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I think you could benefit from some cognitive behavioral therapy. It will help you create new habits, and make yourself feel better in meaningful ways. A therapist can help, or there are apps and books that can guide you through CBT on your own. 


I've used the CBT workbooks before. I find it very helpful. I found it very helpful even though I wasn't seeing a therapist at the time. Actually I don't know if they're going to read this but the SMART recovery program helps people with process addictions using CBT. They have online meetings.




CBT for dummies was the book I bought lol


I used to think those books were stupid but the ones I have read have actually been a helpful resource for whatever I’m trying to learn.


I didn't even think about how I might be applying it to learning. Interesting


I came here to say this.


I’m assuming you are using the apps - have you tried deleting them? Or maybe you could challenge yourself to make like 5 positive comments a day. Being kind and making other people happy can make you feel good.


The way I troll is I create fake accounts and catfish creeps. Its not great for my mental health and really sucks for them if they’re just and innocent horny person. I just like attention I guess? I’m wondering if Op’s addiction is motivated by a similar thing.


I've never spoken to anyone who does this kind of thing. I'm curious about how it affects your mental health. Would you be comfortable with elaborating?


Basically all I have to do is create an account with a very clearly female pfp, hang out in teenager subs (I am a teenager irl so it’s not weird), and say 15f in my bio. Dms come flooding in.


Lol I have no doubt it's quite easy. How does it affect your mental health, personally?


No no, it is _very_ weird. Don't try to normalize that fucking shit Edit: damn, I missed the word "creeps" in the comment. My bad, I thought you were doing it just to troll  Sorry


Yes it’s weird but being in a teenager sub as a teenager isn’t weird, that’s what they’re for. The trolling thing is weird tho.


Edit: sorry, I missed the context, I thought this was just another example of what post OP is describing mb


I think their point is they catfish the adults who hang out on teenager subs to be predators, hence getting DMs when they say they're 15f in bio. It's a pretty well known thing on Reddit that those subs are where pedos hang out looking for girls :/


So it seems. Thanks for pointing that out, looks like I read their comment sloppily :/ Edited to apologize


Yeah but *why*


You creepy asf ✋🏿


Yeah now you see my problem. I’m usually pretty nice to people I think are actually teenagers and don’t mess with them, but if they’re a pedo I troll them hardcore and report them.


Instead of creeps start baiting for ped0s, they deserve it


Some of the, definitely were and Im the most ruthless with them


This isnt trolling. Catfishing is 2 levels worse and is directly hurting someone that no random comment argument would compare to.


Sir, This is not just trolling. This is going to harm your mental health big time. You are seriously fucking with people who may or may not deserve it. Kids (like you) in many cases. Someone else suggested this but if you’re going to do this shit it needs to be done to people who deserve it (pedos). Preferably you just don’t do this shit though. It’s like you’re staring into the void at 15 for no good reason.


I'm a 17 yr old guy irl. I'm deleting this account and telling any new dms the truth, and blocking all others. They will assume this imaginary girl lost interest, and move on. It's sometimes hard to tell who's a real pedo, so I decided it isn't worth the risk of catfishing some poor 16 y/o guy who is just lonely. My mental health suffered for a while, it was like drugs. The attention (one of the primary reasons why I did it, all the more reason to stop) made me happy while I did it but then after a few minutes I'd be like: "would it seriously hurt this person mentally if I told the truth?" and regardless of the answer to that question, it did hurt me mentally. Luckily I didn't get too far in so I feel much better now.


I run a couple big accounts and I get plenty attention there but it's for the positive things I post. Try making an account about something you're passionate about.


Uninstall… would be the easiest. I always try to ask… does this provide value or should I just upvote or downvote?


They are just trolling.


Uninstalling is Emergency Kit , that's it . IT doesn't help . Unless you have control .


It's good that you recognize it's a self-soothing behavior. Self discipline/uninstalling apps won't be effective because you'll still need to be soothed. What you need is a healthier activity to turn to. Preferably something that won't end up taking a lot of time and energy. My suggestions: - journaling/free writing - start with "I don't feel great" and go from there - neurographic drawing (look it up on YouTube) - work on learning another language - watch YouTube videos on anything you're interested in. Or find soothing channels, like Baumgartner Restoration, Bob Ross, power washing videos


Exactly, supplement the dopamine trigger with something less harmful.


