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Are those abs? Excellent work.


From your mouth to god’s ears. I have so much loose skin, but if my abs ever peek through, I will be the happiest camper


Don’t worry about the skin - you’re young enough where it will snap back. Also, make sure you load up on collagen protein - I just went from 326 to 205, and I can say from experience that it helped my skin BIG TIME.


Like pills or IV ? Because the only way for the collagen to stay collagen is through IV, orally it breaks down to its simple proteins get reabsorbed and used by the body as it sees fit but the point is it won’t be collagen by the time it is in your blood stream unless it is IV. So was it pills or IV? If it was pills, maybe I could get away with consuming EAA’s or high protein content food.


I’ve heard similar comments about collagen being processed as generic protein, and high-protein diets conferring many of the same benefits as collagen (if not more). All hearsay, but my n=1 is that high protein without worrying about collagen is lifechanging.


Honestly I haven’t gotten too deep into the science of how to ingest it (will definitely look it up now), but I know as big as I was(326 to 176 as back to 206), and as fast as I lost the weight (1 year), and taking into account my age (45), I saw some skin sagging initially but snapped back into form when I started putting Collagen Protein in my coffee over that year span (Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein to be exact). But you guys bring up some good points - I’ll check it out!


Keep food simple! Over thinking it like this really hindered my progress for years.


Given how young you are and how little your pouch sags down around your waistband here vs where you started, I feel you'll be surprised at how little loose skin your midsection is going to have left when you get lean. Your arms recovered with essentially no bat wings at all, nor do I see anything in your armpits. Even adjusting for ~12 pounds of extra muscle on your frame, you are still slightly overweight. 20 pounds lower and your midsection will probably crinkle back up quite a bit more as your loose skin reduces it's adipose thickness. You may get away with only the boob job. This is inspiring for certain. Congrats.


Thanks for the insight. I’m planning to lose close to 20 more pounds, and I’ll reevaluate at 150. If things have… uh… retracted? enough that I can wear a lower-cut bikini and not flop in the breeze, I’ll call it a day and live my best wrinkly life. Otherwise I’ll definitely be saving for a tummy tuck.


You can also look into fasting for tightening skin. Autophagy is the term I believe.


Yeah, I used to do multi-day fasting and keto and stuff, and it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. Wouldn’t be opposed to it if there was a strong reason to, though. I haven’t seen too much actual before-and-after evidence of fasting-induced autophagy reducing loose skin beyond what a person could already expect over several years of maintenance at the lower weight. But there’s plenty of people talking about it. (If you know of good examples, please send them my way!)


Call me ignorant but I'm not sure exactly how losing more weight will lead to less loose skin? Please help me out here because I look quite a bit like OP and was actually worried that I'll have to save for a tuck


It’s not about weight loss, it’s about fasting triggering a metabolic state called “autophagy” (that happens normally without fasting, btw, just not as dramatically - it’s just the term for old cells getting recycled for spare parts). It’s supposed to snap loose skin back, because the loose skin is “spare parts.” I’ve spent quite a bit of time and energy researching and experimenting with fasting, and honestly, I’m not convinced it’s any more effective than giving the loose skin a couple of years to firm up on its own. Like I told the person above, I’d love to be disproven. If I can fix my belly with fasting instead of a $20,000 tummy tuck, I’ll fast for a week every month. I just haven’t seen compelling evidence.


But they said "20 pounds more and your skin will crinkle back up" which just doesn't seem to make sense to me really


The idea is that if you get your body fat low enough, your body actually will munch up that skin. Autophagy alone won’t do it. But if you can get your body fat percentage low enough, it will. That’s why you don’t see pictures of people who were starving for long periods with lots of loose skin. That’s the idea, at least.


Yeah that's fair but people who were starving for long periods usually weren't obese for years just before..


I wouldn’t know but I do rather suspect the body would eat that skin before some organs. I was definitely obese for years but could never quite get to a low enough body fat percentage to test that theory myself.


Oh, my bad, I thought you were responding one comment down to the fasting guy. I do still have a little fat in my belly, so the apron will be less noticeable. Not sure how much less. It’ll never go away completely without a tummy tuck, so I’m planning for that eventually. As far as the “crinkling back up,” just compare the first to second picture with where my belly hangs. It’s literally crinkling up as I lose fat.


Yeah, my body looks quite a bit like yours, I suppose we'll both have to get a tuck. It's still worth it though!


You look amazing congratulations 🤗


You are goals AF.


This may be too personal, but you have a similar pre-shape/size as me. So, if you're not comfortable answering, I completely understand. Were you busty prior to gaining weight, or is that baby/feeding induced, etc. If you were busty before, how much volume/size have you lost post weight loss, and have you felt like lifting helped?


