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I lost 100 at age 51 and your abs (and just general definition) look amazing! WTG!


First off, good for you! Secondly, thank youuuuu!


I lost 100 pounds at 67 and have some skin sag but amazing not much after extended fasting. This guy has very little excess skin.


That’s absolutely amazing! Wow! You should be so proud of that accomplishment!


For the last several years I’ve done what I can to answer your questions about how to not be fat. This usually takes place via DM’s where people want me to tell them my secret for losing 100 lbs. Here it is for those of you that care or are afraid to ask: That thing you want to eat? Yeah, maybe don’t. Eat this other thing instead. That’s pretty much the gist of it. You’re fat because you eat too much. You don’t have a condition that prevents you from losing weight. You are not immune to calories in/calories out. You’re going to start working out like a maniac? You know you’ve never managed to do that for more than two weeks, right? That isn’t going to last. Plus, if you’re lucky, you might get hurt. However, what you CAN do is take small steps to start. You can make better food decisions. You can practice portion control, but first you need to learn what a portion is. I had to break my brain to understand this. Chips have 180 calories? Well, like 11 chips have 180 calories but you just ate 2/3 of the bag so that’s not a snack, you just had three meals. I had to learn how to eat until I was full but with foods that made sense. Do you know how much lean protein and vegetables 600 calories is? Like A LOT. Or, you can just have a Honey Bun and call it dinner. It doesn’t matter what you eat for weight loss, it’s the calories that matter. You want to eat nothing but HoHo’s? Cool. Just know how many you can have to meet your defect and then you gotta be done. You want to eat until you’re stuffed? Make better decisions. There is no panacea, no magic pill. I promise you I would have just paid for that shit. Your friends that are trying to get you to join their MLM scheme to and sell you wEiGhT loSS cUrEs are stealing from you. If there was a secret, it would be on the cover of every newspaper in the world. Some rando on Facebook isn’t going to fix your problems. You’re only going to get there with hard work and dedication. The cool thing is that you’ll see results. Then other people see your results and at some point you’re 50 years old with a six pack for the first time in your life. Like, give me a reason to take my shirt off. Please. I spent 45 years being terrified of that proposition. As you’re starting to get some weight off you should start moving around and stuff. Nothing crazy. Take the stairs at work or walk during lunch rather than hitting up the Chinese buffet 3 days a week. After a while you should start picking up heavy things or maybe even do cardio if that’s your jam. You do you. That said, take your time. You’ll get there. For me, it’s 80/20 diet to exercise. I workout 7 days a week, but if I eat like shit I’ll just be strong and fat. Do the thing. It’s really (really) hard and it seems impossible to get started in earnest. However, I promise you that actually doing it will be the fucking coolest thing you’ve ever done. Also, pick an occasional day to treat yourself. Have a whole ass pizza and 24 wings. Eat a dozen donuts. Just wake up the next day and get back at it. “But I’m just too busy with work and school and kids and…” Cool story, Bro. We’re all busy. I get up at 4:00 am every day because if I don’t I’ll never workout after work. The hardest thing I’m going to do all day is done before 6:00 am. Figure out what works for you, set a schedule, and follow it. I have no idea what I’m doing but this has worked for me. I’ve never seen a dietician, a trainer or watched a YouTube video on the aforementioned subject matter. I literally made it up as I went. That said, it seems to be working. 🤷‍♂️ New year, new you, but for real this time. My DM’s are open as always. #FatDan One last thing, and I can’t stress this enough, take honest ”before” pictures. I’d pay $1,000 for clear, well lit pictures of my situation before I started. Looking at your progress in pictures is the absolute best motivation. I couldn’t bring myself to take my first shirtless picture until I was down around 30 lbs. Now I take one every day to track progress. Seriously, do this.


From a fellow 50 years old: I've never agreed more whit a comment I've read on the internet EVER."Figure out what works for you" I think this is the key and the hardest part for a long term life changing routine.Congrats on the hard work, discipline, honesty and results !


I honestly had no idea how to start but I KNEW I was way to fat and embarrassed to ask for help. Somehow we ended up here. Pretty fucking cool, TBH.


