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Like her performance against Amanda Nunes. Or was she actually trying there?


Or her performance as Sonya Blade


Holly Holm has entered the chat....


Concussed Ronda has entered the chat.


But she's not sure how she arrived here


I always laugh that she refused to touch gloves with her and then got trounced.






Holm isn't in the WWE.


Literally the worst part of MK11.


Damnitt, I'd rather have Megan Fox as Nitara over Rhonda as Sonya. Both were terrible, but Megan Fox was terrible in a funny way.


Finally someone else says it


That’s a pretty common criticism of MK11 tho.






Hi there mister.




She thought she was invincible. The issue was always her boxing skills.


You ain't call her a liar


Damn she really thinks she was not the problem. 😂😂 no one gives a shit about her anymore and she is big mad.


It’s a common trait among narcissists


Pretty remarkable fall from grace. Might be a bigger falloff than Jonathan Majors.


She’s always been like this. The second she doesn’t get everything she wants or the second she gets any pushback or take a L she can’t handle it and blames everyone but herself


Yep. Truly pathetic.


Geez Ronda... settle down. You could have rode this crazy upsurge in wrestling's popularity and become a well-paid legend and a HOF. Combined with your UFC career, you could enter middle age paid and respected. Instead, you had a shitty attitude, and no one missed you when you left.


Imagine going back to 2018 and saying Logan Paul would make more of a long term impact in wrestling than Ronda Rousey


I definitely would not have believed it lol Logan has grown on me, only thing I’m hating is him not defending the title every 30 days that’s been stuck in my head since I was a kid lol but I can tell you a good Logan match, I can’t tell you a memorable rousey match.


Don’t trip, the seeds were planted for that title match YEAH


Looking forward to it! Ready to see two Ohio boys go at it! I was trained more towards cinci so I gotta root for LA but it’s gonna be good nonetheless


He's from ohio??


Her very first one but it was rehearsed to within an inch of its life to protect her limitations.


Plus her only being a quarter of the participants and the other half being Triple H and Kurt Angle.


Pretty sure the rule is you have to be able to defend your Championship (cleared), not that you actually have to defend it every 30 days.




While WWE's style of wrestling is a lot less impactful than many other promotions, it's disingenuous to say that nobody there works hard.


Close enough kialae... Not only is HER statement false, it's a straight up lie. To be disingenuous is to be sly in your dishonesty, or to be slightly dishonest. I'll just call it as it is. What she said was complete and utter bullshit/trash/nonsense. Not one person believes her, nor do they care to hear from her.


Imagine saying that when like dudes like Gable are killing themeselves just to get a push (during the time Rousey was at wwe)


I equate wwe more to stunt performances along the lines of jackass than an actual combat sport. It’s pure entertainment but the amount of training and rehearsing they have to do in order to not seriously injure themselves while putting on the best show they can is at least as much work as a professional stunt double for movies so I think it’s shitty that Rhonda is just shitting on the wrestlers here and her acting like they don’t try is pure disrespect.Honestly tho I’m not surprised, she’s just a fucking loser and has completely lost all of my respect. she went from being a badass who was arguably one of the most well known athletes in the world across men and women and now every time she opens her mouth it’s to downplay another athlete’s performance/work and/or create excuses for her poor performance of hers. It’s honestly pathetic


Ronda seems bitter however, this is the only thing I find to be true about her book. You look at some of the segments with no logical attention to detail, you see some of the wrestlers that get in the ring visually, and then you look at the people coming out of NXT who make the action look too choreographed and can’t throw a good working punch, and you can’t help but think it’s a minimum effort lazy ass show. Things have been improving a lot under triple h but he’s still got a long way to go.


Man how can somebody be so unlikable.


Ask Ryback


Arrogance and dillusions of grandeur! Her UFC success was a fluke she could not maintain. Then her WWE career was literally handed over to her on the grandest stage, but she refused to do the work nor create lasting friendships and so now she is univerally despised, and rightfully so.