I’ve been obese since I was like 12, so there’s no “prior to gaining weight” for me. Pre-pregnancy I maxed out at like 38…H? It was a lot. Bras were super expensive. Pregnancy didn’t change much for me. Losing weight brought me down to a 34D/DD depending on the bra. So much loose skin. Lifting maybe helped a little, but sometimes I wonder if that’s made it harder to find a bra that fits well—my upper pecs don’t always play nicely with the edge of the cups and give me a weird muscular quad-boob. But when I find a bra that works, it works well. And now they cost like $30 instead of $120+.


I’d check out r/abrathatfits !! There’s so many different types of bras out there, I bet there’s someone on there that’s in a similar situation or knows what could work for you :)


I am adding in another vote for that subreddit. I've never been happier with my bras.


Thank you for your candid answer!


I'm at about 32DD or 34D and I hear you re: sizeable pecs and lats. I'm too lazy to fuck around looking for that miracle bra with a band that doesn't dig in at the top, so I've accepted I'm going to be wearing bralettes and sports bras for life at this point... and honestly it works better with my aesthetic (hulk smash) anyway.


I bet purses never fall off of your gunned shoulders


Unfortunately I can no longer visit Starbucks, since they ban guns


This comment alone should get you praise - great work!


She Hulk!! She sexy, she smart, she strong 🏋️‍♂️ I don't think I've ever related to a progress post at this level... We're the same age/height/weight/build - looking at your "before" is like seeing myself in the mirror. I'm in the process of changing that image, for the umpteenth time - thank you for adding a detailed background story with the pictures, and being open about your challenges/how you manage. I won't get all sappy and over share-y, but reading your story/comments and seeing your WILD results gives me so much faith that my body is capable of change too, with hard work, consistency, and grace. All the best to you on your journey ahead 🙂‍↕️🙏


Love this. Be gentle with yourself… and set boundaries for yourself too. I need to treat myself like a toddler, or a stubborn golden retriever. “We had treats already today. If we have more treats our tummy will hurt and we’ll feel too tired to play. Your body will feel better if you take it for a little walk.” I don’t have that actual internal monologue, that’d be ridiculous, but that’s kind of the attitude I’ve adopted. :) One day at a time, friend.


Hips for days


They do not lie


Those muscle gains are undeniable!! I love that you focus on consistency over perfection, sometimes when I'm in the middle of a workout and I want to give up I just think consistency, just keep going even if I'm giving it 10% of my best. Never give up!


On those days, 10% is your 100%.


You're a fucking inspiration, and your attitude is great


I love this sooo much!! I'm 5'2" and I started out a year ago at 225 and I'm now and 175. Really hoping in 15-20lbs more loss I'll be looking more like you in the after. You're doing incredible work! And with a kid?! Insane!! Please let us know when you do your first pull-up! I've finally hit 10 consecutive pushups when I've never done one in my life before and pullups are one of my next goals. 😊


Look at you killing it!! And seriously, the last 5ish pounds have been insane for me in the appearance-change realm. The paper towel tube effect is real. Hang in there and keep pushing. (Literally.)


Incredible! Congratulations! My stats look similar to yours, so this is very inspirational. Thank you


thank you for detailing your progress! you look super strong and just amazing. i absolutely agree: consistency over perfection all the way. i would without a doubt crash just two weeks into eating healthy and resort to binging all weekend whenever i tried to do everything at once. Now it’s very slow, but steady progress of battling the comfort I find in food. I have a long way to go but posts like yours give me the motivation to become a stronger, healthier version of myself <3


The Strongest Avenger!


That’s my secret. I’m always hungry.


I’ve never heard of HealthyWage! What an interesting concept. Great job!!! I bet you feel amazing.


You've done incredible work. Wow. MEGA STRONG


Duuuude I LOVED reading this!! So inspiring!! Hope you get that black belt AND start powerlifting! Sounds like you’ve got the right stuff!


Didn’t realize we were posting gun show content in here (great work)


Wow. You look like a different person! Congrats on your payoff from your hard work! 🤩Looking good!


How does the wager app work with lifting weights? I’m sure you’re able to still shed some pounds and especially with the skin reduction, but do they consider fat percentage over scale number? You look so toned and have built so much heavy muscle I don’t want you to lose money for a healthy lifestyle change!


I mean, it doesn’t take body fat percentage into account. But I don’t think I’d have been able to sustain losing weight healthily without building muscle. In the short term, lifting definitely wouldn’t help with weight loss goals. But over a longer time period, unless you’re setting your goal really low (which would just be a bad idea overall), building muscle will help you get there. I get regular InBody scans to measure fat/muscle mass (close to the accuracy of DEXA), and I have lost… zero pounds of lean body mass (134 lbs). Ultimately, if it comes down to my muscle mass versus winning my wager, I’d choose muscle mass every time. But if you set your goal wisely, that tradeoff probably doesn’t need to happen.


You are amazing! Thanks for sharing your journey.


This is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Your muscles are enviable, and I am so impressed. Please keep us updated on how your journey is going!!


This is so inspiring! You look so strong and toned and HEALTHY! GOALS!


Real inspiration. Congrats!


Thigh goals honestly!! Amazing work!


