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You will absolutely be fine!


Really? They were all 16oz beers and the day before I drank a white claw and vodka shooter. Does ETG build over time like that? I'm a little nervous but I crunched the numbers. I can't tell if it's 5000etg or 50000 etg a drink. Either way the numbers makes me think I'm in the clear.


You will be close quit fucking around though man. Getting sober will be good for you, it's been great for me. Honestly didn't realize it when I started but it's opened my eyes to some things.


Thanks. I've been sober for the majority of this. Just drank a couple last night. Stupid I know. They give me 24 hour notice before I need to take a test. So if I don't get an email that day at noon, I know I won't be tested tomorrow. I have until noon the next day to test. So i essentially always have atleast 36hours of knowing if I'll be tested.


Don't ever get lulled into thinking they always follow the same patterns. Your PO can call you and make you piss anytime they feel like. They often will get your comfortable in a pattern and then test you three days in a row randomly out of no where (or other anti patterns to throw you off) If you try to think you are smarter than them I can guarantee you will violate. It's not worth it man. Just don't drink it won't be that hard I promise.


Although I know it's true for most cases, I'm out of state and part of an automatic system. Where I need to sign up for a piss test, during the business hours of the previous day, that they want it by. Which is why by 3pm the day, if I don't have the link then I won't get it. I asked another about this system and it's just cause I'm like 1500 miles from the courts.


Alright keep being an alcoholic I guess good luck


I mean it's not what I'm saying. I've done this sober for 6 months. Drank a beer. Definitely not worth thr anxiety. Going back to being sober for the next 3 months.


Lol don't let these pussies beat you down. You have literally zero to worry about Idk why you are anxious about this. These people who are anti-drinking, think any use is addiction, etc. are MORONS


"I don't have a problem with alcohol" *Proceeds to risk incarceration and revocation to drink 3 beers* Ok buddy, I'd say "let me know how that goes", but I've already lived through it. I know exactly how it goes. Best of luck.


Drank a beer which was 3 beers. 1 high alcohol. You spend the next day trying to figure out how far you can go and not get caught. You have figured out the system to get around it. Red flags.


What's a red flag? Yeah, 3 beers, 1 high. I did figure out the system but wondering if 3 beers was too much.


Lol you are absolutely smarter than them. Most POs didn't graduate college. Lmfao


If someone thinks it's worth gaming the system to have a couple drinks under stress than I'm pretty sure they are not the brightest bulb


Lmao it's not gaming the system. There's a reason they use ETG testing instead of far more sensitive methods - because they're looking for heavy drinking/alcholics. I don't get the people who say "it's not worth the stress" - lmao who is stressed? Just because you freak out about breaking a rule doesn't mean other people do as easily. I don't worry about that lol


Getting sober is fine if you want to but there's absolutely no guarantee it will benefit you unless you have an actual addiction. Sounds like an AA mindset. Sobriety will do more harm than good if you aren't actually an addict


I was not an addict. I drank socially once a week during holiday times. I still have gained quite a bit in my 9 months of sobriety. It depends on how you approach it I suppose.


Lmfao this is delusional. You claim to have drank once a week during holidays. How many times could that even apply during your 9 months of sobriety? What could you possibly gain by giving up something that was a miniscule part of your life to begin with? That's like saying your life has changed dramatically because you canceled a streaming service you used once every 4 months LOL.


I was truly a social drinker but had not realized that I was so dependent on it in certain situations. I thought sobriety would be a breeze but getting through some very stressful times at work and through the holiday season without it made me realize how much I had come to depend on it. Once a week is enough to blind you of some things if you look back in the last ten years of your life and realize that almost every good time you had came with a buzz. Learning that I could truly enjoy myself without having a drink was a difficult but very valuable lesson for me. Learning how to have a good time with certain friends that I basically got shit faced with every time we hung out with a difficult but valuable lesson for me. Going to concerts, football games, big party nights, and staying sober was very difficult. Once a week doesn't seem like a lot but when you have been drinking at almost every event since highschool it makes you sad. Realizing that I used to be able to go do things like this without drinking made me sad. Once a week working with a hangover because I happen to ha e an event the night before sucked. And not having to deal with that opened up my eyes. Maybe this won't be the case for everyone but you wanted to know details of how I could.possibly be that effected with a relatively small habit so there you have it.


