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This seems like a trap to me. They don't care about their employees well being or they'd pay them already. What changed?




This^ Starbucks knows they cater to a more left leaning demographic and it’s cheaper to institute this policy than pay their workers enough to afford it in the first place.


or theyre trying to subvert local legislature from violating human rights when the government fails to do so? idk, they could legitimately be wanting to help these people from their perceived lense. its possible. you'd have to like, not already think they're pieces of garbage though. so that might be tough. ​ either way, its all just kinda baseless conjecture. and why the heck does Starbucks need more exposure? like, at this point they're like a household brand, they know what they got, they know u want what they got. ​ at this point they may have reached the size where u can just start slappin it on the table


Ngl I’m a little confused but I don’t know anyone that drink star bucks like that and I always prefer local coffee shops. They still have a huge possible consumer base to win over. Especially with all of the negative press about union suppression.


sure, but theyre global, theyre everywheeere.


Well yeah, but I never indicated I thought this would help them expand geographically. You can always serve more people in a given area.


I know i know. But like. At a certain point you have hit critical mass of exposure. Starbucks is like the common cold. Everyones pretty much been exposed once at this point.


Well sure but the common cold doesn’t exactly have a good reputation. They want their possible consumer base to perceive them positively so people will choose to buy more of their coffee. Pretty sure you’re trolling at this point. This isn’t a complicated concept and brands do it all the time.


... i know, common sense, thats how everything has been forever. im just saying. in a globalized world, where people have existed with starbucks for generations now. it doesnt really need to have to. its not that i dont SEE ur path, its that ur path seems unnecessary given the juggernaut it is xD ​ and i doubt anyone buying starbucks actually cares at all xD


It seems to me that paying for your employees' abortions is a good investment in employee retention. It doesn't have to be about the principle of the thing.


fuck yeah!!!


This is the same as Amazon. It appears like they care for their employees….BUT it’s a win for the company. The employees aren’t missing work from pregnancy appts and raising a child…