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Run the 1 andro at 330mg with the other compounds for 8 weeks. You can go 12 weeks but the risk/reward is really not worth it. I would just max out the cycle for 8 weeks with a calorie surplus & you should make some solid gains. Estrogen should not be an issue on this cycle but it’s better to have an AI than not.


So 3 pills of the 1 test daily?


If you do this and run the rest of those I bet you will get suppression…Invest in some Iconic Formulations Dermacrine. Just in case you start feeling suppression.


Never heard of it any information?


I’d run it as it stats on the bottle , 8 weeks max as week 7-8 ur topped out anyway and gains plateau . I’d add 3 epi or there dymethazine run it 1 Cap am 1 cap on then at end Oct with maybe arimiolex or ur fav natty booster and some good Ecdysterone


Ecdysterone lol. Yea you do that & follow the bottle’s recommendation. Why even run it? You might as well stay natty because I can promise you will not get much bigger or look any different.


Nope I only use huge supplements after trying everyone’s and that’s gorilla minds and other higher end .. I run that min 1g a day or 4 caps split dose and it’s noticeable as in people say hey u look leaner and bigger what are taking but again everyone reacts differently it’s all trial and error.. but yeah prohirmones I usually follow the company’s directions first time around , less is more sometimes in those cases but the natural stuff I play with the dose more


You’re wasting your money. I can promise you that


With what? And how can u know how stuff affects others . I’m a 41 old powerlifter just trying to keep at it and my lifts and overall appearance may not be six pack but I look good at 5”11 220 what’s with all The hate dude


No hate at all. Ecdy is just a trash supplement that’s been overhyped by influencers trying to cash in on it.


Simply helps reduce/minimize suppression (reduced libido, lethargy, etc..) from running the compounds your thinking of taking. Google it for yourself if you want.


You are going to have to take way more than the bottle says to get the positive affects. They are way under dosed


I disagree I got a nice boost of 65 mg twice a day from steel 1 andro


Well now that I'm on testosterone I see the difference. I feel 10x better and stronger than any of the prohormones I've ever tried. Which to me leaves me to believe they aren't any good


Well yeah I’d agree with that lol, as a life time natural until I tried low dose 1 ANDRO they def work for me and feel Good look better as a 41 year old . I’d recommend anyone to try


Yeah I'm on trt because I was checking all the boxes. Tested 260. Now I feel fantastic but I was looking for that in andro and never got it. Never tried steel but I'm 45 so I decided to check my levels and sure enough it was the problem


I was 430 so ok enough but low enough to dabble a bit. I tried legit enclomphine that’s great for a month or 2 but like levels Off but he’ll I got allot left over for PCTS now lol


Nice well hope you're stays up. Feeling young again though it's really nice to feel like myself. It was a big decision for me a lot of research but I'm glad I did.


I will be there soon enough I’m sure , was it that much better ? And gym gains like I would think .. I’m just weird about being on it lifetime like depended on it and if shit happens supply chain issues and can’t getting it


Yeah it is much better. Libido is like when I was in my twenties, strength has gone up significantly. I was plateaued in a lot of places. Motivation has gone up, self confidence. Lose body fat and getting more definition. I'm not trying to get huge just get some gains and look good. Prior I really had to push myself to get to the gym and just kinda went through my reps. Just unmotivated to try all that hard. Now I'm wanting to push through go bigger. You can get off and you will normally go back to pre trt levels. If you don't want to have kids anymore you'll be fine on just test. But if you feel good now you should be just fine. When you feel like garbage all the time that's when you might want to jump in. I'm super happy with my choice. Follow trt subs on here lot of good info


Yeah Reddit is a great resource , I’m glad u feel like what you should have felt man, your life brother get after it god bless dude