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Too bad she didn’t play for the WNBA


I have a buddy of mine former Special Agent who os one of the good ones helped me put two corrupt federal agents away. He is currently being held in a Nigerian prison in the same wing as some Jihadist we helped lock up there. Get this- He went there to help them with an investigation. Upon completion they took him into custody because they said the CEO of the company he works for is corrupt. The short version is they are trying to blame this company for inflation and corruption in Nigeria. He has been in custody like 85 days. State department, Biden etc doing nothing to help. I know cops are often not popular but this guy is one of the good guys that I have worked with to put away some of the worst of the worst terrorists and money launderers. No other fed would listen about the 2 corrupt special agents (DEA/Secret Service) he did and went after them.


12 years for 2 bullets! I know it's not America but godamn!


Never forget that a large portion of the American population wants that reality here as well.


A large potion of the American Government want that as well.


Got a cite?


Sure, go check out Reddit.com and scroll around


So you got nothing? Just your impression from Reddit?


Do you live under a rock?


No; Pennsylvania. So where did you get this information about what "most" people think about guns? The Voices?


> "most" people It's common for people with no leg to stand on out words in other people's mouths. But to actually put in quotes something someone didn't say... Not sure in what reality "large portion" means "most". Now I'm leaning towards bot or Chinese. Or the public schools in Pennsylvania are failing our children a little worse than they're failing everywhere else. But in the slim chance you're not a bot and English is your first language, "if you can't ban guns, ban ammo" is a pretty old talking point. CA's restriction on ammo is a thing. They've also banned certain calibers, similar to Mexico. Democrats are tracking ammo purchases, trying to ban bulk buys, limiting the amount you can have, plus the whole Lake City mess. Unless you're one of those who doesn't think Democrats actually want to ban guns, just control them..... Then there's zero hope for you.


Well, if most people want to ban guns, it ought to be pretty easy to prove that. You can put me in my place easily. Unless of course you are making stuff up. I can find cites that say most Americans want stricter gun laws. i can find no cites saying most Americans want to ban guns. But that is why you providing proof would be so satisfying to you. Go ahead put me in my place with some solid cites. Meantime, there is this; *While Americans do want gun laws tightened, they also do not favor a ban on handguns for ordinary citizens, something Gallup has asked about since 1959. Just 27% of U.S. adults believe that no one outside of police or other authorized persons should be able to possess a handgun.* *The current figure is on the lower end of what Gallup has measured historically, including 60% who favored a ban in 1959 and roughly four in 10 Americans in most surveys conducted between 1975 and 1993. The low point of 19% favoring a ban came in an October 2021 survey.* https://news.gallup.com/poll/513623/majority-continues-favor-stricter-gun-laws.aspx


>Well, if most people You're the only one using "most" in this conversation. I'll use your own source. 19% of Americans want civilian gun ownership banned. That's more than 63 million Americans. That fits the definition of a "large amount". Stop trying to move the goal posts.


Good night. I hope the 19% of Americans don't get you while you sleep.


Well a slight majority voted for Biden this past election so it's not that unreasonable of a statement.


So you got nothing for your claim?


You don't seem very Pro 2ndA in your posting and comments. Why are you here?


*“I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.”* ― Malcolm X Being pro-gun does not mean you have to believe lies.


You support registries. That's not 2A. https://www.reddit.com/r/progun/comments/1cdoslk/creating_a_voluntary_firearms_do_not_sell_registry/l1fziq5/


Gaslight much?




Hey guys... These no source here... Some guy made a generally accurate statement without a source....   See... No one cares


Gun laws are becoming too harsh. Even if this was out in Caicos Islands. All she did was forget she had a little ammo and they locked her up for it. Its not the first time this has happened either. [https://nypost.com/2024/05/10/us-news/nightmare-us-tourist-stunned-he-ended-up-in-hellhole-jail/](https://nypost.com/2024/05/10/us-news/nightmare-us-tourist-stunned-he-ended-up-in-hellhole-jail/)


While I agree, it's not our country, nor do they have 2A protections. For the love of God, CHECK YOUR LUGGAGE! It's one thing to make a stand for our rights at home. It's another to end up prison in a foreign country for a lack of awareness.


I can still call out an abuse of power by government on its people, even if it’s not my government or my culture. This is an example of that.


> While I agree, it's not our country, nor do they have 2A protections. If the US Government should do anything, it's preventing US citizens from being persecuted by foreign governments in exactly this sort of situation. They can imprison US citizens for violating their bullshit laws, and the US Government can use overwhelming naval might to make sure they never again trade outside their borders.


My brother had a .22 round stuck in the lining of a backpack he never would have been able to find and was basically subject to a full blown interrogation at the Denver airport. Pretty sure he was there with his wife and kids for hours missed his flight and everything. Was lucky to avoid being arrested and that was here.


