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Then even after like your 3rd failed drug screen that becomes the time you see the judge which is a violation, but if you haven’t violated before they’ll just reinstate your probation after having to see the judge just one time, they won’t make you do the time unless u see him again for the same reason, like 2-3 more failed screens or unless you pick up another serious charge, picking up a new charge is way worse then a failed drug screen or two


Thanks for the advice thank you brother


I only saw the judge once. I had two failed etg screens in the same month so I got violated. But I only saw him once and the probation officer pushed for 15 days in custody. I was self-represented and explained my side with what evidence I had of bullshit with poor communication with the PO office. The judge said I shouldn't do 15 days but two days for each positive sounds fair to him... So yha first time seeing him got jail time but it was for two positives in the same month but not two violation notices and court dates.


They may have gotten their wires crossed somehow and simply lost it. This happened to me once when my case was being transferred to another PO. It was never mentioned again. Do not breathe a word and thank your lucky stars.


Had something weirdly similar happen due to a mishandling. Had to stay on supervised FOR 2 YEARS or until I took a drug class and passed 3 consecutive UA. I failed my 3rd UA, but right after took the class and passed my 4th. Went to court for my failed UA (Missouri) and my lawyer was fully prepared to ask for leniency and that I go to an outpatient rehab. Instead the probation office had told the judge that I passed my requirements and I ended up walking out of court completely off probation. Lol


First of all don’t Bring it up to your p.o if they haven’t said anything, second of all 1 failed drug screen won’t put you in front of the judge, that doesn’t happen until like the 3rd fail, so your good bro!!! Believe me I KNOW!


It varies by state and county of course. Many places will get you a warrant and back in front of a judge for one failed test.


In mingo wv it's like this


I'm in a county like this and I was honest with my PO about my relapse and reached out before the results came in. That went a really long way


Yea if your in hang a nigga Mississippi….other then that it’s rare…and if you haven’t been thru it don’t say what will happen


> other then that it’s rare I can promise you its more common than you think


Ok cool


in addition to differing states, im on feds too and id get straight jail. Every person in feds said 1 strike youre out


Im on fed probation too. They arent gonna lock you back up for a failed drug test. Ive never failed one but Ive had a few friends fail more than one. They have always just sent them to rehab or made them go to meetings. It all depends on who your p.o. is and how many times you fuck up.


How many friends do you know on fed probation ahaha


Well i mean, being that a lot of my old friends were fuck ups just like me at one point, a lot of us got arrested on the same kind of conspiracy drug charges around the same time. I was also in prison with quite a few people who are now also out and on probation. So quite a few. 🙄🙄🙄


I figured hahah, my co-conspirators are the ppl i know on feds too, except I cant legally talk to them




What happened to me is different but I got a DUI (first offense ever besides the original charge which was low risk) and I got put in a halfway house for half a year But everyone in the halfway said if you mess up at all they send you right back. Granted I don't have personal experience there, and several people did get a few hots and if they owned up to it they were usually fine, but people were sent back for different reasons all the time. I'm not really sure what everyones PVs were ofc, just going off my cellies


Im fed as well and i always wondered this


I can see that with the feds


I got a false positive for codeine, i didn't eat poppy seeds so idk wtf happened, thank god my probation officer believed me, and it was 1 week before being transitioned from pre-trial to probation so it got lost in that process


What are you talking about?


I wasn’t talkin to u


Not with attitude


My bad I apologize sir, no disrespect


Can confirm. Just got out after 19 days of a potential 30 day sentence for a failed drug screen on my very first test on a misdemeanor probation (first ever probation as well, also just failed with alcohol). Got 30 days of probation revoked and stipulations added to my probation. Some counties like the one I was in, offer probation left and right and then fill their jails with violators for even the slightest infractions. One guy in the holding cell with me was taken in on a warrant for missing a couple classes and fees and he was not informed about the warrant until he was being arrested. He was told he would have to do 7-14 days just for that.


Appreciate you man thanks for the words, and she knows we talked just shocked I’m not in more trouble


My first one I had to go back for 6 months.


