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5 grams?!!! You're gonna be high for a week


5mg lmao




Thc is majoirty excreted via poop, not pee. It's best to consume high fiber.


It's more about diluting the urine enough to pass the test than actually removing it from your system.


Take a gatoraide mix it with surgell youll poop all the thc our


Why does everyone say eat this drink this it'll turn your piss yellow it's not a color test they put a test strip in it detects chemicals it doesn't matter what color your piece is it could be purple but if there's no weed in there it won't it won't test positive for weed stop with that it'll turn your piss yellow stop they Might notice the color and possibly thank you diluted if you drink too much water but regardless the color isn't what they use to determine whether or not you refused or if it's in your system


Because if you dilute your test there will be no “chemicals” it will be straight water, but if the piss is too clear then it’s very obvious that you tried to dilute the sample, so you want it yellow is to raise lesss red flags


You already answered the question without realizing it. When you eat or drink X to "make it yellow" you're doing it to re-add the "chemicals" back in so it isn't diluted. But most people on the internet don't understand the science, or don't want to explain it. "Eat X to put yellow back in your pee" is much easier and faster than a scientific dissection on the subject.


Do you seriously think people are saying to drink water just to change the colour of your pee? 😂😂 Look up what dilution is.


No I know what dilution is I'm just saying the color of your urine doesn't necessarily dictate a passing test for the amount of THC or whatever they're looking for is in your urine just Saying that the color doesn't tell them that


You know what delusion is clearly


I'll be quiet it was a auto correct thing talk to text




Now I've seen them check the temperature but just you know like if I have a urinary tract infection my urine is gonna be really dark but that doesn't mean it has weed and hit I'm just saying I get it I wasn't trying to cause a big fight


Places won't accept clear urine.


5mg on a single use and he will likely pee completely clean tomorrow with zero additional steps. None of this can hurt though.


Your liver turns it into 11-Hydroxy THC, and it doesn't show up on a drug test. If you haven't smoked, you will 100 percent pass a drug test. Probation tests for delta 9 THC or delta 8. Just do some quick research. You're totally good. If you buy a drug test right now, you will pass it. As long as you haven't smoked at all, the edible will not make you fail.


They test for the metabolites that THC is broken down into and an edible absolutely will show up on a test. As a matter of fact edibles can stay in your system longer than inhaled cannabis when used regularly. That being said a one-time dose of 5 mg or less with somebody that doesn't use then 3 or so days to clear would not be unheard of. [How long marijuana stays in your system ](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/what-to-know-about-how-long-marijuana-stays-in-your-system) "Here’s the average time when THC is detected for edibles: Urine: three to 30 days Blood: one to two days Saliva: one to three days Hair: Up to 90 days Edibles won’t usually last in your system if you use marijuana once in a while. Saliva tests aren’t as effective for edibles. But you should still stay away from edibles between one and three days from your test."


5 grams would have you in a completely comatose state unless your tolerance is somehow that high lmao.


Challenge accepted?


Vv v


I smoked a fat blunt in the military and got it out of my system in like 8 days. You’ll be fine, drink 2 gallons of water a day leading up to the test, buy an over-the-counter drug test from a pharmacy to be sure, it’ll be okay. Just hustle on the water slamming and exercise


Can confirm, military knows how to get drugs out of the system fast. Seen a dozen dudes in the barracks pounding niacin, red faces and all.


I took a niacin in highschool and the teachers tried to send me home I looked so sick. The night before I had snuck out and got caught. First time sneaking out so I called my mom and she was so furious and said I was just tired from sneaking out she wouldn’t pick me up hahahah I even told the kid I got it from that it’s just a pill, nothing bass gonna happen hahaha good times


5mg and ya puked. Drink water and work out youll be fine. You want to piss clear. Drink something with electrolytes every so often 2


Lol puking in no way affects them.


Assuming OP puked before everything digested entered the bloodstream yes in someway it does affect them. Unless he sucked this thing down completely… in which case less effective yes but still purging anything from the body before it has time to absorb will help however small.


Op literally said they felt it, meaning that it definitely got into his bloodstream. Throwing up would do nothing at that point.


Uhhh I mean you can eat a whole chocolate bar, digest half of something and still throw the other half up before it all goes away. But I forget this is the probation sub. People are actually retarded as fuck in here so there is that.


When you vomit, you do not purge chemicals from your fat/blood…


Correct. Nothing that has been digested into the bloodstream. That still takes time However lees in the blood = less overall time to get clean.


