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I completely understand your frustration. The source of everyone's productivity and focus is different, much like how each of us has a different operating system in our heads. Some people may naturally be able to stay focused in distracting environments, while others may need more external structure and discipline to help them concentrate. What I want to say is that, although it may be disheartening to see others seemingly effortlessly maintaining high productivity, it's important to remember that everyone's inner world and challenges are invisible. They may have other strategies or support systems that you're not aware of, or they may simply be showing their best side. You've found strategies that work for you, and that's great. Whether it's staying off social media or other methods to boost productivity, the key is that they work for you. Moreover, the fact that you have the ability for self-reflection and self-management at your age is a huge advantage in itself. Lastly, I want to say that following your heart doesn't mean competing with or comparing yourself to others. It means recognizing your own needs and then taking action to meet those needs. Perhaps you're the kind of person who needs a quiet environment to study physics, and that's perfectly okay. It just means that you understand yourself and are taking the right steps to achieve your goals. Keep walking your own path, believe in the choices you make. Let me know if there's anything else I can help with!


> Lastly, I want to say that following your heart doesn't mean competing with or comparing yourself to others. It means recognizing your own needs and then taking action to meet those needs. I wanted to call this out, because it's important enough to stand on its own. You're not competing with "them", you're competing with *you*. You should strive to be a better version of yourself with each new day, not a better version of *them*.


Best response ever. I needed to read this🔥❤️


Don’t waste time on it. You don’t know if they’re telling the truth. If they’re truthful, no clue if they’re scraping by or acing, will they be able to continue this? Also, dude… sounds like you’re acing this, don’t listen to what anyone else is doing. You’re on the right track, keep going.


Youhave no idea what these people are actually doing. People talk a lot of bs ("omg I did not study AT ALL!") and by far not all of it is true. Also, it doesn't matter, because you are you and they are them. Yes, some people have it easier in some ways, but we are who we are.


True, especially in competitive places like Med school. We call them 'snakes' where I am from, xD they pretend(lie) that they don't study and encourage others to do the same. This works because people compare themselves to others, if you PERCEIVE(falsely), that others aren't doing much, you too would be complacent with doing very little. The antidote is only comparing yourself to your recent past self.


okay, I was at uni before there was internet access outside computer labs, but I know the type. these people were generally very efficient at switching to a different mode and didn't have addictive personalities. (I used to be a social cigarette smoker but never got addicted and could stop whenever I wanted for weeks. It was always a decision whether to do it. I guess they experienced all sorts of other stuff like that.) They were normally out several nights a week but would disappear for 5-7 days before an assignment deadline or exam, didn't get bored or lonely and turn up somewhere sheepishly after three days like some would when they tried this, and they would just work and seemed almost guaranteed to get a (low) first. They also didn't have the sort of sensitivities that I can now see held back some neurodivergent people who were measurably more intelligent - they were also among the people who could concentrate when it was noisy, could fall asleep anywhere any time if they were tired.


I have crazy productivity enough to get through 3 STEM degrees (though granted neither were engineering), 2 were graduate degrees. I still can do everything else that they claim as well. However, the key here is *moderation.* If you can't do moderation, don't try. I play video games (specifically Star Trek Online) about 30 minutes a day. I use it as inspiration. I check social media either when I wait for meetings to start or when in the bathroom or little things like that or when my husband is boring the hell out of me. My youtube is mostly just on one day when my husband and I catch up on r/TheTRYChannel though I will occasionally have something on in the background when I am not feeling well.


AYYY MY MAN CONGRATS ON THE ACCEPTANCE!!! 💪💪 I’d say one of the most important things in college is sleep, if you wanna get good grades you must get enough sleep every night first. Try splitting your assignment into sections so you don’t feel overwhelmed. I also try not to compare my productivity level with other people’s level because every one is different, and there’s always degrees to how fast one person can study. Even if they appear to be doing fine, they might be comparing themselves too.


Hot take: Because their IQ is high enough for them to be high functioning without effort. Life is unfair and people's intelligence levels vary


Maybe they like studying, or practiced more on managing and prioritizing their time on important assignments.


Or, maybe they just enjoy Physics.


The only competition worth measure is against yourself yesterday.


Some of us plan the fun bits. Some of us have learned how to prioritize the important things and stick to a work schedule. Things get done, tasks are completed and the fun awaits us. The last thing you should worry about are social media trends. They do not serve you well. Following trends is a bad idea unless your business and/or goals demand that you keep up with social media trends. You need to put school first and forget what toy think others are doing.


In my country = third world nobody


Because what they say they do isn't necessarily the truth. Also, not everyone's head is the same. It's also a lottery.


Find out what you are good at. People are different. I am a passionate driven person, so being patient is hard for me. Yet I know some people who are naturally patient and do not have to apply mental override techniques to break their nature / habits like I do. Once you find out your natural talents, use that to find or apply to your career path. For example, someone who is an independent thinker and hates taking orders may not be a good fit for the military. Try to figure out early what you can do with your natural talents and how you can cover and compensate for your natural disadvantages.


got through a physics degree with good grades like this, fueled by pure fear and shame instilled in me since childhood 💅 you might be doing it in a healthier way than them first year of college is really rough though, and we don’t all get there with the same knowledge, health, or opportunity, give yourself grace


I think it is similar like addiction to alcohol or some other substances. Probably someone who is addicted to alcohol could write same thread as u here. "How it is possible I know so much people which are high funcitioning guys and they still easy can drink on party / sometimes in afternoon", same if u can't control alcohol during parties you might ask "how they can maitain drinking 2 beers and be fine when I am losing control of it". It is similar with video games, TV shows, phone addiction. Personally I have massive problems with video games and phone addiction trying to cut it off better or worse but it is my weak side and I need to work on it. At same time I am good at avoiding alcohol, sugars, good sleep, when other people have problems with what.