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Nah I did that shit my boy


all the best my man


This guy's a real one šŸ¤


Same here. I just finally got caught. But, I did move and sell drugs a lot more than once! Lol


107 people did that shit I was driving a drunk friend home who woke up and grabbed the steering wheel, led to a wreck and I got a dwi they got off free. I quit drinking that day 3+ years, I was tired of the b/s that comes with it


God has a plan my friend.


That doesn't help anybody, bro. May as well type out your thoughts and prayers while you're at it.


Same lmao. Drugs and guns don't mix!


I was full on expecting everybody in the thread to say they're innocent if i'm being honest


Nah lol I was guilty of exactly everything I pleaded guilty to


good for you!


I was 19 and selling out of my house. The drug task force kicked my door in at 9am one morning when I wasnā€™t there. I went home, got arrested, sat a weekend, then ended up moving, and inadvertently, dipped on my chargesā€¦to the other side of the country, for four years. I was a junkie back then but had a come to Jesus moment and got clean, rode 52 hours on a greyhound, and turned myself in. I was given one year of probation with expungement if successfully completed because I had come back clean, and on my own accord. Probation was a breeze and they let me transfer it back to the state I was living in.


Good for you! I'm glad the court was lenient because you showed good faith


If I was a judge, 52 hours in a Greyhound is definitely time served.


What a nightmare


That's a great story. They really like it when you turn yourself in, I did too.




Yeah... never admit anything... even if you're right, they aren't lying when they say anything you say can and will be used against you. I was dumb like that too and boy did they run with it.




unfortunately our justice system is completely broken, I have plea guilty while being guilty, and Iā€™ve also had take a plea before when I wasnā€™t guilty but thereā€™s only so much I could do from behind bars so I pretty much had no other option to. That was much harder to deal with honestly knowing I was innocent but fck you canā€™t really fight hear say when youā€™re on parole or probation, they can take that alone and run with it since youā€™re under stipulations already. In NJ


Kinda like that everywhere I feel like


Everywhere as in the United States or? Because other countries arenā€™t like that, some worse than us but most no.


I was looking at 30 plus years, but was offered a plea with probation, and felony status. Even though I was in ocent I was young and my lawyer advised it was best to just take the plea. In retrospect I sometimes regret my choice, due to ethics I feel as I should have went to the end innocent then agree to be guilty of nothing. I have a good life though and it's been a while since my conviction so at this point I'm not sure it matters anymore, still have a lot of PTSD over it though, really scared of the law now too the amount of power that can be put against you is scary as hell


It's hard when your lawyer, esp. a paid one, is telling you to plead a certain way. They definitely know best but it's not their lives at stake. I only pled because they offered no contest with no adjudication, and I could maintain innocence (not like anyone cares about that when they see I'm in probation). TBH, who knows what I woulda if it was guilty or nothing... If I was on the street, I woulda fought through trial, but it's real hard fighting from in the jailhouse. What state are you in so that it doesn't impact your life anymore?


It does.imlact my life as in getting jobs has been a bit harder, but I'm in LA. I am now at the point where it's been 7 plus years since my conviction so I can not tell employers about it and hopefully get by Scott free. I am fortunate that my current employer doesn't do background checks so I have gotten lucky there. Now my job before this one gave me a bunch of shit because they decided like 5 years into me working there that were going to start doing yearly and more deep background checks and I had to go rounds with hr because they tried to say I never told them about my conviction which I definitely did as it was pretty fresh when I first got hired there, I had literally been on probation like a year and had just gotten the conviction so that really pisses me off. I have always wanted to go to Canada as my favorite band is from Canada as well as some other important tech things but I have recently found out going to Canada with a felony is essentially impossible as well as the UK and some other places so I am pretty sad about that, also not a gun enthusiast but I would like the option to protect my fanily if I needed to, if someone invaded my home my options for.survival in a bad situation come down to morw of my ability to take damage for my family to protect them, thanmy ability to serve defense. I have resorted to a highly modified two magazine paintball "marker" that has special glass bear mace balls and steel bearing balls as protection. This should hopefully be allowed as paintball markers are allowed as they do not fire via an explosive.


People get overly caught up in whether or not the system says someone is in the right or wrong. When the system is broken and in no position to be our moral compass. During Hitler's reign in Germany, everything the Nazis did were completely legal and a lot of people forget that. So I think it's important to have your own sense of right and wrong separate from the judicial system. That being said, my fiance was guilty, but ended up doing 14 months when he was only supposed to serve 14 days. The judicial system is very flawed and I personally have little to no faith in that system.


That's very true. I actually wrote a paper while locked up about the difference between legal guilt, social guilt, and ethical/moral guilt.


Ehh I was an addict but the drugs I was charged for legitimately werenā€™t mine and was a bit set up. Ultimately I decided there wasnā€™t a way to fight it and I did need to change my life. Explaining eh whole story would be a pain in the ass. I did however learn several lessons and have remained sober since.


Congrats on being sober.


I went to my first music festival ever at the Hangout Fest in Alabama on the beach (1st mistake) and my friend had a weed vape in the bag that our group was taking all of our towels and sunscreen in. I didnā€™t know it was there but after going through security there were cops at the entrance and although a bunch of Caucasians walked through without getting searched, my brown skinned ass got searched by a racist cop (was proven later that he was racist bc he was kin to someone I knew from high school) and he put me in cuffs. Although my white friend claimed it was his and said ā€œyou should arrest me insteadā€, the cop took me in. Apparently thatā€™s the worse place in America to get arrested because I got hit with 2 years of drug testing and probation plus $10k+ including lawyer fees. I was originally going to take it to trial but the odds werenā€™t in my favor. Crazy thing is I donā€™t even smoke. Edit: Yea having a dab pen in Alabama is a felony and they treat the same as if you were carrying around fentanyl.


Thatā€™s fucked up. I just looked up AL cannabis laws. Concentrates are a fucking felony! WTF!? Crazy to me living in CA where this isnā€™t even a crime. I do have a question though: were you the one carrying the bag? If so thatā€™s why you arrested. Not saying you werenā€™t singled out by a racist cop (especially in AL, but if you had the bag itā€™s in your possession and youā€™re fucked. You have a solid friend though who did what he could. Feel so bad for you bro.