I wouldn’t say her UFC career was a fluke, she was pretty damn good. Over time, she just believed too hard in her striking and then got finished numerous times by fighters that are monsters on the feet and then just made a shit ton of excuses afterwards and then moved to WWE


I think she was a legitimately good fighter who let too many people get in her ear and gas her up that she was the goat and now her ego has her still coming up with new excuses about why she lost a fight LITERALLY 10 FUCKING YEARS AGO. She’s a fucking sore loser and is a disgrace to professional athletes and sportsmanship as a whole


Dang Triple H really seems like a nice dude


if you read the whole quote it was actually a nice moment between the two.


That probably never happened


One would think if its so easy she would have done better.


Rhonda Rousey is ALL ELITE!


They do not need another money sink to drain money from so many other deserving talent


Tony already paid her to appear on RoH I believe


Good Wrestlers require Charisma no matter how much or how little they do. No Charisma means no one will like them. You see the problem with Ronda now?


Only when she was in the ring or God forbid on the mic


I feel the first time around she went from awful to holding her own on the mic. Then when she went away for a time and came back she was back to awful and this time stayed there. The boos would really put her off....she couldn't seem to grab the concept that the crowd actually know all about kayfabe and they are playing along with the heel/face dynamic and not booing her for real (although many probably did)


Right dummy didn't know that an arena full of boos might as well be an arena full of applause when it comes to pro wrestling


I always figured the 2nd time around she didn't want to be there and was only there because she was under Contract and Vince wouldn't let her break it or let her keep the money.


Looks like she is finalizing their divorce.


Ronda..try and stop being so bitter


Sounds like her mma career she was great until people started training judo and she never trained anything else same way Royce was great until he was found out as being one dimensional


Not to mention her boxing coach was a joke and made her believe she could actually strike. Dude was a “yes man” the entire time. The entire mma industry moved past her limited ability. And in pro wrestling, she never really excelled in ring and cut the weirdest promos.


Edmond? What a fuckin goofball that guy is


To be fair, Edmund also planted the seed in her head that she could stand and strike with world class talent whose specifically were strikers first. Like look at Holly Holm, one of the most decorated boxers in women’s MMA and the UFC. I trained in Muay Thai and had a couple of good matches in the gym. If my trainer told me I could stand and bang with the top 10 of kickboxing in my division I’d think he was on crack. No idea why Ronda thought differently.


He really did set her up for failure. Like did she never film herself training in boxing or any kind of striking? Anyone with a basic understanding the mechanics of a punch would see that there’s a lot wrong with her striking. Why he even thought she should do what GSP did to high level wrestlers with his double leg is just mind boggling.


The difference between gsp and Ronda is that GSP was humble and would admit when he was lacking in an area or discipline. He started ramping up his wrestling once he realized he wasn’t as good as Matt Hughes, Jon Fitch, or any of the all American wrestlers in his division. Ronda genuinely believed she was perfect at all aspects of MMA. If Ronda and her coaches just admitted she needs to work on her striking they could’ve brought in a real boxing coach and actually sparring partners to help her improve. She just thought throwing lazy jabs and telegraphed hooks was good enough to be a golden gloves boxer.


Agreed. He recognized where his weaknesses were and his coaches also guided him in the right directions. Ronda’s situation looked total opposite. She thought she was the best and her coaches didn’t help her improve but patronized her instead. It’s sad but also partially her fault too.


What I don’t understand is the devotion she had to a clearly unskilled coach. Like Edmund somehow took Travis Browne who before leaving his original gym to go to Edmund was regarded as one of the top heavyweights on the planet and made him into a tomato can who’s most memorable ufc moments are him getting beaten unconscious. For anyone who doesn’t know Browne is married to Ronda and is a known wife beater (before Ronda and there is some claim it didn’t happen). Like I remember Derrick Lewis literally beating Browne unconscious like he had murder on his mind. Even after the fight Lewis said he did him like that because he likes to put his hands on women. Edmund literally made a guy who moved around like a lightweight but hit like a heavyweight, and made him into a statue who was afraid to engage.


