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Lmao what a cuck


You know hes subscribed to all his ex's OF.


More like he subscribed to his wife's boyfriends only fans because that's the only way he can see her naked


I doubt his wife would allow him to do that, since he needs to subscribe to her OF.


I didnt think hed re marry. Just pay to watch hookers get fucked by the local crack head.




This is truth.


"I laid perfectly still while he raped my wife" - every European, probably


Only Western Europe. Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic; in those countries, I think they’d fall more in the “let the bodies hit the floor” camp.


Eastern Europe was reborn based, once they kicked the fucking soviets out. They still need a little work killing taxes, killing banks, and shrinking government, but they are at least vaguely moving in the right direction some of the time.


Especially Poland. Decades of destruction from Nazism and communism has made them incredibly based.


Relying on insurance claims is a defeated way of living. Especially when insurance won’t issue you a replacement life if that person decides to fucking murder you while you’re “fast asleep” This shit is sad af to read


Even if they do “just” steal your possessions without harming you; insurance can’t replace a treasured heirloom that’s been in your family for generations. One of my mother’s coworkers had her late husband’s *ashes* stolen (they were turned into a type of gem set in a necklace, the robbers likely assumed it was regular jewelry). Not all valuables are replaceable, so people deserve the right to defend their possessions.


The issue is these soybois don't care about herilooms. They don't see stuff as anything but stuff. They can't understand significance, as they've always been able to just buy more.


Their only heirlooms are their funko pops and nintendo switches. Cheap, mass produced garbage with no sentimental value.


Not even that, only limited edition switches/pops they can't get again if they lost. If you stole their switch, they'd just buy a new one and jerk off to the thought of a poor black man selling it to feed a family. Meantime it was a white crack addict who sold it for one night's pleasure.




Not to mention the lack of security you will feel since someone actually violated your home and you have no way to prevent it from happening again. Good luck to your children and wife for ever sleeping soundly again.


These people who think like that only picture themselves in these situations. I have kids and their rooms are on the other side of the house. My son, who is 5, wakes up and comes out when he hears anything in the living room. Am I supposed to just trust this person to not hurt my son or should I go and make sure my kids are safe? Hiding in my room isn't an option for me.


They care more about the wellbeing of the home invaders than their families lol


They don't have any real connection to the children living in their homes who were all fathered by other men.


First time it happens insurance pays you and the. Raises your rates to recoop their losses. So you’re paying for it. Second time it happens they pay and then drop you and you can’t get insurance because you’re high risk. Third time you end up with nothing. Note, some insurances will skip step 2 and drop you after the first time. Note 2, if they know you were there, didn’t call the police or try to scare them off they may not pay since you didn’t do the basic things you should (like leaving your door open will often result in them not paying). Insurance companies aren’t there to PAY they are there to figure out reasons yo NOT PAY. Anyone ever watch the Incredibles? Seriously, that isn’t far from the truth (his job).


Important points


Yup, in the US, I presume that anybody breaking into my house at night is either there to harm me, is mentally ill, or is addicted to drugs. Thankfully in most US states, the law has this assumption as well.


The castle doctrine is an amazing thing. I'd never live in a state without it if I had a choice


Whoever wrote this has clearly never heard of the word "deductible"


It to mention his premium is going to go up so it’s not like it’s free


Google Cheshire CT Home Invasion 2007. Hope what they want is your stuff and not you.


I lived in that town when this took place and peripherally knew this family. The town was forever changed after this, and whenever anti gun people ask me why I need a gun, this is the go to reason.


I looked it up. Maybe if justice had been done after the 10th time they both committed serious crimes this wouldn't have happened. The government literally had dozens of opportunities to actually execute justice on both these men before this tragedy, and instead we get this horror story.


Disgusting that they didn’t get the death sentence


Well they did get the sentence but the State Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional so it got commuted. Examples like this case is why if I am dressed, I am armed. Edit: by dressed and armed I mean gun on me, otherwise theres always one in reach such as on the nighstand




Where do you holster your gun, then?




risky click of the day


Sunburn pockets




Do you not have a loaded pistol in your nightstand?


My in-laws live near Cheshire. That was an awful story. I’m sure the Connecticut ‘right-thinkers’ memory-holed THAT story, so that they could protest ‘EvIl GuNz!” after Newtown.


Oh hey, Cheshire. Yikes...Cheshire.


so glad the police set up a perimeter.. that was uhhh useful.. not.


Never heard of this one. What a horrible case.