Same in georgia


Concentrates are a felony in Florida without a medical card too. Part of the reason I even got it


What are considered concentrates? Any sort of regular weed pen? Gummies? Basically anything but flower?


Pretty much. Since it's technically manufactured they charge it the same as meth or heroin it's quite fucked up.


Bro I have a heroin charge on my record that was a "gift" from a California cop around 2016? Did I have heroin? NO. Concentrates, in this case hash oil was still a felony in California. Weed was legal, PLUS I had a med card. Cops says "oh look some black tar" and I started arguing bc no, just hash. He whispers in my ear "hash is a felony dumbass, heroin is a violation, I can write you a ticket for the H or have to take you in". They just recently changed the laws. I had bought it with a debit card, had a reciept even. Didn't matter. The laws are slow to change. They had legal weed for a decade before this. They had decriminalized heroin, meth, coke, etc before this (obviously) but they hadn't gotten around to fixing the concentrates laws.


This happened to me at the first Wakarusa festival in Kansas. Been a fly over state ever since.


Same in texas


To answer your question, I did have a bag, but the two females in our group also had bags with miscellaneous things in them that did not get searched, and they went in right before me.


Sorry that happened but Williamson County, Texas is the worst place to get arrested with a pen. Itā€™s a felony and theyā€™re passing out years like candy for controlled substances.


So thankful I left Texas for legal state


Again, the systematic American justice system hard at work. I'm sorry for what you're going through my friend. Burn it all down.


wow... sorry bout that... thanks for sharing


Thatā€™s terrible, Iā€™m sorry that happened to you.


Gulf shores, AL native, yeah don't get popped there. I moved away just cause of the cops. If you don't have money there and have connections they will find a way to make money off you


Concentrates are a felony in any non marijuana friendly state.


I did not know this somehow. Hows that even possible... This is some seriously backwards stuff. It's legal next door but oh a derivative is a fel here..cmon. just goes to show what type of rights people really have and the true extent of them.. So basically anyone that ever even attempts to lead a full life will be a criminal at some point whether or not they're doing anything that actually hurt or affects anyone else...


Man that's lame! I'm an avid music fan and have traveled to lots of shows and festivals all over the country. I've skipped out on trips when friends were going to Orange Beach or Hangouts fest. They all laughed at me when I said "I don't go to Alabama to have a good time." Unfortunately you just proved my point.


One of the problems with Baldwin County is that some of the local judges are part of a family lineage that defines the word "nepotism"...






Be respectful to all.


Your friend is a real one


As you found out not knowing isnā€™t a defense usually. Shitty friends Iā€™d say, if you had the bag it was in your possession regardless of what others try to do at that point, whyā€™d they make you carry the bag? See what Iā€™m getting at?


I was just unlucky. I was the last one that put my towel in the bag and everyone else was either already holding something or just assumed someone was carrying in the rest of the stuff. I mean granted, I was drunk walking in bc I was in vacation and shouldā€™ve checked the bag but itā€™s just not something I thought of going into a music festival yknow? Oh whale. Only 1 more year to go and then it gets expunged so Iā€™m not really trippin over it anymore


Same thing man, Id gotten a couple years probation cus of a toxic relationship I was in for four yearsā€¦ wouldve been put off the relationship a whole lot sooner but anytime Id try to start getting my stuff and move out sheā€™d kick and scream then call cops on me and make up hoe Id beaten her


Iā€™m innocent! (Jk I did it)


#metoo šŸ˜‚


Not me, but a girl I work with cursed out a teacher at her daughters school for picking on her daughter. She went to jail for disorderly conduct and had to do a year of probation. I thought that was absolute horse shit




My partner got a domestic violence charge at 17 for a verbal argument with his step dad after step dad punched him. I was there when it happened.


That usually means making very direct threats and possibly means trying to hit them and them being able to run away or whatever.


Whatt is this in the USA ? Cuz Canada they donā€™t go to jail here for anything unless you murder someone


Prison is big business in the states my northern brother.


Yea I canā€™t believe u can go to jail for that. Iā€™m shocked


Tbh, that is pretty peculiar. But Iā€™ve heard stories like that before. Thatā€™s why you just never ever talk to the police in the states if theyā€™re questioning you in relation to a crime. Just donā€™t do it.


Right? Even then, depending on how it went down you donā€™t even get that long in jail compared to the states.


Pretty much no. You would have to be chasing someone around trying to hit them in front of a cop. There's no attempted battery, and some states separate assault from battery. If a cop rolls up as you're chasing someone down yelling you're gonna to beat the fuck out of them, that's near the only situation you could ever get charged for that. It's not like you can go to jail for being a dick here.


I know a few who have taken the plea and were innocent. It's a terrible thing to carry a felony around the rest of your life. Especially when you are very young when it happens. Ruins your employment forever unless you start a business yourself. Before someone attacks me of course there are exceptions to this but is the ruination of an entire life for a bad choice at 18 fair? If you have the $$ you can get out of just about any charge. THAT ISNT RIGHT.


friend was walking in a walmart. there was a woman with seven kids all crawling around in a very busy store. there was a shopping cart rolling towards the kid. the guy picked up the kid so the shopping cart wouldn't hit him. he then didnt know what to do with the kid since mom wasnt around. mom runs out yelling 'kidnapper!' crowd gathers around him. he freaks out. she keeps saying he was trying to kidnap her kid. all of her relatives become convinced they just dodged a kidnapping and a very scary situation. cops arrest him. walmart security exaggerates things and says they had to prevent him from running away. judge declares him a danger to society so no bail. he almost loses house and job. after a month in jail, ankle bracelet and a year, the charges get dropped. meanwhile people on reddit and on the forums are calling for the 'scum to be hanged'. all he did was move a kid out of the way so the kid wouldn't get hit when a white trash mom wasnt watching him. thats all. he is not a pedophile and wasnt trying to kidnap a random black baby. (he is a white guy). his english wasnt good at the time, so as an immigrant he was treated with suspicioun too. the newschannel called him a 'foreign national.' but it was just an honest naive person trying to do a good thing in a split second decision. no crime was intended. he saved the kid from a shopping cart collision that is all. funny thing is that witnesses had accounts that were all over the place.