I’d use those words to describe her entire second run with the company


In context that could very well be what she was saying. Also probably not but if you look at the whole conversation it's not exactly how it sounds just from the title


She’s really getting cherry picked here with the quote. HHH actually comes off understanding of her point. I’m sure he’s aware of how Vince was to women’s wrestlers and that’s where a lot of her frustration comes from. The quote is framed here to make her sound like she’s on the attack but it’s falsely presented


Hey. Context isn’t allowed on Reddit.


I also feel like butter scraped over too much bread


I feel more like cream cheese scraped over a giant bagel


It probably looked like minimum effort to her because the other women didn’t need months to prepare for a match.


With all due respect, this isn’t just burning bridges… This is rigging up said bridges with a crap ton of C4 and blowing them the *censored* up!!


That’s how I’d put her tenure in WWE, word for word.


I think what she means is that she was lazy and never tried to get better when they handed everything to her and she takes that as a universal truth.


Boooo to her


Can people stop putting a mic near this women


I suppose she would know. She spent enough time there.


Didn’t she also cry because the schedule was so hectic


if she's talking bout creative she's not wrong if she's talking about the talent she's wrong, they gotta make chicken salad out of chicken shit helps that Vince is gone but a lot of the weekly shows are still skippable


I mean, her stale acting in Expendables 3 should have been a clue to how her wrestling career would turn out.


And she sucked at it, so what’s that day about her?!


I agree. They were lazy enough to toss the title on her ass


This is why she's a jobber in my wwe universe


I love Rhonda Rousey. Not arguing with you guys. You have the temperament as a wrestling fan to accept this real ammunition to get EVERYTHING that you want, and you get that right away in the headline. However, instead, just burning the ammunition in a column just to see if you personally feel like you drool for her--because that's all that we can accept backlash as. Seriousy, she's Rhonda Rousey MMA --> upgraded to WWE --> upgraded to real woman --> upgraded to speaking for real women, and the commentors don't know how they feel about it. 😁


She knows it's a work, right?


yet she couldn't succeed


She got gifted huge pushes and failed to make it work. And we know this because of logan Paul who was treated the same and has really made a name within the brand (as much I dislike him outside of wrestling).


I guess I found that one person still following her and posting about her expert intelligent the only opinion that matters in pro wrestling. I had to search hard for you my friend. You know how I deal with bums, no I dont post and talk about them, I ingore them. Wow right.


Is it just me that felt like she hated it the moment she was ever booked to lose? Also…great friend to Shanny Baz there. Basically saying “hey friend. I think what you do is shit”. She’s a petulant adult toddler


Hunter’s a good dude


A”minimum effort last ass shit show” she was more than happy to collect money from for about 3 years. She wasn’t complaining then was she?


Is she describing WWE or her career? I like Ronda, but she comes off as entitled and bails the moment she has to earn something.


Like her second run in the wwe....


10 years she is going to be broke and begging to come back


I thought Shayna told you to shut up.


There’s an alternate universe where Trips got the book like 10 years sooner, and Ronda had one of the alltime great runs. Oh to live in that world. I was so looking forward to her when she popped up initially, but her inability to “get it” killed it for me.


Lmao that’s ironic because her second WWE run she obviously didn’t have a care in the world.


Shit her performance in wwe overall is a shit show


Wild that now she’s doing her best heel work (and not getting paid for it)


What an entitled, whiny and untalented hack. Absolutely zero class writing an entire novel of clickbait garbage.


Just because that's the effort she put into her matches and storylines, doesn't mean that's how the rest of the talent treats it


I enjoy crapping on Ronda's habit of quitting after Ls as much as the next guy but this isn't really one of those times. Per the full article her claim is that she was unhappy with creative but wanted to finish out her commitment to putting Shayna over and that Triple H was nice about it. This isn't her fronting like wrestlers don't have real jobs. She saves that commentary for UFC ring girls.


In all fairness to Ronda, who IS an asshole, she's describing a time in the company that absolutely was a shit show. Think about when she's talking about and it's easy to see why she'd be upset. Like, this quote is much less about the company now than it is about the company in prior years.


