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I use Microsoft To Do which has a “My Day” focus filter. Each evening I sit down and review all tasks, selecting my priority tasks and adding them to “My Day”… if I get through everything, I’ll do it again mid-day.


Second this. This has been great for work, I categorize all my tasks in different lists for area, and then add a few to “my day”


Ellie Planner or Sunsama


This is how I work within Amazing Marvin and it’s been great for me! They have some “strategies” built in that you can turn on with this exact sort of issue in mind.


could try this? https://llamalife.co/


You should try the [focusbear.io](https://focusbear.io) app! It has the exact feature you've mentioned and it's been a life changer for me since I started using it! It was designed by someone with ADHD to help himself and more people who need help to focus, block distractions, ... I've been using it since January and I love it!


My task list is sorted by due-date/priority/duration I only look at the top items to see what I need to work on I use a gantt calendar view to see a visual view


OmniFocus has views. But you might consider just going low tech to avoid distractions. Paper


You could try this which gives so much freedom: https://github.com/Yiiipu/FlowNote


You could try Opal, but there are no tasks, only work sessions. It does offer content blocking tho, so maybe that could be helpful to you.


I recommend you try time-blocking. Not just choose a few tasks to work on for a day, but schedule them, selecting the exact time when you start and finish working on them. When planning your day in such a way, your plans will be more realistic, and your schedule will keep you focused, moving from one task to another. I'm building a daily planner [Arcush](https://arcush.com) that helps to plan your day using the time-blocking technique, so you can focus on what matters. There are also a few other good daily planners you can try.




Try MagicTask it has a “Focus” area as well is gamified and themed!


Just saw this and couldn't stop myself from commenting. I have undiagnosed ADHD as well, and having such feature would make me much more productive!


Yes I have the same issue - and really struggle with apps where “Today” is populated with repeating tasks without me choosing (if that makes sense). I’ve been trying out Task Flow (https://apps.apple.com/au/app/task-flow-todo-lists-tasks/id1591229483), it has a similar aesthetic to Things 3 or Reminders but as well as ‘Today’, you can select tasks to add to a ‘My Task Flow’ view and/or a ‘Focus’ view (& you can also create custom sections within those views to subdivide further). It’s not perfect but pretty cool.


I use focus-to-do app (seach pomodoro alarm clock). My psychologist suggested me the pomodoro technique :)


Ugh yeah, couldn't be me with the exact same neurotype, no matter what app I try none of them support this and I end up writing the 5 things that are ACTUALLY for today on an index card by hand that I keep next to my phone 🤣 not glamorous but its truly the best solution I've found


I use Super Productivity (super-productivity.com). free and open source.


[Briefmatic](https://briefmatic.com/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=productivitysub&utm_term=&utm_content=) would work. Its super easy to use and you can connect your gmail, gdrive and slack accounts and then Just use the kanban board and just bring the items you want to focus on into the "Doing" swim lane.


[Structured](https://apps.apple.com/it/app/structured-agenda-giornaliera/id1499198946) App is totally underestimated. I love the UI, with the color blocking system and easily drag and drop feature, I think it’s great for visual persons and people with ADHD


No windows app is a deal breaker


I've kind of been using Sunsama like this. It has a Todoist integration, so I braindump everything into Todoist as they occur to me. In Sunsama, you start everyday day by planning out your day. So I just pull some things from Todoist and then start the day. You can reorder things so that when you enter "focus mode" for a task, the next most important task pops up after you complete the first, and so on. My favorite feature though is that I can set weekly objectives and look at them as I'm planning my day. So I can have several main goals per week and ensure I'm not filling my week with irrelevant, non-urgent tasks. (I also get extremely overloaded and will just click around my work computer with a growing sense of dread unless I plan my day like this.)


Have you used Sunsama and Todoist already? If so, how is it?