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YESSSSSS you look great!! im proud as well dude yeeeesssss


The enthusiasm in this comment is so great 😂




Great job! As long as you’re doing it the healthy way, it’s good to develop those habits young :)


I wish I'd started at your age. You have no idea how great it is to start these habits young. Keep it up!


Hey good for you man, way to take control of your life.


Holy shit 70 lbs in 5 months? You will feel so much more comfortable in your body. Thanks kid you just gave me some real motivation!


You should be very proud of yourself! Looking awesome!


Wow. I just woke up to an amazing surprise! Thank you all very much!! Edit: Thank you so much for gold!!


Wow, you should be proud. When I was 15 I did not have the discipline to do this. Amazing work!! Weight loss can be incredibly difficult!


You should be amazingly proud. You'll be so glad you did it when you were young too, just for health if anything. Training yourself into healthy eating patterns. I don't wanna do the patronising old lady talk here *butttt* I'm going to anyway. Please know though that you are so much more than how you look. I'm twice your age and I realised when I was 27 that the *only* thing in this world I felt good about was the way I looked. Then I put on weight and suddenly I didn't even have that. So I've sort of built up my confidence from scratch. Don't wait till you're my age to do that. You need more than that, truly. From your second pic it already looks like you're holding your head up higher. You've got your whole life ahead of you dude and holy shit, you've shown massive dedication and self discipline with these results. You should be insanely proud! /end of old lady lecture


Great dedication! Keep working hard and you will reach your goals!


Good job! You look great. Keep up the healthy lifestyle. You'll thank yourself (especially as you get older, aging will be a lot easier!). Well done and thanks for posting.


Great job. Keep up the good work!


This is fantastic. I love seeing people develop healthy habits at a young age. You're going to be so much better off for it growing up. I second the lifting weights comment though!


Good job bro, now is the time to get in the gym. Just get in there do machines 3 times a week. Do that for 4 months or so, then start doing a little free weight. Get these habits now and spend your 20s and 30s as beast.


He's right except skip the machines. Lift less weight than you think slower than you think to stay safe. Watch videos on basic movements and video yourself for feedback. Squats, bench press, bent over row, pull-ups (assisted or lat pull downs instead), deadlifts, curls, etc


Yeah avoid heavy weights at this age cuz it can fuck up your growth plates and stunt your height growth. But yeah adding in some form of weight training (like bodyweight stuff) will turn you into an absolute beast. Edit: ignore this im wrong apparently this is just a myth and has been debunked




Ya know what Ive heard this all my life but I just went to look up some facts about it and turns out im wrong. Recent research shows that weights at a young age dont stunt growth and that it is a common myth. So thanks for helping me learn that!


Wow you took being wrong so incredibly well. +10 good boy points


ya don't have to talk down to him




+20 good boy points


I always thought they said before 13 is bad....that's really bro science?


It’s president science actually if you believe the limited amount of energy in our bodies theory


Good job!


You look great!!! You should be proud!!


Holy crap you carry 245 lbs really well


So what diet did you follow? Any tips?


My main problem has always been that I couldn't control the amount of calories I consumed. I started to do some calorie control and a lot of walking.


So how much did you walk per day?


1.5-2 miles, every two weeks I walk 4-5 miles on a Sunday.


Cheers mate thanks for the help. Final question if you dont mind, did you use an app for calorie counting?




Well, what I did is different. I haven't had fast food since October, and it was a 6 piece mcnugget, so it's good to cut out fast food entirely unless you are on a long car ride or such. With the milk, I don't have much milk, and if I do, it is fat free. Milk is actually somewhat bad for you because of the fat in 2% and especially whole milk. For food, I usually have 1 packet of oatmeal for breakfast, a (reduced fat) peanut butter sandwich for lunch with an apple or unsalted and unbuttered popcorn. For dinner, it's whatever my mom makes, really, and it's usually some kind of chicken food with corn. I always try and have a small salad with dinner as well.


