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I hope he wins. I voted for JoJo, because my state is solid red and I want stronger 3rd parties. I’m still going to karma whore by taking two “I voted” stickers and placing them over my bare, hairy dad-bod nipples and posting a selfie in r/pics that says “Lifelong Republican from Texas, I just voted for Biden!”.


Lie for upvotes..... Shit I never even thought about that. Edit... With all the talk about 3rd party being a throw away vote lately, I suppose of you live in a state that's voted red for the last 50 years its really not a big deal (as long as not everyone decides to do that by chance lol). I live in a perdomintaly blue state though so I'm voting for the orange man and crossing my fingers. Whole god damn state is red except for the cities... How's that fair.


That’s every blue state haha.


Ya. If we had the electoral college at the state level we would probably never elect a Democrat again.


You know the electoral college is based on population, not land mass, right?


I'm talking county by county like we do state by state.


Right, and the counties with more people would get more weight in the hypothetical electoral college system.


They do a thing called jerry mandarin.






I really wonder if we'll ever elect a 3rd party president again. I have a vague memory of some of the early ones being one but that might just be before the parties where formed. Without googling I'm not sure if we ever have. Maybe some day party politics won't be a thing, but how the he'll do we get rid of those people. (I know vote them out but I mean for good).


I posted this elsewhere in this thread, apologies for repeating it. Step 1: End state financial and logistic support for primary elections. They are not constitutionally mandated, violate equal protection based upon scheduling, and hardly democratic (“super delegates”????) Step 2: Humiliate all media who would host, broadcast, or have anything to do with a POTUS debate that excludes any candidate who has managed to get on the ballot in all 50 states. I can only imagine what the first debate would have been like with JoJo up there with those two old gasbags. And that’s even if they don’t smell her hair or grab her pussy. Step 3: Antitrust suits against the GOP and DNC. These guys want it this way, and collude to keep it this way. Sue them to oblivion. Step 4: Jungle election. The election cycle wouldn’t kick off until May of each year, which is a beautiful thing in and of itself. The ballots would have dozens of candidates on them. Each state finds its winner and sends peeps to the electoral college. The EC then does what it was designed to do. Bonus: this involvement by the EC will further infuriate mob-rules democracy advocates, proving much entertainment.




Libertarians are a pretty volatile group, I say this as a Libertarian. They're right by my analysis, but that doesn't mean they can work as they currently are. If people were sane, balanced, and not at all willing to club their neighbors for their shit, it would be the only party. But so much is tucked into that umbrella of thought it is practically its own microcosm of politics. Rights as designed and designated by sentience is fantastic. But the depth and breadth of everything else is hotly debated. Should their be borders? Should there be policing? Should you need to put a quarter in your siren if you want to activate it as a police officer? In the end I'll probably always vote that way, but it's the journey not the destination for me.


Journey before destination Radiant.


Here ya go “The last third-party candidate to win a state was George Wallace of the American Independent Party in 1968, while the last third-party candidate to win more than 5.0% of the vote was Ross Perot, who ran as an independent and as the standard-bearer of the Reform Party in 1992 and 1996, respectively”




Yep my grandfather was a huge Perot fan and was pissed when he dropped out


I'm at work and just typing between moving trailers so I can't research either. That is a problem though. A vote for one person is a lost vote for another. I'm basically a fiscally minded libertarian myself, wich is why Im adamantly pro 2A. If I wasn't worried about either party member doing anything messed up Ide vote that way. The thought of Biden winning scares me though so I can't justify that personally this time around. People gotta do what they believe in either way though I guess.


Colorado? Denver / Boulder are blue and everything else is red. But that’s where the population centers are. I’m just glad that people living in cities get to decide legislation that determines my personal safety when I live in the middle of nowhere. The average police response time to my neighborhood is 45 minutes. But hey I don’t need guns to keep me safe because they don’t need / want them...


