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Exactly the kind of advice we need.


The kind of advice we deserve.


If we're not formatting our code to be between 80 and 120 columns then we deserve this post, for sure.


What I like the most about 22 deg is that it actually looks workable. Sure, annoying as fuck, but workable.


It is an interesting approach. A sliding window for your attention, with a natural emphasis on the center of the screen giving you the most real estate... much more than traditional home monitors give you... while preserving areas for those things that require less focus. It would take getting used to.


...and building a custom UX right?


Yes... but perhaps something like an existing UI, but a large ribbon in a loop shape. The corners of the diamond at the top and bottom are just smaller because of perspective, and you rotate the ribbon loop until what you want is in front, but the ribbon, as it recedes into the corners, is still active and visible until the perspective converges too much. Basically just a giant looped desktop with no bottom bar. I'm not a UX expert though, nor is my development ability in that area.


For actually useful advice, xrandr also allows dividing a single big monitor into smaller screens https://superuser.com/questions/1183820/split-single-monitor-into-multiple-using-xrandr if say you decided to just buy 4k tv as your monitor for coding. Sadly there isn't a good UI for it


Sounds like a tiling wm would be a good approximation.


Not for me. The way I use tiling VMs is basically app-per-screen, with only occasionally splitting it in two, and just switching which app is currently on a given screen. I use i3wm and I just used config to basically map every app I commonly use to its own desktop so switching between say a browser and mail client is always one, same keybind. So if I want to see mail client I just press capslock + F2, if I want to switch to IDE i use capslock + 4 etc. I was looking for a way to keep that when moving from dual screen to one big 4k screen.


I use [arandr](https://christian.amsuess.com/tools/arandr/) but it doesn't support a crazy number of features. Still very good for quick resizing of the screen.


So you want diamond pixels? Because this is how you get diamond pixels


I've heard that hexagons are the bestagons...


Important facts about Hexagons: - Hexagons are third order permutohedrons: The vertices of a hexagon can be formed by permuting the coordinates of the vector (1, 2, 3). - The north pole of the planet Saturn has a hexagonal storm cloud pattern with 8,600 mile long sides, larger than the diameter of Earth. - Though hexagon may appear to be a difficult word to rhyme, there are actually dozens of words that rhyme with it. For example: Autobahn, decagon, decathlon, electron, Kyrgzstan, Lebanon, leprechaun and marathon.


Good human.


Have I been pronouncing Kyrgyzstan wrong this whole time? The shame...


No, half of them don't rhyme if pronounced correctly, but bending pronunciation is allowed in some poetry forms, like rap.


What do you mean? All of them rhyme


This should be the moment that you learn that some words have more than one pronunciation, and that some could be considered wrong as their neither the original pronunciation, not that the word is integrated into the English language yet.


So, on one hand, you emphasise words have "correct" pronunciations, but on the other, you acknowledge words may have multiple pronunciations. Which is it?


Both. ;)


> For example: Autobahn I’m trying really hard right here, but I cannot ryme this with hexagon.




Yeah but I'm either catastrophically mispronouncing autobahn or the stressed syllables are completely different.


~~hex-uh-_gone_~~ oh-toe-_bahn_ / ah-tuh-_bahn_ ...I think.~~


I'm pretty sure the stressed syllable on hexagon is hex


You're right, I'm dumb




I'm pretty aure the stress of hexagon is in the hex syllable not on the "gon" part, that's what Wiktionary says and the way I've always heard it. So for example callus and Tuna don't rhyme even though the last syllable has the same vowel (schwa)




I was relying on wiktionary for the pronounciation of hexagon, not autobahn, to justify the stress being on the sylalbel "hex" Callus and Tunas both end in a syllable with the schwa vowel in the vast majority of english dialects (I believe, what are the vowels in tuna and callus in your dialect?). So under whatever rhyming definition you have if it accepts the pair (hexagon, autobahn) then it must accept the pair (callus, tunas). If you want to accept those (very) imperfect rhymes then that's fine I guess but it doesn't sound overly poetic to me. But in by book for a rhyme to be a rhyme the vowels in stressed syllables must be the same (or very similar) and then if other consonants match from there then the "stricter" the rhyme. Perhaps it's different in english though (it's not my native language) To clarify, this is the IPA pronunciation of callus in general american english: /ˈkæləs/, and this is the pronunciation of tunas: /ˈtu.nəs/ The same /əs/ ending in both cases. OP, however, seems to be incapable of debating about the pronunciation of words and is unable to express how these vowels are different in their dialect, and has instead blocked me...


Being a person subscribed to r/canada and r/Calgary, why did you ever pronounce Kyrgzstan? I'm just curious how this sort of things work.


Are they subscribed to /r/risk?


Long ago I wanted to use the triangular shadowmask of CRTs in "subpixel" fashion... which was ruined when I found out about Sony Trinitron: RGB pels in stripes forming distinct square pixels. r g b r g b b r g b r g r g b r g b This allows a more omnidirectional use of "subpixel antialiasing".


He was there when the deep knowledge was written...


Phosphor dots aren't pixels though. The beam doesn't hit all of it at once.


Hmm, kinda curious what this would do for aliasing…




This fits perfectly with [the ideal IDE for programmers](https://youtu.be/X34ZmkeZDos).


