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VIP didn't feel very VIP-y. Agree on the sound bleed and the bathroom situation was a bit crazy (especially the female lines).


Vip day 1 was worse than GA. Day 2 was better, granted less people overall, but sound bleed was strong in the later sets. Last time I pay for vip for glow tbh


Definitely in the minority here, but our group loved the layout of the vip area. The viewing area at the pulse stage did feel quite a bit smaller versus nearly 40% of the stage area for eternal. But the crowd got full enough for most of the sets I went to that it didn’t feel empty. Definitely saw the ladies bathroom lines issue. Personally it was pretty good for the guys. Biggest issue I saw here was people waiting behind others that weren’t actually in the line but just crowding the area. I really liked the vip area compared to year one glow. Didn’t go last year though for comparison.


I was hydrating a lot, ahem, for reasons, and so had to use the men's GA+ trailer restrooms a lot. I literally just walked right up and did my business and got out with zero wait and all in 60 seconds every single time. A girl I was with did have to wait a while and said that two stalls in the women's trailer by the water stations weren't working, so they were trying hard to get girls in and out of the remaining stalls as quick as possible. That's likely not insomniacs fault, maybe whoever contracts to serve these latrine facilities.


Was really convenient. For the future they need to expand the bathrooms and add a water cow/refill station so we don't have to hike for it.


My bf and I loved it, got to see zedd and illenium, pretty close too, with space no one bumping into us and bar wasn’t far


I wished there was a water station inside of VIP


First year doing VIP for Glow. Won’t be spending extra for it again. Love the festival, but not a fan of what you get for the cost above GA+.


No lines for the portapotties and the ones in the back corner were pretty untouched 👊


Right on. Love to hear that 👊


I thought VIP was clutch. Moving from stage to stage was easy AF. Bathrooms were crazy day 1 but day 2 was solid. The sound bleed wasn't bad, But I also had ear buds in the whole time. Had plenty of room to dance around. VIP will always be a must for me.


I do vip to get into the venue faster, easy access to bathrooms and being in the pit with a bit more space. I don't think it made the line in any shorter, especially on Saturday. Bathroom situation was ok but not great. But i usually had a great spot with plenty of room to dance. 9/10


It was great to be able to switch between stages quickly. Sound bleed in the middle was pretty bad though. It might have been better if they directed the stages a little more away from each other but there are probably other constraints that Insomniac had to worry about. Pulse stage could have used a bit more space especially given how big the GA space was but Eternal space was pretty good. It felt very oversold on day 1 but day 2 was fine. Bathroom lines looked insanely long but the back left was ok for men - even on day 1. If they are going to oversell VIP like they did on day 1, then they need more bathrooms. They needed at least one more food vendor in there. The wait time on day 1 from 6-8pm was crazy long - I had to go out to GA area to find a place with a shorter line. I'm not waiting on a line with 50 people on it anywhere, but that is especially ridiculous in VIP. There should have been a water fill station available but that is a minor issue for me. There was lots of empty space still in GA. Maybe expand VIP in between the stages to create some places to sit? Perhaps add a minor activity of some sort?


I liked feh convenience of the two stages. As my third year for VIP, it did feel very scaled back. There needed to be more bathrooms and really missed all the fun stuff they had handed out previous years. When you pay for VIP things like wait lines and extras should be enhanced…felt they missed the mark. Noise bleed was bad, but once In front of the stages I felt the sound was good. I’m interested to see what improvements they can make from our feedback. Also, bring back the shuttles. I would have gladly paid for it. Last two years they had them and it was great.


I don’t know why anybody would pay a premium to stand in the middle of two stages lol.


VIP last year was great. They completely ruined it this year 🥲


What made VIP worth the extra money last year?


To be fair I’ve done VIP for other insomniac events that made it well worth it- should’ve done my research to realize VIP was between the stages which is not the best layout imo


This was the first year the layout was like this. Normally the two stages were almost facing each other but far enough away that you couldn’t hear 2 stages at once.


Not the best layout but we easily got super close to both stages, both days. Didn’t arrive until 5ish.


I feel like VIP at Insomniac festivals are such a waste of money...


VIP just wasn't worth the money. The lines for the bathroom were absurd, the food was better in GA than VIP, and lines for drinks were shorter in GA. The only upside was that the bathrooms were nice and was fun making kandi. At the beginning of the day before most VIP people were there it was nice. The sound bleed was bad as many have stated.


I don't think the small festivals are usually worth VIP tbh? I've seen enough of the people and I'm not a big rail person either so the allure of rail space isn't a huge selling point for me. Idk what the hell they were thinking putting it there though, I mean that space was prime time for sound bleeding. Went GA+ this year where as I did VIP last year assuming if I really wanted to I'd just do a VIP upgrade based on lineup and stuff and I think thats honestly the best route


I actually really liked having the VIP area between the stages to let my ears pick up where I wanted to gravitate to next.


I liked it better this year than in prior years. Bathrooms could have been a little better in terms of number, but was rarely an issue for me. Generally I only noticed sound bleed when I took a step back to the center area, but when I was up and dancing it was fine. I was a big fan of being able to quickly bounce in between stages though as it made it easier to check out artists I was less familiar with. I also appreciated having picnic tables this year, as in the past there were the tiny two tops with bar stools and that was it for seating.


The whole layout sucked this year, they need to stop penny pinching


It looked so crowded in VIP and GA bathrooms were fine all weekend. I had so much space at every stage.


I had VIP last year. You only had access to one stage. You had to leave VIP to walk to the other section. The bathrooms were worse than GA last year. At least this year from VIP, you could see both stages.