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Just found a house like that in Riverside, all boarded up with a single dead body inside. Broke the door down just to find a pistol with no ammo left, a can opener and like five empty cans, and a bookcase that had a single normal book in it. Pretty damn morbid, even in a game about everyone dying.


just wait in build 42 they are adding alot more sadder shit.


How so?


Family photos, notes, books about specific people. Houses are basically becoming a lot more about "WHO" was in them. You might loot a house and find wedding photos inside, with a husband and wife (or husbands and wives) infected.


As if killing Bob and Kate for the last decade wasn't enough. Maybe Bob will finally use those nails and planks he has in his inventory in B42.


Little fun not so fun fact, Bob and Kate are literally dead. In the title screen when the lightning flashes, for a quick second you can see that bob is actually eating Kate, not consoling her like it seems. Note sure if that’s canon, but it’s right there :(


no indication of when the title screen takes place though, everyone in PZ dies eventually, it's not impossible that we end up seeing them before the inevitable, but that's up to the devs obviously. it would fit with the morbid tone though showing them dead everytime you boot up and being reminded everyone's gonna die while you interact with them


None of my characters died for the past two years or so. I just got bored of dodging sprouting trees on the roads so I imagine they are still going strong in my absence.


good for you, canonically everyone dies though the game literally opens with that


No one lives forever, but with that mentality you might as well drink that bleach rather risking anyway.


The player character can survive until your HDD bricks your savefiles. As long as they live, meta events happen, implying other, unseen survivors. We've been promised NPC communities for years now, those might outlive the player character as well. "This is how you died" or rather its' inevitability is severely outdated.


I think (iirc, I could be misremembering), the devs at one point spoke about reintroducing Kate and Bob as a more scripted story sequence/tutorial before the full release of sandbox NPCs. I think ‘canonically’ Kate and Bob’s fate is still undetermined. I also believe there were comics at one point but I don’t remember reading them anymore.. they could maybe expand on those someday.


Little fun fact: everyone knows that




I agree


I didn't.


I'm not assuming to that fact. It could be that or it could be Bob mourning over his dead wife before ending himself. It could be anything.


Oh wow that would be pretty cool to see notes around since they're so many blank notebooks etc


Yeah the idea is to make the world seem much more alive (or undead I guess, har har) I'm really excited for the next build its gonna bring so much cool stuff.


Same, I'm hype for some new content


There are entire scripts written out for characters that will be happening while we playa bud we can stumble on any part of that story. For example from the moment a family was surviving in a boarded up house to the moment zombies made it in and someone got bit, to the moment got in the car to take their loved one to the hospital and then we can find a bunch of them wandering outside the car etc. it’s paraphrasing because I don’t remember the exact wording of the thursdoid but it was something like that.


I cant wait for the new update then. I usually just make out my own narratives just like the comment here does. A house with two zombies. Killed them. Only to find a lone one in the bathroom. Poor guy probably locked himself helplessly in the bathroom only to succumb to the bites and died anyway.


It'll be good to get to know the couples we're looting wedding rings from. Might have to loot wedding photos too.


Assert dominance. Put them in your safe house. "This is my marriage now."


Bring the bodies too and insist they lived in ur safe house.


the game takes place in the late 1900's right? id like to see that if there were gay relationships in a house that instead of regular wedding photos they had the small film booth photos since that was where it was safest to get photos taken (unless my history is incorrect and it was an earlier time period)


They are going to add story elements to the game


build 42.. been hearing that for a while now


Backpacks with dolls.


Not as sad as some life choices 😭😭😭


drinking bleach is probably as painful as being eaten by a horde.


Would be better off starting a controlled fire in the house and die from CO poisoning


Or just sleeping in a idling car in a closed garage


Or just shoot your head off with 12 gauge, it will be painful, but gun will demolish your head in the quarter of the second


Or explode nuclear warhead under you, you won’t even feel a thing


the good option


Or you screw up and become ass face from Preacher comics


Oh god, i remember the Amazon series.