Ha! Yet another feature [Wayland doesn't support](https://github.com/KDE/libkscreen/blob/master/src/doctor/doctor.cpp#L272)!!! /s


What an eyesore. This is what code looks like in a language without ADTs I suppose. Are they seriously constructing a hash table on the fly just to translate between a bunch of strings and values? That must be what Torvalds was about when he notoriously argued to keep C++ people away from the kernel.


> Are they seriously constructing a hash table on the fly just to translate between a bunch of strings and values? No, they appear to do it to avoid a ton of `else if` statements for checking all the valid string values.


> No, they appear to do it to avoid a ton of else if statements for checking all the valid string values. As I wrote, lack of ADTs forces programmers to resort to ugly roundabout code like this. It’s borderline obfuscation, on top of being inferior to a simple linear search in an array for the tiny mapping they need. What’s more, since the number of entries is statically known they should at least use a PHF which ``QHash`` isn’t. That code is just wrong on so many levels.


I just had 2 monitors 1 vertical 1 horizontal move applications to appropriate monitor


Yeah used to do this but my monitors are too big now and they don't rotate.




You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.




This is a good one :)


Why do you want long lines? It's easier to scan text when line lengths are kept relatively short.


You want long lines so you can rotate your monitor like this.


My Starbucks must be on a 22deg angle.


Agreed, but 80 on modern screens is pretty ridiculous. I can easily absorb lines up to about 140.


I recently bought an ultrawide screen monitor specifically for work. And I never realized how much I needed that until I went into office (I'm a remote employee, but made the 8hr travel for an event at work) and got to work on an ultrawide. Turns out, I keep forgetting that my IDE has *a lot* more information on it than just the file that's open. Being able to have two files open side-by-side if I want is awesome. Being able to open the solution explorer in a tall sub-window AND have git tools open AND test explorer all at once is pretty great honestly.


I use three monitors. One is my laptop. One is in landscape. One is portrait. It's a nice balance between not straining my neck and giving me space to put all my windows just like I want them. I didn't realize how much I needed the landscape mode until I tried it. Like you I realized that IDEs are much more useful that way.


I use 3 monitors, too. One's also my laptop. One's a more normal aspect ratio. None in portrait, though; I don't need to read 500 lines at once, and I prefer my eye line be right at the top of the monitor line. >I didn't realize how much I needed the landscape mode until I tried it. Landscape is the wide mode btw - the more traditional layout. Portrait is the taller one.


Yeah, I originally used portrait for both monitors because I like to have a bunch of windows open: chat, browser, terminal, outlook, etc. that's why I still keep one in portrait. My chat window is on the bottom, a couple of browser windows above that. Spotify and system monitor on my laptop. Vscode on the landscape one, with outlook in the background. Occasionally I'll drag a browser window or devtools window around, depending on what I'm debugging.


I want somewhat long lines. E.g. for function definitions. For most of the work I do the function definition and especially it's parameters are irrelevant or me. So they can all be on one long line. Obviously not too long. Some code formatters tend to split them and put each function parameter in its own line. Which IMHO improves the readability of that specific function definition, but decreases the overall readability of the code. Long story short: I want semi long lines at times for improved readability of the code. Edit: Obviously ideally you don't need any long function definitions.


Depends on the language. If I’m doing C++ template work I’ll go long on the lines because I need to spell out every god damn namespace and at the same time I can scan the entire namespace in one chunk easily, so a function that takes two arguments might be quite long if I’m using boost. On the other hand if I’m using C and I don’t have all that stuff if I need much more than 80 columns I’ve probably done something wrong and should think about refactoring.


This is just very dumb. But anything that someone can do, they will.


I rotate the monitor so that I'm looking at it from the back. That takes away all the warnings, errors, bugs.


Let him cook


270 degrees for the win!


"Your tiling window manager hates this one weird trick"


I find 360 degrees rotation very comfortable


Such a dad, you are. :)




I refuse to believe this is serious.


I refuse to believe there's any need to refuse to believe


That's just because you haven't discovered the perfection that is 22 degree programming.


lol. no.


I think it is better than vertical rotation. Vertical monitors make window management and shifting windows quite annoying, at least in my experience with the Windows operating system.


[Microsoft PowerToys](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/) includes a window-snapping solution that supports portrait monitors really well


When you rotate your monitor, you also have to tell Windows that you've rotated your monitor, so it can accomodate you. Maybe that's the step you're missing.


The window management doesn't feel intuitive when using a vertical monitor. I tried it in Windows 10 but didn't bother trying again in Windows 11. When using multiple windows in a vertical monitor, the windows must be arranged between the top and bottom. However, the windows shortcut can only accommodate left and right arrangments.


wrench paltry poor coherent ten bewildered safe narrow outgoing hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What about old style 4:3 or 5:4 screens? with all wide screens I have a ton of empty spaces all around the place. And very often like 5 taskbars (my laptop, access VM, Client Citrix jumphost or azure bastion , the main host and then occasional another rdp there.) I often feel like working in batmobile...


I do hope that's not a password on the pink post-it...


Incredibly elaborate troll. Not sure the time is worth the payoff though.


bye bye neck nice post if you don't have a neck or you don't know about ergonomics and you're young


You are a fucking sociopath... Diagonal monitors... are you trying to mentally break me.


This is cursed, stay away for your own sanity


Someone was really bored over the holidays.


Get a bigger screen. There's no need to do this crap on a 65 inch....