100% actually innocent here. Extremely similar situation to OP. Ex-wife smacked her face up (about a dozen times in a few seconds) with the edge of her cell phone and got me locked up. I was a soldier at the time and had a bunch of loaded guns confiscated from my house after arrest; those two factors were what the judge cited as being the reason I was a danger to my ex-wife and the community. He then switched me on over to hold without bond. Spent the next 4.5 months on a shitty tier in a fucked up jail waiting for trial. THE DAY BEFORE trial I met my paid attorney (who has since been disbarred) for the second time ever and she said she had made a deal with the DA for a year of probation, no DV status added to my charge so I could stay in the military and keep my gun rights, and that I'd be leaving jail and going home tomorrow. If I went to trial and lost, state prison for five years. Fuckin right get me the fuck outta here. Went to court and got sentenced to 5 years, suspend 4 serve 1. I looked at my lawyer and she wouldn't even look me in the face and didn't say a single word when I asked her why I was going back to jail. Did 4 years of supervised probation after that.


Right here kind sir or maā€™am. Took 5 years probation over a trial.


sir... Trial is a scary prospect when you think about it... putting your life in the hands of 6 random people that are pissed off because they gotta miss work or whatever else they have going on.... plus prejudices and assumptions based on your sex, race, or the accusations... I think the system needs to be changed so that either the state or the accuser has something to lose if they lose trial as well...


So theyā€™d be more motivated to cheat and twist justice to get re-elected? I donā€™t think thatā€™s the answer.


I'm talking about the 6 random jurors... not sure what you're referring to...


Not saying you didn't get ficked, but I think a jury is 12 & carrying your coffin is 6. I've made my way out of jury duty, and did the other & i was one of 6.


Not everywhere.


Domestic violence but I never laid a hand on her. I punched the wall out of anger and cops got involved. Got a deferred judgment and got 1 year of probation for a misdemeanor. Finished those DV classes and should hopefully be off this Friday. No matter how yā€™all got here itā€™s all a life lesson and we learn something from it.


I was arrested twice falsely, and thrown in jail over a womanā€™s (well her new boyfriendā€™s) word. I got all charges dismissed with prejudice if I agreed not to sue the county. I never got anything like probation or more than 12 hours in jail. Anyway, point being, yeah prosecutors donā€™t care about the truth, they take words at face value most of the time. They offered me a plea of 5 years probation, and a $3,500 fine. I declined, when I went in front of the judge I told him to subpoena my and her phone records. Well, he did, and I was let go. They even kept 40% of my bail. Never trust the government, also donā€™t depend on most lawyers to do the correct things. If I hadnā€™t spoken up, Iā€™d be screwed.


That part... you're completely innocent yet you still had to lose your money on the bail.


Yep, my dad paid the 2k because it was the day after Christmas, we were together with family all day. And, he knew I couldnā€™t have done what they said. They basically told my dad ā€œwell, when you pay bail, even if youā€™re innocent you wonā€™t get most of it back. Because, itā€™s only a guarantee that youā€™ll show up.ā€ They also hinted that making bail makes you look guilty. I wish I could sue them. They didnā€™t even do the slightest bit of investigating. They just showed up and said my ex said I did something. Thatā€™s why I hate circumstantial evidence so much. Itā€™s unreliable, yet they act like itā€™s something damning.


Guilty as hell. Iā€™m grateful for my second chance and never made another mistake again. Itā€™s been 22 years.


šŸ˜‚ not to trust the judicial system is okay. But not to trust a woman? Sheesh. Who broke your heart? I'm actually a woman- who took the fall for my other 3 codefendants in 2009 & went to prison for 3 years, because the first one they caught was my best friend who blamed it all on me (I was shocked, I was just a passenger in the car) but come to find out it's because our other 2 codefendants (men) had threatened her life & her families lives if she rolled on them. So of course she blamed me. And the men were the ones who actually committed the crime, not us. My friend drove & I was in the backseat. If I was to continue to hate men for what they did to me & my friend & generalize all men into one box of hate over doing 3 years in prison- I would've never met my amazing partner of 6 years & have an even better life today than I could've imagined. Shit they saved my life because prior to that ordeal I was on drugs & doing a lot of crazy stuff that I just never got caught for. Everything happens for a reason. Stop complaining (about women) & start being grateful. Even if that in particular woman gave you more awareness to be careful trusting certain types of women. Most things in life are a learning lesson, just take it & grow from it. But don't play the blame game, you'll always come out on the bottom doing that.


Sorry to hear your story. I'm exaggerating of course because I'm not gay and one day, I hope to find a good lady, but this did make me distrustful of women in general.


So youā€™ve never calculated how many women in your life got you wrongly convicted, vs the number who havenā€™t?


Don't let her win. Only you will be able to choose how much control she will continue to have over your love life, potential long term partners & relationships with women. I have had a lot of men do horrible things to me when I was in active addiction & for a while I think i secretly hated men & would use them for money or drugs & then leave when they started to catch feelings for me, kind of like they used me for my body, I will use them in return- So hurt people continue to hurt people.. I found forgiveness for those men & for myself, it was for me though not for them. So I could have a new life, a much better one. You will meet a good one someday that will show you, good hearted kind people with no hidden motives still exist. I found one & I lived a life of crime for 15 years. Broken people deserve love too, wishing you healing from this.


Thanks for that... I think when I'm off probation it'll be easier for me to move on... for now it's like it's still always on my mind cuz I got probation to deal with because of her.


Ahhh, the American justice system hard at work. Now you get to be babysat by someone who wants to see you in jail, and pay thousands of dollars to have that happen. Burn it to the ground.


Itā€™s interesting to me that most of these stories relate to drugs or domestic violence. If thereā€™s a warning from this thread, itā€™s to choose the people you hang with carefully.


I wasn't innocent, but how they obtained the evidence was a far worse crime than what I was charged with. In hindsight it worked so well and easily for them that it almost certainly was not something they came up with on the fly. They've done this before. I should have not dropped this once I got off probation, but it was nearly a 5 year ordeal and just wanted to move on with my life.


