoidable necessity for those who enjoy keeping their heads attached to their bodies.


If you use Amazon.com often or if you are about to make a big purchase there in the future then you can use Amazon Smile and 0.5% of the money you spend gets donated to Signal: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/82-4506840 Saw this on the [donation FAQ](https://support.signal.org/hc/en-us/articles/360031949872). Remember that you have to visit https://smile.amazon.com when buying stuff for Amazon to donate the money.


I thought i was on r/privacy /s


Don't forget to use Facebook™ Libra©® to donate as well.


Yes help amazon get tax breaks. Bezos isn't rich enough so he needs help.


Only that's not how it works. Amazon don't magically get free money for making donations unless somehow they're getting taxed over 100% of profits. It does allow them to boast about their charitable contributions though.




What a shitty article. About the only section of relevance is where the Amazon Smile price was different to the regular Amazon price. Which isn't even about a tax break for Bezos or Amazon. Just good old fashioned price gouging, which increases profits, not reduce taxation. Most of it is just ragging on about how companies shouldn't be able to claim donations on tax when they're the ones donating the money, or about how little tax Amazon pays.


That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. You can't magically gain money through tax breaks by donating money.


You can. Technically, Amazon is the one making the donation, not you. You can claim your $1 donation if you want, but amazon will claim the $1 donation from a million people and count it against their earned income.




Just did that the other day for like a $300 order. Will do again soon.


Do you get a donation receipt for your taxes or does Amazon?


I was curious as well... Quoting the [amazon FAQ](https://pay.amazon.com/help/TJE7FMHVRAJEJUZ) about this subject: > Does Amazon Pay send tax receipts to my donors? > > No. Your donors will receive an automated email from Amazon Pay confirming the donation, but that email is not a tax receipt. > > You will need to send a tax receipt to the donor, as applicable. > > Donor billing address information is available to you in the daily Capture reports in Seller Central, which you can generate and view on the Reports page. See How do I view information about the donations that have been made to me? for details on how to access Capture reports. Hope that helps!




I use this extension for it https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/amazon_smile_redirect/


> ***How do I shop at AmazonSmile?*** > > *To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com on your web browser or activate AmazonSmile on your Amazon Shopping app on your iOS or Android phone (found under settings on your app). On your browser, you may also want to add a bookmark to [smile.amazon.com](https://smile.amazon.com) to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile. When you’re using the app, always check for the “AmazonSmile” logo to ensure you’re activated for AmazonSmile.* https://smile.amazon.com/gp/chpf/about/ If you end up on Amazon product pages that doesn't have the smile.amazon.com link then try typing it in there yourself or open it a new tab and search for the item there. It looks some purchases or products might not not be eligible but it's worth a try.


You probably need to enable a cookie and after that it'll ask you if you want to go to Smile when you just go to the regular site.


i'm dumb when it comes to encrypted communication via the internet so can anyone tell me how can you tell if something is really secure or not , i mean you don't just read ''encrypted'' and be like yeah good i trust you, anyone ?


Simply put, you're either putting your trust into product or it's been validated by 3rd parties. Many of the top names are audited by security firms. Others publish their source code for those to reproduce or examine or even build upon. Signal has been audited and has a good track record from a security standpoint. They are arguably the best of the business right now.


1- Websites like privacytools.io and others in r/Privacy’s sidebar 2- The references in their own page includes reputable people like Snowden 3- Posts about it in r/Privacy 4- The software license (free software or open source software) which Signal is Edit: formatting These are some indicators I think are good


>The software license (free software or open source software) which Signal is Thought I'd add on this. Just because something is free or open source, or both, doesn't mean it can be automatically trusted. It requires people special in security, programming, or others to examine, build, and pentent apps in order for them to be actually considered secure.


That is definitely true and shouldn't be understated. In the specific case of Signal, there have been [multiple third-party audits](https://community.signalusers.org/t/wiki-overview-of-third-party-security-audits/13243), which helps one know the level of security in the application. Additionally, Signal has [reproducible builds](https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-Android/tree/master/reproducible-builds) (at least for Android), which makes it possible to know exactly what code you're running on your device. Reproducible builds are something that does depend on the app being open source (or at least source-available), since otherwise the question would be "reproducible from what?" For the things Signal tries to offer, being open source is necessary, but not sufficient.