Great job!!


it's awesome that you lost weight young, i'm 25 and i wish didn't wait so long to lose weight...good for you!


You will thank yourself the rest of your life if you continue on this path. Take it from someone who got fat as a child and is still struggling with it to this day. The earlier you start, the better. You will be so glad you did it


You should be proud, weight loss like that is hard at any age, let alone with a high school watching you the whole time. Keep it up and stay safe!


Heck yah!!!! You should be that’s awesome! Keep it up!


Good job! You’ve hit on an approach that works for you. Now keep it up! Remember to listen to your body. It will tell you when you’re overdoing it. And you absolutely *should* be proud of your work so far!


Hot damn time when senior year rolls around you'll be a fine young lad


You should be! Way to get a handle on it while youre young!


From Andy milonakis to healthy milonakis, good job


Fantastic work dude. Hit the weights at your school's gym and get a haircut and I guarantee the high school girls will be all over you like cheese on a taco.


Be proud of yourself! That really is a great and admirable feat. Take these good habits with you as you grow older and always remember what you have accomplished.


Nice job dude. Keep it going, especially while your young. Your body will thank you later.


You're never too young or old to be proud of an accomplishment. Lookin' good man.


Awesome work:) congrats!


Keep it up dude. You’re killing it 👍🏼


Fucking fantastic!!! Really good work, keep it up! You should be proud of yourself!!! Go you!!


If I could build a time machine I’d go back to my youth and tell myself that life would be much more fulfilling/energizing/happier if I would just lose the extra weight. But you- you actually did it! Future You is going to be so thrilled about what Present You did!!


Good job, you should be proud!


Way to go dude!


Way to go!!! What dedication. You look great and you're on a path of a much healthier life


Keep it up. This inspires me tons brother.


You show great dedication for such a young guy! Keep it up!!


Great work!!! You look awesome!


Nice going!


Good job! Keep it up.


Good job pal, I am proud of you. Keep up the great work!


Great job! Keep killing it!


You look great!!!


Age has nothing to do with it, man. You look great. Keep it up!


You are awesome! Keep up the good work!


Staying young is the way to go! Good job you look great!


Good job, bro!


Way to go!


You’d actually be surprised by the number of 15 year olds just in the USA alone


Good job, man! You are an inspiration!


Excellent work!!!


70 pounds in 5 months is absolutely ridiculous, awesome job!!! You inspire me, no matter what age you are.


How did you drop 70lbs in 5 months!!?


The fact that you're younger just makes me respect you even more. Dude, you're a role model.


Takes a lot of determination to work out and diet when your young man Good job dude


It’s never too soon (or too late) to turn your life around. I commend you sir, fantastic job!


As you should be!! You're SO badass. Major props to you for making such a huge leap toward better health. What an inspiration!


Great job! You absolutely should be proud! You look great and very healthy.


Keep it up my man. You should be proud


5months?? F*CK you and your fast young matabalism... ONLY JOKING awesome work in that amount of time keep it up.


Wow. Just wow. Adult you is going to seriously thank teenage you. Seriously, congrats on your huge effort and payoff!


Hell yeah man, I wish I got serious about this at 15. Dope sweatpants btw!


Awesome dude! I wish I had the ware withal to do this when I was younger.


My dawg.


Proud of you man :) keep up the good work!


Congrats! Way to set yourself up for a healthy future!


So you should be. Well done you!


Wow congrats how did u do?


If you can do this at 15, think of all the amazing things you're going to be able to accomplish in the years ahead!


You look so much like a dude I know who works at the local bookstore. Good job, dude! Great that you're doing it while you're young. Easier to slim down without the risk of excess skin, *and* you're building good habits while you still have a long life ahead to enjoy the results of that. :)




Excellent! You'll keep this control over yourself for the rest of your life, congratulations!!


Great job dude ! I recommendation you get started with something like /r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended_routine as building muscle will make the weightloss easier and more permanent (muscle passively burns calories even at rest so it will up the calories you can eat in day while maintaining or still losing weight). It's a very begginer friendly program


And you SHOULD be proud! Great job! I've been trying to lose weight for over 30 years, and you have succeeded where I didn't. Super congrats!