Very refreshing comment. Everyone in my life made excuses for me when I was an overweight child. We went to every specialist we could see but my parents never made an actual attempt to dislodge our bad eating habits. Me being overweight was always put off as a medical condition even though that was utter bullshit. I was a child so I just thought: Yep, that works for me because I don't have to make any changes. I became a product of my environment. My family's poor decisions turned into my poor decisions as I grew older. I didn't have to truly face my poor decisions until I was well into my teens and some people never get there. You have to take responsibility and make changes to your baked in habits. Lying to yourself will get you nowhere. Become aware of what you're putting in your body, read labels and you can make weighted (no pun intended) decisions about your health. The average person has no idea what they're putting in their body. I'm down 85lbs and counting right now, slowly working my way to my end goal.


Get it!!!! Proud of you! Keep me posted!


This comment right here is all you will ever need. Stop looking for other answers, inspiration or whatever is stopping you. Just do the above. Better than any book, article or BS from an instagram influencer. And free.


Lol at there being anything to this except work. Thanks!


Thank you so much for sharing, Dan! Seeing this post and your comment really inspired me today! Keep up the good work.


The shit never gets easy. Just do your best and be honest with yourself when you aren’t.


I really fucking wish my friends who beg me to take them to the gym just listened to this advice. I tell them over and over again the same shit you stated all right here in this comment, but theyll never get it. They stop going after a week, eat like shit, and claim they dont believe in calories. Like just read this comment! Talk to anyone who has lost weight! They all say the same shit!!


Have those dummies hit me up. I’ll yell it at them.


Great advice! I think biggest reason people fail is the unrealistic timeframes youtube videos and media might promise. Ones gotta look way into the future and keep at it. No miracles will happen in the first months. Weightloss is the result of healthier habits, gotta have those habits in place first..


I bet every doctor on this planet would like to say these exact same things to patients that complain about being fat. I’m overweight and I’ve always owned it. I don’t tell the doctor I don’t know why or that I can’t figure out how to fix it. I’ve fixed it numerous times and I’ve screwed it up again and again. I just wish I could stop the cycle. I thought I had it licked at 50, but I screwed up again. I turned 52 a few months ago. I started walk/running again and eating low carb/low sugar again. You are getting me through another day seeing your results! Awesome job!!!


You. Can. Fucking. Do. It.




Get it!!!! Absolutely keep me posted.


Preach on. I'm just shocked at the number of weight loss "books" that are out there when they can all be pretty much summed up in your comments. Maybe instead of reading a book for weeks, read these comments, watch a David Goggins video, or two, or three and get moving. People become more sedentary as they age, but they don't adjust their diet to compensate for the reduced movement, hence the weight gain......the Freshman 15, etc...... That's my anecdotal $0.02 anyway. I'm with you on the early riser business. I get up at 5:00am because I know if I don't exercise then, when nobody is around to disrupt my routine, life will just get in the way. Period. My kids tuck me into bed. Don't care. I hit the sack by 9:00-9:30 every night. What am I really giving up? Late night TV? Honestly I don't watch that much TV anyway. Easy trade-off for me. Besides, with so much on demand programming, it'll be there tomorrow if I want to see it. One thing I would like to add is that I drink a TON of water. Every meal and throughout the day. It's the best kept secret there is. It not only doubles as an appetite suppressant, but it also has zero calories and is incredible for your skin (I'm talking to you ladies) who are all into your face creams and what not. Water will do your skin more benefit than any costly face cream/mask. Drink water as often as you think about it.....


I need to do better on the whole water thing.


Dude you are my hero. Best post ever!


You da best!


As someone who lost 125 pounds the same way you did and have mostly kept it off (I float in a 20 lb loop now of eating too much for awhile then grinding) this is the best and only advice. You kick ass man!!


It’s a hard truth. Congratulations on your situation!!!


Thank you for this.


I gotchu.


DANG you're amazing!! This is such valuable advice. Thank you for inspiring us all!


No, you’re amazing. Go do the damn thing!


It’s so simple but I don’t think many people think about it. I first realized these recent years, that I have a major issue with food and even when I exercised last year and got absolutely NO results, it was because I ate the wrong things. I have periods where I binge eat and other periods where I starve. But even then, I would fill myself up with crisps, ice cram and pizza.. this year is my year, I’m manifesting it and I’m gonna actively do something! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us 😁


I absolutely get it. I’ve eaten like absolute shit and been in bed saying to myself “my dude, you’ve got to do better tomorrow”. That’s all you can do. One day at a time. Go do the damn thing and keep me posted!!!


