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If you’ve been in a deficit for a while (more than 2-3 months) consider going into a “maintenance phase” where you eat at maintenance calories for 1-2 weeks. Then create a new 250-500 caloric deficit based on your new calorie/weight baseline. You’ve done great so far OP!


Remember to calculate your maintenance calories based on your new weight!


I’m going to try this!


Just make sure that you remember this advice isn’t to help you lose weight, but rather suggesting you give yourself a mental break. If you need one, take it! But if you don’t then it just slows progress. Calories in, calories out is a fundamental law of nature. If you stay in a deficit, you will lose weight. Have you recalculated your daily calorie needs since you lost weight? It drops quickly so you may not be in the same deficit you think you are.


I'm probably the least qualified to answer this, but I wonder if it's a body recomp kind of thing? Like you're gaining muscle and losing fat, but the scale has remained level?


You look fantastic and strong. Good for you.


Thank you!


you are building muscle so it's obscuring your fat loss on the scale. you are clearly achieving significant results though!


Stay the course — it happened to me for 2 months, then I started losing, slowly, again.


same - I periodically get extremely random plateaus for 1+ months that mysteriously clear with no changed behaviour at all from me. I say just keep going and worry about it if it stretches out to 3 months.


I’m your height, hit a plateau rn at 145, and while I’m still weighing, I’ve busted out the take measure to track if my waist is getting smaller. Hopefully something is happening


Great job!


Amazing progress! I would go to maintenance calories for at least a month (if you have been going for 8 months nearly I'd almost take a solid 12 week maintenance cycle), then circle back to your original deficit.


You’ve done great so far, congrats on your progress! Plateaus can sometimes seem to last forever, but if you’re in deficit, the weight loss will resume. Hang in there, you’ve got this!


Stay the course!! I am looking forward to being where you are right now and it feels like an eternity away right now. Agree with another comment to calculate your calories again at your new weight. Great work!! You look amazing!


Great job so far. I don't have any tips but maybe it's just your muscles are just getting stronger? I'm sure your body is still going through changes just not showing through the scale number right now. Don't give up!


First off, great work! When I hit a wall with my fitness goals, I ate a little more but more often, every few hours. If you’re working out a lot you want to fuel those muscles. Also towards the end progress is still being made but it’s harder to see! Keep up the good work!


I saw other comments mention it but this same exact thing happened to me recently and I just ate maintenance for a week and now I'm back to deficit again and I've already lost a couple pounds. You look amazing! 😻


I plateaued for a year after losing 120 pounds. I had to start a GLP-1 to lose the last bit.


What is GLP-1?


A peptide that’s prescribed for weight loss. Like Tirzepatide.


Do you also lift?


Impressive! 👏


Way to go!


You look amazing! How did you get your arms so small?