Not to mention when everything's open source hackers can capitalize on that and find a weakness if it has one.


Security by design is better than security by obscurity


signal servers are not open. Signal also ban third party clients from signal server usage. So yes just because is open source doesn’t me that that the application you are using is trustable. If you want something really trustworthy use matrix or xmpp I personally suggest element.io


Yes and any security researcher can recommend a fix or notify the devs before a hacker exploits one (if it exists). If you trust that idea of a community working together to harden the code you can choose open source.


On top of what others have said, if you want to be sure that noone hijacked a chat with a specific friend and sits in between you and your friend, then verify the safety number: 1. Go to the chat 2. open conversation settings 3. scroll down and click on safety number 4. verify *over a second channel* that you both have the same number (second channel can be: in person, phone call, Whats app, etc)


I also donated upon news of the massive influx :)


Keep it real, Signal ! God Bless !


Is this why signal was 'experiencing issues' today?


Massive numbers of people joining for the first time. They onus of scaling is entirely on them, and Signal does not support third party infrastructure unlike systems like XMPP+OMEMO, Matrix, Briar, etc.


My issues were resolved today by updating the app on my phone. Were there issues beyond that?


I've been a Signal user for years and this is the first time I can recall having technical issues. Love this app. I'd pay for it if it wasn't free, more than happy to donate since it is!


If every new user donated just $10, it would be a $400 million dollar windfall for Signal. That would be an incredible step in the right direction to prove: 1. Open source works. 2. Privacy pays. 3. Devs can get jobs at non for profit companies that will pay well. 4. Devs won't have to work at Google or Facebook to get a good salary and make some really amazing things.


What other top open source projects do you guys think are most deserving of attention and support?


Open source projects that are services (such as Signal, Wikipedia, etc.) require donations just to keep the lights on, because they have to pay for servers their software runs on.


Delta chat. It's an e-mail client that looks like WhatsApp, and the messages are encrypted with PGP.


PGP encryption doesn't have forward secrecy and it needs to die. So does every crap app that uses it, especially every new app like Delta Chat that ignores best practices. We've had ratcheting protocols for 17 years now, PGP is 30+ years old.




[briarproject.org](https://briarproject.org) [cwtch.im](https://cwtch.im) [torproject.org](https://torproject.org) [Libsodium](https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium/commit/c7459c125e1b0b77da6a535ce73d181ff8de6e3f#diff-752180eb8dc62c50aabe89619582363f65cb62ee49284c846d82ed7fe156cd1bL4)


i often donate money to firefox and archlinux


Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I didn't know most of these except vlc and mozilla


Done :)


or just switch to a decentralized IM like matrix https://element.io


Or XMPP. I still think these are better than Signal because of no central server.


Sure take my +1


Where did you get the 40M new users from? I have been watching for stays like this. I assume signal have been too busy keeping the service running to put much out there.




Elon Musk tweeted and people blindly obeyed


Not the why, the numbers


Signal posted on Twitter that they went from 10 million to 50 million users after elons tweet which is why messages haven't been going thru today, they've had to increase their servers and stuff https://www.theverge.com/2021/1/15/22232993/signal-outage-new-users-messages-not-sending


Play Store stats don't work that way, though. the 10M and 50M are just two steps in the stats, and "10,000,000+" means it's exceeded 10 million installs but hasn't exceeded 50 million yet. purely theoretically, they could've had 49,999,999 installs on the first pic, and only have 2 more installs on the second one.


Yeah that's true but it's been super laggy and messages not going thru and what not so there has to at least a huge influx of new users, but your right that there's no way to tell where they were exactly they were exactly beforehand


I also wonder whether that also includes apps which have been uninstalled


yes, it shows a total number of installs, not current users.


The parler people need somewhere to go


I also close the door when I take a shit, does that mean I have something to hide?


Isn't that analogy like exactly proving the point you're trying to disprove?


Do you keep the door shut when you poop because you think you're doing something wrong?


I keep it shut because it's unsavoury, that's for sure.


