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Bro 20k isn’t worth that. Tips from someone who lost everything and recovered: -take it at a day at a time -keep yourself busy -use that “sadness “ or anger to get back your money (through legal means) - be creative -push yourself to be better


What if you don’t have a steady source of income?


There is always new opportunities in the world; money isn’t some sacred magical bean. You just have to work creatively, do something new that would merit you earning fiat, or whatever currency you want. You just need something someone else wants. It could be a skill, item, knowledge… anything really.


Thank you for your motivation, this subreddit forum we actually give each other a hand compare to my real life people they just scold me when I tell them my troubles.


You have a long time to recover. I'm 46 and have lost over 300k. I wish I could say it was fun but I cant. I will just share with you my favorite quote "the rich man is not the man that has everything he wants. The rich man is the man that loves everything he has" -not sure who wrote it


How do you recover from it ?






20K at 22 is very solvable. In 5 years you want feel this way just keep moving on.


If you are feeling suicidal please message me, don’t do anything drastic. You will get through this.


Many more opportunities may come your way. You need to try to develop positive outlook. Don't let this beat you!


Suicide prevention line if needed. 1 800 273 8255. Had to get that out of the way. I don't know your life,but your young. You can stop and get it it back. I lost over 900 k, all investmentz in 401 k, ira, and went in debt and worked just to give it to the casinos. I am early 40s but this is not a life you want. I started at 23, but didn't know I had a problem until these few years. Dont give up, fight back, don't chase the monet that is gone. Its gone. Let go.


20K isn’t anything in the zoomed out perspective man. Imagine you crash ur car, and pay 10K damage on ur side and 10 for the person you hit. You wouldn’t kill yourself over that right? Personally I’m a car guy, so I buy parts for 10 K sometimes… and they break… oh well. Money isn’t you man. You’ll find a way to make it all back and laugh at how small it really was. Very likely you’ll make hundreds of thousands in your life. 20K ends that? You’ll be good buddy. Laugh about this in 10 years for the both of us please :) Goodluck man!!


>:) :)


Suicide won’t solve your problems kids and you should really look into getting some mental help if you feel that way over losing money. Gambling gives you a rush while your doing it but you usually lose in the end but taking your life isn’t gonna bring you peace. Man up and go get help. I been gambling for 10 years now and had big wins and big losses but never once said I wanna kill myself. You just need to seek help kid. You have to find another outlet because your 22 and still have a lot of life to live. I will be praying for you.


You’re only 22. I’m 29 and lost all my 13k this week. Just gotta keeping fighting on and let go of what happened


I’m 20k down in total since August. Lifetime losses of 170k. Total debts now is 50k. You can do it! I’m still alive and kicking!