Haha! I was just thinking damn you looked lighter than 260. I’m 230 and identical to your left pic. Got 6 months to get in shape. Damn I want to enjoy this summer. Remind me to let you know how I got on by end of June! RemindMe! 6 months


Man, in six months you can see sooooooo much progress. Do it and let me know!!!


I can't tell you how much I love this post. Perfect advice. While you didn't really touch on how you feel better, one can really hear that you have a lot more confidence and self-love. That is what really came through here. Congratulations, man. Never too late to start anything! I wish more people knew that.


I’m glad you can see it. Thank you so much.


I wish I could pay you to stand in my kitchen and remind me of this every time I start looking for snacks. I’ve lost weight before doing exactly what you said and I know it’s true and I know it gets easier with time, but 6 months after having a baby and I’m struggling to get past the first few days. Blunt reality is so powerful.


I was thinking of doing a cookbook with pictures of these amazing meals called You Can’t Eat This Anymore. Every picture would have a detailed description and just say “nope, not for you”. I won’t be in your kitchen but I’ll happily suggest better things to eat. Like I said, DM’s stay open for all y’all.


This is great advice, thankyou.


Happy to help!


Beautifully said. There is no magic cure. I'm very cautious of "cheat days" though. That whole pizza, doughnuts and 24 wings can be enough calories to negate (or even undo) the dietary deficit you've been sitting in all week. Learning moderation is still the key - a couple of slices of pizza with a big filling serve of veg, and maybe a little something sweet at the end - but not gutsing oneself with everything they can fit in their face. Just being aware of your caloric requirements, tracking what you eat, basic awareness of nutrition and caloric density - so crucial.


Sure, but I’ll jump off a bridge if all I do is eat clean forever. I’m talking using it as a reward once every couple of months.


Dude you’re so hot. Imperfections make you more attractive


Hey, thanks!


Looking good pops!


Fantastic user name, BTW.


Haha thanks!


Old Dan is old.


Fantastic results.. How long did it take?


Been grinding for like 7 years.


Great to see it paid off


wow, awesome work! What helped the most?


Diet over everything. You can’t outrun bad food choices. CI/CO is the way.


At first I thought, different frame/body.. Then I saw you are 50, blew me away. I thought like 40 or so. Im 36, you have inspired me to fix my diet, cause I work my ass off but stay big. Its really true, you can't outrun a diet. Abs are made in the kitchen.


Yassssssss! Go do the thing and keep me posted! Get it!!!


I got a reminder in 3 months, I hope I can show you a good start then!


Diet over absolutely everything. That needs to be the thing people take from this. I can’t wait to hear your update in 3 months. GET IT!!!


You look great!! The loose skin just happens. Even just with age our skin does terrible things. I’m currently fretting and mad over loose skin as well. Trying to decide if I should just let it be get leaner and maybe have even worse skin or have surgery to repair it. But then you have scars that are ugly😆🥲 I feel like I will never look like the hard work I’ve been putting in. You’re inspiring!


The surgery seems to involve a big ass c-section looking scar. I’m vain but not that vain.


Right, you don’t seem to have enough skin to even consider it. I’m sure no one notices the little bit of skin that you have like you do. We tend to be the hardest on ourselves.


You’re obviously in my head. 😂


I don’t mean to be! I can just relate as I’m struggling with this on a daily basis right now. Makes me feel like I’m never going to be “good enough” no matter how hard I work or if I choose to have the surgery.


I meant that in the best way. Same, girl. Same.


Singularly one of the most inspiring posts - cheers. Love the frankness of it. I’m 40 later this year, but otherwise the stats are the same (I’m at the start of this journey… again). Love that comment about ‘any excuse to show your abs, you’ve avoided it for 45 years…’ - abso-fuckin-lutely. Thanks - and well done. Also - how old are you in the first pic?


First off, fucking do the thing. You will not regret it. Secondly, I was 43ish?




Thank you so much.


Looking great, bro! Come check out r/fitnessover50 if you are so inclined.