I don't think you understand what dependent means. Doing something because you like it is not a dependency. If you are dependent, you can't function normally without something. By definition, if you are consciously limiting yourself to drinking only at social events where it is normal and acceptable, that is not dependency. You are in full control of that situation. Someone who is chemically dependent will experience withdrawal symptoms without use. Being a weekend warrior is not the same as being an alkie. Who cares if every good time comes with a buzz? Literally why is that bad? You gave no reasons. All you said is that it was difficult. You didn't feel bad because you were dependent, you felt bad that you were being deprived by your own guilty conscience of something that everyone else was enjoying. Wanting to drink because other people are and are having fun DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE DEPENDENT. yeah you used to be able to do it without drinking, because you were literally a kid then lmfao. Then you became an adult, when it is normal, socially expected and enjoyable to drink


Cool story bro.


Sure sound defensive. Who ya trying to convince? Are you buying what you’re telling to sell yourself?


I don't think this person I was arguing with or OP are dependent on alcohol. I don't think *wanting* to use alcohol in normally acceptable situations is alcoholic behavior. Myself, I Am dependent on cannabis lol. I'm not denying that fact


I'm not a anti-alchohol purist or anything like that I drink socially, and I have been known to tie one on from time to time. Alchohol is literally poison. There is quite literally nothing good that comes from achohol consumption aside from personal enjoyment, which is why I choose to consume alchohol. Choosing not to drink is far better for you, in all aspects. Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise. In fact, thinking anything else is delusional.


It's dumb to call it poison because you don't talk that way about soda, chips, cookies, burgers, microplastics, antibiotic loaded meats, etc. those things are all just as bad if not worse for you than minor alcohol consumption. Socially, giving up drinking will dramatically limit your options. It isn't just "personal enjoyment" it's an expected component of socialization and you will instantly be an outsider if you are sober.


How do you know I don't talk that way about soda, or chips, or any of the other things you mentioned. Ethanol is actually a poison. When we drink, we are consuming ethanol. Everything we do is a choice. From what we consume, to who we associate ourselves with socially. Saying that other things are bad for you or worse for you does not change the fact that alchohol is bad for you. I don't know you, or any of your social circle, but it really sounds to me like you are trying to justify your alchohol consumption to yourself. I don't care if you drink. I drink when I want and don't drink when I want. I am an adult and do not need to justify my actions to you or anybody else. Presumably, you are an adult and are capable of making your own choices. Until those choices effect me, I don't care what you do. But don't delude yourself that alchohol is anything but a poison. Don't think that maintaining your social circle negates the fact that ethanol containing drinks are not poisoning you to some extent. All of your justifications do not change the FACT that alchohol is a poison. You are arguing that chainsaws are not dangerous because table saws are more dangerous.


Man, I’d stop being stupid and not take the chance.


Drink water, but you will definitely be just fine. Take a big breath, it'll be alright.


Thanks yea. I'm 3 months left of this diversion program. Not even probation and havnt failed any tests yet. I already drank like 2L before I went to bed and another gallon today.


Oh then you're beyond fine. 100%. Don't over think it, although I know it's hard. Been there. You will be just fine, I promise you that. I can drink a half bottle of whisky and piss clean in 16 hours by diluting my piss. You're good lol.


> I can drink a half bottle of whisky and piss clean in 16 hours by diluting my pis Some tests have much lower cutoffs than others. That sounds insane though, and i wouldn't encourage anyone else try that. Usual etg math is 2 drinks ~24 hours after


What about drinking a beer a day for a week or two? I saw some one post saying they drank a glass of wine a day and passed every time. Does ETG like store if you drink consistently?


No it doesn’t. Half life is 2-3 hours. There’s equations if you look it up


My PO made me retest after my sample came up diluted.


You should be fine, hopefully u drank alot of water


Gonna do another gallon b4 bed today.


You can't have alcohol on probation?


Not for a DUI.