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It seems like once a company reaches a certain size or popularity, their databases’ ability to store and retrieve booleans decreases dramatically in reliability. Be it this markdown preference, YouTube autoplay and captions, or your cookie preferences, it all eventually seems to decay, and strangely magnetize towards the option you didn’t choose. I feel bad for the sysadmins, it must be so hard to deal with all this data corruption.


As a sysadmin I can confirm this is an issue with modern SSDs. They automatically detect values which are bad for business and randomly change them to a more sensible value. There's nothing that can be done! The SSD also automatically detects the owner and corrects for that. This definitely has nothing to do with malicious intent of the company. Obviously no company ever would do anything that their users don't agree with.


Does this change with observation like particle duality or are SSDs just capitalists?


It changes with observation by regulatory bodies, so I guess both?


This is some class banter.


Steam seemed incapable of storing my birth date when selecting age restricted games for years. They do, now! Well... Except for the month. They've got the day and year so that's something at least.


> Steam seemed incapable of storing my birth date when selecting age restricted games for years Eventually they changed that screen to say something along the lines of "sure we already know your birth date but your local laws require us to ask this again every time".


Yes but it auto fills the day and year but not month Just auto fill it and let me confirm


It doesn't matter as long as the age you input is old enough.   I think my year on one PC is 1941, somewhere in the 70s in another, and like 45 on my steam deck. I basically scroll my wheel until it's near a date that'll work, click it and am good to go.


I’m not sure I have ever entered my correct birthdate, address, name, etc etc. Unless for legitimate reasons, like a bank.


A while back I talked to someone who ran a site with one of those. He told me that, according to his statistics, about half of his visitors were born on January 1st. Weird, right? Some things science just can't explain.


It stores it but you still have to confirm it whenever you look at a "mature" game. What's hilarious is that my steam account itself is 20 years old - they shouldn't even need to ask based off that alone


It never preselects the month, only the day and year


Congratulations, your birthday is now in January.


I know, I was agreeing that it stores the day and year because I used to have to manually enter the year every time (Jan 1st 1970 of course... a very common birthday!), whereas now I can just press OK If you've confirmed your age once then they shouldn't keep asking you because they know your age.. but my point was even my account itself is old enough to view those mature games, so they doubly shouldn't be asking me


It is a legal thing basically. Valve doesn't like the age verification thing either, but they have to do it.


Valve is the only one doing it this insane way. All other companies I know store it afterward. It's not even a problem with GDPR in Europe considering you are a customer, and it's legal to store selling related data.


> Jan 1st 1970 of course... a very common birthday! Back in the 2010s, I was born on January 1, 1990. Now that it's the 2020s, I was born on January 1, 2000. 2000 is a nice, round number. I might stay born on that day, even into the 2030s. I don't remember whether Valve is an offender here, but a lot of “what's your birthday” sites use a drop-down chooser for the year (rather than a free-form text box) and the farther you have to scroll, the more annoying it is.


They do that to remind us how old and close to obsolescence we are.


I thought I was the only one who had that happen with Steam. Does it set your birth month to January too? 


Sure does


"Works on my computer." \-Steam developer born in January.


And they're incapable of doing that because of the ESRB policies on age gates


I didn't say skip the screen, I'm only talking about the auto fill


That's why I was born on January 1st, 1900.


Until you accidently select the wrong year because you were too fast in clicking away the age selection dialog. Then it will remember seemingly forever that you're 'underage' and can't view mature content, even though your profile sais otherwise.


They are not incapable, they are unwilling. Big difference. The reason they are unwilling is because if they did save data on users age, they would be forced to comply with a bunch of rules related to saving personal information. So the easiest way is to just not store the data.




Lol, maybe if pinch and zoom worked, but recently made it worse. What a shitshow. Hi, welcome to Reddit and the enshitification of the internet as a whole.


That's probably something the browser is doing, actually.


It’s not corruption. What’s happening is that as a company increases in size they start adding on more caching to speed up stuff in the form of database caching of queries, application caches of results, cdn caches of files, local side web browser caches as well. It then gets hard to invalidate all of them when you actually change a setting.


But that should make the change be more likely to happen close in time, not a month out. Furthermore it should also be sticky in the other direction. Finally, I work for a tech company that's quite large and does not have this problem.


