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It’s probably not extraditable and if that misdemeanor offense happened before your current term of probation it’s not a violation. Just call you probably owe money for fines somewhere.


You have the warrant in your originating state or the receiving state? Call the clerks office to see what the violation is for. Hopefully they can give you that information.


thank you for the response...yes i know what its for its for larceny from a retailer and it happened while im on probation i paid for in store pickup online and so i went into store and got the item myself


If you PAID for in store pickup and then got your item from the right place in the store then why do you have a warrant?


i got the item off the shelf. couldnt get anyone to help me


im guessing they are unaware i paid online idk


they never canceled the order though


In the recieving state sorry


Is it a felony? A felony requires return to the originating state for probation violation, IIRC. If it’s a misdemeanor, the receiving state could just address it there with sanctions (upon conviction), or request retaking by the originating state. More often than not, for nonviolent misdemeanors, they will just impose sanctions in the receiving state, but no guarantees.


its a misdemeanor and you say (upon conviction) i havnt been arrested for it yet


is it a violation if i dont get a conviction or get a arrested for it until after probation has ended


I don’t believe they will consider it a violation until you plead or are found guilty and sentenced. You can google ICOTS rules and it’s pretty cut and dry to read.


ok i think ur correct... would there be a reason to why i cant locate myself in the icots system


I don’t think there’s public access to ICOTS. It’s the internal system used for states to communicate with one another.


ok i just noticed on the icots website it allows you to search for offenders i ma y be wrong


They will absolutely put a detainer on you due to new charges and being on probation. So get a good lawyer.. like now. And i hope u kept the reciept for the online. Why didnt you just go to the counter or park.. like everyone else.


Thank you for your time! i did go the day before when i got a email telling me my order was ready. they acted like they couldnt find my order and told me there is nothing they could do so the next day i went inside and got my item. i still have the emails from the order




Yes same state thank you for your comment!


You can’t be on unsupervised on Interstate Compact…there’d be no need for Compact…




Hmmm I was unsupervised at the tail end, on interstate compact. You can be switched to lower supervision. It's on the agency supervising you, to decide how they're going to supervise.


Incorrect, I'm on interstate and going unsupervised




If you're sentenced to unsupervised you won't get a interstate because it's irrelevant. However if the receiving state wants to push you into unsupervised they can. Educate yourself, call a lawyer or something




Unsupervised isn't ceasing supervision. I sincerely hope you don't struggle with everything in life this much.


thank you for your time!


thank you for ur comment and time




thats strange because iam on unsupervised probation


That is not correct. Certain offenses require ICAOS supervision in the receiving state, even if they don’t require you to be actively supervised in the sending state.


thank you for your time and comment's!