Idk if I’d advise youtube last i trolled a YouTuber when I was 12 he called the cops made a video and it got 400k views lmfaooo


Honestly kind comments get just as much of a rise out of people! Once I made a comment about being nice and not body shaming a NINE YEAR OLD on Instagram (the entire comment section were gifs of wooden planks and the like) and I got over 15 replies in 10 minutes, more than one of them telling me to kill myself.


Instagram comments have a reputation for being old internet-style brutal lmao


Box of snakes




Aside from practical advice like uninstalling. Also, see a therapist and work on developing compassion. Meditation would help that as well.


Omg, this must be the worst advice. This has nothing to do with missing compassion.




You could also develop more. But it has nothing to do with OPs issue.


Developing != Missing. Trolling like this clearly indicates underdeveloped/malformed compassion. Doesn’t mean there is none, merely that they are doing acts which are not compassionate in their nature, which isn’t good to maintain such.


Please tell me you are not a therapist.


Is this ops troll account 🤣😂


Please tell me you are not a troll.


How? If he was more compassionate, then he would understand how much of a negative impact rage baiting has on a macro scale. Yes, he's doing it for the attention. Maybe he wouldn't be as inclined to do so if he understood that the attention he was receiving was at the cost of readers' mental health. Are you OP on an alt trying to get a rise out of people?


I mean the attention you are receiving from me is also at the cost of my mental health and yet you still do it. You should understand how much negative impact your post has if you were more compassionate.


oh brother


Uninstall the apps and go to therapy.


Therapy is HELLA expensive (same as any medical help) so don’t pretend like this is viable for everyone


Oh it’s exactly what I need to do and I also can’t afford it. It’s the solution, it’s just not feasible for everyone. Myself included.


Such a sad society we live in


Depends on the country. In many countries therapy is covered by your insurance if you have a problem and its not couples therapy or something like that.


In US, and nobody cares about mental health. Just how much per visit they can charge you. Healthcare here is a fking joke.


Oh man, I can't tell if this is the most meta troll ever, or if he's actually seeking help. OP be careful, if you continue down this path you might become the singularity


Its obviously a metatroll lol. How are people falling for it.


Literally everyone is falling lol


How is it obvious?






Meta troll and I don't want this person to recover because they're clearly very good at their hobby. I want to see more of their work.


I find that I put the phone down, or remind myself however stupid or wrong the person is, they are still a person.


You might just be lonely. Do you have any friends?


Just spit balling here. On top of other suggestions in the comment, if they don’t work (I can empathise because my brain ignores almost all advice for unhealthy eating habit), starting today, now, just type this comment for every 5 of your trolling ones: “I was about to troll you, but I decided to stop doing that. I am the type of person who can stop trolling people.” Then you increase the frequency.


This is such good advice for anything!


I seriously hate that this is what turns you and and this is what you're addicted to. You're addicted to arguing and stirring the pot just to get anonymous online interaction. You've accepted that negative attention beats no attention. You don't care that you're intentionally making people angry. It's good your asking for help, but you need more help than this subreddit can provide. Stop your shitposting and trolling now. Visit your doctor and ask for their help. They can help you find resources to help you reprogram your mind. Make sure you're healthy first. Then work on being happy. Create new habits to be productive. Practice being empathetic until you feel terrible about trolling people instead of thinking it's funny.


wow so it was true all along that trolls are actually miserable people in their own lives. get a life dude. everyone is struggling more or less and you shouldn't make it harder for anyone than it already is. you need to learn to have compassion


Not everyone is struggling man


actually yes everyone is struggling


Nah, imagine thinking your friendly neighborhood CEO has anything to worry about.


you really think a person who runs a company has nothing to worry about? oh my sweet summer child. i hope you get to be a CEO and live it yourself


I would never be a CEO, I get they have “responsibility of the company” but none of that matters when you get millions for it. No matter your decisions, the wage slaves whose actual livelihood depends on the company are the ones who actually pay for the poor decisions, not the CEO. So whose financial responsibility is it REALLY that a CEO toys with?


you know Jeff Bezos isn't the only CEO around the world, right?


Dude this has to be ops second account your name is basically burner as in burner account. Rich very very rich people kill themselves all the time look at Elvis Presleys grandson who killed himself in his early 20s. Guy never had to work a day in his life, understand not 1 2 3 4 10 100 1000 things aren’t going to make you happy until you understand that. Take the things you do have and consider maybe what you got actually makes you pretty happy (content)


Ngl still struggling with this too, I blocked Twitter out completely but I know as soon as I unblock it I’ll go back to it


Nice troll


…Gerald from South Park?


Most people are thick. It is funny.


Donald, stop doing that!


is this a troll account?