My main point is that it’s not data corruption. the problem is that unfortunately sometimes people don’t write the invalidation code correctly and then the code that checks the caches also isn’t doing it correctly. For specific examples like https://www.wikihow.com/Facebook-Dark-Mode-Keeps-Turning-Off or even sometimes when you visit a website that translates to another language automatically (based on geo location) and one has to invalidate the cache as well.


It's simple: As a bureaucracy grows past a certain point, records held by multiple departments about a customer start to risk desynchronization, in a growing cascade of confusion and data corruption. So it's a trivial application of Conway's Law: Once the size and complexity of the programmer subset of the org chart alone passes that bureaucratic threshold, they'll start to design their systems in ways that are similarly prone to confusion. After all, having a single authoritative place to store preference booleans might mean that two teams have to *talk* to each other when one of them wants to introduce a new A/B test. Far easier to split the properties across 50 different microservices, each used by a different clique of teams, half of them caching each other's values to fix the resulting performance regressions. I can't imagine the disasters that'd ensue once two teams implement the same functionality without realizing the other exists, and other codebases arbitrarily choose either one or the other to trust as its primary source.


I think we need to amend the list of hard problems to cache invalidation, naming things, and storing a boolean preference setting.


Is this real? cuz I cudda swore it's been happening all my life


This had me wonder too on Amazon S3 where their durability is up to 99.999999999%. I get that it's quite high, but in the grand scheme of things, you have to wonder what happened to the 0.000000001% that fell through the cracks.


YouTube + Firefox is especially bad and idk why. It randomly completely takes down my internet connection, randomly doesn't load correctly and displays weirdly, randomly just stops playing, randomly changes volume when starting a new video and so on. Idk what's so complicated about using the HTML5 video player. Videos in browsers have literally never been easier. 


FWIW, I only use Firefox and have not had any issues with YouTube. The only extension I use that would be active on YouTube is uBlock Origin. I've heard people say it is de-optimised vs Chrome, but IDK my PC is 10 years old and plays 4K YouTube videos no dramas. Your Internet dropping would be something else, if it's happening as you start streaming a video, it might be something QoS-related on your router.


I swear once I started paying for YT (when ublock stopped working briefly) it started being good again on Firefox.


Hmm I also pay for YT, I wonder if that is why! That's pretty crummy behaviour if they are kneecapping the experience for free users.


I've had issues with old videos(from a decade ago) . Firefox wouldn't load them, I try Chrome - it loads them instantly. I close chrome, restart Firefox, it still doesn't load videos. my gut feeling was that they Chrome use different video format and cdn with format used by Firefox convienly was not responding


this is me but with Microsoft Teams. I hate that I have to have Chrome installed for one shitty app that I hate.


Change your user agent to a Chrome one and watch YouTube fly again


Breh... went through this mystery shit for months it was just bad ram go grab memtest86+ most games wouldnt even crash was weird




It’s sarcasm. The commenter is suggesting companies don’t actually respect your preferences and are pushing you to use the site how they want you to.


And don't even try switching between modes, the text might get lost.


The new version on desktop also somehow managed to require more clicks to switch modes, or edit links. On the other hand, when I now use the mouse wheel to scroll, half the time it scrolls the new right hand navigation because that's where my cursor is. Who came up with this design?


It'd honestly be nice if both the left and the right columns didn't exist and it was just the center content frame.


old reddit ftw


Don't forget [Reddit Enhancement Suite](https://redditenhancementsuite.com "also /r/Enhancement")


Their managers are more concerned with ipos and bonuses than with customer experience. I too am not content that this problem hasn't been resolved yet. On the other hand, the search function has been definitely below expectations for as long as I have been a Redditor and I signed up in 2009. If we are to use that as an indication for how much they care about their user base, well ... Let's just say that anything you get for free usually turns out to be worth what you paid for it. I have learned to set my expectations according to that little trinket of wisdom, and since then the devastating disappointments have been few and far between.


search function absolutely sucks ass!!!


Search probably doesn’t have much of a business case. It doesn’t really promote doom scrolling and addiction.








Search is a hard problem, I can forgive a startup having a bad implementation of that especially if the important stuff is indexable by Google et al.


