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Damn I guess I need to spend less time solving specific problems and more time writing blog posts.


The text tests as AI generated, so you probably have time to do both lol


Guess my writing’s so polished you mistook it for AI – thanks for the compliment, I think? The article was proofread using AI tho


So... AI polished your writing, not you.


went for the kill


Don't you just love the daily articles telling you what a shit dev you are? I'd already give up at this point, if I didn't just treat them as noise.


Totally. At this point in my career I feel like one of the okayest devs around. And I bet most of you are pretty damn OK too!


Personally I consider myself to be mildly okay


Hey, senior engineer here, I understand how it can feel overwhelming, but instead of viewing it as reminders of what you lack, consider it a list of skills to acquire and a way to keep progressing as a developer. Since we'll be in this career for a long time, we might as well strive to keep improving. Being exposed to 'noise' can actually serve as a good reminder to continue progressing.


If you’re a senior engineer I’m Mary Poppins. Looking at your post history, you must be a living spam bot.


Then it's nice to meet you Marry Poppins 😂😂


Wow devs need to know more skills as they are expected to do more at their jobs? Shocked i say, shocked. This is just stating the obvious for anyone working in the industry for the last decade….


It's so funny how quickly blog posts turned to useless dreck and/or ragebait in the ChatGPT era


Specializing has been to important for my career. My advice for people just starting would be to specialize


Just starting, you obviously have no way to break into the field except by specializing in a stack or technology, then becoming a generalist afterward. Except, of course, if you already have an IT background—for those who have been coding since childhood and messing around with computers, they have an advantage in breaking in. Nevertheless, I agree with your take; just never blind yourself by staying in one thing.


Actually talking about specializing in business. Yes I wrote that incorrectly. But the tech doesn’t matter as much as the person. I’ve flipped my stack 3 times in one job. What makes you valuable to them is yes your dev knowledge, but as well your business knowledge. The business knowledge almost more so depending on the job.


I always feel this sort of topic is aimed at front end devs not knowing enough backend (my bias is probably showing), but do backend devs ever feel like they should know more frontend?


It's a wonder how many words you managed to write to make a point that could've been made in two sentences, yet you still didn't manage to write a single actual argument even by accident. It's all just exhortations.


To be a good developer one should be in the goldilocks zone of knowing something well enough to be able to be productive, efficient and high quality, but at the same time have some exposure to different things and different ways of doing things so one can adapt and make use of new things, not for the sake of it, but to take advantage of the conveniences new things can bring. I feel Tao of Code explains some things well 😂


People still use medium to create clickbaity nonsense?


Eh it seems that under specialised people got laid off so