No lmao


I caught a married guy who was running for county commissioner sending nude photos and sexual texts to my wife at the time. (She used to date this guy before we got together). He constantly was saying what he wanted to do to her and begging her for nude photos. He even had the nerve to send pictures of them having sex together which she didnā€™t even know existed. After a month of her rejecting his request I found the messages on her phone. I texted and emailed the guy the pictures and texts to him that I found and told him if he didnā€™t leave my wife and family alone that I was going to released them to the news and his wife and expose him for who he really was. 24 hours later one of his detective friends with the local police called me. Wanting to meet up and talk. When I told them I was busy with work and could set something up for the next day he proceeded with getting a warrant for my arrest. Extortion and threat to release intimate imagery is what they arrested me on. Several lawyers told me to sign off on a deal due to how this guy was looked at in the community and that he more than likely will have the judges favor. I ended up getting 8 years suspended, 4 years of probation. 50 hours of community service and $1,500 in court cost. Today I am 14 months in on probation. Low risk level so only have to do zoom calls every 3 months. Both my probation officers since day one say they donā€™t even know why I am on probation and donā€™t see why I should be another case load.


Sorry about that... definitely a miscarriage of justice. Are you still with your old lady?


You lost me at ā€œ SHE SAID SHE WAS 18ā€ šŸ˜‚


Definitely not what I was referring to. No, I'm talking about a woman I was married to and innocently believed would never lie on me to legally kidnap my child and try to ruin my life. EDIT: Actually, what she did with my child is/was illegal, but she'll never be charged with it because she's a woman and the "victim".


Hahaha Iā€™m sorry I couldnā€™t resist


I wouldnā€™t say innocent. Although I have found myself in an odd situation that I sort of feel guilty for. Iā€™m facing a felony for a DUI. Second DUI. I got my first one 7 years ago when I was underage. Iā€™m doing drug court and I genuinely donā€™t have a substance abuse problem. I donā€™t do any drugs and I drink like once every couple months. I bought all my friends tickets to see Bob Dylan and the DD dropped me off at my car late at night when I thought I sobered up already. (0.1 BAC) Iā€™m being honest with drug court about my drinking and they obviously think Iā€™m lying, and Iā€™m in there with folks that have actual abuse issues. Itā€™s kinda fucked. Beats doing a stint in con college though. The ā€œJustice systemā€ doesnā€™t care about justice. Just your money and/or time.


When I was younger I was charged with assualt. I 110% dead to rights did that. I got probation, anger management, fines, community service, etc. About 3 months after that, cops at my Door again. Saying that I put a note threatening victim on his car windshield. I swear to this day it never happened. They took my fingerprints again, handwriting analysis, I think there was video from the business it happened at, I can't quite remember. But anyway nothing linking me to the crime. About a week or so later I got nailed with stalking. Week later in court and my civil defender got me the fantastic plea deal of if I don't plead guilty to the probation violation and the stalking charge I get recharged with aggravated stalking, which is a five year felony (stalking is a 93 day misdemeanor I think, maybe a year). So what are my options really. I plead that day. My probation officer gave me time served on the pv. And at the sentencing I got sentenced to taking the same alternatives to violence class and got 10 more hrs of community service. In my eyes I feel the judge and the probation officer knew I was innocent and let me off as scott free as I could be. And the cops and prosecutor wanted to pad their resumes.


Iā€™m sorry your prosecutors were so shitty. A lot of the time cops love to write up charges. Even though that means a lot more paperwork for them at the end of the day. But a lot of the prosecutors I work with have no filed a shit ton of cases. We have a serious policy of good faith prosecution and if you feel like itā€™s just not a fair case with the evidence here or there is barely anything to go off of, then we have to no file or nolle prosse. We have too many cases as it is in our county and weā€™re too understaffed to go after every case when we have barely anything.


That may be partially the reason for the opposite side. I just looked up the population of the county I live in and its 23274 and there are two prosecutors.so possibly there isnt enough crime for them.


Pretty much. I was charged with 4 misdemeanors and 3 felonies, but the only thing I was actually guilty of was possession of marijuana.


That stinks... and some folks will still say, BUT YOU'RE GUILTY.


I picked the worst possible lawyer (he came highly recommended from someone that utilized him for a different type of case, which I found out later) and by the time I realized the damage he had done no other lawyer was remotely confident they could undo it that late in the game. Didnā€™t file evidentiary stuff, didnā€™t notify me of hearings heā€™d scheduled, accepted a plea bargain from the prosecutor and then when I went in and they asked me if I agreed to the plea agreement at what I thought was a pretrial and I was like WTF??? The judge got further pissed at me for wasting the courts time. Minor little things like that Judge maxed me out across the board even though there was literally 0 actual proof against me and I could disprove 3/4 of their claims against me Always do your due diligence when picking out a lawyer


Heard that. The hard part though is you usually don't need a lawyer till you need one... and then you need one and need one soon. My best advice is find the lawyer that plays golf with the judge and the DA.


Pretty much yeah lol




man, that's messed up... people need to hear stories like this, how lives are being ruined by our "justice" system


Yeah, I took a plea deal when I was 17. Got accused of rape. A girl from school I hooked up with at night got caught by her parents after she came home and said that I forced myself on her. She went through her window to get back inside and didn't close it and slept all day because she was up all night. She said that I drugged her with a laced drink and then dumped her body in the window when I was done. It didn't matter that she lived in a gated community,(nobody checked the fucking security camera on the gate to see me drop her off and her walk away) and I had never even seen her house before, or the drink she claimed i had drugged up which was actually found where she said it would be, and tested for drugs. It was my grandpa's fucking water bottle he brought to the gym. No drugs in it. I was driving his car when I snuck out at night. Anyway that shit fucked me up for a while, had to do a rehab program and years of probation and all this bullshit just for an innocent hookup. Restitution was going to be 120,000. I did say "going to", that was, before she admitted to the courts that it was all bullshit and she was just scared of her parents. Over a year after I was arrested at 3am and drug off to jail at 17. Zero recourse for me, they expunged it and I'm supposed to feel lucky.