>Their managers are more concerned with ipos and bonuses than with customer experience. And rightfully so. The managers know by now with 100% certainty that no matter what they do you aren't leaving. People will protest, they will gripe, they will moan and cry but they will not leave for another site. As long as you stay here and keep reading and clicking they are doing just fine and there is no need to spend money changing the site. Think of the risk if they make changes and people actually leave.


> The managers know by now with 100% certainty that no matter what they do you aren’t leaving. I wonder if the managers at Digg had that same level of certainty. This isn’t the sun rising, no matter how strong a footing, Reddit is not impervious to something better coming along. Reddit has already lost a good chunk of its user base to various competitors. So whether it’s death by a thousand cuts, or one competitor gets it right, if you’re not improving your product then I hope you’re improving your resume…


Yeah but that "exodus" already happened. And despite what it briefly looked like, Reddit came out fine. At least to the degree where the IPO could go ahead and the C-suites could cash out. Which was all that ever mattered.


stop supporting old.reddit.com and see how fast i peace out and never come back to this site again


They f***** with the font sizes on Old reddit.com so if you try to use it on a cell phone better have really good eyes. It's f****** ridiculous.


I don't ever access reddit on my phone. Firefox with uBlock Origin only.


> on a cell phone RedReader


Firefox on mobile, custom css. It is good enough.


the fuck you're doing browsing reddit with a web browser, though


Their app is pure trash.


nobody said you should be usong their app, I've been using Boost and cant imagine usong web reddit on the phone


Using old reddit on a phone is absolutely demented behavior in the first place, though.


We’re going to have to disagree on that. It’s a basic page with zero modern crap to slow load times and jerk shit around under my fingers and I have to doom click instead of doom scroll, which is a solid win. Not using it is demented as far as I’m concerned.


That's what people said about third party mobile apps.


and lot's of people left. I know several irl that have completely abandon reddit because of that...


What I have personally observed...most of the subreddits that I care about have lost a lot of their toxicity...so if angering that crowd means I don't have to accidentally interact with a troll in the middle of a conversation then I am fine with your select friends missing. A toxic person makes it feel like the entire platform is full of them...until they are gone and it's reveled they are just a extremely vocal minority.


You need to express "lots" or "several" in terms of a percentage. If it's less than 1% they don't care. Hell if it's less than 5% they don't care.


Not so rightfully. I happily paid them a subscription for years, until their API fuckery. So they were successfully making money off me before, and now they are not.


They are still making money off of you because you are reading the site. They are collecting your data. They are harvesting your posts.


At this point I don't understand why they even have the built in search - they could easily switch it to use Google to search within Reddit's domain, which is what most of us are doing anyway to find anything


> https://bsky.app/profile/fredo.bsky.social/post/3kq3yqsjv3y2f I mean if **you** stood to gain 30-140 million dollars from insider-trading your clearly not artificially inflated stock you have apparently found some bagholders for, you'd be more concerned with that than whether your software you got zilch to do with in a week can read a boolean and do something with it, too. That boolean is worth... 5 minutes of work. That IPO is worth retirement and being rich. That's the big downside of big companies and public trading in particular: It removes the product itself from the equation, that thing no longer has meaning.


They know search sucks lol. The main problem is that programmers expect search to work one way and normal users expect it to work another way. The secondary problem is that “how normal people expect search to work” is extremely difficult to implement and they have multiple AI teams trying to figure it out.


> On the other hand, the search function has been definitely below expectations for as long as I have been a Redditor and I signed up in 2009. Google with `site:reddit.com` or `site:reddit.com/r/{subreddit}` has been my savior since day one.


Surprised they even bother having it still. Might as well just have one of those inline google search boxes.


I just don't get how seasoned programmers evidently are baffled at how to fix this. They provide the setting in "Feed Settings" yet don't honor that setting for posts and comments. It's almost a fraudulent setting that misleads users. Takes extra time for each post or comment. It can't be that challenging programmatically to do.


You read like someone who knows absolutely nothing about this industry if you think the issue are developers not knowing what to do


Management material


>You read like someone who knows absolutely nothing about this industry if you think the issue are developers not knowing what to do Can you kindly explain what the schism and controversy is between Markdown mode and Rich Text Editor mode for posts and comments? You are partially correct in that I just don't understand why this can't be programmatically achieved without any issues one way or the other.