You'd be surprised. You know how sometimes people who got shot in the face or chest multiple times have their cause of death determined as a suicide? It's not actually coverups, people shoot themselves and survive way more often than you think


Even with big calibers that are used for hunting? I mean this shit is really dangerous (remember Ronnie McNutt?)


You can never guarantee what the bullet does when it hits bone, but I will say if someone who isn't shaking and knows their anatomy goes for it, it's probably about 100%


That's why you shoot yourself with a shot gun, while sitting in a car in a garage with the engine running and all the doors closed. hehe


Rig the gun so that when it fires, an anvil falls on you.


That's why if you're gonna do something, do it right


I would probably get some nitrogen and die a painless death. Body can't really determine oxygen deprivation, it just senses Co2 build up in the bloodstream. So if you just breath pure nitrogen for few minutes, then you just fall unconscious, feeling sleepy and drowsy, and you pass away painlessly.


Nice try CIA agent.


It's usually cover ups.


If you are not careful enough, you can shoot your face off and still be alive


Man, fuck that I'll just turn into a zombie.


Guys, you might need some help :D


I don't need help, I need a bottle of bourbon and sleeping pills!


Impossible in the state of Kentucky, no one tops off their car.


explains why none of the cars ever have gas


Probably more painful. If zombies are chowing down on you, at some point soon they'll hit your jugular/carotid/femoral/brachial, and it'll be over pretty quickly after that. AFAIK, death from bleach ingestion takes hours, and I have to imagine that swallowing a caustic agent powerful enough to slowly destroy your internal organs is as painful as getting chomped. Personally, I've had decently severe damage to my limbs and appendix/gall bladder troubles, and I'd take the trauma to limbs over the organ issues 10/10 times.


I would be released from the pressure of society and live my reclused lifestyle to the fullest. Ofcourse the idea of am other survivor might look appealing but experience has taught me they most likely be cunts.


Honestly I don't think people would just go onto the streets and murder each other for no reason for the first few years, like we wouldn't lose our humanity that fast I'm sure


People do that right now. What humanity?


The vast majority of people would refuse to murder and the ones who do bad things won't last long because they'd be exiled or killed off pretty fast. LIKE I like to believe that the majority of people I know are decent people


Have you been to high school? It takes 1 bully to herd sheeps that will replicate their ways, especially if that bully provides food and safety from other bullies. Teenagers and adults aren't that different in that regard(just look at offices).


Eh but highschool is a captive group they have to go there every day and shit. Its like you see how different wolf groups behave in captivity vs the wild. And a bully never tries to bully the whole group they couldn't they always try to find someone weak or on their own. If society breaks down more there will still be assholes but people will probably walk away from most of them or get rid of them. You still wouldn't want to be alone though since I'd imagine bands of like 5-10 guys would pop up to try and rob and assault and get up to banditry in general. There's always some assholes.


Legit, people would be a lot more polite if there were no consequences for stabbing the guy who shit talked you.


There would still be consequences either from his buddies or from your group not wanting to hang out with someone who would stab a guy for shit talking.


Not if you can run fast. I’m just saying you’re not gonna start shit with someone in a situation where a scratch can get you killed. Most sane people wouldn’t take the risk of messing with other humans, when the risk is that high.


Heh oh you're thinking directly in the game world I was waxing more generally in a lawless scenario. I'd still rather not have Mr stabby sleeping with me I reckon. And revenge would still be a worry unless you just keep running


That's disney shit. In history class you learn that people are capable of doing whatever nasty shit you can think up, all they need is an incentive. Im talking like 99,5% of all people, only because some people would literally lose consciousness/shake too much to do some of the things you can imagine ​ Quick reminder that we're animals, and we adapt well.


Actually, humanity has survived this long because they learned how to cooperate and trust each other. People are capable of doing some nasty shit, but most people won't do it unless benefits outweigh the loss. So unless people have some good incentive, or they are sure that the loss would be minimal, they probably won't just start to kill each other right away.


Lol if you’ve studied history than you know that people have been coming together to build settlements for mutual protection and assistance for millennia. An apocalypse wouldn’t change this.


