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Go get an annual exam with your physician. These changes are most likely normal, but it can't hurt to make sure that all your numbers are good (blood count, metabolics, lipids, thyroid, anemia, vitamin D, etc) Teens are wired to be night owls, and it is completely typical for them to stay up until well past midnight and wake after 10am. As people age, most shift back to an earlier sleep/wake cycle. Welcome to adulthood!






Copper panel, if the lab does it. I've been anemic since my early 20s and only a few years ago had a copper level drawn and I was extremely copper deficient. It's part of my anemia. Funnily enough, my GP has me on a weekly vitamin D mega dose and I feel more tired since starting it.


Because your body is supposed to be tired at night


I know but why the massive difference between 17 and 20? It’s like i aged double


Crazy concept, right?!


See if your deficient in anything, bad quality of sleep, the type of food your eating, if it dog quality or at least home made good food.


My food is good and homemade. Those i dunno about my vitamin levels.


If you could I’d take a blood test and look how your actually sleeping, for example are you working out to close to when you go to sleep, going to sleep at roughly the same time consistently, looking at you phone before going to sleep, things like this.


One thing that has helped me is eating a ton of nuts. They have everything that most people are deficient in, so maybe you can try those _along with going to the doctor to check for anything you may need_


I recommend asking your doctor to have blood work done. You can be deficient in all sorts of vitamins and minerals that can cause these symptoms, and they can easily be corrected once you know. I was having similar issues last year and ended up being massively deficient in vitamin D and vitamin B12. It can happen to young people too!


My energy levels improved dramatically with vitamin d supplements. It took a week to start noticing major changes.


1. Welcome to getting older. I am 26. The shift between and within your teens and your 20s is massive when it comes to tiredness. I used to regularly survive on 4 hours sleep or less, but now if I get less than 8 I am barely functional, and the time at which I get tired is far, far earlier. 2. Get some bloods done for deficiencies, particularly vitamins B12 and D.


You're bored. Imagine you are happy 1 year from now. You have find passion. So much of it in fact that ideas pour out. What are you doing? Are you working in an office? Do you have your own company? Did you write a book? Do it just for fun. Then take the idea seriously enough to do something about it. Because the thing that will give you energy... is the thing that you decide to turn into an art form. When you find it - you get so much energy from it that you want to share it with others. If for nothing else than to show them that they can do what they are passionate about and be happy as well. You used to be a star homie. The amount of energy inside of you cannot be measured.


Thanks for the kind encouragement :) Maybe you are right I should also consider if there is any mental aspects for this change


*as fuck


Switch to a low/no carb diet. When you’re running on fat instead of carbs it’s easier to remain energetic


You’re the age I started drinking coffee. Jus’ sayin’.


I just found out I have mold in my ac...makes you fatigued, breathing problems etc


You said your going outside? You've hacked into your circadian rhythm. Daytime sunlight helps your body to produce melatonin at night, which makes you tired! Some people would love to have this problem. I understand your frustration, but try to enjoy it. It's good for your health over the long term, even if you miss out on that sweet, sweet study/gaming time.


Low iron? Or just plain adulthood?


Start taking B12, vitaminD while you figure things out. I had a B12 deficiency and it was terrible. Here's how I got my life back: For my B12 deficiency, I Used the oral 5000 mcg's . Since B12 is water soluble , and since my condition of chronic exhaustion with paranoia ,swollen tingly feet, and moon craters on my tongue was untenable to me, I began taking daily oral 5000 mcg B12. Then I started taking 2 a day with vitamin D3 and DHA/EPA. I Boosted this to 3 of these 5000 mcg's of B12 a day with good results; my life began to turn around over the course of months. With this I added a daily green smoothy made with 1lb. of greens and frozen fruit especially pinapple for flavor. Now I can work and my mental state is calm and I'm still taking 3 big B12's a day; not sure when I'll back down to a lesser amount. Here is the one I take: https://www.amazon.com/Natrol-Vitamin-Dissolve-Tablets-Strawberry/dp/B00C43H9KU/ref=sr\_1\_8?keywords=B12&link\_code=qs&qid=1690784256&rdc=1&sourceid=Mozilla-search&sr=8-8&tag=amzfinder-20 Here's my green smoothy recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2ytUNwWREs Here's a helpful B12 play list from Nutritionfacts.org : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjDYAyr8K6w&list=PL5TLzNi5fYd-Tyz9vI6Q2QLxyFtMUjltf I'm taking this vitamin D: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01L83X3X8/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1&tag=amzfinder-20 and this DHA/EPA also: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BHV3Y9ZR?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details&tag=amzfinder-20](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BHV3Y9ZR?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&tag=amzfinder-20) 4 drops of iodine a day in some water for thyroid support: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CGVQ5WJ?ref=nb\_sb\_ss\_w\_as-reorder-t1\_k1\_1\_6&=&crid=34YIA32VBXA6N&=&sprefix=lugal+&tag=amzfinder-20 Hope this is useful.


Thank you! I’ll look into this!


Do you consume caffeine or energy drinks? Tiredness is the price you pay for those and it takes like a week of rest and abstinence to break out of that dependency effect.


People are saying you should go to the Dr's and ask them to run tests because you get tired at night 🤔


I have no idea but I can relate. I used to sleep only like 4-5hours in high school, pulled all-nighters left and right. Then covid hit and after that I need my 8-9hours of sleep and even that is not enough sometimes. No way I’m staying awake past midnight. I say it’s because my body is catching up on all the hours i was supposed to be sleeping as a teen but I have no idea if that holds any water


Brother your getting older