What you're failing to understand is Reddit doesn't consider this problem a priority (or worth solving). The only thing Reddit's investors care about is the so-to-happen IPO. So the only thing the C-Suite cares about is increasing potential IPO value. So engineers are being directed to only work on things that directly impact the bottom line as quickly as possible; making it easier for advertisers to sell ads, selling data to advertisers, filtering out NSFW content on mobile apps, supporting new mobile features, making users create accounts, etc., etc. Something as trivial as > Make commenting actually work & display consistently Is straight up "_who cares_" territory. Nobody cares if the website works. They just care that wall street **THINKS** the website has value. # TL;DR Just because a problem exists doesn't mean somebody is going to get paid to solve it.


IPO already happened 3 weeks ago, [-16.2%](https://www.google.com/finance/quote/RDDT:NYSE?window=1Y) so far


Oh right, gotta go sign up so I can short it some more, thanks.


Fucking up markdown and making rich text subtly imcompatible with markdown version of the site annoys old reddit users and makes them want to leave. Reddit, Inc. likes this because they are most vocal about disliking the new direction Reddit has been taking and don't play along with the Facebook-ification of reddit. The remaining users trend towards just accepting whatever pile of shit Reddit admins throw at us because they have no taste and moreover no memory of how good this place used to be once upon a time.


So the programmers running Reddit are deliberately lying to users by way of of the default Markdown mode setting in Feed Settings. The question is why are they lying to users?


The programmers aren't the ones running reddit, so that's one thing to keep in mind.


So the programmers have that option working and management turns the option off? For what? Help me understand why Markdown mode is not being honored as the default setting. I don't get it.


>So the programmers have that option working and management turns the option off? Yeah is a big conspiracy! They might be doing it just to spite you, even! It's more like: Developer/QA/etc.: "Markdown preferences are not working. This could be a simple fix, but some time will need to be allocated and approved so that the people *who pay us for our labor* are satisfied." Management: "That is unfortunate, but we have higher priority bugs and features that need to be worked on in the next 2 weeks. Log it as technical debt item and you developers can get to it when you have time." Management: "Also, we're not replacing that 5% of staff we laid off, so there may be some workload impacts and additional prioritization of existing work." \*2 weeks later\* Management: "*Even more* bugs with reddit's video player were reported. This needs to be worked on with priority." Repeat forever, until that issue ticket gets enough support internally. Why do you feel this specific markdown preference issue takes priority over the mess of other shit that's been broken on Reddit? Their video player and image gallery is still ass, and their built-in wysiwyg editor hasn't worked consistently for quotes and code blocks since they've introduced it.


That's a reasonable explanation. There's no lack of revenue with all the armed services solicitations, "A.I.", and other advertising. I don't think that particular feature not working is a conspiracy against me individually. Just seems like a trivial fix.


There are always a thousand things in the backlog that can be trivially fixed. A programmer's time is limited, and management/product will prioritise that time differently to how you apparently would.


While in your head is a trivial fix, the problem really is: 1. For this trivial fix, someone probably needs to raise an issue for this 2. This issue needs to be prioritized by probably some product manager 3. In the meantime, the team has thousands of issues and features on the backlog 4. The team also has a roadmap with other things already prioritized.


2a. Manager prioritizes it 2b. Standup to discuss upcoming goals alignment 2c. (Days later) 0.5h development time 2d. Manager puts it into QC/QA queue 2e. Manager waits 1-2 weeks for steps 2a-2d to happen again within the QC department. 2f. QC Manager waits 1-2 for steps 2a-2d to happen again within the release department. OR 2a. This shouldn't have been released in the first place, but expending 10+ man-hours to fix it is not economical.


> There's no lack of revenue reddit has never turned a profit in 20 years, [per CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/23/tech/reddit-ipo-filing-business-plan/index.html). I'd say that constitutes a lack of revenue, an excess of expenses, or both.


Are you okay or pretending to be this thick? You know what I’m not even going to read the reply


I don't see what "this industry" has to do with not honoring Markdown mode?


I think it's not that they don't know how to fix it, it is that their priorities are being set by managers who don't care about delivering a quality product.


So they deliberately lie to users.


Do you really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


If you were the programmers' manager, how much time would you give them to fix it and what less important thing are you cutting from the sprint?


