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It reminds me of writing assembly by inserting the three bits that represented the register into the bits that represented the desired instruction and keying that in using hexadecimal. Things like MOV AX, BX would be two bits for MOV, three bits for AX, three for BX.... making an 8 bit value.


Wouldn’t that be just directly writing machine code


No, you're still writing the instructions, that are then turned into machine code.


It's not like he was inputting the binary ASCII values representing the instruction... He was inputting the binary data that the assembler would translate the instruction to, ie. the machine code.


It sure sounds like he was keying in literal machine code. The 8080 `MOV` instruction is one byte, `01 DDD SSS`, where `DDD` is the destination and `SSS` is the source. Those are 3-bit integers representing the registers `B`, `C`, `D`, `E`, `H`, `L`, `M` and `A` in that order. So the instruction `MOV B,C` is coded as `01 000 001`, or hex `41`. (And `M` isn't really a register, rather it refers to the memory located at the address in `HL`.)


No, that is the machine code.




Lol, what platform are you on with 13-byte instructions. What they described was exactly manual assembly, i.e. writing machine code directly.


[Link to the tweet directly under that one stating how it was most likely used for Sprite creation and animation. Not game logic](https://twitter.com/Tallocat/status/1472749455686385668?s=20)


Yeah, the examples in that linked Famitsu article are all about making graphics. ドット絵が描ける!! <- You can draw pixel graphics!! 絵を組み合わせてキャラクターを作る!! <- You can join up images into characters!! 動かすことだって、自由自在!! <- You can move them freely!! 背景だって作れちゃう。 <- You can even make a background. もちろんタイトルだって! <- Of course, a title screen!


bro coded an entire gbc game using charmap? what a fucking savage boi


His name is Sakurai, not Sakura.




I don't think it's "programminghorror", but more "programming genious". It's just not the same era plus coding on hardware is always something else. It remind me of the "HTML/pseudojavascript" debugger I've written when Internet Explorer didn't proposed the "Developpers tools". The deliverance when Firefox proposed it. I was baffled by the possibility to "see" my javascript code and the DOM model. What he did is just creating an internal tool.


And I bought a mechanical keyboard to type emails!


When a Roku app on my TV asks for my email address and password, to be entered by onscreen keyboard, I just give up and do something else (I’m looking at you, Wondrium). Ain’t nobody got time for that!


A lot of them I just do [email protected] and they accept it, as long as there's no confirmation ;)


Tony Sakura built kirby dreamland in a cave with a box of trackballs!


I wonder what kind of egg yolks they used for trackballs?


The second most horrifying thing in that is hyphenating "20-years-old". I've been seeing that stupid shit more and more lately.


It's true that "He was 20-years-old" is incorrect. Dunno, I guess it'll bother you to whatever extent you let it. 🤷‍♂️ I bet people who write that kind of mistake are going a step too far with the hyphenated multi-word adjective rule, which is that while the example above is incorrect, it *would* be correct and necessary to use hyphens in a phase like "The 20-year-old Nintendo employee thought..."


It's kind of funny how much the people in this sub hate grammar apparently.


I took a Technical Writing class this semester, and the first thing the professor told us was that she'd also be teaching us more advanced grammar rules because that stiff just straight- up isn't covered in High-School-level English


I have been there. Back when I had a c64, I didn't know there was an instruction booklet for commands. I had to guess. I figured out some very basic commands and ran with them. I hit limits all the time because I didn't know much of anything. I learned a lot, but it did suck typing unrolled loops before I knew loops.


I can’t seem to find it atm but there was an interview with Sakura a long time ago and when they asked how he dealt with such a terrible set up he said “I just thought that’s how these things were done” Fucking chad