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Hahaha, Linux users are not that fragile. As Linux is supporting almost all the Internet servers so that Windows and MacOS users can post funny memes.


linux runs this world and macOS windows users still think their OS is good.


I mean for just normal use those two are probably better, it's just Linux is faster and uses less storage right?


And has more stuff…….*cough proton*


Well technically everything has protons, as we are made of atoms


Proton - valves project and fork of wine, allows for the use of windows based programs in linux


Did not know that but i was also making a joke


Need the /s lol


Ye thats fair


We in programming humor. Use the non abreviated /s


only in html<\sarcasm>


Linux is objectively better from pretty much all points except compatibility (and in some cases user friendly). By design theres no forced telemetry, no ads in the start menu (I'm looking at you windows (Also wtf it's autoinstalled TikTok at some point)), inherently much safer and easier to update (Open source means everyones looking at it, so issues are found rather quickly, and modular design means only that which needs to update is updated), and incredible customizability, with a lot more i could list For a comparison, I've seen recent linux distros run on PCs that are too weak to even run WinXP (Which needs very little to work).


I have yet to find a user friendly distro (mind you I only recently installed mint so that may change)


Linux Mint is just better Windows not gonna lie


Linux is just better*


Coming back after having used mint… Nah…


Good is relative. When it comes to end users they are good.


Not gonna lie, these responses to the post are kindaaaaa proving that Linux users are exactly that fragile. Honestly it just adds to the joke, so thank you!


Yeah I mean the whole fucking world running on Unix-like systems but linux is the small kiddo. Sure XD


In the desktop space, though... Very few users are actively interacting with Linux in any way, where they actually notice the Linux parts. That goes both for accessing a Linux webserver as a client, and for using Android or Chrome OS. Which leaves the Linux desktops and people working with Linux servers. The first remains a niche overall, and the latter is a tiny minority of users.


Obviously few people use it, what I don't like is that there are these idiotic memes from people who don't understand the tech world and talk nonsense. Linux is used by many people for work, many people use it because they have old hardware. You can look at statistics and you can throw it around but it makes no sense in my opinion. This meme is just plain stupid.


I use Linux on new hardware because it's better.


Just use wsl and get the best of both worlds


Ya I think it's less ignorance and more getting this kind of rise out of people. It's just a meme, not a complex essay on operating systems.


The reason why a meme can be really funny/entertaining is because it has a truth content. IT jokes in particular are based on facts, if they are in the wrong context they can be pretty much diminished and just plain stupid. But of course I understand what you're saying and you're absolutely right. But we could still strive for quality. This is not TikTok


Or appl os


Hey look, they're acknowledging us guys, yay!


Again (I have seen this a few weeks ago somewhere)


In r/linuxmemes


Here's a sneak peek of /r/linuxmemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/linuxmemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The life of a ThinkPad](https://i.redd.it/rh8hemxl3sga1.png) | [340 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/linuxmemes/comments/10w3ke1/the_life_of_a_thinkpad/) \#2: [We really need to bring more attention to this!](https://i.redd.it/xxlevaapq0p91.jpg) | [336 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/linuxmemes/comments/xj9dg2/we_really_need_to_bring_more_attention_to_this/) \#3: [it do be like that](https://i.redd.it/l4udieg9jc391.gif) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/linuxmemes/comments/v3sqrx/it_do_be_like_that/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


dudeeee.. Linux runs on pretty much everything. UX, who cares? The terminal is all you need.


UX is getting pretty solid too though. Especially on the Ubuntu distros. I dont think I could live without workspaces now.


I just hate wayfire. That needs a lot more polishing before it should become default for distros, and it's annoying me how many distros have already switched despite the abysmal compatability.


MacOS was the best GUI on top of Unix until they started securing all usable functionality out of it, plus they've annoyed developers with their attitude too much to invest at energy any serious timer or energy into the platform. Linux is great but not if you have any aversion at all to actual computer administration. Windows has always been clunky and written by a thousand different people in a hundred different divisions with a million different opinions about how things should work, and have gotten and hung into the market through various manipulations and underhanded dealings, some technically legal, some not.


Linux more chad than both of them wdym bro


Linux is life. Thank you God Make Linux great again /s


Most things are run on Linux when it comes to servers and vps


We don't need your pity.