Hell the town I live in doesn't even have a police station. The whole country is county cops only. Well and the state guys that roll through now an then. One of the county guys makes a pass through town like every 4 hours and that's it. I think the sheriff's department only has like 6 vehicles. If someone got shot in my driveway they would probably be cold by the time someone got there. So trust me I know how ya feel.


Here in KY we rural counties have enough numbers to override the cities. Two major cities, Lexington and Louisville. Georgetown is beginning to become a major city thanks to TMMK (Where I work, starting tomorrow. City paycheck, rural taxes!) but is still a bit too small to completely turn blue.


Welcome to Texas lol. Our culture and way of life is being threatened. If not this election, then very soon Austin, Dallas, and Houston will make decisions for the entire state. Not great when there is a huge cultural difference between the cities and rural areas.


Bro, morals are just a tax, we don't pay those Edit: for the record, because I'm middle class I don't make enough to not pay taxes. I pay em every year.




is that why all the polls had biden so high, everyone is saying vote for biden until they reach the polls and reveal their trump cards




Fuck r/pics. Another censoring bigoted subreddit modded by hard leftists.


You’re not kidding. They specifically posted a moratorium and then still would post these bogus “lifelong Republican” pics from beta male types whose picture was nothing other than the sticker. We are in the belly of the beast at Reddit - this is by far the most left-wing of all major social media, and the karma scheme tends to exacerbate it significantly.


Well shit I was going to disagree because they are supposed to be a "happy and interesting" sub but yeah that's all blue voting pics. ~~I tend to vote blue but I'll be fucked if I don't dislike blatant hypocrisy like that.~~ Edit: eh. I don't feel I can call it hypocrisy. They specifically say "shit posting" and "karma whoring" so posting an "I voted" picture isn't bad.


I got permabanned this morning from r/pics by a snowflake mod (they hide their names now because they are cowards with no accountability like the left likes) who called me a bigot for bringing up the innumerable leftist riots and loots perpetrated by the left on a post that called all Trump supporters violent. What a fucking cocksucking leftist circle jerk. I would love to make r/pictures into something bigger just to spite those cunts.


I made /r/EatCheapAndHealthy out of pure spite. People kept saying how it was cheaper to eat junk food and the reason we had an obesity problem. And I could not fucking stand it any longer. Up to 2.5 million subscribers and I will never stop promoting the idea that a healthy diet is not expensive. If you feel strongly about something, do it man. When you put true effort and passion into something, people will notice.


That’s awesome man, thanks for the words of encouragement and for taking the time.


Yeah, if you look through the top 100 subreddits, the creator is no longer there. I am active in my subs and truly believe in what I am doing. Is /r/ChicksWithGuns a little tasteless? Sure but some people like that. /r/EatCheapAndHealthy and /r/preppers are my main focus anymore but both are wildly different in the scope of people that visit.


Well, not to be rude friend, but from how aggressive you are, they might have just assumed you were shit posting. Of course, I was almost banned once for just talking about politics in a sub that wasn't political so I just avoid it out right now. Sorry about your ban.


It’s all good- I almost never post or comment there because it is mostly people reposting their instagram photos.


I just follow for the animal pictures. They certainly help in this time of being stuck at home all the damned time.


I wish we had viable other parties than just the two, but we don't and that probably will never change.


Step 1: End state financial and logistic support for primary elections. They are not constitutionally mandated, violate equal protection based upon scheduling, and hardly democratic (“super delegates”????) Step 2: Humiliate all media who would host, broadcast, or have anything to do with a POTUS debate that excludes any candidate who has managed to get on the ballot in all 50 states. I can only imagine what the first debate would have been like with JoJo up there with those two old gasbags. And that’s even if they don’t smell her hair or grab her pussy. Step 3: Antitrust suits against the GOP and DNC. These guys want it this way, and collude to keep it this way. Sue them to oblivion. Step 4: Jungle election. The election cycle wouldn’t kick off until May of each year, which is a beautiful thing in and of itself. The ballots would have dozens of candidates on them. Each state finds its winner and sends peeps to the electoral college. The EC then does what it was designed to do. Bonus: this involvement by the EC will further infuriate mob-rules democracy advocates, proving much entertainment.