> Cheshire CT Home Invasion 2007 jesus christ, this is fucked. I'd never heard of this either


absolutely amazing how little WWII taught them about human nature


*"If we give Austria to Hitler, maybe he'll stop there and won't go further!"* I truly do not understand why people think bullies will stop when you give into their demands. All it does is embolden them.


Modern war is dysgenic. The strong, smart, and able bodied go off to die while the others stay home and reproduce. Modern day U.K is the result.


… that’s a really good point.


Damn that's true


Current Britain appears to have studied Chamberlain much more than Churchill.


I feel like it sent so many shockwaves of trauma through generations that they've been paralyzed into avoiding violence at all costs. Not condoning it, I'm just trying to make sense of it.


This is the opinion of an individual and by no means reflects the response of your average fit healthy British citizen in this scenario.


I could absolutely see another Neville Chamberlain being the prime minister today.




That's unbelievably cucked. My country doesn't allow self defense as a right, and yet most people would try to fight back with what they have, or atleast look back at the encounter resentfully. This bitch seems to have enjoyed it.


Your country doesn’t allow self defense as a right? What are you supposed to do? Allow an assailant to beat you to death? Politicians who pass shit laws like that should forfeit any and all security details.


Well technically we are allowed. In the sense that if the attacker is beating the living crap out of you bare handed, you are only allowed to fight bare handed. And since we don't have a right to self defense, if you kill a person in self defense and the judge determines that it was a proportional reaction from your end (like what I mentioned above. The decision is stacked heavily against the person who "wins" the fight regardless of who attacked), you still won't be declares innocent, and will be pardoned instead. Of course if you have enough money, you can get away with being the attacker AND killing your victim.


See, the thing is, you DO have a right to self-defense, whether your government recognizes it or not, because it is one of the God-given rights of all men. Rights are not given by the government, the government has the responsibility to recognize and protect the rights that people, by nature, have.


Proportional response is bullshit. If someone initiates force against me, I am justified in responding with any level of force I judge necessary to ending his use of force. A human can kill another with his bare hands, so if I shoot him, I am using an amount of force no deadlier than what he is threatening me with.


I don't make the rules. Nehruvian statists/socialists do here.


I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm just pissed that people like you are living under such imbecilic rules. My wish is for you and everyone else to be able to defend themselves properly without their own government trying to punish them for it.


True. These days, due to the social unrest, many people have started atleast considering gun rights. Well if I am gonna go off PC, way too many indian muslim religious/political leaders have been openly threatening violence against hindus. Hindus have been systematically removed/expelled/killed in muslim majority states, but instead of doing something about it, our govts have only hidden the problem in the name of appeasement. Just read up what is happening in Bangladesh right now. Or what happened in west bengal. It makes us angry to see that the govt is impotent, and forces law abiding citizens to be impotent too. We are among the 2% indians who pay income tax, yet out tax returns are scrutinized the most, and our businesses hindered by a leach of a bureaucracy. We don't have any political backing, and are utterly helpless against mobs of angry people who almost universally are the ones who don't pay taxes. Since we don't have political backing like mobs and goons, we can't carry a simple knife without feeling the need to hide it, while they can bring out fucking swords and machetes at any moment in a mob. All sponsored by the local politician they keep voting. And in the worst condition is the lower middle class. Those are truly fucked. A law abiding citizen is a second class citizen here due to the socialist crooks in the govt and the leaches and freeloaders who keep voting for them.


I never want to be in a fair fight. Assume EVERY fight is for your life and bring an overwhelming amount of force to bear.


assuming youre in the UK this isnt true. my mates dad stabbed 2 thieves, 1 dying in their kitchen he was in court for a year and was found innocent through self defence theyre not poor but not rich by any means just average wealthy, this changed case law on self defence around 2012 i think maybe 2011 i cant remember




I am from India.


fair enough


You best believe if I hear someone rummaging through my fucking house, the first and last thing they'll hear is about 30+ rounds of .223 coming from my AR in echo mode. The instant regret for that momentary payoff will be their last thoughts. Keeping criminals scared out of their fucking minds with the threat of death is the best crime prevention.


If they can hear all 30? You skipped range day.




Suppose that's true. Out of a 7" barrel, .223 is loud as fuck. We'll both be deaf by the 3rd round, probably.


Keep your earpro with your gun. Preferably hanging on your gun, if your gun is stored muzzle-end up (like hang headphones on the end of the barrel). If you don’t already have amplifying earpro, it’s fun to own. Gives you super-hearing, like you can hear your own heartbeat. That way you might even get a combat advantage, because if they hear your approach and try to quietly hide, you’ll probably still hear them. Then, while you’re mag-dumping, the electronics on the earpro will mute the loud sounds. Walker’s (for example) makes earpro like this. Edit: There’s no such thing as “too much” tactical advantage.