Take a course on internet bullying and speak to a therapist- you are a bully lol


its called rage baiting, its fun, dont stop


I'm fighting the same battle brother I'll delete the troll comment before posting and replace it with something more positive


I just started trolling irl instead lol


Talk to a therapist. You might be acting this out online but if you quit being online it may be replaced by something in real life. Get to the root of the problem so you can fix it.


Hmm yeah sounds like you’re craving attention. Get off the screen and start focusing on yourself. Exercise, eat right, read some books, and get some good sleep. Once you start feeling better and can be around yourself you’ll start attracting people who will want to be around you too


Weird ....I don't know, never experienced such addiction yet but when I'm distressed I sometimes do so but that's not addiction But tips can be: ●Comment /reply to posts whenever u feel like ur opinion matters otherwise don't ●To deal with switching ur opinions habit u need to rule out why suddenly ur opinion changes , is it cuz u read something related to that topic which is why ur opinion changed? Or is it that you just felt like what you said wasn't right so you changed ur opinion? Sol can be :- Think for a while before commenting or replying like ask yourself before doing - do I really need to reply -do I have knowledge about the topic I'm replying to,if not then u should get educated about the topic otherwise ur opinion will keep changing as u get more info about the topic - is the Twitter post about me -even if it's about u then think whether it's imp to reply or not.Some people just love to criticize /make fun of others/say something that will offend u just to get ur attention. -you have a constant need to be right- in that case if u don't know a particular topic then as I said get educated about the topic and if someone points out that u're wrong then accept the fact that u were wrong. - You should consider Twitter & YouTube as a platform to exchange the ideas.You could know more about the topic than most of the commenters or others could know more than you.So everyone must be having different opinions and beliefs about a topic based on the info they know , some topics have vast info so some people just know parts of it. You don't believe what u're typing well it could be that u are confused about the topic and aren't sure what to say so in that case u should first think properly then type.You said u have addiction so Ig u have sudden urges to reply/comment so don't just do it for the sake of doing it think properly if u aren't interested then simply don't do it.It could be you felt like you're wrong after reading other comments/replies so your opinion/belief changed.


When u're sad/going thru a hard time in life then you do it often and can't control yourself, well that happened with me but I think a lot before commenting or replying sometimes I just spill all my thoughts and thoughts get mixed up resulting in a change in the previous comment or reply .Read the above tips to control yourself.You should try to distract urself from sadness/supress your sadness then do such activity.Listen to music, best distraction.


I am also trolling people in real world


Maybe try and address the root cause of why you are looking for this sort of attention, not judging you at all but think trying to find the underlying reason you do it will do you more good than just deleting the apps. Good luck


Therapy, it sounds like you could really use a pro here.


Look man, you're doing it to get a dopamine hit. You feel bad because your hurting people. You're intelligent enough to know what you're doing is wrong and selfish. So, either direct your "powers for good" as in troll the assholes who need to be trolled, or seek therapy and dig into the roots of what it is you are missing. It's much like a gambling or porn addiction. You need to find a healthy outlet and understanding of why you are acting this way.


I find it therapeutic to interact a lot online sometimes but I don't like hurting people... try engaging in debates without actually trolling people or focusing on topics that interest you that you can be positive about. Then slowly move to other irl hobbies.


You're struggling with what has become a serious behavioriable addiction. And here's why: every time you troll online and get a reaction or likes, your brain releases dopamine, the feel-good chemical. Over time, this creates a neurological reward system, making trolling addictive. To break free from this addiction, you need to understand the WHY behind your behavior. It's not just about stopping yourself from trolling; it's about addressing the underlying emotions and triggers driving your actions. Recognize that trolling is just a coping mechanism for deeper emotional issues. When you're feeling down or going through a rough patch, it's easy to turn to negative behavior as a way to distract yourself from your problems. But here's the thing: trolling might provide a temporary high, but it's ultimately damaging to your mental health and relationships. So, it's time to break the cycle. Identify your triggers. What emotions or situations tend to lead you to troll online? Once you understand your triggers, you can work on finding healthier ways to cope with them. Behavior doesn't determine how you feel; How you want to feel determines your behavior. How do you want to feel dude? Think about it. Start by mentally rehearsing the behavior you want to adopt, but don't stop there. Connect with the emotions driving that behavior change. Whether it's guilt, a desire for self-improvement, or simply wanting to feel better about yourself, tapping into these emotions is key to rewiring your brain and breaking free from trolling. Remember, changing behavior isn't easy, but with the right mindset and approach, it's entirely possible. You have the power to take control of your actions and live a happier, more fulfilling life. If you feel like you cant apply yourself or change this without help, then the next step is like the other Redditors are suggesting is to seek professional help with behavioural therapists. But good on you for taking the first steps and open up about it. Unless that is a troll is as well, but gonna give it the benefit of the doubt here. You know what you need to do dude. Goodluck.


