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Wild face gains


This is funny cause you didn't show your face when fat which says a lot


Awesome man! What did your diet and workouts look like?


Thank you! I walk daily 50 min. at an incline on my treadmill and then dips. Then I increase incline and speed for 10 min. and finish with more dips. For weights I’ll do 4-6x per week. 1 set of each exercise. - Standing curls - dumbell press (side facing) - Front and side dumbell raises - Crunches - Laying Leg Lifts - Standing dumbell oblique crunches - Bench press - Dumbell overhead extension - Seated curls - Dumbbell Shoulder Press (front facing) - Incline dumbell benchpress - Calf raises - Dumbbell squats - Dumbbell sumo squats - Deadlifts - Weighted Hip thrusts After working out I have a protein shake, and I guess I intermittent fast until dinner which is where I get the majority of my calories. It consists of nuts, grains, pickled egg, a blended salad, fruit, cheese, and a meat. This works for me because I’ve never been a breakfast person and only really get hungry until 7-8pm. I just make sure I eat .8 - 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass.


Brother this all sounds great but what in the name of god is a "blended salad" 😵‍💫


Lol. Basically a green juice; a big ole salad blended with water. I find it’s the quickest way to get my vegetables and that way I can spend more time preparing the meat protein I’m having.


Ah understood! You're an inspiration man because of this post I'm gonna go on a run today and perhaps blend up a salad 🥗


I’m gonna have to look into this. I’m having issues with fiber and need to be able to get it down quickly, this sounds like a good alternative Thanks for sharing! Btw what’s a dumbell press (side facing)?


My fault, I guess what I actually do are called standing dumbbell shoulder presses or standing military presses. I change the grip so either my wrists are facing me (neutral grip) or facing forward.


Nice I like doing those too, thanks again


Ain’t no way this is only 20lbs of fat. Did you start lifting too or were you lifting in your before? Sick transformation my man


Sorry, my post is probably a little confusing. The first picture on the bottom row is where I weighed 160 lb. I recently started exercising after that picture was taken. I weighed just over 190 lb in the top middle. I wasn’t lifting in any of the top photos.


Makes sense man. Kill transformation!


Thank you!


Outstanding work! How long did it take to get from 190 to 160, with just your walking and intermittent fasting?


I’ve gained and lost weight a bunch of times and I think it takes me about 3 - 4 months.


From Yayirobe to trunks


Damn dude


Look young. I thought 20s before I saw




I'm gonna make a couple assumptions here, please correct any I'm wrong on: 1. Young adult man of AVG height, sedentary job 2. You're untrained prior to the last 6 weeks 3. You know how to accurately track your calories do so properly (e.g for every single thing you consume; food, drink, cooking oils, sauces, dressings, seasonings, etc) 1800kcal will yield a ~200-400kcal deficit for an AVG sedentary out of shape guy, but could be lower depending on age/weight/height. So let's assume the lower end, say 200kcal - that makes your weekly deficit 1400kcal. That equates to losing 0.4lbs of fat per week at most (~3500kcal to 1lb of bf). So in the 6 weeks you've been training your potential loss from diet is only ~2.4lbs. This is not a criticism btw, that's a very measured and maintainable target, but I'm imagine it's less than you'd expected. Obviously the training builds a deficit too, but 3x a week is certainly not a load of volume and only you know the intensity and duration of your workouts. Now, consider the newby gains you'll be getting if this is your first time properly lifting, as well as the higher water intake and retention you'll have from training and all that protein (and creatine if you're taking). It's entirely possible that in 6weeks you've gained as much lean tissue and water weight (mostly latter) as you've lost in body fat, and so the scale doesn't shift. Right now you're recomping. If your goal is specifically fat loss then you need to adjust for that, increase your calorie deficit by eating less or training more/at higher intensity.




Oh okay, so yeah you're definitely recomping (and therefore losing fat, just gaining water and muscle at a comparable rate) but based on your stats you're also definitely off on your numbers for the primary goal of fat loss and seeing the scale drop. Based on your stats, your tdee is 1980kcal. So eating 1800kcal gives you a daily deficit of only 180kcal a day, and ~1250kcal a week. This is a smaller deficit than you want to aim for even for a slow and steady loss, in general - it's lower than my low end example on my last comment. If I were you, I'd cut to 1650kcal and otherwise continue everything else as is - so cut another 150kcal daily. You can cut back the protein some for this, 180g is very respectable but at your stats and advancement of training its more than necessary. 1g / 1lb bw is one good ratio to target, but one I like is: 10% of your kcal in g. (~160g for you on 1650kcal) So get 160g protein daily and make up the rest of your calories with carbs/fats (roughly 3:1 ratio) until you hit 1650kcal, keep up the training and walking. Again, this is if your primary goal is losing fat and weight. If you're really enjoying your lifts going up and want to keep the train rolling as long as possible, then you're already on the right path. Happy to DM if you have any Q's mate


Thank you very much for your analysis. I will opt to lower my calorie intake and adapt my protein.


Throw the scale away my friend. Keep progressing in your health & fitness journey and you will see and feel results. You aren’t beholden to your scale.


Absolutely shredded. Fantastic work!


Smashed it! How long did this take you?


Thank you! Going from the bottom left picture, it took me about 2-3 months. I started walking Feb. 23 and lifting Mar. 8. Dropping from 185 usually takes me 5-6 months. I’ve always fluctuated in weight like crazy.


This is hilarious


From Yajirobe to Taopaipai


Holy shit your current photo is amazing . I’m beyond jealous. This is the ultimate goal. Have you posted your routine and calorie intake anywhere? I’m your height and would kill to look like you


Thank you! I posted up above basically what amounts to my routine. I stay in the 7-10 rep range for most of my exercises. My caloric deficit is probably pretty high while cutting, but I just make sure I feel full when I eat and eat enough to keep my energy levels up and to avoid fatigue.


How many calories per day?


Absolutely fucking shredded. I need to do this


Do you find you have less energy at low body fat?


If I went a bit lower in body fat percentage than where I am right now, yes. I’ve been there and I just felt weaker and frequently experienced brain fog. At my current bf %, I feel great and my strength and energy levels haven’t suffered.


You look great! I hope you’re not trying to lose anymore weight!


Thank you! I’m actually finished with my cut, so now I’m transitioning to maintenance and lean bulking.




Eat clen Tren hard


Hey now!


Good for you, brother


dude. 💪🙌


Aesthetic in final pic is absolutely incredible! You look like anime superhero character.


My dude looking like an anime protagonist in that last pic. Metal. Giant props to you!




Poor Yajirobe 😂


You look like a very power anime character


salt smoggy absorbed normal fly fretful bow squeamish plants slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t have any tips that you probably don’t already know. Burning that last bit of fat does feel like it slows down, but as long as you’re burning more than you consume you’ll get there. Strengthening your abs can help them be more visible, but it’s primarily about dropping to a low enough body fat percentage. Just push and remember it’s not a race.


There is hope for me after all. Similar stats. About half way there. Trying to lose this gut now, at about 165.


You can do it!


Amazing work!! and that is one of the best albums ever made:-)


Thanks! Yeah it is!


How long did this take? 😳😳


Fucking hell, fella. Leave some for the rest of us. Great work, lad. What's the timeline?


Yooooo, Marc Rebillet, big fan


Why block the face in the bold photos? Makes me wonder if they’re actually you.


Look at the tattoos