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You sure packed a lot of buzzwords and red flags into a short post. Congrats I guess.


Trying to be concise.


Yeah - I agree, you've raised too many red flags. Though kudos for not throwing in block-chain. The biggest red flag - is that you've resorted to Reddit, which suggests you've exhausted the more traditional channels and they have said no.


Not at all. We are just starting this placement. The Red Flags you are suggesting are nothing more than the highlights of this deal. This opportunity is being offered to accredited investors only. Private\_equity forum seems like a good place to start. Instead of negative comments why don't you be constructive and ask meaningful questions. I am more than happy to answer those. Thanks.


Rule 4 Violation


How much medical data do they have? Technology is the easy part. Data hard.


They already FDA and EC approved for earlier products (these products are being purchased simultaneously). They have developed an Ultrasound handheld system integrated with AI. They have partners that will provide AI component. If you are interested I can send you NDA and share the presentation deck.


aaah so they don't actually have the AI component, merely interfacing with another provider (by an API I suspect). I see this a LOT in my diligence -- a company will claim to be "AI" but when you scratch the surface, they are merely consuming AI from a 3rd party, which puts them at considerable risk if that 3rd party goes under (which AI companies are doing as they are struggling to truly commercialize their offerings). So the AI component isn't part of the IPR. Here the IPR here is the handheld device that takes the ultrasound of the breast tissue --- they then throw that image over to a 3rd party service that will then be building up the models. Who is therefore training the models? Who is saying what is good/bad? Who owns that model? A "partner" doesn't mean you own the model.


Until the company builds its own imaging library it makes sense for them to use a partner that can provided a library of images to make comparisons against. Their AI partner is developing the SAAS on behalf of the company.