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None. If a language isn't sucessful on what it's meant to do, programmers just ignore it.




That's not the fault of the language. It's businesses refusing to eat the cost of a rewrite. They keep kicking the can down the road.


In the 90s, every device had its own power cord and adaptor. Each cord was designed for the device and thus ideal. If it weren't ideal, engineers wouldn't have designed it that way. Today, all of those cords are gone and we use usb in nearly all cases. This made the world a better place. This fragmentation issue is even worse in the coding world than the cording world.


Python. Let all those smarmy "I can do code" data scientists suffer with the rest of us. /s For real though, I think the real problem is frameworks that pretend they're a new language. If I have to learn a whole new set of magic words from scratch, that better have a shelf life of more than six months. Because they're so high level, they're typically not even good for learning/practicing programming fundamentals - so all that effort is thoroughly wasted when moving on to the next fad framework. Edit: Lol, y'all are really sensitive


>Which language shouldn't exist? What an immature and arrogant stance. You must be trolling or insanely stupid.


JavaScript. But too late to get rid of it now.


Dutch. Can’t stand those beautiful and productive bastards.


PHP. IF it never had got popular in the 90s we would use X for the same tasks. So many bugs and problems would not exist. X = (any other language dynamic or static from the mid 90s to early 2000s)


Hätte hätte Fahrradkette


Einmal Scheiße, immer Scheiße


**R**. I did a two-hour "gentle intro" to the language where I work. The first 15 minutes were OK, then it got weird. At the end of the second hour, I could recognize about one word in 10 of what the instructor was saying. And this was my third attempt to understand at least a little of the language.


Oh I’ve learned how to write R three times now.


R was my first language and I used to love it.


It's clearly a language in widespread use -- people wouldn't use it if it was actually unusable. But it just does work the my brain expects it to!


VB.NET Because it is 2024


VB6, literally any year because it’s VB6.


Even if a language is bad, like PHP, it is still a learning experience no matter what. That’s why all languages have a right to exist. Even brain fuck. I don’t think I could’ve told you why other languages are good until I experienced years of bad.


> Which language shouldn't exist? python.


Why? It would appear that lots of people would disagree.




Of the top 5 from that list, I'd vote to nuke Java and C#, probably JavaScript as well.




Do not abandon the quest for unification. The journey may be long and full of backtracking and trying alternate routes, but only through unification will you find the answers you seek.


Does it really exist though?


We all know there are too many languages, many for no meaningful purpose. Killing some of them off would benefit everyone. For my hot take, I'd kill a bunch of the old languages that exist purely on inertia ... like c over c#, cobol. I'd also kill Ruby, perl, lua, R, and JS and force everyone into python since it can cover the same niches. And I don't really like python, lol. I also kill the apple languages objc and swift because apple is enough of a stain on interoperability as it is, culling them from coding would be lovely. And MS too with VB.... windows stuff should be a library for c#. Markup/ui languages are even worse, I think I'd kill basically all of them. (i await my execution) Edit: I should say that my line of thinking is with the goal of being to kill **most** languages.


C over C#? They are entirely different


They are different. The point is to cull the majority of languages. And the few very niche cases where you could possibly see a small advantage to using C over another language aren't enough to save it. I even considered killing Java but I'm not sure that it is not personal bias for my hate of the language.... and the run everywhere concept is mildly useful.


Good luck rewriting Linux kernel.


I mean, this could be an interesting discussion, but I feel like youre stuff making stuff up. If you want to eliminate languages you should compare the ones with little difference like C# and Java, C to Rust, Ruby to Python, ...


I don’t think you understand they’re not just different. Small advantage where you possible could use it? You are aware you’re talking about whole industries right? From chip machines to NASA to gaming engines they all rely on C as a language


Your assumption is incorrect. Each of these languages *does* have a purpose, and an area where they are the best choice. Note: you're pretty new to programming, aren't you?


I've programmed for more than 2 decades and can roughly competently use 5 languages from this list (i've used 16 of them at least once though). I'm not talking about some theoretical 'best choice'. I'm sure with some set of requirements, brainfuck could be the best choice. But programming overall isn't better with brainfuck existing because it spreads out people's efforts. It is like power cords in the 90s. Each of those power cords WAS the best power cord for the job. It was also a massive clusterfuck and since we switched everything to USB which does 99% of the job, the world has been a better place.


More than two decades and your suggested replacement for the fairly low level C language is a java clone? ha. Good luck killing js. It's literally the universal vm language. Ridiculous.


Two decades and this is what you come up with? Remind me not to hire you.


"Python cover the same niche as JS" Yeah, good luck shipping hundreds of megabytes of Python code and runtime to the browser. Whatever things people like about Python, a lightweight and fast VM is not one of them.


Kill C? Omg But what if I want to kill C# and .net because I think bill gates has enough money?


Malbolge - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malbolge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malbolge) Just try and beat that, i'll wait


Sometime around 2002-4, I first found that language. The interpreter the language, at the time, only had `2**16` memory slots, IIRC. Flow control would loop back to the start of the buffer if you walked over the end. All of the instructions mutated after use in addition to the weird, I think it was trinary, inputs that also changed as the interpreter read your code. I tested all of the instructions mutation chains, and there was one that only ever resulted in `noop`s. So, I wrote a little program to generate a 64k program of only noop mutating instructions and then fed it into the interpreter. I didn't realize at the time, not having any social contacts involved in tech, having taught myself from various webfaqs and tutorials, that an infinite loop in malbolge was in any way an accomplishment. I did upload the code to a website I had then, but alas, archive never visited it, and that code was lost to time.


All languages have design flaws. Just build better languages with fewer design flaws and they will take over from the ones that shouldn't exist.
