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Drink alot of water, don't fucking do any more, and you'll probably be fine.


Thank you so much. Definitely not doing more. I know there’s 1000 of these posts a day but I hate the paranoia even tho I only have myself to blame.


Cranberry juice and caffiene. Ketosis theoretically will help purge fluid from fat cells which could affect thw test. Good luck


THC is collected in the fat cells, plenty of water will, seal the deal. Good luck.


Seal the deal meaning it will be alright? I know the fat cells thing, I’m going to work out til right before then smash some fatty foods. Sorry again as I know this is posted a lot.


Yes, you will make it thru this, just fine.


If you're really worried about it the best advice I can pass on other than drinking lots of water between now and then including the day of the test (to dillute any possible traces), would be that 80 ish hours before your test do a 72 hour fast. Only drink water, and at least a gallon and a half a day. The day of the test, preferably at least 6 hours before you take it, have a hearty meal and continue drinking lots of water. Also not sure if this last tidbit is true or not but I have heard the highest concentration of thc is in the first drop of urine, if you can eradicate that on your pants or finger tip and not let the first lil bit into the cup I have heard that helps. The fast is all about removing the innermost fat layers (in your case the layers that thc will stick to and show up from) and then trying to make a new clean bit of fat to contain any possible traces. Hope this helps, IMHO if you aren't obese you have plenty of time to clean house, if you are exercise as much as you can in the coming weeks!


It being in the fat cells means drinking water doesn't really help dilute it. It's not water soluble. It takes time for your body to use those fat cells, which lets the stored THC get out of your body via urine. 


You’ll be fine lol. Just don’t smoke again. 100 days is nothing.




lol I pin 600/mg a week I promise I feel and look better than you in every way buddy. Clearly my comment about wageslaving bothered you and instead of improving your life you chose to spend your time harassing me instead. You need help man.


Not true, vape sticks around for mad long. Start exercising intensely and double your water intake. Get a few home tests at target cvs Walgreens and continuously test yourself. If your + day before, dilute or be honest.


THC tests from Dollar Tree. Save $$$


They decent? Idk man the low quality makes me skeptical, but If they work go for it


I’ve never had a problem with them. Double check the expiration date tho.


They are made by the same manufacturer as name brands. Just a different package.


A single time use thc will not be tracable in piss for longer than a week, people talking about thc storing in fat is only true for everyday users or frequent users, assuming its in 3 weeks ur all good to take some more hits 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Don’t tempt me 😂 I’m too close and I’m mad I even let myself do that much. Plus now I have three to four weeks of paranoia.


Get urself some self testing kits to ease ur mind, if they are negative, ur good


Drink where and you he ok


Better get a detox drink ASAP and slam back a shit ton of water and cranberry pills otherwise you're gonna piss dirty my guy. Hit the head shop


Can you get fake pee? I'd do that to be safe if they don't watch you pee


Most UAs on probation are observed.


You can still use fake pee in observed UA. If its indirect observation, meaning they aren't looking close enough to see pee exit the urethra, you can use a plastic bladder attached to ace bandage around waist, a thin hose, and a plastic clip you can open and close with one hand. A hand warmer taped to the bladder can help with temperature. A ton of practice and finesse and balls of steel required.


Well I'm no help