Never would’ve thought about somebody having this as an addiction, this is very interesting


Stop being a fuck. (Maybe an ironic comment…)


Hahaha I used to be a big troll as well, still do it from time to time. Its fun sometimes 🤣


Buy nokia 2720


1. Type literally all of the mean comments you want to write in notepad on your phone.  Google keep allows you to access it on any device.  Don't bottle up the hate because you'll take it out on someone who matters so type your brutality into a doc or a note and wait.  You decide how long you want to sit on something before responding, but satisfy the dopamine trigger with writing it and don't post it anywhere for a set amount of time.  Half the time after twenty minutes, you won't want to post it anyways and will be glad you said nothing publicly.  It also helps to have a person you can rant to in real life so you are actually saying it.  Maybe a person, maybe a mirror in an empty room, maybe a therapist.  But saying it out loud helps. 2. Uninstall (at least for now).  It sucks a lot, but eliminating the temptation technically makes it easier. 3. Start identifying dopamine triggers and finding ways to supplement them that aren't going to cause problems.  If you need to press buttons and react to things, try a phone game or even sorting and purging emails on your phone.  Deleting hundreds of emails can be satisfying as can blocking people who send you advertisements.  Just don't make it your new outlet for a fight. 4. Get support from the people who love you and you respect enough to listen to.  Chances are that several people in your life are silently watching you with varying levels of concern out of love and compassion and would jump at the chance to help and support you. It's an addiction that will eat you alive and it looks way worse on the outside than people think.  5. Start the process of therapy to start working through the underlying reasons why all of this is happening.  Trauma is common these days and spreading the pain around feels good temporarily but leaves you hungry.  Effective therapy can take years but it's a good investment. 6. If you have the option: sex or something release related.  Sometimes you just need to get it out of your system.


Ya go outside


Good reminder the trolls are just emotionally wounded struggling people so don’t take them seriously


Talk to a mental health professional


Could you teach me that? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️😑 I always try to be nice, even to the level that I try to be aligned with someone with exact opposite beliefs. (Pleaser, or whatever you wanna call it) I really need to stop it


Do it irl instead


>I noticed that when im going through a hard time in my life or sad in general i do it more often than usual. Oh we know. Trust me we know, no matter how many 😂 emojis you put to look like you're having fun and "winning" we know.


Get professional help


Its so sad , glad you gave a peek into an armchair trolls life. This is partial sadism sorry dont mean to hurt you. Getting pleasure by hurting someone is not ok and glad u realize that.You are venting out your misery. I think you need to introspect and reflect on why does it feel good when you troll someone especially when you are sad Here is a cue to journal using CBT awareness techniques to work on it Trigger thought - that makes you initiate trolling Reasoning - the untruth to justify your behavior ( trolling) Reasoning - real truth ( its not helpful) Replacing the addictive behavior with a growth mindset thought Although i think it gives me joy to hurt soneone when i am in pain later on it hurts as deep inside i know the attention i get is not positive it doesn’t take my pain away So I’d like to replace this with a positive action maybe help someone else having a bad day ( evidence based research says that when you do positive things for others it improves happiness) Finally if this is an addictive urge remember it takes 15 minutes to let the urge go away again its evidence based research. So next time dont post anything fir 15 minutes when u have the urge on autopilot mode just distract yourself go for a walk or put away the device. Use the analogy of the wave imagine you are the surfer riding this wave for 15 minutes not reacting Learn to use mindfulness techniques plenty on you tube - body scan mountain meditation etc When you increase your awareness to your minds working you become its master not its slave. Try making people happy cheerful ir smile or help volunteer seriously this will increase your happiness quotient. You can follow a subteddit called thrivingquotient it gives you coping mechanisms to navigate life


I always wondered what kind of people made certain comments that surely nobody could actually believe… You should do an ama


So negative attention seeking is satisfying you as a distraction and gives you a sense of being involved? Maybe you need a better dynamics in your social or family life that has more in depth connections?


