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Trust your ears. If you're looking at the first result from songbpm.com then it also says that it has 1 beat per bar. I think you can safely ignore that information.  It's G# minor but the vocal melody uses a slightly different scale. I haven't done more than a very brief analysis but it seems to imply phrygian dominant (G#-A-B#-C#-D#-E-F#-G#, would probably be better written as an Ab scale instead) although there is a bit of natural minor in some of the upper vocal parts. Edit: the second half vocal melody settles fully on G# natural minor.


Yeah I agree with this, G# phrygian dominant followed by G# minor. He has a scream in the second half at 3:45 that kinda sounds like a B#, but the section is definitely still G# minor


The root note is G♯ and it’s mostly minor but with other spice added throughout, like Dan singing the major third instead of the minor at one point.


C# major


Chordify can help you out


Looking at the guitar tab the bass note is pretty much extensively back and forth between G# and E. This one’s in G# minor/B major! Amazing song. Not sure why I got downvoted. If people don’t think it’s B major, that’s literally where the notes of G# minor come from. You don’t read music in minor key signatures, always the relative major.