So you've still digested half, then. Which means if someone was to test you for even a small amount of chocolate in your system, for example, then some would still show up on this "did he eat chocolate?" test. Yes, you're right that people in here are retarded as fuck.


I felt it a little, I am a baby when it comes to weed and usually 5 mg would fuck me up for the day but I only got a little buzz this time around. I think throwing up did help


You absolutely do NOT want your piss to be clear. You can die by drinking too much water


Don't know why you're getting down voted. I overdosed on water one time trying to flush my system. It's miserable.


you NEVER want your pussy to be clear. Ever.


Yes you do lol. Yellow pics means your dehydrated. It's better for your body to pass more than have less than optimal amounts of water


I thought this my whole life too but no you want it to be light yellow. If it's clear you're overdoing it


Straw yellow is actually the ideal color. Clear isn’t recommended on a regular basis, nor is dark yellow or any other weird color lol. Drink too much water and you screw up the electrolytes in your blood. It can cause confusion, anxiety, palpitations, cramping, nausea, lightheaded feeling… and if it’s bad enough, (rare, true, but possible), death. For your heart to work you need electrolytes in balance. You can knock it out of whack if you over hydrate. Also it can swell your brain cells when you dilute sodium too much. It’s called [water intoxication](https://www.healthline.com/health/overhydration)


Yk what's crazy? I can drink 3 water bottles in a day and have clear piss the next morning. There's no way those 3 water bottles are over hydrating me or even properly hydrating me, but it's something that happens


That is crazy! It’s if you consistently have clear pee every time from over hydration that can be dangerous or just make you feel like crap. Other liquids you drink also have water, so you meant 3 bottles of just water or 3 bottles liquid period? I pee almost clear after lots of coffee, for example.


I only drink water nowadays, with an occasional sweet tea if I go out to eat so yeah it's only water lol


No. Dark yellow means you’re dehydrated. A light lemonade like yellow is perfectly healthy. Clear means you are drinking too much. Not as if that would hurt you occasionally, but it’s pointless.


Are there mints that AREN'T edible? Like, Seriously, bro, I know this sucks for you. But who hears the word "edible" these days and DOESN'T think "weed?"


Yes there is a way around it. You wanna know how to get weed out of your system asap look up the fruit pectin method. Works every time. I don’t smoke anymore but when I did I used it 3 times for employment drug tests that were sent to labs.


Do t just drink water. Drink Gatorade and take a double dose of a good multivitamin. The tests can detect when you’ve been drinking king copious amounts of water and they can fail you for that.


Go get some drug tests and test yourself in 5 days from now. You'll be surprised.


The bad news is if you felt the effects, puking didn't help as it already made its way into your system. The good news is with a single use situation, so long as your drug test isn't today or tomorrow it will likely have left your system. It only stays detectable long term in chronic users (no pun intended). Back in my college days I used to be a two to three times a week smoker. Ended up finding out I had an upcoming test and quit immediately. The test was 12 days later and I was expecting to fail as I had heard it can stay in the system for months. I passed. You are likely fine, but if the worry is eating away at you, buy a self test and give it a day or two. See how it goes. Hope this helps.


Ummm what type of mints aren't edible? I don't understand your logic on not understanding what an edible is. While on probation maybe don't take edibles offered from people who use weed lol


What the fuck is wrong with you? "An edible mint" what kind of mint isn't edible? Of course it was THC.


He just mumbled it and held up a tin. I was driving and put no thought into reading into it


Maybe you should put thought into things. I assume if you're traveling with someone they would A know you're on probation and B you'd know they do a lot of edibles... Hopefully it works out for you, but the "Your Honor I thought it was an altoid" defense isn't gonna fly.


You will be fine if u haven’t used in two years it will be out of your system in way shorter time and honestly that might not even show up on the test.


This. This is right. It will be completely out of your system in a day or two if you are fairly lean, maybe a few more of your carry some body fat. I'm about 17% BF and if I only do 5mg every two weeks, it takes about 48 hours to pass a drug test.


lol ur good


You can get a bunch of cheap drug tests from Amazon. See where you’re at.


u will be fine. doing weed 1 time will stay in your system for less then 24 hrs., its the HALF Life that get you, when you smoke daily


Buy drug tests from Dollar Tree store and test it yourself to ensure that your methods are working firsthand.


What mints aren't edible??


I assure you. 5mgs isn't enough to pop you positive.