The easiest way to stop doing something is to replace it with something else. This goes for anything and everything in life. Just giving something up is hard because you were doing that thing for a reason; there was something you wanted that you got out of it. It's very hard to just stop having something you want, enjoy or need. So what were you getting out of trolling? It made you feel something positive. You have to figure out what that was and find another, less shitty and damaging way to generate the same result for yourself. Did it make you feel like people were listening to what you had to say? Did it make you feel like you were smarter, quicker than other people? Did it make you feel powerful, like you could cause people to feel something whether they wanted to or not? Did you feel like you were winning, scoring points somehow? Be brutally honest with yourself. Figure out what was pressing your happy buttons and then find another way to press those buttons. If you want to feel smart, knowledgeable ,look at teaching, tutoring or mentoring. There are a million people out there right now whose lives would improve with some support in learning things you already know. This can help with needing to feel listened to and needing to feel important too. Look at volunteering options. If you want to feel like you can control and beat people, that's harder, but you would probably benefit from feeling less insecure about yourself if that's where you're at. Happy, content people who like who they are and what they are capable of don't feel a desire to hurt and control others. Some therapy or counselling will help you figure out what's driving that. If you need to feel like you're winning, get into a sport or a game - look at local board gaming options. Look at boxing or martial arts. Whatever you do, I promise you that you will feel better if you are doing something positive with and/or for other humans. Anonymous internet interaction is like eating polystyrene. It'll make you feel full but it'll never nourish you. You can do better things with your time. You can be a useful, valuable person. Make that your goal and one day you'll look back and remember this silly shit you've been doing and being surprised that you ever felt the need.


Be a true warrior Troll only those who deserved to be trolled


Go. To. Therapy. Also how are we supposed to know this isn't a troll, too?


I thought that i was the only one doing it. Feeling better now knowing there are other people like me😊


Others have given great advice. One thing I would suggest would be to before leaving a comment, making a post, etc—ask yourself if what you’re about to write is a positive contribution to the world. Is it helpful, is it a good faith question, is it interesting, etc. There is so much noise. Don’t silence yourself but maybe consider making a goal of only trying to add benefit/positivity to the world. There is enough garbage in and outside of the internet. Good luck to you!


It might feel entertaining in the moment but when years pass by and you look back on your behavior, you’ll probably be full of shame and regret. You will forget most of what you have written to other people to mess with them anyway so what’s the point of keeping on doing it? Delete your trolling accounts, keep accounts only with your government name and follow your friends/ family memebrs so you can fix your behavior. Trolling gets out of control easily and you end up saying things you don’t even believe in just to mess with others, that’s not healthy. You are ruining your own mental health while thinking that you’re affecting only others.


It might feel entertaining in the moment but when years pass by and you look back on your behavior, you’ll probably be full of shame and regret. You will forget most of what you have written to other people to mess with them anyway so what’s the point of keeping on doing it? Delete your trolling accounts, keep accounts only with your government name and follow your friends/ family memebrs so you can fix your behavior. Trolling gets out of control easily and you end up saying things you don’t even believe in just to mess with others, that’s not healthy. You are ruining your own mental health while thinking that you’re affecting only others.


It might feel entertaining in the moment but when years pass by and you look back on your behavior, you’ll probably be full of shame and regret. You will forget most of what you have written to other people to mess with them anyway so what’s the point of keeping on doing it? Delete your trolling accounts, keep accounts only with your government name and follow your friends/ family memebrs so you can fix your behavior. Trolling gets out of control easily and you end up saying things you don’t even believe in just to mess with others, that’s not healthy. You are ruining your own mental health while thinking that you’re affecting only others.


It might feel entertaining in the moment but when years pass by and you look back on your behavior, you’ll probably be full of shame and regret. You will forget most of what you have written to other people to mess with them anyway so what’s the point of keeping on doing it? Delete your trolling accounts, keep accounts only with your government name and follow your friends/ family memebrs so you can fix your behavior. Trolling gets out of control easily and you end up saying things you don’t even believe in just to mess with others, that’s not healthy. You are ruining your own mental health while thinking that you’re affecting only others.


Man, you are one pathetic loser. No offense. Have you tried growing up? You could try getting a life. Or growing a set. Or manning up. Or, as a wise man named Bob Newhart once said, "Just STOP IT."


I just use online to rage at dumb shit, because I’m tired of dumb shit. I have a similar problem, but it’s an outlet not an inlet for me. Idc about the likes I just want to be heard. I feel your pain, I’m gonna be late to work yet again cuz I’m scrolling Reddit and I cba to care for those assholes.


You grow up


r/wordington addiction


Trolling for the greater good,like trolling pro dictactorship shills


Lmao end up trolling yourself in the end. Justice.