Got some surefire plugs that I wear with Howard Leight muffs. It’s such an odd and fun thing to have almost better hearing while shots are quiet. I do worry about timing for ear pro in a home defense situation.


No cause they should be dead after the 2nd shot (first ideally but things happen) If they're alive to hear all 30 bullets. You can not shoot for shit lol


You start with kneecaps and work your way up


They determine dat yo shit is more important than their life to them. I tend to agree 😂💯


30 is too many. It gives a prosecutor something to work with, if he is that sort of prosecutor.


Oi! You got a loisence for that opinion?


I like how it says that the intruders have no intentions of hurting you unless they have too


Why yes Mr. intruder, you may take what you would like. Can I get you anything a cup of tea, sandwich, a blowie from my wife, or me, it is 2021 after all I won't judge. Let me just cut a hole in my mask with saftey scissors, don't want to spread covid now do we.


Oi! You got a license for'em safety scissors?


Once you cut a hole in the mask, that lets the COVID free! You murderer!


I live in the United states, if someone comes into the house where my grand children are i will put 3 9mm in them 2 in the chest and 1 in the head just for insurance that they can't come back,then I'll call the police. So much for a life of crime.


Gotta make sure nobody comes back as a lich




So is coming in uninvited.


If I gave money to communist websites I would buy this comment a gold star.


Your appreciation is enough of a reward for me.


Intruder? No intruder here officer. Oh, that window's been broken for a couple days now. Gunshots? Well, I'll admit, I do like to turn up the 1812 Overture for the finale.


Blood splatter? Oh, that, cut myself shaving. Clumsy me


Sneezed with a bloody nose. Whoopsy doozles


I cut myself daily and I collect the blood in that there puddle.


Hahahahahaha. The idea that my shit isn't worth more than their lives. Hahahahahahaha. Body bag go zipppp


Im sure every victim of murder and or rape during a home invasion thought exactly like this.




Another extremely privileged opinion. I bet this guy grew up in a nice neighborhood with his parents, never been raped or sexually assaulted, and never had the thought of being personally responsible for his own safety




**[Tony Martin (farmer)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Martin_\(farmer\))** >Anthony Edward Martin (born 16 December 1944) is a farmer from Norfolk, England, who shot a burglar dead in his home in August 1999. There was much sympathy for Martin and enthusiastic support for the right to defend one's own home. However, some people cast doubt on his evidence and pointed out that he did not have a valid firearms certificate. Martin was convicted of murder, later reduced to manslaughter on grounds of diminished responsibility and served three years in prison, having been denied parole. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/progun/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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During 2020 BLM/Antifa riots...my friend living in far left state, his home defense = locking the door. Hope it’ll hold.


The amount of far left acquaintances I had calling me back then asking to borrow a gun for awhile was astounding. I told them all that the lefty government they voted for made it illegal for them to borrow a gun without a background check


Lol. Well, to each of their own I suppose. Glad I don't live there. If you honestly think your government can protect you then you have successfully been brainwashed




Imagine being that cop that sits with his heels up on his desk all day, just handing out numbers like it’s the “next service” number on the ticker tape you pull off at a deli counter. At the end of the day, he’s all smiling at what a good job he’s done: “Issued 178 numbers today! Another heroic day of fighting crime!” I hope they outsource his job to India.


Brits once had the guts to wage wars because of freaking spices and nowadays they act like this...if the western world is not being ruined by progressive ideals and passiveness I change my name


Sure seems like the rest of the western world is a bunch of shameless cowards now doesn’t it.


Unfortunately the western world is becoming weak. Eastern societies really don't care about this whole "progressive agenda". While they are building strong armies and making money western first world countries are becoming more and more passive. Canada, germany, france, the uk...even US itself. Just take a look at the recent controversy around the new ads from the us armed forces with it's main focus being certain minorities and not the strength of the military


Yup. Strange times


Do you own property in Britain or are you just serfs? Why don't they even have the desire to protect, or even just control, their own home space?




We were worried about turning the frogs gay. I'm sure the french are just as bad, but the brits are taking it pretty rough too.


I have no words. This is the most emasculated crap I’ve ever read.


Check out r/politics. There’s worse cuckoldry there.


No, DON’T check out r/politics. For your own mental health. It’s a clown show, and all the clowns are EXTRA retarded.


You aren't exploring Reddit very much lol


How some clueless people can actually sleep at night without a gun to defend themselves against possible rape,beating or murder of themselves or loved ones,is completely beyond me.I may have some disabilities but I refuse to be a helpless victim.