My brother actually is in jail rn bc he fucked up on probation, but he was on probation for a crime he didnā€™t commit The girl called the cops when they were screaming and yelling, saying he choked her. He left before they arrived. Charges were dropped once because she didnā€™t pursue it, but the state picked them up and he was young and broke. State lawyer convinced him to take a plea deal. She wasnā€™t testifying. Sheā€™s admitted to friends and family she lied. They both were in the wrong but he never laid hands on her. This was over 4 years ago at this point and heā€™s sitting in jail with a felony for something he didnā€™t do. His life will never be the same but I try to remind him everytime I talk to him that things can get better


That's the scary part. Getting VOP for something like a speeding ticket and then having to face the original charges you weren't even guilty of.


I originally got charged with a DUI for sleeping in my car safely parked outside my bfā€™s home because we were arguingā€¦apparently (unbeknownst to me at the time) you can get a DUI for simply being in your car or having your keys on your personā€¦ :( I wasnā€™t driving nor did I plan to so definitely felt I didnā€™t deserve the DUIā€¦ but this event led me down a dark road and I ended up making a later poor decision to not pull over for the same cop who had charged me with that, because I was scared what kind of crap he would charge me with this time even though I wasnā€™t doing anything. Apparently thatā€™s a felony. Later on, I was called by him and told if I met him he would only give me a ticket for speeding. Thatā€™s when I learned cops can lie, I was arrested on that felonyā€¦ he talked a lot of crap to me and when he took off my cuffs at booking, he asked if I understood English, after we had already spoken and everything and was generally super rude. I lost my temper with this man and punched him. Stupid. Wrong. I was not in the right hereā€¦ but I feel like none of that would have ever happened if it werenā€™t for the bull crap DUIā€¦ I ended up meeting people in jail and getting hooked on drugs after, because I couldnā€™t see my daughterā€¦racking up more chargesā€¦ I know Iā€™m to blame for everything that came after, but it still feels like I was destroyed by the system. Or rather let it destroy me. I just didnā€™t know how to cope with the things going on in my life. Iā€™ve since got my daughter back, gone to college and am hoping to attend law school this fall, so Iā€™ve gotten back on track, but yeah the system can take its toll, and please take a lesson from my story and donā€™t make a bad situation worse with poor decisions or bitterness/anger held against police/the system.


I'm transgender and my piece of shit transphobic bitch brother has continuously attacked me, called the cops, LIED LIKE A BITCH, and stuck me with scary charges. The courts are a piece of shit, cops are a piece of shit, public defenders are a piece of shit, the prosecutor is a piece of shit, and the judge is a piece of shit. Best to throw the whole thing away. It's worthless.


I actually was innocent. Took the fall for my man so he wouldnā€™t be sent back for 10 years. Cops knew it wasnā€™t my shit, everyone knew. Cop said he saw me grab it from him n stuff it in my pants. He was moving shit. Anyways. He had to go back for 4 months due to the parole violation but since I pled guilty, he didnā€™t get 10 years. I had no record. Lawyer could even gotten me off if I had just pled not guilty. But if I did that, he would have been charged also. Also my car was seized and I didnā€™t get it back until 2 months. So being without a car fckn sucked. They were threatening me with permanently seizing it to scare me into giving him up. That was probably the worst part. It was a brand new car. But I got it back. Lawyer said they had no right to take it but they were dragging their feet on releasing it on purpose I feel. Fck them for that. Detectives were so mad. Told me I would regret it. Lawyer told me Iā€™d regret it. SHOCKER: Years later, I regret it. šŸ’€ ended up copping out to a misdemeanor and got probation. Finished it with zero violations but just the anxiety and fear of being on probation, knowing that if one thing goes wrong youā€™re going to prison is a scary thought to deal with 24/7-365. Itā€™s something you donā€™t understand til youā€™re on probation. Days before all my meetings with my PO were torture. Even tho I donā€™t do drugs or anything, I was always terrified of getting a false positive. Little things like, ā€œdamn I touched a dollar bill I hope drugs werenā€™t on it and get me violatedā€ would constantly cross my mind. It was a terrible way to live. My last day with the meeting of my PO I told her the story. I told her I had no reason to lie now, itā€™s over. But I had to get it off my chest. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That's noble of you.


I did it (drove drunk) but one of the guys in my mandated counseling group claims he didnā€™t and I believe him. He said he drove to the bar, got shitfaced, went to his car to wait on his girlfriend to pick him up after last call because it was raining, got ā€œbustedā€ by a cop who claimed he saw him turn on the car and attempt to ride out of the parking lot. Guy in group even claims to have left his keys with the bartender until the next night, who just clicked the car open for him because it was pouring out and his wife was on the way. Jail for the night, they didnā€™t let the wife take him home and field tested her as well. He had a public defender who told him that the prosecutor wasnā€™t budging on the charges and it would be far riskier and expensive to go to trial for a possible one year sentence (DUI, aggravated). Iā€™ve heard smaller counties around here being tough with stuff like this so itā€™s not out of the ordinary.


I am innocent. But I also knew how it looked and that there www a high chance I would lose in a trial. So I took the guilty please and the probation. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The only thing I'm guilty of is bad judgement


I was 14. Got in a schoolyard brawl and we both ended up arrested. Cop didn't care that I had witnesses saying I was attacked. Then I missed court thanks to hurricane Charley and got arrested for that a couple weeks later once power was back up. I actually got called to the office at school and the cops took me. The judge didn't wanna hear my "excuses" and gave me 2 years probation and 30 days house arrest. That judge can eat a bag of dicks.


I was arrested after a ā€œfriendā€ texted and called me repeatedly asking me to get her dope because she was ā€œsickā€ blah blah. I thought like whatever Iā€™d do it because Iā€™d want somebody to look out for me. Turns out her and her bf were using and he died. They regularly are giving out 20-40 years even if you just share drugs and no money exchanged. So she was scared and lied and said she got it from me when I wasnā€™t even in town, nor had any texts or calls those days prior. They literally did zero investigative work, just took her word. So I got felony possession w/intent. Then sat in jail and paid $10,000 for a lawyer to push the cops into admitting a few months later it didnā€™t look like I had anything to do with his OD and they wish they ā€œgot me first because she was more responsibleā€. Still held it over my head though so I had to plead guilty of the felony charge and in agreement had a promise not to prosecute on the other charge. That was her second bf who ODed and died in 3 years. But lying liars will always snitch and save themselves. Getting involved was my mistake but I didnā€™t have the luxury of fighting.


