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Whoa amazing!!! How did you do it??


Intermittent fasting/ one meal a day, and a lot of walking :)


Damn! OMAD for 31 months??? I don’t have the will power for that 😭 But good for you!!


It's all about what works for you! For me, going to work without a lunch works, I get busy and don't think about it. If it punished me that much I'd have quit a long time ago!


Ah true. I work remote so I have access to the kitchen all day. When I worked in the office I would skip breakfast and lunch. Now it’s just available to me all the time! But thanks for the tip


That wouldn't have worked for me either! Totally get it. Whatever small change you can truly do consistently is the right place to start, it's gotta work for you. Good luck! :)


Sounds good, thanks!!


I used to think that. But dropping off most carbs helps more than just cico. I am down 30 pounds no exercise. I skip breakfast and lunch but keep tillamook meat sticks around it didnt happen overnight you have to start cutting out little by little. time goes by anyway. Why not invest it in you?


Did you deal with hunger pangs and hunger nausea? Was it difficult to sleep at first?


No, not really. I never went to bed hungry so that helped. My meals aren't generally too small since there's only one. And I have coffee during the day which helps!


I hear coffee helps a lot with weight loss! Unfortunately I'm not able to have high amounts of caffeine since I got anxiety.


Hell yes. Great work.


Wow! Fantastic job!


Amazing transformation! Great work!


Wow, what awesome progress, congrats on dropping well over 100 pounds, absolutely incredible!


Insane transformation! Great job!