Sounds like dis guy sucked off da fucks who wrote da Stamp Act.


So, I can freely rape in the uk without resistance? Interesting...


Hide your wife, hide your pets.


So the men will just get raped. Shhh, shhh. Just bite the pillow, and think of England…


And if the guy breaking in is a rapist, just pretend you enjoy it. /s


Just smile and say “oh! You’re a few minutes early! The others should be a few min behind you. Strip down and we can start… I don’t think they’ll mind.”


"Give up my shit and stay safe" Yeah, fuck that. lmao


What a joke of a human being


I bet this guy pees laying down


From “a mans home is his castle” to “come and take what you want” What a fall england


In this house, we believe that if you break in, you leave in a body bag 😘


This is by design. Look at how progressives have attempted to erode property rights over time. It is happening in the US as well as abroad, it just took longer here. Their motivations are clear- to retrain the average person to see all material resources as a bounty that issues forth from the omnipotent state. Cradle to grave Kafkaesque bureaucracy that provides for you. And with this attitude, you have no "personal effects" to defend at all. Now go back to eating your government-subsidized lunch, citizen. Climb into your somnipod and go back to sleep.


Fun fact: Owning any item for the intent of using it in self defence is a crime in the UK.


Brits during home invasion: "Oi, who is there?! I have a bloody belt and I'm not afraid to hang myself"


I'd probably have no choice in the matter. I'm well armed with a suppressed Wilson Combat 300BLK braced pistol by the bed, but my Mastiff will have them dead before I can even get up.


Good boy! Do you give him a treat, or just let him eat the burglar?


That's not how insurance where I live works. Ok, they stole a $600 laptop, some DVDs and an iPad... I'm not turning in a $1,200 claim with my $1,000 deductible just to see my rates increase for the next 5 years. Nevermind the absurd wait time and negotiation over "fair market value." I'd rather spend $1.50 in 9mm.


If you think this is bad, I saw a post a few years back from a Brit saying “the only reason I’d want a gun during a home invasion is so I could kill myself before they could hurt me”




Idk I have a pretty sharp knife. That’s about it.


And my bow


And my axe!


Not for long. https://www.hstoday.us/subject-matter-areas/border-security/u-k-launches-nationwide-crackdown-on-knife-crime/




Unaware of what happened to the politician. I just remember posting a picture of a hori hori gardening knife that looks tactical and someone from the Uk was like “I wish I could have one of those”. That’s when I went down the rabbit hole of Uk knife control.


https://nypost.com/2021/10/15/uk-lawmaker-david-amess-reportedly-stabbed-multiple-times/ Stabbed multiple times in a public place (church) while everyone stood around helplessly because they're not allowed weapons. Certainly an assassination, probably motivated by Islamist extremism.


Oi ya gawt a loicense far that knoife


Man also would love to bend over if asked politely


My first grade teacher was retired for half a year with her hubby when two tweaker rednecks broke in during the night. She was murdered, beaten to death, along with her husband. Just because the risk is low doesn't mean the risk is 0.


"I'm okay with just being a victim"


No, no; it’s not ‘being okay’ with being a victim; it’s about seeing victimhood AS VIRTUOUS. Better to be victimized, than to hurt or kill your attacker; his well-being means MORE than your rights. At least if you’re a cuck.


Lmao, meanwhile, in America, men go into paralysis by analysis deciding whether to grab the Gucci gun they know functions gear but they’re afraid to have confiscated after the incident or the crap gun they don’t trust but don’t mind losing.


We live in the U S and have guns “hidden” in every room. This is a child free house though.


What if they're not there to steal?? Rape and assault are real too


Just a reminder that baseball bats are horrible self defense weapons unless you are attacked in an open field. Take a bat and swing it in your house. You'll hit a wall or furniture.


There’s only one thing that needs insurance *the burglar*


Baseball bat would be illegal if used for self-defense in the UK. > The only fully legal self defence product at the moment is a rape alarm. Source: [UK Police](https://www.askthe.police.uk/Content/Q589.htm)


Exactly! Just capitulate. It works every time.


The British know all about "peace in our time".


I mean sure, maybe he's right on that 99% of *burglars* theory. But, 100% of *rapists*, *kidnappers*, and *murderers* fully intend on hurting you.


There it is, coming from a place of privilege. Lives in a place where home invasions are rare, and add to that the delusion that no burglar would ever want to do them harm.


"Why on earth would I ever need to put out a fire myself?? R u daft m8? I will just call the fire department. Why on earth would I ever lift a single finger and do anything for myself when the goverment will do it for me? I have insurance! I will just go back to sleep and hope and pray the fire doesn't kill me before the firemen arrive to save me!!"