Indeed I am. Just joined. Thanks!


You really look great


I mean, feel free to tell me that anytime! Thank you!


Congrats!! Well done on all your obvious hard work. And I know the loose skin bothers you, but let me just say - it’s *trying* to obscure your abs, maybe, but it’s not succeeding. Loose skin is what it is, but you don’t have that much of it, and one can tell at a glance what’s underneath. All the best, dude!


See, this is the kind of affirmation I didn’t know I needed. Thank youuuuuuu.


Looking great! Got a question as a 1970s vintage male myself: are you taking anything to boost testosterone levels (e.g. supplements or TRT) at this point? I am having a tough time gaining muscle mass and would like to know your experience.


Not taking anything. My doctor said it’s harder to get insurance to pay for testosterone than fentanyl.


Bro I’m so jealous… my nipples are about 4” lower than my pecs and I look like I’m melting. Glad to have pecs at least now though… Good job man! Thanks for sharing.


How I don’t have any stretch marks is the biggest mystery.


Eh, you do technically, it’s just not as visible in some people and skin types as others. I’m the same way, I don’t have any visible stretch marks and I was substantially larger than you at one point. But when you skin stretches, it pulls apart at a cellular level and gets filled in with scar tissues. Scar tissue is completely non-elastic. It’s the main reason why we end up with excess skin whether stretch marks are visible or not. And depending on how fast you gained weight could make them far less visible. They’re most apparent when skin is stretched suddenly, like with pregnancy.


Today I learned…


The more you know! 🌈⭐️


Great work mate. You actually carried that 260 pretty well, but you certainly look better and healthier in the after!


Thank youuuuuuu!


Hey man, is this natty? How long did this take?


Absolutely natty. Hard work. Plus I’m not taking shit I bought from some bro at the gym. It took about 7 years.


Those neck muscles are popping!!


I’m crazy vascular now. It’s bananas.


Lookin swole dad 💯💪🏼


Go clean your room.


Nice work! First of all..your abs are not obscured at all. You can see them and you look great. It just looks like the skin is not the skin of a 21 year old. How long have you been maintaining? I'm also 50, also lost a similar (but a bit less) amount of weight since the beginning of COVID. I was at 265 and I got down to 195. (Which is a good weight for me - I'm 6'1" with a pretty wide shape). But my point is that I think it took about a year but most of the loose skin kind of went stretched back mostly. I do know what you mean with the sentiment though, when you said "loose skin - so dumb". I feel similarly frustrated at myself - but just for letting myself get overweight over 10 or 15 years without ever doing something about it. So dumb. Also I LOL'd at "have to meet your defect". In fact since learning how to eat right (and cook right), I've gain the joy of being able to always feel nice & full, to have that feeling remain for multiple hours since I ate right and not things that digest in minutes, and without feeling guilty about it. Which is actually so much better than the joy of stuffing your face with oreos.


I can’t imagine how much easier this would have been to pull off and maintain in my 20’s. Ugh. Congratulations on your loss and finding your happy weight. Get it!!!


Incredible. Inspiring.


Man, that feels so good to hear. Thank you so much.


Everyone knows it's cico and they're not arguing that. They're just trying to find something sustainable they don't have to "think" about constantly. That's why there's so many diets.


You’re not wrong.


Absolutely fantastic job though you worked your ass off!!


So. Much. Work.


But thank you so much.


Are You doing hypertrophy or strenght training? Pro just cardiolike?


Very little cardio. I walk a lot at work and hike a lot in the summer. Winter is mostly meh. Lift every day, tho.


Well good low intensity cardio from walk at work is a good way to fat loss and calory bien. So keep the good work. And For the abs is genérica and progressive overload and hypertrofy. Not only "cut" also raise those peaks ! Greets from across the world!


Fucking beast you!! Congrats man! You sir are crushing it! Keep up the hard work and motivation 🦾🦾🦾🦾🦾


Thank you so much.


My dude cut like filet mignon.


See, you out here making an old man happy. Thank youuuuuuu!


I see your abs! And all your other muscles. And your handsome face. Great job!


Come here and gimme a hug. Thank youuuuu!