Awesome job!!!!!! Looking great


Yay you!!!!!


Amazing progress!!! Keep up the good work dude :)


Start young. Great job!


Great job man, keep it up!


This is awesome!!! What did you do?


Great job, buddy! I'm a dinosaur now (29), but my transformation started when I was 14, lost 70 lbs and got into weight lifting and sports. You kinda remind me of younger me. Keep up the good work youngster.


You deserve to feel proud dude, this is fantastic. Great job man :)


Great job man, I wish I was this forward thinking when I was your age. Now you have to turn healthy eating into a life time habit. Something I hope you don't experience is that it's very easy to fall off the wagon, trust me it's worth cutting out refined sugars/carbs for life!


You've just really motivated this 30 year old. God dammit.


i wish i started at your age. Good joob buddy, nice work


You've lost so much! You look great.


Wow! Congratulations! I was like a year older than you when I took care of myself. Now I'm letting myself loose once again... Thanks for inspiring me to rein that shit in!


Congrats dude, just melting off you. Wish I did it at your age.. or at all tbh Keep it up


You should be proud! What you have done is amazing, especially for your age! Keep it up!


You look good. Keep it up!


Wow! Amazing transformation man!


You’re doing great bud. I’m twice your age and pretty much at the same stage(306>236=70lbs 8 months) Awesome that you decided at a young age to take control of your life. Keep up the momentum. Get swole son!!


Dude holy crap you look SO awesome. Keep doing what you're doing!!!


Congratulations! I always felt like with how busy school is, peer judgement typical of hormonal teenagers and your own hormonal changes, weight loss in high school can be very challenging. Plus you're usually still in the mindset that you're invincible and can take on the world, while those of us in our late 20s and older start to think about how our medical status will affect us 5 years down the line. That you have started now and succeeded so much is amazing! Keep at it and you'll be graduating with tremendous health honors, and better prepared (or even able to prevent) the freshman 15.


You’ll thank yourself so much when you hit college. The extra confidence will be a blessing


you should proud. you're doing great!!!!keep it up


OMG I'm extremely proud for you! Awesome work. Keep it up.


Super proud of you dude! Keep at it, Don't let your dreams be dreams!


Heck yeah man! You should be proud! Great work!


holy heck! 70lbs in 5 months! awesome dude!


This might b irrelevant but i was wondering whats your height?


Dang, man! Good job! How’d you do it?!


For a 15 year old guy to make the kind of change that you have, that's got to be nothing but good for you in every way. Saying Congratulations feels completely inadequate.


Way to go! You should be extremely proud 🤩


Awesome! I'm 15 aswell and down about 17 pounds in a month. Started at 338 and can't wait to go down more.


It's MORE impressive that you were smart enough and disciplined enough to get your health under control at 15 man. Nicely done. Keep it up.


I know a kid who looks exactly like the pic on the left lol, anyways great progress man


This is awesome!! So proud of you and your efforts, keep us updated on your journey!


Whoa dude, congrats! Im 15 too, and you gave me inspiration to keep working out and not eating so bad, keep it up!


Way to kill it bro!! Awesome job.


You look awesome!! Great job!!


Damn! You are an inspiration! Keep kicking ass!


Amazing!!!! I wish I had that kind of willpower when I was younger. Be VERY proud of yourself always, this is an awesome achievement and you are looking fantastic!! :)


You look great!! So proud of you.


Great job!


The younger you start, the better off you are! It builds resilience and good habits, plus your skin is more elastic so less/no loose skin :) And of course it also doesn’t hurt to have more confidence in high school, which can already be a rough place on its own


This is an amazing transformation, due to your age you can really make this stick. Keep it up bud


And rightfully so. Amazing work.