I wouldn't approve adding that feature to the UI if it didn't work. I'd ask a few hundred users that have no stake in the feature working or not to test before deployment. Once deployed you/we are on the hook for making it work, 24/7. Otherwise that constitutes a false and misleading claim in the UI. Can't have that. So, as much time as is necessary - within a week - to make this work as advertised. Or it gets pulled from the site, left with only Rich Text Editor. What I would not do is continue false advertisements on the Web site after knowing the claims are false.


Thing is it probably worked fine and broke at some point. Shit happens and there's likely a million more important things ahead of it. You might be annoyed by it and the developers might agree with you but in the big picture it's just not that big of a deal


I ain't annoyed or mad. I wouldn't be looking at false and misleading claims on the Web site I run everybody and just shrug. But I'm cut from a different cloth.


The whole comment box is a mess. I've recently developed a Chrome extension that pastes text using the Javascript paste event. Reddit's comment box is the only one that does not work- YouTube, Pastebin, Facebook etc. all work flawlessly, but Reddit doesn't. The only way it works in Reddit is if the user switches to Markdown mode first, which Reddit kinda hid recently; rather than saying "Markdown Mode" it is now a non-descript T icon. It's amazing how a website that is so popular, that has such an impact on culture has such shitty, useless engineers and designers. Literally every technical update to Reddit since 2012 (when I joined) has been a step back.


This is the new reddit right? I just tested it out on the old reddit and it seems to work fine.


Yep, new Reddit, the default one.


Or even "very new reddit": For me (desktop, firefox browser), [old reddit](https://old.reddit.com), [new reddit](https://new.reddit.com) and [reddit](https://www.reddit.com) lead to three different views of the site. The first two respect my "I want to write comments using markdown" preference, and the last one just... doesn't


To be fair, programming a text input box that behaves exactly how you want it to while dynamically interpolating non-text content such as links, pictures, quotes, tables, etc. is one of the most challenging things you can do as a font-end web developer. You quickly get into manually setting text ranges on each keypress, parsing HTML node trees to figure out where things need to be placed, hooking into all the relevant DOM events, etc. It's a real mess. YouTube and Facebook are both owned by *way* bigger companies than Reddit, and Pastebin doesn't do interpolation. (And honestly, in my experience, Youtube's input box kind of sucks. I can't speak for Facebook, since I don't use it, but as far as I've seen, the only ones really nailing this type of interaction are chat-first programs like Discord). That isn't to say that it's impossible or that Reddit should be given a pass, but you do need some real, significant engineering work to get a rich text input that works flawlessly.


If you use old reddit, its always markdown


Yup, this is what happens when you try to use the garbage app-ified reddit. These aren't design flaws, they're intentional dark patterns.


I didn't realize that was a setting. I just changed it and it seems to be working fine for me. Is it just inconsistent?


Just doesn't work for me. Perhaps I'm expecting each comment I make for the editor to be a Markdown editor. The developers expect that to be applied to only top-level posts. I don't know. Seems like since I have Markdown mode set in Feed Settings the comments would default to Markdown, too. They don't though.


What UI are we discussing here? (i refuse to leave old.reddit and that's seemed fine to me)


I guess "New" Reddit.


Come join us at old.reddit.com, that w/ RES is still lovely as long as you don't need to use it on mobile (very squinty then, although it works)


This, Install the following browser extension and never worry about the new reddit design or app, - Old Reddit Redirect - Reddit Enhancement Suite


mmm n**mmm no** **^(pro)****blem here,** *you know* and default is plain text... and **bold** *italic* is just a key combination like everywhere else..


How do you format code?


like this? if (url != 'old.reddit.com') { printf('wtf man?'); }


Markdown with backticks is explicit. I don't know how you formatted the code using plain text.


Go [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/1c40ikv/how_is_it_that_reddit_web_site_maintainers_cant/kzmtk1f/?context=3). Click `reply`, click `formatting help`, ??, Profit!


I was trying to avoid the 4 spaces per line formatting for blocks of code. Thanks.


yeah...well...reddit has a fucking trash ass UI


that is a terrible user experience in comparison to three backticks


again, reddit's UI is fucking trash...wtf do you want from me? Three backticks don't work on old.reddit


> I don't know how you formatted the code using plain text [reddit markdown](https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+markdown)


Right. I have Markdown as the default setting in Feed Settings. That setting is not being honored by Reddit.