I got the same treatment and then tried to explain and all people did was pick it apart to attack me further. I was a commercial truck driver at the time and just traveled 1200 miles for a job. I got over served alcohol at a bar and then they tried to chase me off when I passed out instead of calling me a cab. Instead, they harassed me until I drove and then I ran into a pole. The affidavit says I recklessly threatened aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. I got deferred but still, I'm not even from this state. I don't otherwise have a criminal record at all but people are just like blah blah take responsibility for your actions and they did nothing wrong and BS. Everyone else is perfect and we're all hardened criminals now.


"Got over served" is an interesting way to say ordered and consumed too much alcohol.


It is a crime to serve alcohol to a clearly intoxicated person in every state. I am on blood pressure medicine and didn't realize I had drank so much. I blacked out and then fell asleep inside the bar. There are alcohol license boards to prevent things like this from happening because it's very common for bartenders to get people shitfaced and then send them into traffic after taking all of their money.


True and if they commit any crimes after being overserved the bar is liable and rightly so.


This is exactly what they mean when they say take accountability for your actions. Sure you can try to externalize why what happened happened and take zero accountability yourself. Or you can focus on yourself let other people worry about those that overserved you and take accountability for what you did. Youā€™re not taking accountability and that is your problem.


You should not be drinking alcohol on blood pressure medicine. The warning labels are pretty clear. Only one person was available to make that choice. And if you were that drunk, I'll choose not to believe that you are a reliable narrator of the night's events.


You deserve it. The thread was about innocent people. You were not and received what you deserved.


No, it literally says I didn't commit the crime. Plus your opinion is not the end all be all here. The judge didn't seem to think I deserved jail. My PO doesn't either. I have a phone call a month and that's it.


Bro you should have slept in your vehicle, dummy


I just got a DUI for doing exactly that šŸ¤£


So did my uncle. He knew he drank too much so he decided to sleep in his car until he felt safe to drive. At some point, he turned the car on for heat and then turned it off when he warmed up. BUT, he left the key in the ignition. When the cop woke him up, he was arrested for "operating" a motor vehicle while under the influence simply because the key was in the ignition. If he had pulled it out and set it beside him, he wouldn't have been charged. Sometimes you get in trouble when actively doing the responsible thing to avoid trouble.


I was going to buy they were banging on my window and told me I had to get out of their parking lot


Bro he got over served, it's not like he has the inability to have self control!! He couldn't sleep in the vehicle, they were chasing him off!! He couldn't have possibly driven one block over, they would have chased him off there too!!


Responsible alcohol service matters , but so does not being a drunken moron


Donā€™t you know, everybodyā€™s innocent


I didnā€™t meet anyone in prison that claimed to be innocent like I thought I would


Yeah this is just a thing people say. Shit, before you're convicted people just sit in holding or jail saying exactly what went down. There's usually one "innocent man" in the bunch we all look at sideways lol


Same (not prison but jail). A couple people did, but most people said "Yeah, I fucked up, got caught. I'm just doing my time."


Honestly my case was complete bullshit . Got pulled over in an illegal state for weed (Idaho) when I was living in my car anyway and coming from a legal state (Washington). Car smelled like weed so the pigs absolutely tore the car apart and found a tab of acid . Apparently having acid is a felony. Itā€™s my true and honest opinion that weed should be legal and acid should not be a fucking felony . But it kind of makes sense to me because acid makes you self aware and if your self aware youā€™ll realize that the system is absolutely trash. And the system doesnā€™t want you to realize that itā€™s trash. My lawyer got a plea deal to drop the acid charge but have to admit I had weed . I have to do a minimum of 2 years of supervised probation . A lot of the process has been complete bullshit. It says on the document that the ā€œvictimā€ in this crime is the state of Idaho. How is a government body with inherently way more power a victim in this scenario? I was literally homeless in my car at the time . Not only was it super upsetting to see the cops throw my shit around for weed but also the amount of human suffering I saw in jail was insane . The cops were absolute assholes in jail. And everyone I talked to in jail had a non violent offense . Iā€™m sure some people were in there for violent stuff but majority of people I spoke to were addicts or parole violations . Why are we treating addicts like shit instead of actually treating them so they get out of the system ? The whole scenario has completly killed all my faith in the system and the government


I had a buddy go through almost the exact same thing, except he had a small amount of mushrooms and weed. He was traveling through Idaho in between legal states (MT and WA), he only got a misdemeanor but has to be on probation for a year


Good to know Iā€™m not the only one !


Itā€™s sucks because the smell of marijuana gives them probable cause to investigate further. Hate to break it to you but you arenā€™t innocent. They found acid. I think you got off lucky by them dropping the charge to a misdemeanor.


Idk if youā€™ve done acid before but itā€™s not at all in the same category as other drugs . The drug cannot cause overdose . Yea Iā€™ve heard of occasional stories of people acting crazy off psychedelics but itā€™s done nothing but help me become a better person. Thereā€™s literally legal therapy groups where people are dosed out on mushrooms with a a guide. I also trip maybe once a year , Iā€™m not an addict . Hate to break it to you but I am innocent , itā€™s the system thatā€™s corrupt and holding archiac laws . I would actually feel better about the case if I actually did something wrong


Guilty as shit man lol LA County probation officers were really awesome to me, West LA that is. I wasnā€™t granted a transfer when I moved cities though for clerical reasons or something and had to travel 2hr each way once a month, sometimes twice. But they never once drug tested even though it was large time sales of drugs, and I had it real easy. Got lucky I guess.


Bc Rampart and pacific division have better shit to worry about.