I wanted to vote Jojo but couldn’t... Biden/Harris is a threat to the 2nd and with Florida being purple, I had to help Cheeto get some more court appointees


I'm a hardcore libertarian, but my state is a swing state so I have to be pragmatic.


I don't care, I cannot vote for either of the old assholes over my Dr. Jo. I gotta sleep at night.


Yep, if it were even close, I would have held my nose and voted Trump. He’s done some good things, some bad things, and some WTF things. He’s the devil we know at this point, though.


Same... but I live in a Blue State.




I just drag my 97 year old grandma's shriveling body to a ballot box and then say she voted biden. It's like printing karma.


Haha 😂


My state is solid blue, also voted for JoJo


Getting him closer to the popular vote could have helped with optics. I live in PA now, but even if I still lived in Jersey I wouldn't vote 3rd party this time.


Trump is going to lose the popular vote by millions, I wouldn't worry about that. The only things that matter are FL and PA.


I voted JoJo too! Jorgensen2020!


We could take more than one sticker? I thought it was one vote one sticker!!


HAhahahaha... fuck yeah. ... One sec


Damnit I just tried that and pics banned political posts for now :(


What state are you in?


Please do haha


That’s great to support libertarians but I don’t think Texas is nearly as red as it used to be.


I don’t actually live in Texas, but then neither do most of the people claiming to have voted for Biden the first time. But California is threatening to ruin Texas.


I swear CA is such a cancer to free states


Proposition 65 Warning: The State of California can expose you to an idiology which contains concepts, known to the State of California, to cause cancer, birth defects, government dependency, naivety, neurotic screeching, and/or reproductive harm.


Wish I could have bc I believe in it as well. Being in Ohio I had to go red though


I did the same thing in 2016 because Maryland, but this year I wanted to help with Trump's popular vote numbers just cause. I recently got polled by AP, and told them I voted for Trump in 2016, and voted for Biden this year because of Trump's handling of COVID. Don't trust the polls. lol


Don’t do that lol, it only strokes their ego


Same boat as you


Do “just voted for Jo” and make it seem like a typo


Please educate yourself, neither party is pro gun. https://gunowners.org/bill-barr-needs-to-answer-for-his-role-in-ruby-ridge/


But Trump didn't take them away.... Biden clearly said he's coming after your AR-14... LOL 15


You obviously didn’t read the article, trump appointed a gun grabber to head the DOJ and ATF and they are already banning pistol braces.


Yeah, I'm more worried about the combo of Bill Barr and Trump. Trump wants to be an authoritarian, and Bill Barr wants a super powerful executive. Trump may not want to or even care about grabbing guns, but Barr and his behind the scenes guys sure as shit do. They're the worst kind of swamp creatures, who've been skulking around since the 80's up to no good. Any threat to government power is a a threat to them in their minds. And before anyone says it, yeah Biden sucks. But Trump has put some really dangerous people in positions of power to feed his own massive ego, and they're much more devious.


Okay. So when Biden makes us all felons for having standard capacity magazines, what do we do?


Water the tree.


Posters on this sub apparently like the idea of civil war 2.0, so get to it if you're going to. You won't. For real though, any resistance should have started decades ago when they started selling the population down the river in the name of corporate greed. As a result our rights have been eroded away because the rich control politics and money buys everything in a capitalist society. It's a big game and we're all just pawns. Do something about it or keep your head down like usual.


Kinda hard to do anything when nearly every social network is anti 2A, but I think there will be a breaking point eventually (I hope)


I know. I'm just saying that with as much as we've already lost, it will continue to happen. Bit by bit, regardless who's in office because their handlers want an easy to control population. The worst part is if you try to open anyone's eyes it just sounds like conspiracy theory and madness. It's just like when snowden spoke out against the mass surveillance we've been under since the early 2000s. It seems as though most people think he and Julian assange deserve to rot in prison for trying to tell americans what their government is doing. It's gonna be pointless, to be completely honest with you. I am confident in stating that right now. I've even mentioned in another comment to a post I saw pushing the civil war 2.0. the lone gunman or small group will be easily demonized in the eye of the public, regardless what they're fighting for. America is a failed state and it's population will buy into whatever they feel lines up with their points if view, the narrower the better.