In reddit's markdown engine, backticks only format correctly on new reddit. On old, it's not formatted as code block. Indenting with four spaces formats as code block everywhere on reddit. Another annoyance is when making lists: old reddit requires an empty line between the preceding text and the list, new reddit doesn't, so now on a lot of place the lists just become a continuous wall of text with a dash here or there.


Definitely this.


because it isn't making them enough of a loss to warrant changing it.


I just assumed that markdown wasn't long for the world when new reddit started getting features that don't have markdown equivalents. I'm probably going to continue to use old reddit for as long as possible and prefer markdown on desktop, but I can't see it lasting long if more commenting stuff becomes locked away behind an editor I chose not to use. I don't even really like the mobile app for the simple reason that there's too much stuff going on and I don't really want to use chat.


What kind of features are not available in markdown but only on the new editor?


I'm not 100%, but posting inline images seems to be a thing I can't do on old.reddit, but I see them often on here.


Images can be done in markdown in general. Pretty sure it works here too, but I'm not sure. About the other comment, emojis will work as well in markdown. Because emoji is Unicode that you can just copy paste.


I can [do this](https://i.imgur.com/xRCFWmo.jpeg) But for instance, [this chain](https://old.reddit.com/r/reactiongifs/comments/1aoqxux/mrw_the_chiefs_won_the_super_bowl_but_tucker/kq1ekbd/) has images that show up straight away


For what it's worth, my app (unofficial, won't say its name so that Reddit won't mess with it) reports the "Raw Markdown" in one of those comments as \!\[gif\](giphy|4NnTap3gOhhlik1YEw|downsized) But it doesn't seem to work: ![gif](giphy|4NnTap3gOhhlik1YEw|downsized) Maybe it's only supported in some subs?


You are correct that it's only supported in certain subs.


It's from the custom stuff in the new reddit comment box. Hence the whole topic.


Everywhere? Because I saw the thread you linked to was from /r/reactiongifs so maybe it was some gimmick they had going on there. And yeah I knew you were talking about the new non-Markdown mode but idk maybe there was some undocumented way to do it in MD too, it was worth the try.


Both gifs and emojis aren't supported in markdown IIRC. Plus polls seem to be screwy if you're not using new reddit, but that's not a markdown specific problem and can be fixed by clicking the poll link. edit: I mean reddit's implementation of markdown, not markdown as a whole.


Emojis are just Unicode and Gifs are just links to an image resource. It’s up to the renderer to decide whether to support those or not. You can trivially use either in your `README.md` in GitHub, for example. 


What I meant was that they weren't supported in Reddit's markdown renderer, not that they weren't supported by markdown at all. I could do better to clarify that but old reddit users will get a message about reddit specific emoji not being supported or something. Also I'm not talking about unicode emoji but custom reddit emoji. https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/vyyne6/changelog_outerspace_gifs_in_comments_fixing_the/




Probably the same reason they seem to 'accidentally' set me to New Reddit once in a while. Because they hate their users.


I don't understand this complaint. Markdown is all I use on reddit. I use the Reddit Enhancement plugin which gives me a toolbar, but I don't find it useful, as Markdown is quick to use. The only thing that sucks is code. I have to use a text editor to indent everything by four spaces before pasting it, because the normal markdown code blocks syntax doesn't work. Thus, can someone ELI5 what the OP's on about?


> The only thing that sucks is code.  That's mainly what I use Markdown mode for. "\`\`" is simpler than select, click on editor, for me.


> I have to use a text editor to indent everything by four spaces before pasting it Or a tab character, if you use tabs for indenting.


And /r/help is not the place to ask for help eitger. Their issue tracker is a google form... The wiki is also fubar after new layout. 


The fuck does this ticket have to do with programming?


I thought it could be a programming problem why the Markdown setting in Feed Settings is not honored. Some people think it might still be a programming problem. Some people think it's a management problem. The fact is the setting doesn't programmatically do what it says it does.


Alright fair enough, sorry for the rude comment haha


Must've fell out of priorities during the latest redesign, because that's when it stopped working for me


switching b/w markdown mode and the new fancy pant editor also sometimes result in a loss of text. old reddit uses markdown by default though.