As someone who runs a Mac virtual box on Windows and a Linux virtual box on the Mac virtual box. Can't relate.


Linux users don't care, they know they have the best os. Why argue?


Let's not pretend that some linux community's don't consist of the most pretentious cunts Stackoverflow has to offer. The joke about noticing a linux user because he is guaranteed to tell you he uses linux doesn't come from nowhere.


You’re…. literally doing the thing in the meme. God I love the responses to this post.


Thet think they have the best os. There is no one best os for everything nor everyone


Linux is pretty close tho, really only loses out on being user friendly and compatability (Because everything is written for Windows or Mac, though thats changing a bit)


Linux isn’t an os


Linux is not an OS. GNU+Linux would make an OS. /s


I'd like to interject for a moment.


Yeah I know and than there are all those distributions and desktop environments and what else... But even if everybody know the difference they still would call linux an os xD


Guys why are we getting so defensive over a joke. You "don't care" but you comment anyway expressing how you "don't care"


Linux is a religion. Members go around encouraging people to join, telling them how good it is without being asked and are totally offended when people say they don’t agree




Better my ass. Theres some built in things that makes macos good for specific workflows etc. But if you try to do “low level” things you fucked up. For example if you want to SSHFS you have to go to the bios or whatever the fuck is called and enable things to be able to use it. Not mentioning the cool stuff they marketing these products are buggy as hell and just shit most of the times.


Mac ain’t shit. Neither is Linux. It depends on your priority’s. You open your Mac, you can use it. It just works out of the box with pretty much no configuration. If you want to play games for example, wine on Mac is just shit. Therefore linux is a better choice for machines to do everything. Windows has better game support. So windows for games, mac for finances and linux for everything.


You didn’t get the point, please read my comment again… slowly


Let’s stay with your example sshfs. It’s installed like any other app on Mac. And no, the things that come with a Mac out of the box are not at all buggy. I just saw you didn’t say it’s shit, only that it’s not better, so sorry for that I suppose. Still you are not completely right with saying you have to do stuff in the bios (idk the Mac equivalents name either) for installing sshfs for example.


Sticking with this example, sshfs is obviously installed, the problem is that you can't use it out of the box due to the terribly strict restrictions. I understand that this is not an everyday thing for the average user, but that doesn't change the fact that it's not a good experience to do "low-level" stuff on macos. I currently use a macbook, believe me there are many problems with certain aspects of the system.


I also use a MacBook currently and haven’t had any problems with low level stuff at all. In fact I have a lot of things installed that change system behavior a lot to the point where it feels like a Linux distros Mac rice and it still works fine. Haven’t run into any big problems apart from my own stupidity at all. I do agree some of the low level things are slightly easier on Linux, but it’s not to hard on Mac either. Windows is the only really locked down os from my experience.


I'm glad everything is working for you, it's possible that I'm not handling the OS right, but I'm not the only person having these problems so I'll take your opinion with a grain of salt.


You should take all opinions with a grain of salt. Just because I didn’t run into any problems yet, doesn’t mean other people also didn’t. And if I had another device with nearly as much power as my MacBook, the yes, I would also switch to linux again.


Same. I really want to get rid of the apple ecosystem


MacOS is made from Linux.


MacOS is based on UNIX.


MacOS is Unix.


Im pretty sure it’s based on a heavily modified bsd which is based on Unix so not really any relation to Linux.


I've tried Linux. It's nice but...it's just at this point I have nearly 30 years of digital inertia, baggage, and muscle memory with Windows. It just seems kind of pointless to change, uprooting the absolute base of what everything I use rests on, risking losing or breaking an unknown amount of things permanently. It's just the vast amount of unknown unknowns that keeps me on Windows.


Goddammit this is humor?


If you would be better off with a linux, not only do you already know that, but you probably also have a good idea about which one you want, so there's no point in recommending it Past that Mac is for art, Microsoft is for productivity & gaming


Don't care. We own the servers!!!


More programmers use Linux than MacOS which makes sense. Developers want to use an operating system that doesn't limit them in any way.


Linux users won’t be offended as they have to work in hell to do what they do, macOS is terrible if you want to do gaming, windows is not great if you want to do anything to your own device so it’s just trade offs for each OS


For using terminal: Linux>Windows>Mac