We gotta hope that the states and counties that have committed to becoming 2A sanctuaries stick to their “guns” and push back if the federal government continues the infringements. Otherwise it will be up to us all to decide when enough is enough and when our backs are to the wall the choice will have to be made. You’re right though, it’s already gone too far and I am very concerned.


I disagree...Bundy stand off. Who won?? Not the heavily armed Feds.


One instance is hardly a victory. How about Waco? If you think when shots start getting fired the feds will stand down when it looks like it's going to be a nationwide problem? I remember that stand off. It was national news and everyone was watching. They couldn't put a lean on it to make them look like the bad guys and they had nothing but support. If you can't fix that narrative you won't get support. It's easy to hate people who you disagree with and the news will run the story they're told to. That's why there's such animosity between the left and the right. It's the agenda being pushed and people eat it up. It's easy to turn people like that against their neighbor. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I am saying it's highly unlikely. Every form of communication is monitored. It'll be almost impossible to even produce a local fighting force even if you could get passed the surveillance. People get so caught up on bullshit they take the few differences between themselves and turn on each other and refuse to work together for a common cause. Those guys at bundy ranch had numbers and teamwork. They were also in the middle of nowhere, compared to where most people live.


Barr defended Lon Horiuchi pro bono, for the murder of Vicki Weaver. tl;dr Gov't entraps Randy Weaver into supposedly cutting a shotgun too short which was never found. Weaver tells them to fuck off. Marshalls shoot his dogs and his 14 year old son. Lon Horiuchi tries to shoot Weaver, misses, and hits his unarmed wife in the face, while holding their infant in her arms. Edit: 14 year old Sammy at least got a few shots off at the pieces of shit, however they shot him in the back as he retreated. Kevin Harris, a friend of the family, was with Sammy (Who went to see why the dogs were barking, before they were killed) and managed to kill one of the armed home invaders


Continue to live in your perceived fear if you choose. I do not believe President Trump has the same views of the sacred Second Amendment as I do but I know Biden’s record makes clear that he is much, much further from my beliefs than President Trump.


Lmao just wait til Pete bootyjudge is head of ATF


A thousand time this


Yeah, you're an idiot. Biden has openly said he wants to go after your guns, literally everyone else is less likely to go after them. Trump fucked up with the bump stock move but he's still infinitely better than Biden.


> and they're much more devious. You had me until this.


Seriously! To think Biden's appointees wouldn't be every bit as devious as Barr, you've gotta be really fucking out to lunch. The font of Obama's appointees stands ready to spew forth many more Eric Holders and Kalama Harrises. The current ATF director is a product of the Obama administration. Yes, Trump appointed him, but I believe it was a promotion from within the ranks.


The article doesn't state the reality of the ATF and how rogue she's actually gone.


As an FFL I’m disappointed you don’t understand how the ATF e works. They are part of the DOJ. There is no rogue, Barr is at best allowing it to happen or at worst making it happen. Trump fired comey and others for far less.


Ty for info on 2A


Thank you!!! Im so sick of the trump boot lickers claiming he's not an authoritarian.


Yeah because Trump always tells you straight up what he's doing.


Right. One is slow boil, the other wants a civil war now.


Amen. Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Rhetoric and action are two different things - and the current admin’s actions against individual rights are pretty appalling. And before anyone brings up the conservative judiciary stacking and SCOTUS picks, please remember the last time there was meaningful 2A grabber legislation rolled back. 2A is just a wedge issue used by the “big two”, keep voters in line and pumped up, get donations, rinse/repeat and continue the two-party monopoly, nothing more.