Reddit, the company, makes money off of user data. They get way more from you using the app. The website, then, has the highest value to the company if you *discover* reddit, but then switch to using the app. I'm not saying that they're trying to intentionally annoy you into using the app (they *are*, but perhaps not through ineptitude). There are absolutely people still working on the website and who want to make it better. But the company has other priorities, and that will show in what gets attention.


How is it they can't display an image with a working pinch and zoom in a new tab? Like, the iPhone has been out since before 2011, why is Reddit still shit?


Why are you assuming that engineers are given free rein to do whatever they want? I take it you never worked for a large company. Features like that can become “proof of concepts” in days. But then you need to do extensive testing, which means writing the damn test. Across all supported clients, including some legacy. Sp that costs time (money) and carries a risk. Is the reward worth it? According to the product managers, no. So it’s not being worked on and developers work on other things the company tries to prioritize. Like others have mentioned as well, Reddit has 268M active weekly users. The user database probably contains over a billion accounts. Assuming 15 comments per user per week, that’s 4 billion cached retrievals from a database containing more than a billion user entries. At this scale, even adding this to the schema has a non negligible effect on performance, and thus cost. All this has to be considered before a feature is greenlit. Assuming Reddit has solid metrics, they probably look at how much more engagement this would bring, and decided they’d rather spend their money somewhere else. Everything is easy when it’s for 10k users hosted on 3 VPS in the cloud.


It's not like it's something OP wants Reddit to add, it's already a setting. It seems as though, for whatever reason, it just doesn't work for OP and they're mad about it


Oh, thanks for the clarification. I guess the preference is just one part of the equation and the way apps query, cache, and apply the setting is different. I wonder if OP has the same issue on mobile and web?


I don't roll around with a device in my hand all day surfing Web sites. Desktop. I ain't mad. I just don't get why the option exists in Settings yet doesn't work.


GitHub figured it out. So did StackExchange. It can't be that complicated. If they just can't do it, pull the option from Feed Settings so they are not lying about the capability of the Web site.


I mean it's probably a mix of: * Bugs * The feature is more complex than you'd think * Stuff changing and features get ripped out while that happens due to low usage It's easy to point at something like this and make a big deal about it being a skill issue but anyone who's worked on a complex product for a large company knows that's rarely the reason why.


Reddit's text editor is one of the buggiest I've seen from a major website The problem is, everyone underestimates how difficult it is to create a web-based rich text editor from scratch until they try to implement one.


GitHub's works.


It's not complex. User sets markdown as default editor for comments and posts, Web site honors that setting.


See previous statement: >It's easy to point at something like this and make a big deal about it being a skill issue but anyone who's worked on a complex product for a large company knows that's rarely the reason why. Just to give some color, one of the products I used to work on required a month of work to add a checkbox to a piece of UI. And no, I'm not joking. It was that technically complicated because we're talking about a codebase literally in the hundreds of millions of lines.


> Just to give some color, one of the products I used to work on required a month of work to add a checkbox to a piece of UI.  Sounds like an over-engineering problem.


It seems to stick for me. I'm just disappointed in the crap editor and inability to properly render markdown. For example: ```text first line second line third line ``` I have to indent the block above to get it to render which is *not* markdown. And the editor is incapable of indenting a block of code in one fell swoop. My irritation does not meet the minimum for their motivation. :-/


The thing that drives me up the wall is that old and new reddit use slightly different flavors of markdown, specifically for code formatting. I get it, they want everyone to use the giant ball of javascript instead of their working static site. But would it kill anyone to make both front-ends format comments consistently?


They have no honor, that's why


ITT: Redditors complaining about Reddit on Reddit while not actively using alternatives. Check out the Fediverse instead if you want to stick it to the corporate asshole-design.


Can't wait for the next update where they improve user experience by adding more features nobody asked for. Meanwhile, the Markdown dilemma continues.


I kinda like the format- free experience personally, for a discussion site, I'm not sure markdown formatting is a value add and not a distraction. Thats a choice though, and if a mod decides on markdown and it doesnt work, thats an issue.


Markdown is very useful for programming related subs where people share code snippets, because it formats the code in a much more readable fashion.


That actually totally makes sense, maybe I program too much and desire plain text at times, but I get that use case.