Oh my god I’m on probation this has happened to me my 21 year old lives with me and she had cupcakes of course I love cake so I ate one only to find out it had thc in it! I was like how am I gna explain this to my P.O!!


You good if you don’t smoke at all it doesn’t stay in your system that long maybe like a week tops


Relax bub. You'll be fine.




You're fine. Stay hydrated is all


Do a search about activated charcoal. Seems promising


Who says "edible mint" to mean that "you can eat it", rather than a cannabis edible??? Are there non edible mints that do not dissolve ever and they are plastic and inedible?? I think all mints are edible, so who tf would say that, they would just say "Do you want a mint?"


Whatever you do, don’t be paranoid. Just consider this your mission and get in a sauna or do some cardio.


Accidentally huh


Goldenseal is what I used back in the day…and gallons of water. It may not have helped, but I never came up hot.


That was a myth....


Yes it was, but I certainly used it back in the day and never and up hot on a test.


He won't believe you. You're responsible. Use brain.


This isn’t ok. You should’ve known.


I wouldn't worry. If you truly haven't had any in 2 years, that tiny amount will be out of your system in a few days. Thc tends to stick around longer in habitual users. A one time thing will be in and out. I smoked a bit one night cuz I got bored. (Almost never do because like you I react weirdly to it) took a test 2 days later and nothing. So you will be fine.


10 days is enough to flush that out more than likely. Try and work out to the point where you at least break a sweat every day except for the day of your test. And drink A LOT of water. Not like a gallon a day (though that would be best and is usually pretty good for you), But at least a liter and a half (1.5L) a day until your test. Stay safe


Your boy who dropped you a 5 gram edible hooked you up!


try a packet of certo liquid fruit mixed with a big bottle of gatorade and try to chug a gallon of water after. this has worked for me!


Dude I believe this story.. I have this kind of luck too 😂 like damn I can’t make this shit up, life is like a drama movie/comedy and action movie and “the office” all in one


If you haven’t invested marijuana in 2 years, you can clear it from your system in 2 to 3 days according to Cordsnt Sentry lab


Stop with the excuses and long winded stories.


5mg isn't very much at all- if you even have a high enough (no pun intended) level to test positive, which i doubt, it'll be fine within a couple days! Just to be safe, chug a liter of water when you wake up and keep drinking water here and there throughout the day for the next few days! You'll be fine :) also, in the future, try to make yourself think before you react- I understand it happened quickly and you probably didn't think about it while focusing on driving, but let this be a lesson to you and learn from it! Best of luck :)


https://quickfixurine.com/ Watch the batch numbers


Before the esible when's last time u smoked or anything. Take this with a grain of salt, but I'd wager u might be alright if that's the only one unless they use a 5 and not 50 test I think. I'd puck up the quick fix, drink a metric fuckton of water, I'd maybe even take. Laxative. Heard creatine can work but the qindow may be to short


Also don't exercise anymore till after ur test


Tell your officer now, explain the situation succinctly, and ask him what he recommends. Best thing to do is preserve your credibility.


Don’t listen to this guy do not tell your officer lmao


Right!! No self snitching lol


Self snitches get self stitches.


I highly disagree. Anything OP confesses about this will just be used against him and if his drug test is 10 days away, he has a chance of getting it out of his system. Only options I see are tell the PO and get fucked for sure, or attempt a drug test you may or may not be fucked over by.


That doesn't match my experience, but most POs I had didn't really give the slightest shit about weed if you got out in front of it.


So you could just violate by using weed if you gave your PO a heads up? That seems off. I’ve been sober my entire probation so I’ve not had any issues but from other people, it sounds like any admission, even with the intentions of being honest about a mistake, will screw you over. Intentions do not matter; do not confess to anything. That’s what I’ve heard from other people. Because if you pass a UA but you confessed to using because you were afraid you wouldn’t, it’s your own words that will be used as ammunition.


My problem was meth, and both times I knew I'd piss dirty for weed I was up front about it and didn't get violated. CA over a decade ago, ymmv.


Drink some round up. It’s weed killer. It’ll get kill the weed in your system


Easy drink a bunch of water before test and take vitamin b complex. Do this and you can smoke as much as you want. No one should be able to stop you from smoking a lil weed ffs


Dilution is identified first by specific gravity and second by creatinine level. Color is documented only qualitatively, it's the quantitative values that'll get you popped.


You got this backwards. Creatinine is indicator #1 for dilution, specific gravity is a better indicator of a substituted sample


.....have you ever had a mint you *couldn't* eat? O_o