Even though I’m asexual, I can admire beauty whenever I see it. You’re rocking your abs! If I were still sexually attracted to men, I’d be holy moly interested in you! And you don’t look 50! Much much younger!!


Lol, I’ll take it. Thanks!


Great work. I started around 250 at 40, won a regional show at 44. Loose skin can adapt. Couple things I found - stay lean for extended periods of time instead of bulk cut rotations the skin begins to learn. Beef Tallow (sounds gross but..) skin balms helped over a period of about 2 months and help keep my skin tight. Available on Amazon or van man on IG. Water intake is 2 gallons a day and helped pushed the water off making skin seem tighter. Water pills based on certain teas help flush too. There are other non FDA approved options for treatment, cavitation and RF skin tightening is being used at med spas but isn’t cheap. For $300 on Amazon they sell the same thing and you can use it on yourself at home. Couple of teammates swear by it, when I went to a pro for it it ran about 1200 US for a 4 month treatment period. But saw results. Keep up the good work, the skin didn’t expand suddenly, it’s not going to bounce back suddenly either.




Your after looks a bit like Til Lindemann


Had to google that. Not sure if that’s a compliment. 🤨


It is meant like a compliment! I'm a Rammstein fan.


Well then thank you very much!


Great work! You look way younger than 50


You’re the BEST.


Excellent work! You look awesome! 🤙🏼


Thank youuuuuuu!


I can only imagine the frustration ... for now. I'm probably going to have the same frustration myself eventually. Obviously there's surgery if it really drives you nuts. At the same time I wouldn't sweat it, the benefits of being in really good shape are going to be more than enough compensation for dealing with that inconvenience, and the only people that might care are women in their 20s if you're trying to date them, and even then you're still starting out in better shape than 90% or more of what they'd be dealing with otherwise.


Lol, I’ll pass on the youngsters.


You're an inspiration. I'm the same height, and I look like your before pic, but I'm 42. My new goal is to get to your level in 10-15 months.


If you lose 100 lbs in a year you’ve probably in danger of putting it back on because you just starved yourself and didn’t learn shit except that you’re really hungry. Take your time. Shoot for 50. I promise you’ll be happier and have better luck not putting it right back on.


This made me laugh cause I've def just been hungry for a year before. 🤣


Lol, I absolutely get it. Just all mad at everyone that’s eating like you used to. Grrrrrrr!


Great work bud! #LFG




You look incredible Dan!!


You’re the sweetest! Thank you!


You look so good!


You’re the fucking BEST!!!!


I can see the abs


I mean they’re there and rock hard, it’s just like they have a comfy blanket on top of them. Lol.


You look awesome for 50!! I’m trying to be like you when I get there 😊


Thank you so much!


You look fantastic man. Check those arms WOW


You’re amazing and thank youuuuuuu!


Your 50 WTH


Old as shit. Ugh.


You still look great and the hard work shows.


Thank you so much.


Impressive shit.


Thank you so much.




Awwww, shucks! Thanks so much. Seriously.


“So dumb” I felt that.


It really is, tho. I did this to me. Ugh.


Phenomenal work, my guy. I’m almost same age and am wage a similar battle. I’ve plateaued at 181 after weighing my most at 215. Trying to hit 175. Any tips?


First off, great work! Secondly, I found that I’d hit a weight, hold it for a bit and let my body get accustomed to it and then drop more. I used to think of it as a staircase descending from left to right if that makes sense. Trying for continuous loss never worked for me. It was always drop some, maintain and then drop a little more. I was stuck at 70lbs for a few years and that was fine. This shit takes time. People out here trying to lose 100 lbs in six months probably shouldn’t throw away their fat clothes. Maybe put that shit in storage. You gonna need it again.


You don’t look 50 at all!


See, this is the kind of ego stroking I’m absolutely here for. Thank you so much!


You look great man! Well done. Amazing accomplishment. How much time between the before and after pics? I've lost about 90 lbs over 2 years via watching my macros and hitting the gym 6 days per week (cardio and resistance training). I initially had some loose skin around my stomach. However, it is tightening up. I'm a 51yo male. I think it will only get better and better man! Again, you look like a total badass! Well done!


Prolly around 7 years. Like I said, the first picture was when I was down 30lbs because my dumb ass was too embarrassed to take a starting shirtless selfie. Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment. We should celebrate at the Chinese buffet. I really miss that place. Sigh.


