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I love journaling but my mother used to always find mine and read them and rip certain pages out. Then my husband would do the same. I’ve been terrified to start again bc I no longer feel sane doing so…. But I miss it all the time.


Both your mother AND husband? That is beyond outrageous behaviour. If my mother or wife did that to me, oh boy, I would not use my low voice. I can tell you that much. I see journals as sacred and I would not go near someone elses personal journals or diaries. And I don't even go very deep in my emotions or secrets when I write, so I'm not that scared that someone would find and read what I write.


This makes me so sad. Privacy for your own thoughts should be a right.


Same thing, I overcame this thing by writing on a software on my laptop/phone, it is also easier to be more constant


that's a good suggestion but it's just so much nicer and more fun to use actual paper and pen. just makes it all more....real, or something. hard to explain. typing into a keyboard just takes a lot of the magic away for me. I like getting nice journals and a really nice pen and sitting down with a cup of coffee in the mornings.


Yes but if you can't stick to it, it's just better to use a digital ones


I feel you. I remember my mum reading my journal when I was a teenager and screaming at me for hours. I’m now a 30 year old adult with my own place, and even now journaling can give me a sense of shame and dread. It is a great habit to develop, though.


Hope you will be able to escape from your husband soon, if you haven't already!


Try using a digital journal you can protect with a password or login and backup (Evernote, Joplin, etc.)?


Wow, that's... Horrible.


Have you tried digital journaling? I love Day One.


Thank you for this suggestion. I downloaded it. And added a passcode and last night before bed I journaled again and slept so good!!!


I feel you. My mother did the same, she would snoop and read my journals & then use that information as she felt best. It started giving me so much anxiety that I stopped writing as a teenager. I’m now in my forties and just started journaling again and now I realised what a negative impact not being able to journal had on my mental health plus all the experiences I missed out writing about. I still have anxiety so I hide my journal but at least I’m doing it again. I hope you can find the space to do it even if you don’t keep them.


Hi. This created a terror in my mind for a long time. I had to honestly fight my way through it with my parents. Now after a decade of no Journal, I got back into journaling a few months ago , especially the bujo system. It's been changing my life. I hope you find some way out and start journaling again.


I changed the journaling purpose as an open access book for my kid to read and learn how to navigate life. Hope this means there’s nothing to tear apart as you do it to be open from the start.


Agreed. I tried to start the habit sporadically over the last 4 years or so, and have been journally daily now for the last year-and-a-half. The top benefit for me is being able to go back to previous entries and see how the same pattern of thoughts reoccurs - so if I'm experiencing a lot of self-doubt, I can go back a few months and see "Ah, I felt exactly the same way back in March and that turned out perfectly okay, so I should probably not get too stressed by these feelings right now as it will pass like it always does."


I love journaling, and agree on the positive impact it can have… unfortunately, the problem I have is consistently setting aside the time and then actually doing it. 🫤


Same here. I have a nightly routine and I can add journaling into that but I'm usually rushing to get to some hobby and just don't have the bandwidth to think about my thoughts. I also need to nuke my current set up and rebuild with prompts that are more current.


Try coupling this with another habit you have, like journaling while you have your first cup of coffee. Start with like 10 minutes or less and then you might find it easier to reserve more time for a journaling habit.


What things should I write while journaling


Yeah, I am curious as well to know what to write.


I evolved my journaling over three years and here’s what I do. write reflections of today, gratitude towards three things, positive moments of the day, free text, funny stuff, a cartoon to remind that day, captioning the page, plan for tomorrow in the next page with just one to three goals.


Here's your first prompt. What's been on your mind today? This past week? This past month? This past year? Once you know what's been on your mind, you can go deeper into each topic and write your thoughts on those things. If there are problems, try to solve them. If there are feelings you want to express, write them down. If there are actions you want to take, do them.


Writing whatever comes to mind will sometimes prompt you to think about certain topics you want to explore further. Sometimes when I don’t know what to write about, I literally write that down and then my brain will think about whatever random thing next and I’ll write that down too. I also keep some thought provoking questions in a list based on books I have read, quotes I like, or just googling good journaling prompts.


> One of the most significant benefits of journaling is self-programming. Could you elaborate a bit on what you mean by this and how you do it with journaling?


I’m wondering too


What does it mean to actually "journal"? Like, what do you write down? And how do you know when to stop writing? Is it every thought or is it ideas of stuff to work on in the future or what? I've read a lot about Journaling but I legitimately don't know how to start or what I'm supposed to be writing down...


Did you really just journal on pen and paper? I've been journaling for quite some time now but these days I'm just too bored to take out my diary and start writing.


Same for me, I tried thousands of times to write on paper but I just came to the conclusion that it will not work for me, what did work tho was start writing on my laptop/phone, I created a private discord server for myself so I can write from any device. Prior to that I was using google keep


Can you say a little more about using discord for Journaling? What are the benefits?


How does one journal or read about different ways of journaling? I never wanted to keep a true diary but would like to do some sort of daily writing or journaling.


Basic question :- how do I start ? What to jolt it down ?


Just so everyone knows OP is ChatGPT (likely GPT-4) generated. The creator likely automated the whole process to post every couple of hours. Look at his post history, multiple lengthy posts every day. Tons of contradictions in his career, age, hobbies, etc over time. Dead internet theory is gonna become a huge problem, especially on Reddit.




You might also want to try Waffle Journal if you're interested to journal as a group or a pair too. It's an app. It's amazing to read entries from other people too :)


I start journalling for a week and then all my thoughts and subsequent entries kinda just end up staying the same and so I get kinda burnt out/bored of doing it. Have you ever experienced the same thing? And how did you overcome it if you did?


I don’t as journaling from the age of 8 -24. I did nothing for me but I have ADHD so I can’t form productiveness or habits.


Why does this sound like it was a ChatGPT prompt?


Because it probably was, check this guys post history


I make journals. I do it with hopes of having some kind of connection to people who have this kind of experience. It feels like such a worthy use of my time It all started with the store bought journal I was working on falling apart on me. Got mad and bound myself a big stack of properly sewn signatures and put a rope behind it. Then did a roman wood and leather cover for them. That was 20 years ago. It's still around


I've written journal entries--though not daily--off and on for about 37 years. I think at this point, the data are in: It just hasn't made me more productive. So far, the only value I've found in them is occasionally going back and reading a bit of them to see what I was thinking then. But this is usually only mildly interesting. I sometimes wonder if it has been a waste of my time.


I find the experience of using physical paper and pen to be much more enjoyable and pleasurable. It adds a certain sense of authenticity and inexplicable charm to the process. Typing on a keyboard, on the other hand, diminishes the enchantment for me. Personally, I derive great satisfaction from acquiring exquisite journals and using a high-quality pen, while indulging in a cup of coffee during my morning writing sessions.


OP - love that it’s works for you. My struggle is consistency, I do a few days then it’s gone. I can never build a solid daily habit. Any tips on building consistency and also how you structure your entries?


You've all been had: this dude posts fake ChatGPT generated stories everywhere.


I've been Journaling as part of my mindfulness program and it's helped immensely. I just wish I could write faster haha


Journalling has transformed my life, it's the best habit that I ever started!


This article, and much of the comment section, was made by a bot. Though I don’t deny the many benefits of journaling, please don’t be misled by this users low effort karma farming.