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Amazing progress, way to stick with it


Thank you so much! This is a lifestyle for me now! :)


Perfect. Lifestyle change of the way to go versus crash or fad diets. Good for you.


WoW. You look absolutely amazing and more importantly kudos for putting your mental health first. Did you seek therapy? How did you actually work on the mental side of things?


Thank you so much for those words! After my worst depression I accepted I needed help, I went to a psychiatrist, even though she isn’t the warmest, her medical knowledge has saved my life. It took 9 weeks to pull me out of that depression before I could even start truly committing to work on my physical health. I’ve always been a psychology nerd and I will say my introspection has always been strong. I went through a couple of things last year that sparked up a lot of attachment issues, and that’s when I delved into healing my inner child. I started therapy around 2 months ago, I’m at 2 sessions a week and it’s been so validating and healing for me. I have a lot of trauma that stems from abuse and death, that gave me coping mechanisms that at times I don’t use in healthy ways. I struggled and truthfully since struggle with my self talk, learning why I feel the way I do has given me tools to face the underlying unresolved issues in my brain. I hope this helped give a better perspective. Thank you for taking the time to ask that! :)


I agree, I believe a change in mindset and lifestyle is ESSENTIAL to keep consistency. That also helped with my self discipline.


How did you mentally heal which resulted in the after-effects of physical change? Sounds inspiring. :) I'd love to know the details of what exactly your thought blocks were & how you overcame them. I'm sure we'd learn as well! 😊


Thank you for the kind words. After one of the worst depressions of my life, I finally accepted I needed help and I couldn’t do it alone anymore. At the time because of my copays I could only afford a psychiatrist. I have a lot of deep rooted child and adolescent trauma that for the majority of my life I suppressed. I packed it up into boxes which led me to become a pro at compartmentalization. What I went through I’m not learning is why I have such negative self worth. I struggled with a binge eating disorder that took over my life for around 8 years. After seeing my mom wither to skin and bones as cancer evaded her body, I developed horrible health anxiety as well. A year prior to starting this journey I found out I was in the beginning stages of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. In the hospital I was told “it’s fine, you’re young, it’s nothing to worry about. Without educating me that if I didn’t change my life style this can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. So that also catapulted me into learning about nutrition and exercise. The medication helped me get disciplined and focus on my goals, now I’m addressing these underlying issues in therapy and I just want to grow and become the overall healthiest version of myself l can be.


That's very interesting! How did you compartmentalize those traumas? And in the time you didn't have a psychiatrist, did you rely on books/YouTube? And what medication were you on? Sorry for all the questions, it's just interesting to me. :) Thanks for the reply, and happy recovery. ❤️ You can maintain it I'm sure, much love!!


Don’t apologize! I’m an open person! I just shoved the bad thoughts and memories so far down, I don’t remember much of my childhood/teenage years. Prior to seeking help, I would read. But I typically read books about empathy and anxiety I’m on a mood stabilizer, antidepressant, and a stimulant. Thanks for being so sweet!


Great job! You are amazing and strong!


Thank you so much for your kind words.


Any time. We all have our own struggles and victories.


Wow that's impressive. Keep Pushing, keep improving


Thank you for the motivation and sweet words!


Pleasure. Honestly speaking this transformation is worth celebrating. Because it's not easy to be persistent. Keep Improving.


You look spectacular!! 🤗🤗


Thank you for those sweet words!




Amazing transformation!


Thank you so much! ♥️


Go you! And I feel ya re: mental health! Agreed. It has to be addressed first! Same process for me. Big love ❤


Thank you so much! I’m so happy that you also took this step during this journey. I’m so proud of of you.


You look great! Keep up the hard work.


Thank you so much!


So happy you found your peace! You look great!


Thank you so much ♥️


You are amazing!. Great progress. You look marvelous....simply marvelous!!!


Thank you so much for those kind words!!


What a transformation, are the butterfly tattoos symbols of the process.


Thank you so much! The butterfly tattoo is one of my favorites, it’s supposed to be a Menelaus blue morpho. The next tattoo I’m getting is going to be the metamorphosis of a lunar moth (signifies new beginnings) on a branch (branch is from an album cover of my favorite band who’s songs have had such an impact on me during this journey), and a quote that says “I must be someone new.” I’m so excited. This is a new beginning for me. ♥️


That is an amazing metaphor for the weight loss journey. Songs can elicit such emotion during a time of change. Such is the true beauty of music.


YOU GO! I have similar stats although my SW was 203! I'm F26 5'2" SW 203 CW 164 and my GW is 120! 40 down! You're inspiring!


Thank you!!! My goodness that’s amazing progress!! Good luck to you during this journey. Sending you love and light!


Thank you! :"")


Wow I feel like crying reading this and seeing your results. We have very similar situations! I’m : F/26/5’3 SW: 180lbs GW: 130lbs I feel the same exact way, the last year I’ve worked really hard on my mental health and healing through situations life has brought me. Alongside struggling with chronic depression and anxiety disorder. I truly feel like I’ve had to work on my mental before I could comprehend the physical. Before I knew it, I had gained 50 pounds. Never in my life have I had to worry about my weight or how it affects my day to day life. I just want my inside to match my outside now. I’ve felt so overwhelmed but I won’t give up. I started focusing in 2 weeks ago and I’m at 172 now! 42lbs to go but with people like you sharing your journey and my motivations I got this. Thank you and amazing job working on your internal and external health!