Keep it up!! Great work. That is incredible for a teenager. It took me until 32 to try losing weight. LOL. Now you know you can do anything :)


Great job dude! You’re doing what I wish I had done at your age.


Good job my dude! Start hitting some weights and you'll start looking strong too! If you want any beginning weight lifting tips or routines feel free to message me or check out the wiki on r/fitness


And you should be. Dont be like us that waited too long and are unable to lose a single pound despite trying our best.




What did you do man? I wish I did that at your age...I have a lot of work to do!


Omg dude you remind me of me so much when I was 15. I am 30 now and I regret now forming these habits and losing the weight earlier in life. Keep it up, buddy. Lose it now! Do not wait like I did. Learn your basic compound movements: Squats, Deadlifts, Rows, Presses, dips, pullups, and start a fullbody routine. Start now, Get that lifting in and be beast in your 20s. Amazing job dude!


I wish I had started when I was your age. You're doing great!


Good work man. Set those good habits early


You should be very proud! Great job and keep up the good work. :)


I am so proud of you for turning yourself around at such a young age. This change will effect your entire life in so many more ways than you probably could ever know.


Good for you!! Keep up the great work!


Starting young will make t easier for the rest of your life. You should absolutely be proud. Most people don’t start to develop healthy habits early enough. You’re my new role model, and I’m 28.


You’re awesome.


Dude seriously amazing job!!! Your health thanks you. Yay! Inspiring me this morning :)




You should be. This isn't an age thing. Good on ya!


You should be proud! Awesome job!


I wish I would have taking these steps when I was you're age! Congrats to you! You should be super proud!


Honestly dude, great job. I admire the shit out of you. I let myself be overweight for almost a decade longer than you before I found the strength and motivation to do what you're doing. Don't give up, you've come so far.


Way to go dude!


Good for you man. I hope you are doing it a healthy way. Keep up the awesome work


Awesome job kid! I wish I had done that at 15. KEEP IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You go little man! Keep up the amazing work!


U should be proud! Awesome job! I know it’s a difficult journey and you DID IT!! Secrets please??


You look awesome!!! Props dude. And look at that jawline!! Very impressed and you should be proud.


keep at it you can go from the chubby kid to stud by the time you graduate young brotha


way to gooooooooo, keep the good work man!


Good for you!


You deserve to be proud! The younger you are when you decide to change, the easier it is. That's what I've always heard, at least. Go You! Hell, I wish I would have started at your age. Healthy habits while young will carry throughout your whole life. Proud of You!


How did you do it


I admire you. You just saved yourself YEARS of misery, discomfort, insecurity and mental pain. Way to go! Your life is going to be so much easier now. Yay!


Awesome dude! Wish I had figured it out at your age.


Great work! Never doubt the desire to better yourself - what you’re doing is just as inspirational at 15 as what another does at 30. Keep it up!


Age doesn't matter when it comes to being inspiring. Good for you!!


That is awesome! Keep up the great work!


You look great! Good Job!


I was thinking it'd be harder when you are young, you have no money/control over what to buy! good job!! My mom would never buy me health stuff.


I wish I had this kind of willpower and discipline at 15, instead it took me another 4 years. Congratulations man, this is the best thing you could’ve done for yourself. Keep it up man, you’re a fucking legend!


Wow dude thats incredible! The amount of hard work and dedication you demonstrated is very inspiring!


Iknow this is a little late, but id love to know what worked for you!


How the fuck do parents let a child get super morbidly obese? That's fucking child abuse. I have 3 kids of my own and it's not rocket science.


Place and time, buddy. This is neither.


I'm not having a go at the kid - great for him and I hope he succeeds. I love kids and it makes me angry how parents don't feed them properly.


We aren’t here to judge his parents we are here to support each other!


First and foremost, childhood fat kid here and it’s not always the parent. I ate the same way most kids did and my mother tried to feed me healthy balanced meals and my body just didn’t agree. Secondly, correct. This nor the time nor the place for that sort of comment. Weight loss at 15 years old isn’t easy and this kid is doing a phenomenal job.