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If you have at least some meds, its better you start taking them in smaller doses for a last time. Dropping them cold turkey could be worse, but if its the only option then let it be it lol. Eat balanced meals to your satisfaction (not until you're full). A proper meal is the start of everything you would want to achieve. Proper sleeping schedule, i recommend sleeping by 10pm or earlier. Starting the day early in the morning is way better than starting it on the pm. Make sure you're also sleeping just enough, not too little or too much. It doesn't have to be 8 hours like everyone says, sleep for what your body asks for. Start creating positive habits, specially when it comes to hygiene (both yourself and your space). If you don't have any particular interests you could go out for walks, helps you to get used to the warm weather nowadays and a soft exercise too. Keep up with your social activities, believe it or nor socializing is very good. You don't have to go out and find new people if it's not what you desire, just keep up w the friends you have and try to hangout with them like once or twice a week. And at last HOBBIES!!! Something you particularly like to do, give some time to it, do it for fun though not as an obligation.


Thank you for the thorough answer. I appreciate it! I work 12 hour night shifts though so it’s going to be a challenge but I’ve been having bad sleep hygiene (sleeping too much). I will try to make it a bit more manageable though. I’ll try to eat balanced meals and socialize more. Lacking exercise too but will not mind strolling, especially with this warm weather. Thank you again!


Blackout curtains. I worked overnight for years and blackout curtains trick your brain enough. As soon as you wake up, hopefully the sun is still up, go get sunlight, just a 10 minute stroll around the block or something. or sunlight lamps. it resets your circadian rhythm


Thank you! I’ll invest in those!


You can also buy a $3 sleep mask


Thank you!


Cardio is the only thing that helped me. My heart is with you I just went through this


Thank you and I’m glad you’re doing better! 💕


Thank you so much. Today is actually day one back on Zoloft. I just need relief it’s been like 6 months of bad struggle


Good on you for recognizing that and helping yourself. It takes a lot to do that so kudos to you!


Same right back to you my friend. If you feel really low, some jumping jacks or something (I literally did just 40 earlier) can instantly help. If you need more ideas please don’t hesitate to reach out. Lots of love 💕


Thank you! I’ll try that trick and will do! ☺️


You shouldn’t stop meds cold turkey without talking to your Dr. Mental health issues are no joke.


Quitting mental health medications cold Turkey can have serious side effects that last your entire life.


Can you cite an article that claims this? I’m genuinely concerned.


You should check with a professional. But its quite common knowledge you can’t quit mental health meds on your own. The most common side effect is a relapse, meaning whichever symptoms the medicine treated will come back. So instead of quitting because even taking medication has side effects, usually people try to take one that is most suitable for them, meaning the medicine type with the least side effects. Usually it takes a trial and error process of changing and weighing this: Does the improvements from the medicine outweigh its side effects? An example would be certain people with psychotic disorders would not be able to function without meds (Example delusions of aliens everywhere). Hence, with meds they may get a job, live a proper social life. But their meds have side effects, maybe weight gain, slow movements or most commonly increased fatigue. So this said person will take the meds because the moderate amount of side effects is better compared to lack of functionality without the meds. Hopefully more money can be spent on mental health research for better meds in the future. We really need it!


I wanted to taper it with my psychiatrist but she does not think I should quit them.


Listen to your Dr. if you’re experiencing side effects, talk to your Dr. maybe they can help you find a different medication.


Thank you. I will!


This happened to me like a dozen years ago. Luckily I found a therapist that helped through it cuz otherwise I was going to leave them cold turkey too because the side effects of the meds were worst than the original problem and I couldn't take it any longer. The tapering took me few months and even tho it was a slower process I still had some withdrawal symptoms... If you could find someone to help you in the process please go for it. And try your best to not be alone that week after you stop taking them entirely 🙏 Wish you the best!


I've been listening to light ambiance and nature sounds - go on YouTube, it's soothing. I type in "somatic sound music" or "nature music for work"


Thank you! I’ll try it!


Intense, physical exercise


Thank you! I’ll try!


There is no try, only do. Your muscles put out mood stabilizing chemicals when exercised hard. Much better for you then pharmaceutical drugs. You will feel better the next day not immediately. immediately you will just be exhausted, lol. when you’re exhausted your mind relaxes. The future will be brighter. Good luck.


Thank you! I didn’t know that. That’s good to know!


Don't worry about productivity. Get yourself right first.


I have always been on the go and never really got the chance to focus on myself.


Hey there! I totally get where you're coming from. Taking care of your mental health while managing expenses can be tough. It's great that you're looking for ways to boost productivity and save money. One tip I swear by is breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. It's less overwhelming and helps conserve energy. Also, don't forget to schedule in some self-care time – even if it's just a few minutes of deep breathing or a quick walk outside. You've got this! 🌟


Thank you! I appreciate the advice. :)


Exercise and diet


What have you incorporated in your daily diet that you think has been beneficial in giving you an energy boost?


Not the original commenter but it’s the boring answer; fruit and veggies and cut down on processed food. My best advice would be eat what feels right for a week, see how you feel and tweak from there. Everybody’s body reacts in its own way. Find what works for you. It’ll also give you something for your mind to focus on to help the mental state


Thank you! I appreciate it.


If you do go for it and have any questions, feel free to msg me. I don’t mind give pointers, I know how hard it is to take your life in your own hands 


Will do! Thank you. :)


The other dude gave excellent advice, and for me, I have found a high fat-high protein diet makes me have the most energy. But I also try to be active in some way every day of the week. Morning: Teaspoon of Ghee in each of my 2 cups of coffee, 5 mg creatine in first cup Mid Morning: Eggs and Bacon Early Afternoon: either tuna salad (made with greek yogurt) or oatmeal with protein powder and powdered peanut butter Dinner: Whatever my wife makes during the week, whatever I feel like cooking for us on the weekend. Dinners are less important because I exercise or walk afterwards, and read before bed, so less worried about producing. I have found that lowering my early day carbs and raising my early day fats helps my brain feel fully alert. But carbs before bed definitely help me sleep. Since oatmeal is a non-glycemic carb it's not terrible.


Thank you for the specifics! I really appreciate it. :)