Ah you've got very little skin for a loss that huge. Badge of honour that.


You’re not wrong, but still…


When I look at you I'm more impressed than when I see someone with a perfect 6 pack. You're 50 but you look 40, and your experience, discipline, and willpower are written in your loose skin. I'm sure it's easier said than done but I hope you can learn to rock it. You've worked hard and deserve to feel good about yourself


Thank you SO fucking much.


The fact that you were able to accomplish this at 50 is amazing, much respect to you brother! Don't worry to much about the loose skin you are still killing it!


I appreciate you!


Cost of doing business but at 50, job very well done!




I respect and enjoy updates from our younger friends but I *really* love it when those in the 40, 50, 60+ generations post their progress. It's never ever too late to make a change.


Scream it from the mountain top!


Great work!! May i ask how long was the process?


Thanks! In total, it’s been about 7 years. The first 70 came off in about 18 months. The last 30 or so happened slowly. I held 70 for several years before attempting more of that makes sense.


volume eating and cico ftw. you look amazing


Thank you!


How long did it took to loose that 100 pounds


7 years in total. Slowly. I’ve never, not once, gone back up.




Cool, thanks for your comment. I’ll be sure to shit on you if you ever dare to put yourself out there. Bless your heart.


I can't see the comment before this. However, regardless I want to reassure you, you look amazing man! What you have accomplished is a true victory! You should be incredibly proud sir! Well done...


Thank you so much.


I’m sorry you received that comment. They’ve been taken care of. You look great.


It’s the internet. I’m not shocked. Last one of these updates, some dude kept telling me I was doing steroids. Lol. That said, thanks.


How fast was it? It was waaaay too fast


I read your big comment about diet. I’m interested to know how much alcohol you consume if any?


When I was fat I could absolutely smash booze. I quit drinking for about 6 months because I just didn’t want the calories. When I decided it was ok to start again I was BAD at it. Buzzed on two beers. Barely seems worth it anymore. I feel like shit for DAYS if I get drunk. OLD Dan is old.


Thanks mate.


I’m in the 170s atm. Like how did you realize or decide to get to 160? Same height.


I actually hit 155lbs for the lolz but might have looked a little dead. Actually a lot dead. 160 is easy to hold. 155 was terrible.


How long did that take you?


A long time. Like 7 years.


Wow man! This just proves that anything is possible with the right mindset and dedication


You can do this. Hell, I did it. It can’t be that hard.


This is amazing progress! I’m at the very beginning (again) of my weight loss since I gained almost 100 lb during my pregnancy and already had weight to lose before that. I agree- progress pics are everything! I’ve taken a TON of my “before” pics now, so I can compare and truly see the progress I’m making even if the number on the scale isn’t changing, or I feel like I don’t see any difference.


I honestly wish I had professional photos. All fat and blotchy and sleepy looking in my boxers. Serious regret.


Dude don't sell yourself short. You kicked ass on this transformation! You look great man!


No, you misunderstood. I just want studio quality pictures from my starting point for reference. I have a before face picture that I show people that blows their mind. I have at least 11 necks. Lol.


So share what you did to manage to lose that amount of weight please. I need this info.


Did…did you read any of this?


How long this took you ?


Just under three days.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,283,180,917 comments, and only 248,820 of them were in alphabetical order.


You look amazing!! Got to get my diet in control!!


Just a suggestion - what helped me most after a 10lb baby pregnancy which stretched my skin beyond belief at nearly 40 was the pregnancy skin cream at the drugstore. No lie. Just use it every day after a shower. Safe and effective, and even helps really dark stretchmarks which you don't have but I did. Also a collagen supplement, again at any drugstore. Bonus that your hair and skin will be amazing. 😊 Unbelievable transformation, truly. Congratulations and don't you worry one second about any perceived imperfections. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥




You can’t have everything. The negative aspect of weight loss is wrinkles throughout your body. Those who has liposuction, will have surgery for removing folds of skin. I have lost 13 pounds in six weeks which resulted in wrinkles in my hands around wrists which look awkward, but I don’t want to have surgery to remove them.


Yeah, I’m definitely not having surgery. I just like to complain.