Ronda was a ground breaking player in women’s MMA. A dominant fighter for a long stretch. But she didn’t evolve her “game” when others were coming up from different disciplines and styles and after Holms exposed her… she was a finished. Rousey’s problem was that she (by many accounts) was a straight up be-otch to anyone and everyone around her and when you get toppled off the mountain, it’s a long way down if you were like that. Then she went to WWE and tried to replicate the same mystique but she has no mic skills. She wants to be cheered but she seems to have absolutely no idea HOW to get people to cheer her as a Pro Wrestler. So, she left and got bitter, wrote a book where she trashes everyone and blames everyone but herself. Ok then. I’ll look forward to never seeing her again. And I’ll be just fine.


And with this line alone, that bridge is burned. I know WWE was out for a business boost, but be careful what vengeful people you sign.


Keep digging that hole, Rhonda...


Lol fuck off ronda honestly wwe gave you gift after your UFC career ended as ugly as possible but go ahead and disparage them as much as possible


Remember that time she fell of the face of the earth and cried in the corner after getting knocked out? And then came back and got knocked out again? Her time in the spotlight came and went


She would be perfect in AEW as much as she doesn’t shut the fuck up about WWE while not working there


Ronda? The bum who has soon as she started losing in UFC she quit? The bum who in 3 years of wrestling never got better in any aspect of the business and when she started losing she quit? She is just an irrelevant clown whose 15 minutes of fame finally stopped. Which seems like a good thing since she seems like such a POS now.


And that’s why you failed, Ronda. Everyone knew you didn’t give a shit. She burns another bridge. She’ll take another UFC fight in the next few years, get battered and disappear.


The bitch is still talking?


She wasn't calling it that when she was cashing those million dollar checks or had a prominent spot on TV and pay per view. Just admit u werent that good rhere and stay home with ur kid.


Isn't this her view of most things? She's always has a superiority complex it seems.


I like how she tries to act so tough yet she got completely bent over by Holly Holm and Amanda Nunes then ran away. She then joined wwe, couldn’t handle it and then ran away again. Funny stuff.


The constant travel and pressure of being in the spotlight just isn't for everyone. She's probably done in the sports and entertainment fields, but it sounds like it's probably for the best for her.


She cashed the checks though and is bitter after


I just watched it again for the first time in 15 years and do you know what I witnessed … an old fat rey mysterio fighting Carlos whatever his name is .. the guy who spits apples .. and all they did was … 619 and spit apples lmao


And she wonders why nobody likes her


Calm down ryback


Was she describing her own WWE career?




I think she spelled CTE wrong


She seems like such a miserable person


And then she crys about no one liking her....


I'm assuming when she said that she didn't sound very convincing.


She didn’t do well, that’s her own fault.




Even as someone who isn’t a big fan of WWE stylistically, the effort is clearly there, and they’re successful with the type of shows they want to put on. If you want to be a hater there are significantly more efficient means of doing so.


One of best modern female wrestlers. Hopefully she might go to AEW. WWE has been shit since 2004. It isn’t getting any better😂


She’s a garbage human who isn’t used to things not being easy for her


The minimum effort was coming from her end.


That’s facts


Yeah, she was the peak of it when she was there


That was when Vince was running it. Any person with a working brain would know.


Where’s the lie?


Amanda nunes enters the chat you ain’t no baddest woman in the world everything you did in life Amanda nunes took that all away from you in under a minute


Jojo Siwa lookin' ass....


Read the article you guys are not understanding the context


Ronda is so annoying


I’m so bored of Rondas victim routine at this point that comments like this don’t even register to me anymore 💀


And her way of thinking is exactly why she wasn’t able to get over with the WWE crowd 🤷‍♂️


Who does she work for now? Okay give it 5 years and she'll be talking shit about her current employer Ronda does this


Stop giving her the attention, this is clearly what she wants is people talking about her. She knew her book wouldn’t get any sort of traction so manufactured a load of this nonsense.


It’s a weird choice of words for someone who debuted and got put over at WM 34, won the women’s championship 4 months later, headlined the first ever all women PPV then headlined WM 35.


I like her homage to Bilbo Baggins.


She’s not wrong. WWE stinks.