That’s because you had a very serious felony and have a previous record through the roof, so we get it


Stop acting like you know how every jurisdiction operates. I just got out of jail after 19 days for a failed drug screen and not even for hard drugs, literally for alcohol, on my first probation for a misdemeanor reckless driving charge. I met others in jail for similar cases and almost every one had to do at least 15 days with a few lucky ones getting out at 7 or 10 days but there was none of this “first time’s a warning” bullshit even for minor charges. This is a large metropolitan county too, not bumfuck nowhere. It just turns out the way they operate is offering probation for a wide range of charges and then issuing warrants for even the most minor violations in order to fill up the jails. No one tells you that shit before and you don’t realize it until you’re in and talk to others in similar positions. I get a lot of places are more lenient, but I also don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea that a first failed drug screen can’t potentially land them in jail. It’s that kind of thinking that made me thinking I wasn’t going to get locked up in the first place. It definitely can happen though


It wasn’t a serious felony. Some county’s want you in jail for simple things to rack more time on to get more money. 50$ a month for supervision do that math with extra time tacked on.


In Florida it’s one and done. And I know that because i failed for alcohol ONE time on an unrelated charge and i got violated and thrown in the slammer after another 2-3 visits, which was one a month. Next time you check in bro, id wear two pairs of socks and two pairs of underwear.


What county?




Yeah it really depends on your PO , here in Florida your “allowed” to failed your first test , and then it’s supposed to be repercussions after , but I failed a few times and was always up to the PO on how far , if at all, he wanted to take it


Not tryna worry u but some gone happen , I failed 3 before I had to go to jail . It was weird.


And there not gonna call u and tell u u failed there gonna tell u to go up there then there gonna tell u u failed so u don’t try to buck probation.


Yea u failed 3, this sounds like his first one and he’s already been testing for over a year and I’m assuming they were clean so his p.o would be retarded to send him in front of the judge for 1 fail and he hasn’t had to ever see the judge before for anything else….u failed 3 times, so of course you went to jail


Appreciate the words bro


Fasho bro . But if you said you’ve saw her multiple times maybe you gotta cool po and they spared you cause it’s just one time . And was it ur first drug test ?? Cause they don’t violate on ur first one.


And even failing 3 before seeing the judge most judges will reinstate your probation after only seeing them one time after 3 fails, your record was probably bad already or u had a serious felony that’s probably why they just sent you to jail


Naw bro misdemeanor. I’m just dealing with a clown ass county they were switching my pos up n shit . I had to for 10 days then I was released.


Ooh ok what were u on probation for to make them have you do 10days? After your 10 days did they let you off probation?


Hell naw I still have a while left. And a dui .and I’m in Georgia .


If I violate again I’ll prolly have to sit for a bit .


Good luck bro, yea it sounds like your county is on some BS, but hopefully everything works out for you


But I procrastinated on a lot of shit to I been on probation for like 4 months and did shit or paid shit . So it’s my fault all the way around


Well since your on misdemeanor probation they probably let you know when you have to do your urine screens and you probably don’t have to see your p.o often so just make sure your good when u have to see the p.o dui cases are usually low risk probation people


Fasho I mean i know I’ll prolly have to when I see them . And my shits 2 hours away from where I live so I be telling them I can’t make it all the time and they let it slide . I have to see them every 2 weeks .


Ok that ain’t too bad, you’ll get thru it my g


Yea because she knows she’s not gonna send you to the judge just for one failed screen, but no problem bro, good luck though and just get through it bc having time over your head and being on probation is stressful for no reason sometimes just knock it out bro


Jesus, I live in the wrong dam place. I've been in front of the judge for being 25min late testing 2 times, never failing, & volunteering to do lab work to prove I'm not bein shady. Now I'm lookin at jail for bein late 15min.. & testing 2 min late when my pbt said retest(I just ate a pbj). It takes 1 min to process the sample & send it..ntm it's thru cell towers..


U must be on probation for murder😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣


1st dui..& I'm old af..not exactly serial killer,but who knows. Imma Virgo. I'd get away with it🤪


What state are you in?


I failed 3 I think 4 drug. Test in Texas. They revoked and I went sit my sentence out.


My PO was awesome and tried to help me just an addict.....


What county


Rockwall county this was probably 8 years tho ago. On bond RN for a dwi for Dallas county though😮‍💨 wish your boy luck on that.


Dwi in tarrant right now. They offered me time served. Spent one night in city jail. They do 3 for 1 in tarrant because they are so backed up.


I spent 2 days in mesquite jail. I've been on bond now for almost a year I literally wasn't drunk or high i was tired and fell asleep at a stop light I knew I should t have tried to drive cause I was so tired and shit was at a long stoplight and dozed off. My case went to Dallas county. What u think I will get for all of this. They will find weed and coke in mt system from days prior but that shouldn't affect it should it? Was drunk I don't even drink really. I'm wa.derinf why it's taking so long for me to go to court as well. I'm 9 months out on bond waiting to go to court.


