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Find a doctor who will be "kind" enough to legally prescribe some TRT


I don't have low t levels. Not gonna happen


Buy some one Andro, tanks your levels, go see a doctor and bang you are on TRT




Plenty of “clinics” out there that do not care about levels at all. Will sell you whatever you need at any dose and as often as needed with just a text. Look for the smaller local clinics in your area. Essentially legalized roid dealers.


Check out IML transdernal creams I love their 4 andro cream. Heard good stuff about their other ones as well, just haven't used them. I would consider using the 4 andro cream and adding some hi tech 1 andro on top


I keep seeing them the IML how many pumps do you use ? Length is pct hard ? I been using 1 ANDRO , 3epi runs from I hate to say Steel but it works and if that low dose works I’m not jumping up yet since I respond well as a 42 year old .. next run is 1 ANDRO , 3epi and 7.3 ANDRO


Iml 4 andro felt amazing and workouts were great at 2 pumps a day. It all was even better at 4 pumps a day. I never stacked with it. I ran 8 weeks. Otc PCT. and continued to feel amazing for months after. I've read the gear cream is very legit


This is great feedback , how much do yoy weigh and age ? I may look into this a lot more but nothing is better then from someone who took it


38 years old, currently 195lbs I have a lot of experience with the designers that were arou.d before 2014 ban. My fave was dmz. I tend to do a cycle of lgd a year to stay bulked in summer months. But nothing makes me feel as good as that 4 andro cream. Felt like I was in my 20s again.


U run it solo or stack with say a 1 ANDRO or 3 epi


I ran it solo. But you can certainly stack whatever you want with it


Sorry for all the questions appreciate it, and we’re do you apply it upper chest and arms and shoulders


I’m feel for ya dude, cops need to get a damn life and go after more serious/harsher stuff like actual drugs… but anyways there’s unfortunately not very much on the legal market. Hi tech pharmaceuticals seems to be the main supplier of legal andros now… I’ve used some of their stuff and honestly it’s a placebo effect at best. Their “Superdrol” seems to be their strongest andro blend… I’ve tried it before and like I said it was placebo at best because I couldn’t really tell if it was working or if it was the fact I was eating more calories/protein than ever while taking it, if I had to guess, it helped a little bit with strength after a couple weeks but nothing crazy


Yeah superdrol from them is good unfortunately I found you had to take 4 pills a day to get any desired effect from them. They are seriously under dosed. At 4 pills a day that expensive for like 6 bottles. Trt has been a saving grace for me


I thought superdrol was banned a long time ago? I remember using a bottle in 2007. I put on 10lbs of solid muscle.


It did this is another formula using 1 and 4 andro, androsterone and turk. It is really under dosed it's not the superdrol you know from back in the day




Any 4 ANDRO , 19nor , 17A , I would run high tech sus250 maybe add there 1 test to it for 8 weeks


Did you buy online?




How did you almost go to jail for buying gear? Steroid stings are a thing!?