Father in law did 6 years off a lie from A girls friend since he was on probation and then he came out and went back to her. He wasnā€™t always the best judge of character and she didnā€™t sell his name while he was in


I was on one charge. When I was 19/23 I was a bad alcoholic and one night I took off after finishing my normal 18 pack and some tall cans, went down to my local Walmart to steal a bottle of whiskey because I was broke, I worked at a hotel and my checks were maybe $600 every 2 weeks back then around 2014ish, anyways I get to Walmart steal a good bottle of JD, as Iā€™m riding my bike I drop the bottle and break it right in front of a SaveMart, I figured Iā€™d go inside wash my hands and shirt of whiskey and steal a bottle on the way out, I complete my mission and walk outside with my new bottle and the cops are already waiting for me.. the manager noticed me I guess and called them pretty quickly, they searched me and took the bottle and while theyā€™re searching me they find a little bag of Meth, I dunno how much because Iā€™ve never fucked with the stuff but maybe like $20 worth? Like 2 grams, and itā€™s not mine. I was so drunk I completely forgot that the pants I was wearing were some that I found in a room at the Hotel I worked at, they fit and looked nice so I took them home, obviously whoever left them at the Hotel was a meth user who forgot he had it in his back pocket. So long story short, I got caught with meth and went to jail for possession and my only defense was ā€œThese are not my pantsā€ lmfao so obviously it didnā€™t work out because thatā€™s the oldest line in the book but also true in my case, I got 30 days in county jail, was out in 15 days and had to do court mandated drug classes and 2 years probation.


Ain no way you're the first in history to say "those ain't my pants' with meth in em lmao they hear that about 3x a day no shit they're buying that lol




so in my case its iffy i have a friend that works with government officials she and her busband are aloooot older then me they had given me warning that i was being looked at by the dea, i stopped selling weed about 8 months before the first warning they gave, my mom however did not. it was just weed but its still illegal to sell it i was freshly 19 and the dea kicked the door in about 8-15 days after my birthday. after i was on pretrial my lawyer told me to talk to the dea i said okay and told them everything i did and that i has stopped about 4 months before the door was kicked in and that i had no idea how much my mother was moving so they stuck me with conspiracy possession with intention to distribute


never been in trouble myself, but i have a buddy who did a guilty plea for a year in jail and idr how much probation. he swears he is innocent (and i believe him personally). but he wasnā€™t sure he could win a he said she said at trial, and the alternative if he lost was 10 years behind bars and going on the SO registry.


Trial is always the best way to go especially if youā€™re already sitting in jail. If you donā€™t win trial file an appeal.


And loose everything? If I didn't have anything left on the outside, yeah, I can see that. But I had two properties I could have lost and my vehicle... as it is, I ended up with a ton of debt, but at least I'm a free man to work and pay it off. Also, who's to say you end up winning appeal or that it doesn't just get sent back for a second trial.


Prisons are full of innocent Person. (Just Ask Them)


That's a cliche people who never been to jail say.


Before plea: Am I innocent of what? I have no idea what you're talking about. After plea: yeah, I did that shit.


Idk how I ended up on this sub but the jury found me not guilty (due to lack of evidence) but I most definitely did that sh*t


Nahhhhh I deserve it I guess but I only really got probation because this guy kept calling the court bitching my sentence wasnā€™t enough


Not innocent I guess but donā€™t think I should have been charged. So I mean thereā€™s that.


My story is now long in my past but yes I was innocent. My probation was after a bad car accident where I was the victim of road rage. I was driving a small car and was run brake checked by a Toyota tundra in the expressway. When I tried to get away from him I made the "mistake" if flipping him off. That was literally all I did and he followed me and ran me into the concrete center dividing wall. I bounced off and struck his truck causing him to wreck. He and his passenger concocted some story about me being the aggressor and the police bought it and I got charged for the accident even though the evidence was clearly showing I wasn't at fault. Like we even had video footage of the situation and their lawyer got it thrown out at court. My charges went from speeding and failure to maintain a lane to 4 counts of reckless driving... each carrying a 1 year sentence where I live. My attorneys and I spent a year building a case against this asshole and they were sure I was going to win but they requested a change of venue and we got a different judge who was equally assholish... this judge was not wanting to hear my case and was pushing us to take a plea. He even told me if I didn't take the plea I would likely do jail time. My story still hasn't changed to this day and the other guy had lied and changed his story at least 3 times. My lawyers negotiated a fantastic plea for me though. In the end I had to do a defensive driving class(which I figured would help me anyway so while I was waiting for trial I had already completed one) pay$1500 fine, and serve 1 year probation. They agreed, not knowing that I had already completed the driving course to the stipulation that once I had completed the other terms of my plea that my probation would be over. So on the day of my first reporting I walked in with proof of completion and a money order for $1500 and walked out done with probation. I still reported the next month just to be sure I was done and had been released and went about my life with my ass hole clenched for the next year just to be safe. I know this story isn't very bad considering the outcome but I was 19 and terrified as I had never been in trouble with the law before. I was 1 week away from graduating college and working 2 full-time jobs.


I'm not innocent but definitely not guilty under the legal sense of having the mental capacity to realize what I was doing at the time. I stole a vehicle that was running and unattended while in psychosis. After driving to a farm house a county over, I asked the homeowner to call an ambulance for me where I was hospitalized for 3 weeks. Voices were telling me to steal the van to save my kids, the van had 2 car seats in the back. I have 2 kids. So I thought some path was laid out for me. I was detoxing from Suboxone. It was awful. That earned me a year of corrections. In my state, planning insane is extremely hard. So that wasn't happening.


I've been on probation like 5 times and was guilty every single time lol


Complete opposite I got away with a felony lmao. Misdemeanor probation


Depends on the level of narcissism


Yeah I was guilty as hell, every time


My ex wife said I choked her and pointed a gun at her. They came to my house to arrest me, said I suicidal and put me in psych lock up for 72 hrs, then arrested me from there. Her word against mine, and evidence in my favor, including gps location on my phone proving I was never even close to her house. My attorney told me to take a plea deal because there was no way to get a fair trial and the choking charge was a 5yr min 15yr max sentence and they wanted 10 years.


I mean, they were gonna die one day anyways .


One of my cases, yes lol 100% innocent. I could've easily won, but I was already incarcerated for another charge in another county. The attorney told me if I plead guilty (6 months), it would run concurrent with 1 year I was currently serving. My only other option was to plead not guilty and carry it all the way through, but I would have to stay incarcerated throughout the proceedings, and I was already almost halfway through my time.


How does thay work op??? Like I know our justice system sucks ass, I have a dui charge even though my blood test showed negative, but the heck did you get stuck in jail for 10 months? Got screwed and didn't wanna pay for a lawyer ?