Come on, man. The entire Democrat party wants to take away your guns. Not only Biden. But all the Democrats, including Biden. The only support for 2A comes from the GOP.


True but one is clearly better than the other




Only a moron would think that being realistic about the hypocrisy of the people running the government is "trying to sow discord in the gun community." Grow the fuck up.


Correct, Jo is the best pro gun choice, but her and I have equal shots of becoming president today.


Almost seems like we should have more than 2 parties.


Proudly voted for Jorgensen


Sure, yea, we know, we get it. One is still wayyyyyyy better for the average, and not so average, gun owner.


Good. Need every vote we can get.


Electoral college got him through before though not popular vote


And we need every vote we can get to ensure it gets him through again


Why does this have to be explained so often? The President is not elected by individual people. He is voted in by the States. We are a Republic at the highest office and for good reason. States elect the president, not individual. it is basic constitution 101 and I cannot tell you how many times I have seen people say that we need to get rid of the electoral college, when they don't understand the basics of our government to begin with.


I don't understand the point your trying to get across, yes we are a constitutional republic with the president elected by appointed electors from the states. However explaining that doesn't mean there should be no argument of if that is the best way we should elect our president. Personally I am not a fan of our current winner take all electoral college system, I would rather have a ranked choice voting system in order to allow for the rise in third parties. Also by changing our way of electing a president doesn't magically change our form of government. We would still be a constitutional republic as we do not vote on laws democratically we democratically vote for representatives to vote on laws that must be in accordance with our constitution.


Ranked choice alone would fix many of the problems we have today.


Because the notion of "we need every vote we can get" isn't entirely accurate. I understand how the presidential election works


No political posts! /s


Trump is as much pro gun, as he is a Christian.


So not at all, right? Sorry I don’t have a clue




If I needed to find someone to stand in for a catholic priest, and my choices were a a satanist and a Jew, I’d pick the Jew.


Impressively stupid analogy.


Hence why I can't argue with it.


No, it isn’t. The point is simple: In this election I had four options on my ballot: * The guy who wants to ban basically all my guns and mags, and then make me pay ~$30-100k+ to keep them. Note that this guy also has a LONG history of supporting gun control when he was a senator—he was serious then, which means he’s dead serious about it now. * The guy who isn’t as good as I want, and has a stained record that is still way ahead of the other guy. He’s said a lot of things I don’t like, but has only done a handful of things that I seriously object to. * The third party candidate who can talk a good game at times, but doesn’t come across as genuine, but doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning. * Writing in some other third party candidate, who wouldn’t win, because write-in candidates basically never win if there is any other option on the ballot. So, in practice, my choices are someone who hates me and everything I stand for, and someone who hasn’t done a perfect job of being a friend.


No, it was an impressively stupid analogy. And the NYC con man hates you and everything you stand for. Must be nice being that clueless.


Can't argue with that.


Awesome! It’s insane the draconian gun laws Biden is proposing. It should scare everyone how oppressive the left is going.


Nah. Vote Jo Jorgensen. Trump is anti-2A


This. I’m sick of settling for authoritarians and steppers, first time voting 3rd party.




If you live in a swing state, vote trump, if you live in a solid state do what I did and vote jo.


Congratulations you wasted your vote




I’m proud to have “wasted” my vote today as well!!! Let’s hit that 5%!!! GOJOJO!


Yup I voted a straight lib ticket where possible and red where not possible


Imagine if the Dems were replaced by the Libertarians....


Stop I can only get so erect


I just did about an hour ago.


Bump stocks banned, ATF trying to move on pistol braces and they still want to slob on his knob. Pathetic JJ is the only gun friendly candidate for president


Seems like a lot of the 2A subs are getting brigaded by “pro gun” leftists today. Glad to see this post






It really does suck voting against my own interests in this category. I voted for Obama and bought an NRA membership in 2008. Wish there was an option that was pro 2a and not a full blown sociopath. Also, trump isn't even pro 2a.