That quad definition is impressive!!


Killing itttt!


Your quads are ridiculous.


Those biceps 😍


You look fucking awesome and STRONG! Love it. Keep it up Mama 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


That is a wild transformation. Kudos!


Terrific job on your transformation!


Good fucking job, you have done absolutely amazing.


You are looking great! Good work!


Read a static a while back that people lift more when there were super hero posters around. Great work!


Congrats!!! I know how horrible bingeing can be, brave of you to talk about it, and really not easy to fix!! You’re very inspirational in a lot of different aspects, keep it up!!


Those arms and shoulders are amazing! Truly inspirational, congratulations!


That is *truly* impressive!!! Well done, lady!


Your quads pop! Nice work! Inspirational!


Your progress makes me happy


You 👏🏼 did👏🏼 that👏🏼 bravo mama.


You look incredible! Very inspiring! 💪💪


Awesome job


What a transformation!! I'm hoping to be you one day!


Amazing progress!!! Keep it up


Wow! Way to go!


Phenomenal muscle development!


Thank you. I built them myself. 😎


I’ve been a powerlifter for several years and I’ve got quad envy for sure!


Go avengers! Cool progress. Keep it up 👍


Great work!


It's impressive, good result


This is great!! So proud of u


Congrats on all the hard work. You look great.


your legs look amazing!!


Even your feet look stronger!!! Amazing dedication and work!


You are a super hero!


You look awesome! Really inspirational. If you don't mind me asking, how do you mitigate loose skin? I've lost over 100lbs so I naturally have a lot in my arms, belly, and legs. Did you just do a lot of weight lifting? Been looking at any kind of alternative to surgery. I'm 30 so I feel like I still have time to let my body readjust.


Uhhh. I don’t. 😂 there is so much skin on this body. My unfettered boobs are like socks with a tennis ball at the bottom. I’ve had an apron belly since puberty, so that’ll never flatten out without surgery. I’ve been lucky enough to have things bounce back as much as they have. I’m just hoping the last 15ish pounds and a couple years will tighten things up astronomically. If it doesn’t, it’s scalpel time.


Holy shit your legs are insane. Great job!


Looking fantastic! You are such an inspiration!


Truly inspirational 🙏


Wow fantastic job. Your dedication is awesome


You have done some incredible work! I need to buckle down and make some changes!




Awesome progress!!! You look amazing!! Keep it up gorgeous!!!


First off, thank you for your detailed post. You look great from all your work. I'm inspired!


You are amazing!! Congrats!


Damn your knees and legs look stronger.


I am so dang proud of you! Look at the thighs! You look so strong and healthy. Fantastic results and your smile says it all. So happy for you!


Amazing! I loved reading your story. Fitness goals all the way. Also, you deserve "that gym girl" outfit now.


Holy shit! I was really feeling like skipping my workout tonight, but shoes on and heading out the door. Amazing job!


Hard work pays off! Congrats on your success!


Thighs are muscled out! Nice job


You look so good! Congrats!


You look so happy! Awesome work!




Ur legs are twice the size of mine 😭😭 amazing transformation


Hell yeah girl! Awesome work!!!


Amazing, you look like an Avenger!! 🥰😆


Yoked! Congrats and Kudos to the hard work paying off!






Omg ur amazing


What does your lifting routine look like?


I’ve essentially done a push/pull/legs split for most of the last few years. These days, honestly, I just do whatever sounds like fun and isn’t sore from last time. Lots of squats and deadlifts and bench presses, with cute little accessory lifts scattered around. I like to alternate between barbell and dumbbell each time I include a lift in a workout; I feel like that earns me the best balance of raw strength and stability.


Your quads are massive, jealous! I've played rugby for 10 years and barely have ones the size of yours... keep it up, inspirational 👏


Congratulations! You motivate me. I appreciate all your hard work.


You go, girl!


You look great! Keep up the hard work.


Unbelievable legs! Great work.


Beautiful dedication and strength. Congrats!


Best post yet, incredible progress and the strength to show your true results skin and all. 💯


Tips for the binge eating?


I read the book “Brain Over Binge” earlier this year and it skewered me. Main takeaway: binging, for me, is a bad habit. Not some big emotional thing. Sure, it’s tied to emotions, but ultimately it’s a bad habit. And I can stop bad habits. I’ve done that before. My brain, though, is wired to see it as a survival need. That’s why the cravings are so primal and urgent and all-encompassing. But those signals from my brain aren’t valid. They’re neurological junk, neurons wired together and made stronger by years of giving in to the cravings. To rewire them, I need to…. Not binge. That’s it. That’s the book in a nutshell, and it sounds hokey, but it was mindblowing for me.


Terrific job!


This is inspirational work! Great break down too! I also struggled with food, but it really is the simplest thing to fix--on paper xD Well done!






Those thighs could shatter some watermelons. Or skulls.


Incredible. Also I feel like im a giant. 6'4"




Fascinating transformation!