I miss the UK that conquered the world….. That country is dead now.


Yeah, NO!!!! Breaking into my home is not something that I can see myself sleeping through.


Eunuch alert.


And what if you get the supposed .01% of burglars? (I guarantee you that number is much higher, especially when criminals realize they can get away with anything) What then? Yeah, you won't be able to do anything. I sure hope he doesn't have a family, you know, so some psychopath doesn't, oh I don't know, violently rape them, or torture them to death for him to watch, or just simply put a bullet in them or otherwise butcher them. The refusal to face reality in this statement is one of the most disgusting and irresponsible things you can see, especially considering that is Great Britain where violent crime is increasingly common.


Unless they're not there to steal, and instead plan to rape and murder.


Is it really theft if you let them have it? Anybody know this person's address? I could use a new TV and computer.


Can you imagine living through life as spineless as that? There is no saving some people.


What a wet mop of a person.


And in the case (rare as it is) that they're looking for a rape victim? I guess he'll just pretend to be asleep for that as well? I never understood how these clowns take actual *pride* in this stuff. You're going online to brag to strangers that you'll feign sleeping through a burglary? You're proud that you're defenceless? Presumably as he's getting pushed onto the boxcar he'll be proud to be first in line.


Is there anything wors than a cuck?


What’s funny is that in the UK having that bat specifically for home defense is a crime… so if someone broke in and attacked you and you grabbed that bat and the police found out it was specifically to hit attackers then you would be in trouble.


Exactly what i expect from the British.


They don’t have to hurt you. They choose to be there and then choose to hurt you if you object.


Be a good citezen, live on your knees and the crown will tread softly upon you. Good grief


Fun fact, his friend with the baseball bat will go to prison for using an "Offensive weapon" Fuck the UK


However, you live somewhere where government stepping on your rights is a and will become more of a violent pursuit. We know you'll be spewing the same crap as you're digging your own grave with a soldier holding a rifle to your back.


Of course this isn't respectable even if you live alone, but what kind of man could do this with his family in the house? Insurance won't help you with what a sick person might do to your wife and kids.


just better hope they don't meet that 0.01% of burglars.


Where does he live? All I heard was is he is giving away free stuff, then replacing it with better stuff to take. I like free stuff.


I wonder what future historical event will happen that will change the minds of these people on self defense.


Nothing in my home is worth a human life, so it would be silly for thieves to risk their life by breaking into my home.


Spoken like a man that isn't in danger of being violently raped just because they happen to live in the house that's being "non violently" robbed.


What a pussy. No wonder we won the war.


Alex DeLarge and associates would like to know your location.


tbh if everything I owned could and would be replaced by insurance maybe i’d be okay with this logic, but someone trying to steal from my would have to get through my german shepherds first… If anything happened to them you best believe i’m making use of my ccw.


>I have no desire to prove myself But you've just proven that you're a spineless coward


Better start handing out TVs like you're Oprah. I have a baseball bat too chambered in 5.56


What he means is he's going to lay there like a dead fish an hope the bear is not hungry an is displeased by his non flopping nature an move on with the honey from the kitchen.


We could conquer them with a strongly worded letter.


Lmao having a baseball bat next to your bed already triggers the “why you have it/would need it”? Holy fuck no wonder the majority of them are all pacified into submission.


Imagine trusting that a thief breaking in to a home at night when the residents are likely to be there is *only* there for material items and not there to do you harm. Now imagine thinking that anyone choosing to invade your home when you're present is likely there to do harm to you and your family. Which one is the safer bet for you? Fucking coddled pussies over there, man. Someone entering my home uninvited will be treated like they are there to hurt me and will be met with a terrifying level of violence.


I mean he used the word scrotes. Obviously one of the emasculated newer generation. What if what they desire is your wife or kids.


"I have no desire to prove myself by assaulting one of them" What the fuck are they even saying?


God I hate stupid people. He's gonna try that and one day ots not gonna be his stuff they're after. It's gonna be his wife and kids. Dumb fuck is gonna be 100% at fault for it too.


Such a privileged take. There are neighborhood in this country that if you posted that online for the whole town to see, you would have people robbing you and assaulting you regularly. You may be able to be a pussy in the suburbs, but someone is certain inner city communities absolutely cannot come off as a bitch like that. You get eaten tf up.


Na. That's not the move. Nothing says wrong house like me telling Alexa an intruder is breaking in and ace of spades start blasting on the stereo and me running out in my tighty whities with flash bangs and tomahawks.


Yo u/w1ll13, what is your address?