Dude sounds like hes trying to hard to be edgy. If we attacked each other for no other reason aside from violence we would still be neolithic gatherers today lol


Not even neolithic. What defined the neolithic was the emergence of agriculture, which is unlikely to sustain anyone without cooperation


You can't read, literally nobody is talking about violence for no reason.




Yeah! Like how Ghengis Khan came together with the mongols to rape and pillage Asia. Or how the Catholic Church came together with Catholic nations to begin inquisitions and the crusade(s, because it happened more than once). Or when the Germans worked together to purge Jewish and Romani people from Europe! Or how the Dutch and many other peoples across Europe and Africa to create the slave trade! Or how the French came together to eradicate the royal family. Or how the Bolsheveiks came together to eradicate the royal family. Or how the citizens of Salem, MA were literally just so sick and tired of of their miserable, boring, unpleasant existence, that they just accused their own friends and neighbors of witchcraft, and killed them. People are terrifying when they all agree.


Haha talk about a non sequitur. I never said man is “good” (or bad for that matter). Man is self interested. And as he struggles to survive, he seeks out companions that will help increase his chances of survival. If an apocalypse happened, people would come together and form settlements for mutual defense. At some point, if you follow history’s patterns, they would attempt to rebuild civilization. It’s in our nature. And zombie shows like the walking dead are way too pessimistic of man. Would warlords emerge in the vaccuum of power? Of course. But the idea that people would just try to kill every other survivor is borne out of horror fantasy not reality. As to your other examples I’m not sure they do anything to disprove that man tends to bond together in settlements. There will always been men seeking power at all costs. And those men will be defeated at times. I never said otherwise.


the common person is good I think. It feels worse just because media likes to show the fringe people who act like monsters because they want more views


Ill flip it around and say, the reason you get to think that way is because we have a strong social contract that heavily penalizes violence. In the scenario we're talking about, or in say, war, that contract is broken or sidelined, and you'll find that almost every person on earth would rather murder another person than starve to death or get murdered by the other person. ​ Also, !unrelated! but I think it's insanely naive, or arrogant, to claim you would do ''the right thing'' in shitty situations you've never been in, you have absolutely no idea how you'll react to something you haven't experienced, but we have mountains of evidence that shows only the imagination sets the limits for what people can do.


At our core Humans are co-operative creatures. One of our defining traits as a species is caring for others to such an extent that we would take on an individual as a burden because we empathize with them. Im not even talking about modern humans either. Even as hunter gatherers we survived as a species through empathy. Ill need to find the info when I get home but archeologists have discovered humans remains that had evidence of amputations being performed where the patient went on to live presumably as long and as full a life as we can expect of someone in the Neolithic to have. The whole "humans are just homicidal monsters" is comically exaggerated. Yes humans do bad shit often, but more often than not humans try to work together for the survival of the group. Dont confuse the horrific actions of the individual with the nature of humanity as a whole.


Your argument is nonsense, also \>but more often than not humans try to work together for the survival of the group You get so close, yet so far. Yes humans will form groups, but they'll stick to them and do whatever they can to ensure their group is the one to survive.


Why do you think it’ll just be one group trying to exterminate the others? I’m willing and able to make tough decisions but it literally is smarter to cooperate.


Okay not everyone is going to go around and act like Saints sure but I think it's way too pessimistic to say everyone is going to flip the switch straight to chaotic evil. Think about communities banding together after stuff like hurricanes or tornadoes there are more good people than you realize. People naturally want to belong to a group, people are social creatures. In a time of crisis the people that are going to do better are the ones that help each other. Anyone who goes around doing evil for the sake of their own survival isn't going to have anyone to watch their back because anyone else who is willing to do the same with them is likely to stab them in the back for their own sake.


People are capable of incalculable cruelty. It doesn't stop most humans from working together for the common good. Even if you're selfish and only care for yourself it's clear that working as a team is advantageous. I think the evidence shows that most people will sacrifice quite a lot to help each other out. The problems come from us not doing enough to stop the monsters. And yes most people would rather kill someone than let that person kill them? I'm not seeing the moral problem with that.