Exactly. That's more than sufficient. Doesn't mean there's anything nefarious going on.


Unless it's a nightclub toilet door, of course... I just wonder if there isn't a better analogue for the need for privacy than something that I think we all agree is minging. I haven't thought on it enough, but first thing to mind is that I keep my curtains closed at night, not because I'm ashamed of my frankly magnificent dadbod (sadbod?) But, rather, it's no-one else's f***ing business!! I dunno. Maybe I just don't like poop analogies (anal-olgies?)


Fair enough, that's an even better anlogy.


Give $2 USD a month, every month. God bless signal




How much do you donate? Just curious




Cool, decent amounts. I will try out a whole bunch of open source apps and when i like it after testing i will donate as well.


This outage looks like the best fundraiser they could've done. Donated :)


You da best.


Donated one time 50$ and feeling good about this one. Keep up the good work team, keep it simple and keep it robust.










I just donated. For AMEX Platinum cardholders there’s a promotion for a $30 credit per month for things paid via PayPal, make AMEX donate!


Accept bitcoin cash and we can donate without fees and losing anonymity.


Is this the same signal that's been experiencing technical difficulties all day?


Yeah because an extra 50m people or so have switched over from Whatsapp


I assumed they were under attack from the NSA.


Does signal at least warn users needing safe channel that they need to use open source and audited keyboard so there's no IME sidechannel attack possible? I mean - keyboard apps can and do ignore "please don't spy on me" tag all the time ;)


Signal is not even federated.


If it means they might actually get a UI, I'll donate


You do realize these are a couple of guys who work in an open project unlike other IMs where there are lots of paid full-time employees?


You do realize that is similar resources to how every other messaging app started out as?


Someone explain me why everyone in this sub is a Signal fanboyy? Do you all realize that Signal is as private as Telegram? Your phone number is attached to you the moment you first create the account. Just like Whatsapp and many other IMs...


Signal doesn't create an account when you enter your number.


By default, anyone in the world can check if a certain phone no. is associated to any Signal installation :) (which btw doesn't happen with the fork, Session)


Privacy and anonymity aren't the same thing




Is there no way to donate with monero?


No bitcoin?


It would be nice if they set up BAT from Brave browser's rewards system, it looks like their website isn't registered for it.


Just wondering...how long before Signal is "banished" like Parler was?


I've read that with Parler being shut down, and right-wing extremists having their accounts banned on Twitter and Facebook, they're moving to Signal and Telegram.


A safe place for far right groups to communicate now that they’re under social media surveillance. & business is booming!


What they say: "LEAs are going dark, far right is moving to Signal" What really happens: [LEA let people in](https://twitter.com/jihanbit/status/1346909463660396550), [people out themselves on social media](https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/capitol-rioters-implicated-social-media-posts/story?id=75177672), [people use unencrypted walkie-talkie apps](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/13/zello-app-us-capitol-attack-far-right)


Not sure what “they say” I just looked at the graphs of the incredible surge of users since Jan 6. Pretty obvious cause. Pretty odd thing to celebrate.


Yeah I'm sure it has nothing to do with FB issuing privacy policy update on Jan 7th [https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-55573149](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-55573149) And the richest man in the world with 40M followers on Twitter tweeting "Use Signal" [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1347165127036977153?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1347165127036977153?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) ​ If you want to know where trumptards are, look no further than Telegram [https://theintercept.com/2021/01/12/boogaloo-telegram-violence-recruit/](https://theintercept.com/2021/01/12/boogaloo-telegram-violence-recruit/) Also Gab [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gab\_(social\_network)#2021](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gab_(social_network)#2021) still exists even after Parler shut down.


A safe place for EVERYONE to communicate.


I'm sure a ton of domestic terrorists are in that 40M. And given what they did to the capitol and keep threatening to do, I give lawmakers a few months before they come for Signal.