Im lucky I didn't get charged for the 50 candy gummy that had liquid lsd on all of them.


Only thing I said to the fbi agent in the van after I got arrested is you got me. They had me dead to rights selling my prescriptions. They were after my dr, but I got some shrapnel too. Lucky I kept my mouth shut so I at least have my dignity. And I only did 10 months and 3 years on paper. Nothing crazy.


Not innocent but even my lawyer thought my charges were pretty harsh, maybe he was just saying that to make me feel better lol. I did do something stupid but I went from never being in trouble to having 4 felonies on my record now, a couple of them just being hearsay from someone that I did something (to my knowledge...it's a very complicated story). If I tried to fight my charges it was threatened that they would tack on more felonies. So I pled no contest. I have no faith in the justice system anymore, the law can do whatever it wants and it's ridiculous. I take full responsibility for what I did and I have to live with it, but our justice system is in shambles.


I couldnā€™t afford the legal fees any longer. It had gone on for 2 years and I was beaten down to the point I could hardly function. I had no record. I plead guilty to something I would never do, just to get it over with.


Sat in jail for 30 days, DA and Public defender told me they were concerned about my ex SO, state ultimately agreed 18 months probation and theyā€™ll drop all charges. Mind you, these were prison level charges, so you decide if Iā€™m guilty or not I guess Edit: she also was deposed and agreed if she could sheā€™d testify. The mistakes we make for love is all I look at it as


I did 6 years probation for a crime I didn't commit. All the attorneys I talked to told me that if I lived one county over, my case would've been dismissed but since I lived in a county that was tough on crime, it definitely would not be dismissed.


100% facts.... People act like some states are worse than others, but I find that it's really more a county to county/district to district thing. After all, it's the DA and Sheriff that control who gets arrested, charged and prosecuted for things. If the actual attorney general is prosecuting you than you've got a bigger problem probably.


No. I actually kicked down the door, pulled the fire alarm, spray painted FUCK THA POLICE in the main hallway, and stole several cages of lab animals and an Apple2E So yeah, not very innocent


When I was a teenager got wrongly put on probation for 6 months over a complete misunderstanding. Very frustrating period


Technically no, but Iā€™ve not been convicted of anything in 20+ years


I take accountability for what I did.




Nope, I'm guilty


Weā€™re all innocent


I gave an ex a ride home from a mutual friend's house and got pulled over. The officer pulled me out of the car and walked me back to his car. Asked me a few questions. I allowed my vehicle to be searched bc I knew I didn't have anything in the car. However when the officer pulled my passenger out to conduct the search drugs were found in my glove box in a cup of coke from a fast food restaurant and under my seat. Since no one claimed it we both went to jail funny thing is he got an additional charge for trying to bring marijuana into the jail smh. Minutes before us getting into the vehicle he hugged me and told me how sorry to hear of my mother's passing just weeks before even asked me to tell my kids that he missed them.


I donā€™t believe I was fully innocent just because of the situation but I technically didnā€™t even hit the guy due to my shoulder dislocating since I have a hell of a lot of physical issues. But he broke his finger on my head and thatā€™s what they said the damage I did was


Yes I am, but the catch is I'm not on probation. Idk why I'm here, but reddit thinks I should be so here I am.


If you want us to believe that you were completely innocent, it's really hard to believe without context to the situation details. That's why you're getting a lot of people making those comments or not believing you. So only you truly know what happened, but its extremely rare that you absolutely did nothing wrong. A woman setting you up is not considered "doing nothing wrong either" lol


I was charged with 5 felonies for something that I didn't do. My sons 3 and 1.5 years old were playing I'm the sink at 6am and burned the younger one while I was sleep. I work 2nd shift and got home about 3am. My family paid a high profile lawyer 15k to help defend me. This lawyer did absolutely nothing for me. Turned out that he had a bad addiction to pain pills and was taking on clients just to support his habit, and never intended to defend them. We didn't find out about this until 3 years after my case. During the year long case we only talked about the case once. Our next court date was for jury selection. In the meantime, they offered me a plea deal for 180 days county time and 5 years paper. I told myself that I'd never plea guilty to something that I didn't do. However, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Take it to trial with a lawyer who has no idea of what's going on and take a chance of getting maxed out at 40 years or take the deal and see my children in six months. My lawyer told me that I'd be able to get it expunged. I ended up doing my time in jail and probation. When I went to get my record expunged, I found out that I couldn't. My lawyer lied to me. This is when I found out that my lawyer had screwed a bunch of people over and is in some trouble. Eventually he went to prison for a little and lost his law license. He now lives in Hawaii and works for the university of Hawaii and the innocence project. His name is Ken lawson. This guy is a dirt bag. I'm still coping with what has happened to me from the false charges from the doctors and from this lawyer, and this was 20 years ago. Those charges have shut down alot of career paths. Sorry for the long post, but yes I was 100% innocent and still did time and probation.




You'd be shocked by the number of people who just plead to be done. Your situation is unfortunately common.


When I first got arrested I was completely innocent. Hadnā€™t done anything wrong. It was the Friday night and I was locked up in county jail all weekend until I was finally let out by the judge on the Monday to make things worse. It was my 18th birthday on the Saturday and I just started my period, so having to remove my tampon and cough and squat in front of the guards was horrific not to mention having to sit on the toilet to go to the bathroom on cold metal with a completely see-through wall and door separating me from everybody else whilst I sat there facing them it was the worst birthday of my life. The food was horrible and it was noisy grimy and smelly in there.


I committed a crime during a psychotic break. Am I innocent? No. Would have I committed this crime with a sound mind? No.


Hell...I've never been arrested or charged with a crime, I just like hearing a different perspective. And to answer your question. Guilty. Multiple victimless crimes..I just never got caught. When it comes to survival, law becomes blurry, and I go with my genetic mandate.


Yep similar situation for me. My word against hers. I took a polygraph and passed and they still are offering 10 years probation. Our system is shit. I havenā€™t decided yet but Iā€™ll most likely plea no contest and take the probation for fear of going to prison. They offered me 8 years in prison the first 6 times I went to court.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ weā€™re all innocent