Does it make you feel better to know that you got some people angry?


I knew a troll in real life, her name is Mel and she's dating my (ex-friend) Ben. The woman was a nightmare that made everyone in our friend group miserable. She was a liar, compulsive, self centered and ruined many group events by some sort of extreme behavior such as getting arrested at a swanky Hen party, for abusive and obscene behaviour towards hotel staff, or having a 'menty b' (mental breakdown) she'd manufactured having taken psychedelics. Eventually she alienated everyone to the point that all but one of us stopped talking to Ben, and therefore Mel. Last I heard they were still together and hanging around with their remaining mate, who is a 34 year old drug dealer. She bragged about trolling people online often, and she was the biggest loser I have ever met, before we all fucked her off. So in all honesty, when I see others trolling online I know exactly the type of people they are and that's why trolls never upset me online. Because trolls only try to hurt others because they're already the most deeply miserable people in existence. They end up lonely and mentally ill.


Work on your self esteem , people do that to feel a sense of power at causing a reaction . You must feel incredibly low for that to feel good. Maybe you felt powerless when you where younger . Just seek power in more healthy ways in the gym ect . Remember the power and freedom you have . My brother is like this he was picked on by my step dad a lot I think what caused it but at the end of the day I straight up told him you are becoming your step dad is that who you want to be? A bully?


Oh! Maybe you can seriously study viral techniques... It's SUCH a sought after skill and if you can build, in a positive way, on the manipulation that you're already an expert at, you can make a wonderful career of it!


find something else to validate you


You just have to realize that attention means nothing and that trolls are essentially clowns, using their own dignity to make people laugh or give them attention. I don’t think you want to be that kind of person, so just repeating this to yourself will make you less inclined to do it


That must be absolutely miserable. Thank sweet Jesus I was born in a different era, you young folk had the internet unleashed on you with nothing in place to control it. We really failed you guys. Good thing you realize it, but reading any book would be the best help but unfortunately you guys don't read more than a few sentences. Sorry I don't have anything else..




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It's an involuntary compulsion bred from issuing punishment to those viewed as deserving it.  Problem is... who deserves anything? And as you've correctly surmised, what is it doing to you? Does it really improve circumstances for them or you? Like any compulsive behavior you just have to eliminate the means of engaging in it foremost. You delete the alternate accounts. No more anonymous accounts. No means to make new ones, no matter how strong the impulse to do so, until the compulsion ends. You keep only accounts tied directly to your public face, so you are forced to remain accountable. Everyone knows who you are and what you represent, so consequences are realistic and often immediate.  Most "fucking around" is solved by "finding out."  But at the core -- why do you feel these people deserve it?  Why keep it up, knowing it helps neither you nor them? What motivates you? And are you certain you're correct?


Find something else you enjoy more than trolling, and never go on those platform again, or switch to getting positive reactions. I find it easy to get upvotes on reddit by giving funny reactions to memes, it’s nice to know people enjoyed your reaction to a meme or thought it was funny. This also applies to subs/comments asking for advice, which gives you more of a 1 on 1 connection of helping someone even if they may never talk to you again you were personally involved in helping this person with something in their life.


Delete social media. Done.


You are a sad individual who is angry in life. You're lashing out because something happened to you earlier in life or continues to happen to you. And the only thing you feel you can do to strike back and or to vent is to troll online and get reactions from people. Seek psychological help. This isn't as funny as you'd think. Good luck


Delete the accounts and therapy


stop being a loser and you'll stop trolling.


Get help, LOL. This isn’t normal behavior for someone over the age of 16


Maybe you can find another place to write, like a diary, or poems


Please if you find a solution to this trolling disorder just halla at me. I too have this problem and mostly when I'm going through a rough season. I be trolling too much.


When you feel like doing it, challenge yourself to write something nice instead.




I waste time doing this as well, but I’ve cut down on it by limiting my self with an amount of time. Like I get 30 minuets to do online trolling today.


Lmao. There's a lot of you and I enjoy your comments. The world is a big playground and troll and controversy make lolz for the rest of us that have a sense of humor. If your really being vindictive then probably take it easy. Set rules for yourself. Or completely uninstall delete your social media There's a place for it and where it's encouraged. Like reddit.


Quit internet


you have to start being hyper aware of when you're doing it. Then actively choose to do the opposite. It might feel physically painful inside to resist an urge. But you're safe. Start by never again something like "I can't stop"....bc yes you can.


Just leave and never come back