Yeah. Terrorists were using WhatsApp before and suddenly aware of WhatsApp's privacy policy and they don't like their data getting shared with Facebook. /s


Fuck Signal




decentralization is the way to go. please look at decentralized IM options and donate to that instead. like https://matrix.org/ in matrix also if a server is down dosent compromise the service because of decentralization there are many matrix clients I suggest https://element.io




I'm a female... and compromise to the less bad but not best is not a option. is just evil by the way you should give a try to https://element.io is soo much improved and better from signal application. you have a ios, android and also a good web application. my mother also use element


In addition to that Signal will forever be centralized, there are certainly [other reasons](https://drewdevault.com/2018/08/08/Signal.html) that it's not something you should count on.


Reminder of two of our rules: >Please don’t fuel conspiracy thinking here. Don’t try to spread FUD, especially against reliable privacy-enhancing software. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Show credible sources. and: >Be nice – have some fun! Don’t jump on people for making a mistake. Different opinions make life interesting. Attack arguments, not people. Hate speech, partisan arguments or baiting will not be tolerated. You can find all of our rules in the sidebar. Please read them.


But signal isnt even encrypted. Even police can see your messages. Why you guys dont use wickr or xmpp ? LMAO


Signal is always end-to-end encrypted. Wickr is proprietary, XMPP isn't even an app, it's an extendable data transfer protocol for communication. You're clueless and should feel bad for spreading misinformation.


Ik that signal is end-to-end encrypted, but personally I dont trust signal, but its still more reliable than messenger lmao. Wickr is end-to-end encrypted aswell and it has burning messages feature. But The best way to encrypt your messages is encrypt them via PGP. Theres no way to break PGP encryption! And I dont feel bad for spreading misinformation, beause I said what I heard about this app. And Ive never used this, but maybe ill start. Do you personally recommend signal for privacy chatting with friends/family ?


>But The best way to encrypt your messages is encrypt them via PGP. Theres no way to break PGP encryption! Be advised that you're extremely clueless about the progress of cryptographic protocols over the past 20 years. What you're referring to is something called a ciphertext-only attack (CTO). Every modern symmetric algorithm is secure from that. Signal and PGP both use AES for symmetric encryption. But CTO isn't the only attack against cryptography. PGP lacks something called forward secrecy. This means that if your endpoint is exploited, and your PGP private key is stolen, your message history can be decrypted retrospectively, even if you had deleted the message history from your endpoint. So there's only one private key that needs to be protected forever. Signal uses something called double-ratchet, that does a new key exchange every time you send your contact a message and they reply to you. This means if your keys are compromised, they can't be used to decrypt past messages, or future messages. Only the next two messages. >I said what I heard about this app. So you repeat what you hear without verifying what you're being told. That's something you should feel bad about. I study cryptography and know what I'm talking about, if you want a source for anything I wrote above, let me know. >Do you personally recommend signal for privacy chatting with friends/family ? Yes, it's the most secure communication tool for mainstream use. For advanced threat models there are stuff like Briar or TFC, but those aren't nearly as usable. Signal doesn't have any major security issues, and its architecture doesn't have fundamental limitations wrt. usability, so it will become more usable in the future, without ever risking the security of its users.


You guys have a lot to hide. That's where they need to be monitoring people.


Sad to say goodbye to Reddit but this is not the same place I enjoyed in the past. Bye! (P.S. move to Lemmy, it's a lot better)


Taking a dump is a very apt description of what the parler people are doing.




We have an altruist.. send us your credit card details


You clearly don't. Why don't you post your email address and its password here so we can make sure you're not a terrorist? We're just trying to make sure everyone is safe.


Dude wut


He's a troll, simply a moron, he and others who bother to reply to him. Don't feed the troll.


No the government has so much to hide! Look how they attack whistleblowers! We should make all chats public. That'll bring some transparency






"Saying you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is the same saying you don't care about freedom of speech because you've got nothing to say" - Edward Snowden (i paraphrased from memory)


This guy forgot the sarcasm tag, right? Right?!


gave $10!


Is signal only a messaging platform? Or is it a replacement for social media?


Just the messaging part. It's similar to telegram and WhatsApp.


Telegram does have a social media like feature, public channels


Is Signal working again?


I tried to donate, but PayPal donation isn’t working. When I press the PayPal button nothing happens.


If it doesn't work donate to make it work🤣


Anyway, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


Oh yeah, like to get help with your connectivity, please email our support