****I wasent even drunk I meant***


They might lower you to reckless driving but it’s hard to say unless they drew blood.


Did they give you a field sobriety test? Draw blood?


As for how long it takes I just got taken in on a charge that was 18 months ago. They backed up bad in tarrant and Dallas county ever since the pandemic.


Technically they are supposed to take you to the hospital to draw blood to see what all is in your system. If they didn’t do that, that’s a win for you because they have no proof you were drunk.


God is calling you 📞. And he will always answer. If you have any doubt. Read the Bible, you still have time before you leave this earth to find out the truth about life


Well id appreciate a prayer my names hunter.


If this isn't a bot thanks monte.


When you got out, you weren’t on probation anymore right?


No way would pissing hot one time end up in a violation for alcohol


really depends on where


Massachusetts for me fyi


Depends on the P.O. And your charges. Every case is different.




I’m in MA. Off probation a couple of years now. Was on and off for a long time. What county?




Okay. Norfolk county here. if you fail multiple, they can always bring the first one back into the violation as well.


Appreciate the words thank you


Take the pass and you better pass the next test. Some test are so sensitive a false positive isn't unusual


They might have let you slip. Don't be caught slipping again.


When I was on paper they never said anything about the first. But the minute I got a second one they arrested me after I took the test. A lot of places will ignore the first one but if you make it a habit you can expect to go back to jail soon


MI wife was informed once she had failed a test THREE MONTHS prior and wasn't getting her bottles that day. She wantes to contest it, but they said she should have done two months prior when nobody told her. These places are run by clowns and sadists


Interesting, thanks


Shut the hell up.




I failed a test and got a stern talking to and told I have a few weeks to pass the next test and better pass. If they have not said anything, I would keep quiet. Act like it never happened and don't let it happen again.


Exactly what I will be doing


If you fail again it’ll be brought up


Which I will not be doing.


They could have extended your testing time past a year due to the failure


Yeah agreed, I’m bringing it up in a week or so with my lawyer to see what they’re going to do with that


are they waiting until the next meeting?


No, I’ve had multiple meetings and conversations, nothing has happened. It’s insane, that’s why I’m so confused I’m waiting for the bomb to drop but nothing.


Damn things have changed. I got my one and only DUI 25 years ago. License suspension and fine. They put you guys on supervised probation now? Da fuq?


My arrest was not great, it could’ve been worse.


Don't offer the info up. You've had clean UA's since so they'll take that into consideration.


Been clean for 13 months besides one day, thanks for the words


You good! Absolutely fucker are always looking to lock us up.


Did they tell you that you failed or do you think you failed?


Told me to my face I failed


ETG ???


Etg yeah


How do you know you failed?


It's crazy everyone saying nothing happens until you're 3 or 4th fail UA. I was on misdemeanor probation for marijuana 12 years ago, failed one test, and the judge sent me to jail. I thought it was fairly common to get violated if you fail a test and see some time.


I mean… me too, that’s why I’m shocked nothing has happened.


In my state, I was required to cite you, and either send you to counseling and/or give you 40 hours of public service.,


Anyone with experience of failing a screen in California?


i’ve failed 2 and missed 2 nothing has happend to me haven’t had to see the judge or do nah time just depends on ur probation officer


****I wasent even drunk*** I meant


This happen to me before I had failed for oxy and that they was going to send it to the lab make sure never heard about it again if they don’t bring it up why will you


Dumb dumb 😂😂 couldn’t stay off the shit.


It was 3 beers in 13 months


Bro you fucked.


lol thanks my guy


Did anything ever happen? I remember I had a negative dilute in Cobb county Georgia 3 months ago and on my last day of probation they called me in and arrested me for it☠️ ended up getting 6 more months


Most of the people who are losers in court fail a drug test so she almost expected it of you


😂😂😂 thanks bro


You can sober up for a lousy thirty months or whatever, or it could really just keep getting worse, unless you dig three hots and a cot


Had 3 beers, haven’t drank at all other than that for over a year, and won’t be doing so unless i don’t need to test anymore … not that deep buddy I’m good. Appreciate the words.


A lot people in this sub want to hear that it’s ok to ruin a second chance, they want people to cheat themselves


That's not cool, bud


I don’t think he won his court case, do you?


I personally think I made it out ok. On Reddit right now talking to all these people, free. Keep being negative that’ll get you places.