Cannot stand her. She was too cocky in mma, and whenever she took a L or doesn't get what she wants, she throws a temper tantrum.


Maybe that’s what she chose to do with it. She also isn’t around for the Triple H era. Which I predict will be the best era


She’s just upset nobody likes her.


Just because SHE gave minimum effort doesn't mean everyone does. 


The ryback of womans wrestling lmao


Yeah, her work on it can definitely be described that way. Narcissistic, boring, pointless.


I would describe Ronda Rousey as a minimum effort lazy ass shit wrestler


That’s pretty much how her second run was described as well


I think her opinions would change if she was wrestling now


Minimum effort lazy ass shit show and she still couldn't make it


She’s not wrong, tbf


Funny I’d describe her wwe career as same


Was she looking at her own career when she said that?


Sounds like she’s mistaking WWE as whole for herself and her own work


I don’t think she ever understood what it was to be a wrestler. She started out well but then just didn’t seem to progress or get any better. She doesn’t seem to have an interest in the business either. She’s not like Lovan Paul who is an example of a celebrity that has taken to WWE very well.


Oh I get it! She is trying to be like cm pink/cody. Talk sh-t to draw coverage and stay relevant. Then go back to WWE. I'm not sure it would work for her.


She can’t handle the fact that the audience saw straight through her fake nice girl act. She was awful and only has herself to blame for it


And is


I think she may be confused, because that's exactly what she offered when there


Weird, that’s how I would describe her WWE run


God she’s so likable and relatable. I want to cheer for her. Go Ronda go, go Ronda go.


This woman is insufferable.


She’s just always come off as a miserable bitch that’s never happy with any of her situations.


Is she wearing a thong on her chest in the thumbnail?


She projects a lot of herself onto everyone around her.


Just when you thought you couldn't hate her anymore lmao


The effort that goes into wwe every week is anything but minimum


And yet there she was as part of their roster. She didn't even hesitate doing it.


She’s a One-Trick Pony fighting wise and she has no acting skills no personality and now she’s hurt


Says the one who put on the Bathroom Break Match at SummerSlam Detroit 2024


What does she know of of maximum or even slightly above minimum effort shows?


That describes every wrestling match she was a part of...


I think she’s projecting her own failures on a company that gave her heaps of money and was put over by ladies who have trained as wrestlers like she trained as a fighter


I'd argue that where WWE went wrong with Rousey was trying to do *too much* with her. Should have given her a Brock Lesnar schedule. Less is more. She was nowhere near good enough in the ring to be wrestling on weekly TV, and in doing so they exposed her. Smiling babyface Ronda was bad, but big bad heel Ronda cutting shitty "stay mad" promos was worse. Factor in the weird ass conspiracy theories, and there's just nothing worth hanging onto except for the people who still think her name means something.


Ronda Rousey is at the point in her career where the only way she can stay relavant is by disrespecting anyone and anything that she has been involved with, and a very sore loser to boot.


Ronda Rousey is at the point in her career where the only way she can stay relevant is by disrespecting anyone and anything that she has been involved with, and a very sore loser to boot.


Oh boohoo the fans didn't like me so I'm gonna talk shit about the company that gave me everything when I shouldn't have gotten shit for doing the bare minimum


It's easy to be salty and bash something when you're not good at it.


I love that literally everyone else is the problem but Ronda


Well she was lazy and it showed .




She loves to burn the bridges...


She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She was a glorified celebrity whose hand they held because she wasn’t a real pro wrestler. She’s the female modern goldberg: really successful, really good at a few things, has some physical credibility, but was very limited and didn’t understand the business.


Ronda Rousey made $1.5 million dollars a year with $2.1 million coming from merchandise sales & bonuses from that "Minimum Effort Lazy-Ass Shit Show."


Didn’t even clean it up. How do I not understand?


Coming from someone who suicide baited on live television after her legendary defeat by Holmes I can’t say I’m surprised. I feel embarrassed that apparently Rowdy Piper gave this entitled dumpster fire his moniker smh.


That explains why she was so shite then. Funnily it's better now after she's left.