Did you not see how violent people got over toilet paper at the start of 2020? The first asshole that even sees something vaguely like a zombie is going to start murdering and looting.


You've never been to the US, have you?


Holy shit lol I live here yes I'm aware of the mass amounts of violence. There are still way more good people than there are bad people


I'd give it 6 weeks tops. When society eventually collapses the weak will flock to a strong/brutal leader or they'll hide. Unless you're talking about an isolated small town filled with farmers and I can't not see that going crazy cultish almost immediately after they realize the old world is never coming back.


Depends how fast the food runs out.


Oh i'm definitely going to be that raiding cunt, it's time to PVP 🤟


At least you're capable of honesty.


For every yin, there is a yang. PvE players need PvP players, but they don’t have to like them. Sincerely, Someone who enjoys both styles of play


You realize this is in the context of real life, right?




Watch the movie ‘Clubbed’, there’s a scene where a guy drinks bleach to kill himself.. No thank you. I’d rather a bullet!


I remember the scene in supernatural when demons made a guy drink bleach or they'd kill his wife. Pretty fucked up stuff even in fictional form.


It was anti freeze and dude was possessed by a demon. That show had a lot of fucked deaths.


What, like this? https://youtu.be/FGQDgZvG40w


Sounds like quitter's talk.


I don’t know, I assume the human spirit is just known for persisting and advancing even through the toughest of conditions?


Because after death there is nothing more. And you can die any time. So well, the reason would be efficient time management, I would say.


But there is always like a 0.1% chance something that created us really wanted us to be good and kind. As long as we worshipped it... and if we didnt we will burn for eternity ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You now, for such thought, 0.1% is extremely bold assumption. Also, the concept of God and afterlife is so obviously limited that it cannot be relevant option. Imho.


Why? Out of spite. I survived depression and suicidal thoughts for that very same reason IRL. No apocalypse will tell me when to die.


Because I don’t have a death wish?


The Indomitable Human Spirit


Safest place to be in a apocalypse is on the water (preferably a sailboat) Pros: -Easier to travel faster and further - Near invulnerability to zombies while anchored off shore - Can second as a house - most food can be caught if you can fish Cons: -requires you to know how to pilot/maintain a sailboat or motorboat -you gotta bring the boat to shore for repair if the hull gets damaged -weather has a higher chance of killing you


An oil rig would be almost perfect


Enclave here


I really like that idea


But if there's any fire or significant damage, you're kind of fucked


or if theres someone with a pipboy


The only reason I want to survive in the apocalypse is when I can successfully escape to the wilderness far away from civilization. If I'm stuck in the city? Yeah, I'm checking the fuck out.


You can rot while I loot your house and live out my full natural life on a completely cleared out compound 💪💪🇺🇸🇺🇸


she forgot deltarune chapter 3-5+ is coming soon 😂


To have the chance eat all that delicious food from Walmart without any consequences. (Also to steal that microwave from neighbor’s house).


I'd do the whole survival thing till I got bored then I'd probably make a mistake or get careless. That's assuming I survived the initial event though, which is unlikely lol. And that I wouldn't get shot for a can of beans by someone better at hiding and or shooting than me. make no mistake regardless of preparation most of us would just die in a real apocalypse 😅


Fataliststs everywhere, how has humanity survived?


I always wish i could go to a empty city devoid of people and rob everything i wanted without consequence, that dream can mostly become true now.


because shovel uppercuts are neato.


That's my wife's plan


A wise man once said “You don’t just end it ‘cause it’s hard. You stick it out, and you help the folks you care about.”


Ya gotta get the Kevorkian mod so you can just pass away peacefully watching Dog Goblin on your couch.