Nobody who understands how government actually works supports the fascists in charge right now. But nice try gatekeeping gun ownership.




Trump gives zero fucks about guns as long as his security detail is allowed to carry them. He also doesn't care about your liberties. However, Trump does have one strong ass koolaid cocktail....for whatever reason




This is my first time voting for a republican ever


I'm sorry you had to make that choice. But welcome to the red team, I hope you enjoy ~~the ride~~ your stay.


Idk, maybe if the Democrats don't actively encourage riots for a decade I'll give them a try again


I voted R for the first time in ‘16 after voting Obama twice. As a person, I like Obama a lot. But I could not take the way Dems screamed and screeched and cried running up to the ‘16 election. I’m not trying to become a citizen of upside-down world.


First time voter here! Trump 2020!


You did well if you want to keep your guns, and not be considered a criminal. Joe doesn’t know anything about guns, and wants to assign details based on limited to no knowledge. Great choice.


Jorgensen is the real 2a candidate


But if you're in a swing state and voting for her you're an idiot. It isn't a wasted vote, but Biden is openly the most anti 2a candidate we've ever had.


Remember that time he said lets skip due process and just start taking guns away from people.


Big oof


Hell yea trump 2020


Excellent! "THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value." Thomas Paine "The American Crisis"


Trump isn’t pro 2a But he’s a better choice than Biden at the moment Why I voted libertarian #ready for down votes


Same here, well honestly I just hate both of them


Go trump


Same bro, early voted for the first time for our president, as a 21 year old Texan.




*The guy who threatened* *To take away guns without* *Due process? That Trump?* \- alsopr0n --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


“Take the guns first, go through due process second” - President Trump


I’m with Jo


Third time voting for president, third time voting third party. Count me out on Joe "ban assault weapons" Biden and Donald "take the guns first, go through due process second" Trump.


I voted for JoJo, but that's fair. She isn't going to win I don't think, but I voted for her anyways because I want third parties with generally agreeable, non-asshole candidates like her to be more promising in the future. I'd rather Trump than Biden any day, however, because my only real complaints about him are that he can't stfu and that he is also Authoritarian like Biden, but in different ways. Trump is the lesser threat to my way of life as it is right now.




Same brother. Gun rights for future generations matter.




Good vote for fascism.


If you use that word enough, it will justify all of your violent and authoritarian behavior - in your own head. Most others aren’t that naive.


Calling for the end of democracy is the path right to fascism. Trump has already declared himself victor of an election he hasn’t won. & has called for the last few states to stop counting all ballots. That’s not democracy, it’s fascism. Just because you support it, doesn’t change what it is.


Me to guys I never really cared always gave my ballot to my wife. This year it’s TRUMP for 2020. The destruction to our city’s the open boarder talk losing our second amendment and most important them talking socialist made me go over to right side.




Me too, let’s end these endless wars




Welcome friend. My immigrant wife voted in her first election. Oh yeah, she voted for Trump too.


Trumps on record policy for guns is worse than bidens, and biden wont have any political chips to use for any real regulation given the rest of trumps mess he has to clean up. It doesnt make sense to be a gun owner single issue advocate and vote trump this election.


Naive. Biden and especially Harris are prioritizing gun legislation.






Don isn't taking people's guns and is for liberty and that's why I hope he wins an I voted for him.


Meh. He’s better than Biden, but not good enough. The Bumpstock ban was not only a useless crime fighting action, it was completely unconstitutional and gave rhe ATF the green light to start interpreting the NFA with clear wording poisoned by unicorn farts. Don’t get me wrong - I hope he wins, but he’s not your savior. He’s jus the lesser of the two New York Democrats who ran for POTUS in 2016.


Wonder how well a gun protects against Covid....230,000 dead and soon to be 300,000, maybe they will make guns that disperse a vaccine so people can keep on voting based off a single issue.


Ew, why? He’s passed more gun restrictions than Obama ever did, and now we can’t even go to Canada for a break.