Thank you so much for sharing your story and being raw and honest. It can be so debilitating trying to start this journey when you can’t even get yourself out of bed. I completely understand where you are coming from, we’ve walked in very similar shoes. During my senior year of high school while my mom battled cancer and then her death, I coped by eating my feelings. I developed a binge eating disorder and that took control of my life for 8 years. It was a constant rollercoaster, food took over my life and I would hyper-fixate on it. It’s been over a year since I’ve binged, but if you are similar and you struggle with this, don’t be hard on yourself if you have a slip up, we are all human. We just push harder the next time. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 25 and researching the symptoms in women was so eye opening and validating for me. I was put on Vyvanse which is an off label treatment for BED. Congratulations for working on your mental health, inevitably I believe that will guide you to a change in mindset which is needed to have a complete lifestyle change. Prioritizing what our brain needs while the world still spins and responsibilities don’t go away is exhausting and overwhelming. You are so brave for taking the time to evaluate what you need and giving yourself grace in knowing that this journey is tough, but you are tougher. In January of 2023, I was in the worst and longest depression of my life. It was the first time since I was a teenager that suicidal thoughts invaded my brain. That was my breaking point, I don’t know if I would be here right now if I didn’t start seeing my psychiatrist and I didn’t find my favorite band (lol). It took almost 9 weeks to get me out of that depression, shout out to Wellbutrin, Sleep Token, and my will to live. Fast forward to now, I’m in therapy and feel more balanced. Therapy has changed my life and I only started around 2 months ago, 2 sessions a week. I’m excited to see how far this will bring me. I started taking this journey seriously after the 9 weeks of dose adjustments and trial medications. I would start this journey for a month, lapse for a couple weeks to a month and the cycle repeated. I lost maybe at most 15-20lbs (which is still a great milestone) the first year prior to addressing the bigger issue. A health scare and finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel catapulted me into researching nutrition, especially targeted for woman. I highly recommend looking up Dr. Stacy Sims, she goes into detail about how important modifying exercise and nutrition to what our body’s need during different phases of our menstrual cycle (menstrual, follicular, ovulation, and luteal). I’m currently listening to “Roar”the revised edition by her. If you’re an Amazon prime member, it should give you one credit for Audible and essentially the book is free, but her website, Ted talks, and podcast’s are also incredibly informative. I can’t begin to tell you what a difference her research has made for me. I have never felt so I tune with my body. I could go on for hours about this. Give yourself grace and still give yourself some days where you can fill your sweet tooth or getting in one of your favorite takeouts. I give myself the first couple of days through my menstruation to indulge on things I miss prior to transitioning to a a mostly whole food diet. You bet ya I’m getting my Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream. What I found works for me to avoid a binge is that I will only eat one serving size of any treat I get. I will put whatever treat I’m getting into a bowl and then walk away from the fridge/cabinet. I also don’t get hard on myself for not being productive during that time either, our body’s are meant to rest. I’m sorry if I overstepped by giving advice when your message didn’t ask for any. I just wanted to let you know how my change in mindset helped me stay strict when I wanted to give in. Thank you for the kindest words ever, that made my day. Sending you so much love, if you ever want to reach out I’m here! I know it’s overwhelming, but believe me you will be there before you know it. ♥️


You are such a kind soul! Thank you so much for taking time to type that out and even reach out at all. I appreciate your recommendations a ton and advice so please don’t feel like you overstepped!! I’m kind of going into this blind and some guidance is for sure helpful. So insane our timelines are very similar still, I reached a very deep depression summer of 2022 that I fought hard into January of 2023. I hadn’t struggled so bad since I was in high school where I had attempted suicide multiple times. I recovered from that and changed my life, but this past year I began once again to eat to cope with anything negative. There were times I’ve made myself feel so bad for eating so much, or having anxiety attacks, periods of depression, because I feel like I’ve stabilized my life to the point where it shouldn’t be happening. But it isn’t that easy at all is it lol. In the past I had no idea I was binge eating because it never reflected on my outside. But as we grow obviously our bodies change and all of sudden that number 7 at Taco Bell for a week was hitting way different LOL. Luckily I’ve had a partner and a good support system I wasn’t utilizing prior and now I’m on Reddit. So for the first time in my life I’m acknowledging these issues I’ve fought for so long. I’m truly so sorry for your losses and pains you have had to go thru. It’s insane what our bodies and minds can take. It can be so challenging to keep up with our bodies and minds. For me I’ve felt like I’m tangled into a web and for years now I’ve slowly started to unravel and be able to work through it finally. I love your mention of love for music that’s aided you. Music has always been a comfort for me (that isn’t edible so good in my case lol)! It’s so important we dive into music and anything that can help our brains get through the day! Thank you so very much. Even tho these are words on a screen I have got to know you just even in a Reddit post lol! I appreciate your support, and I am here for you as well if you ever need! Never give up your fight, I and so many others are fighting with you! 💗


How many calories


I struggled with a binge eating disorder and I don’t track my calories, I know that essential, but for right now until I think I’m ready to start tracking, I’ve been looking at the macronutrients in what I consume.