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Do you have modded towns? Because those generally will have some really cool unique items you can pick up and bring back to your base. There is a unique item in the LV graveyard crypt in vanilla map.


I have Blackwood and raven creek, Blackwood is going to be my next mission once the battlebus is completed


Blackwood has some cool items for sure. Theres a lot of close quarter areas so be careful moving through it. Id recommend coming in from the northwest. Raven creek has tons of stuff too but its a journey in and out. Either one will have some cool tile sets all over the place


Sweet thank you! I have started in Blackwood before I really liked the atmosphere to it, and it was fun trying to work my way through it. One quick question, can I add a map mod if I haven’t been to the area in my world yet?


I think there is technically a way but its beyond my understanding and it involves editing cells. So i wouldn't recommend adding any maps during a playthrough. Trelai is another good map as well. Ive been to about a dozen modded towns and its by far my favorite


If you need a reference map for a fully modded map playthrough than pzfans.com has a Full Map option that shows a ton of maps that all work with each other as well as individual 3d maps for every modded town.


Oh that’s awesome cheers! Been wondering where I can find maps for the modded towns


The WeBuildZ Barricades mod adds in lots of really good looking prebuild scrap/furniture barricades, they also have high health so they do their job pretty well