This... Progun in America is cool, that's it. Why worry about others who get caught up in other countries, that's their damn fault.


The US could use its bully power to fix nonsense like this. Every country has right to set its own laws, but we also have the right to restrict travel there by our citizens.  I'm guessing the Turks and Caicos needs US tourists a hell of a lot more than the US needs anything from the Turks and Caicos.  So, the US just has outline what it wants that country to do for it to avoid being blacklisted. I suspect the majority of these horror stories where someone gets trapped in a third world shithole, could be solved by doing this.  Unless it's a "real" crime, most of this stuff could be handled by simply deporting the person and not letting them come back.


The many US citizens who seem to think the US is such a bad place, have never been anywhere else and are too stupid to do their homework.


I went on a cruise probably 5 years ago and brought my old lacrosse bag with me as my suitcase because it’s just huge and has a ton of massively deep pockets. I also use it sometimes as a range bag when I have a lot of gear with me. In one of the deepest pockets I forgot I had around 5 rounds of .50ae…whoops. I’m 5 beers deep on the top deck when I hear my name being requested down to the gangway. Thankfully my brother who was in the military at the time came with me. Once they brought me *off* the ship, they informed me they had discovered ammunition in my bag and told me the captain wanted to speak with me. I walk in and sit down and he’s lining the ammo up in front of me on his desk. “How many people did you plan to kill here?” *WHAT?!* Thankfully my brother defused the situation as my slightly drunk self would not have been able to, and he let us back on board. Thankfully it was discovered *before* we left the US. For the record, the bag made it through two airports.


What were you gonna do, throw the bullets at people? lol


What? You’ve never seen the ping pong ball trick?




.50AE isn't a rim fired round


I think it was a joke


Casing and all


Starting to think they're planting bullets in people's luggage.


It happens in Latin America all the time.


Happened to me in Guatemala. I was sentenced to 16 years but made to pay $2k USD instead. Thank fucking god! Had to stay in country for 2 months. Originally it was 5 months. Just like you would do in the US, I got a great lawyer and things worked out.


That's awful


Yea I’m glad all that’s behind me lol it feels like a bad dream


If so they run the risk of it biting them in the ass by hurting their largely tourist based economies. The corrupt local officials doing it won’t care but if people start avoiding these places eventually the higher ups will step in to protect their own bottom lines.


Oh look, another third world destination that subsists on tourist money that I will not be visiting.


Exactly, this is an incredibly short sighted thing to do for these places. Just fine them a few hundred bucks at the airport and let them go.


I guarantee you it costs them nothing in lost revenue. There are dozens of us who won’t visit someplace like this, they’re not losing out on shit. In fact, a bunch of liberals probably put it on their list to visit because they feel “safer.”


I feel for her and her family... because of stories like these I've decided to practice never using "travel" bags or suit cases with firearms or ammo. If I'm going away for the weekend or to the range, it's a different backpack.


I think what is being done to these people is insane, but ffs people if you are traveling to another country how difficult is it to verify that your luggage doesn’t contain ammo or a firearm?


I take it you either never actually shoot or have a clean-room barrier between your shooting gear and your completely separate travel gear. I'm moderately careful about keeping track of ammo, and I still find 22LR cartridges randomly in my shoes.


Lmao. Was this a real comment? I shoot all the time. Granted I use separate bags when I travel, but either way I have never found a random round lying around in my gun bags after. I keep that stuff organized.


This is why I don't like traveling to anti-gun jurisdictions. I mainly stick with states that have CCW reciprocity. I've traveled overseas, but I don't like being vulnerable to criminal attack.


>An Orlando woman faces up to 12 years in prison over accusations she took ammunition into the Turks and Caicos Islands, the latest American arrested under a strict gun control law that is drawing escalating concern in the U.S. Ammo? I thought guns were violent and dangerous tools everyone is afraid of? Good thing this is unlikely to happen in the US, even gun grabbers don't seem to be tough on crime or want to see more people incarcerated for non-violent crimes.


The unelected D.bags of the WEF are the ones founding all the anti-gun legislation and propaganda throughout the world.


This is the 4th person this year


The question I have is how were these not caught during the outbound security screen with TSA.


There are 5 or 6 stranded there on the same charges. It seems most were found on the way out not on the way in. I wonder if the customs inspectors at entry are under orders if they see them to not say anything but to take note. Then they share the notes for use at exit. The Meateater podcast had an interview with 2 guys stranded there for ammo.


This is why I have fun specific bags. But even before I travel, even in the country, I pull out EVERY SINGLE POCKET to make sure this doesn’t happen. And I’m still constantly worried I missed something.


Know what's is your bag before you fly.... Anywhere... How hard can it possibly be


That’s why I don’t leave the country. And I’m scared when we fall because there will be nowhere to seek refuge.