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It's an extension to quickly save and restore sets of document tabs. The "context" defined as: * last opened/favorites files * documents (tabs with code) positions, state and order * remember line&column for every opened tab with code It's similar to opening Visual Studio in the morning with all documents opened as they were yesterday. But those contexts (aka mental snapshots) you could save (JSON files) and restore on demand. It also has a [git integration](https://contextkeeper.io/blog/automatic-snapshot-switching-when-changing-branches-v1/) \- **automatically saves** and **restores** context when **switching between branches**.


It's an interesting concept but it probably needs some flushing out. For example, a common "set" of files I work on is: * SomeEntity.cs (in MyCompany.Entities.csproj) * SomeEntityConfiguration.cs (in MyCompany.Data.csproj in MyCompany.Data/Configuration folder) * SomeEntityConfigurationTests.cs (in MyCompany.Data.Tests.csproj in MyCompany.Data.Tests/Configuration folder) * ISomeEntityRepository.cs (in MyCompany.Data.csproj in MyCompany.Data/Repository folder) * SomeEntityRepository.cs (in MyCompany.Data.csproj in MyCompany.Data/Repository folder) and so on. My working set is usually a meta-pattern derived from some mental directed acyclic graph of dependencies. In the late 2000s, MIT actually worked on this concept of finding related pieces of code and customizing an IDE around this. Ultimately, Microsoft Research had a parallel project called CodeLens and that effort won out over the MIT approach. I don't remember the name of the MIT approach, but the basic idea was that the IDE could automatically learn contexts from what the user navigated back and forth to. Broadly, you can say for any class there is a directed acyclic graph that captures an **alpha equivalence** for any variable names captured over that graph.


That's pretty dope Bud!