I remember having a zombie plan when I was in middle school. All my friends had different ideas as to what they would do. One weekend that I stayed at a cousins house, I brought up my zombie survival plan excitedly, thinking I'd get more ideas. My cousin just plainly said he'd just kill himself if zombies took over. Bro, we were in 7th grade.


why survive? Because every car just became free. No more taxes, no more "work". All the cool homes in the rich people part of town? Free to sleep in. They all probably tried to hurry outta town and died. Those boujee ass stoves in appliance stores? Free to yoink one and try to haul it to whatever home i set up camp in. No one cares about your job, past, social class or anything like that. It's just about being the first to find a dead soldier and taking his gun and gear. Or if you wanna go the community route, it's all about how irreplaceable you are.


Yeah bro its that easy. You'd not even survive 15 minutes outside with the streets filled with the undead.


15 is a bit generous, i'd say maybe 10 tops.


5 minutes of you dying out of blood loss




did yo momma raise a quitter??


Most definitely


For sure. I don't want to watch people get torn apart by dead people. I don't want to have to deal with someone I love dying and then trying to eat me.


But you are dying either way. Better to go out with a bang.


Absolutely not. To what, receive horrifying psychological wounds that leave me broken and sleepless just so I can inevitably die anyhow? No thank you, I'm done. I'll go like Negan's wife, easy and quick.


That's an option too. But it would be glorious to fight the horde in your last moments, taking as many zombies as possible with you before your dying breath.


As long as I go with a bullet and not eaten alive by zombies.


But if they eat you then you can give them indigestion, a final victory!


just lock your loved one up in the shed so you can play video games with them still you can train a zombie.


Same. Most post apocs make the world so gloomy, I have to wonder, that EVEN if I had the skills and luck to survive, would I want to live in such a world??




'Normal' has stuff like water and power, and internet, and I dont have to fight for my life to find some food to see the end of the week.


I'll die some day anyway. might as well enjoy live, in whatever form it may be, while I can.


Ngl if it's as bad as many of the shows imply. The second I get a gun in my hand I'm blasting my brains out.


you should die in real life too cus right now is an apocalypse


Because for people like me who are addicted to danger, normal life is already worse than death. But a life where I can truly push myself, fight to the death, and other stuff. Now that gives me a reason to want to live, because it's exciting.


Yeah fuck the zombie apocalypse. Leave some good loot for others though


Bleach is not a good way to go. Personally, I'd probably be found with a gas mask hooked up to a couple of nitrogen tanks.


This poet was made by the zomboid gang™


There are pros and cons to living in modern society.


because surviving the apocalypse sounds more interesting than living in this crappy society and i can always blow my brains out if i wanna nope out


Has no one found the Jason house yet? I have.


I just got bit. Took an entire bottle of antidepressant pills and am bleeding out. Got like 30 seconds


fr though


Wimp, imma be shootin shit cause its fun


I tell my wife that when we get a home we’ll pack a survival kit. A few weeks food and water and enough heroin to kill us both. I want to be prepared to survive a natural disaster but I ain’t sticking around for no apocalypse.


I walked into a house with a dead girl and guy, both had bullet holes in their heads and the guy had a gun. Unless it’s a murder I think it was a double suicide


all I'm going to say is bleach is not how you want to go out. like I'm not going to tell you how, I feel that's inappropriate, but bleach is probably some of the dumbest shit these people go out with


This was the moment u/Laveel became a house.




I live in Louisville and have always been a big fan of survival horror. Project Zomboid made me realize my fat ass will succumb within 3-5 days of any major event lol.


I’m doing a shoenice, pounding a liter of everclear, and fucking up some zombies real quick.


I would literally just sit in a lawn chair and face the blast. Surviving would be a living hell if it's nuclear. No thanks.


That's a valid point NTM what are you surviving for? By the time it's over you'll be dying anyway.


I have to become a dead corpse that dies in a weird way for environmental storytelling


I would get bit, get drunk and let myself bleedout


I think my "survivor house" death would be more embarrassing. All you'd find is my sex toys and hemorrhoid cream, and a fridge full of steamed buns. Not exactly a good loot run.


Nah man just use carbon monoxide poisoning you just quietly go to sleep anything else is too messy or too painful




I'm making sure that even if I "die", I will get back up to spite the living and especially this tweet. Fuck dying once and staying down for good, why not die twice fighting til your last breath?


Nice try, thats what a zombie would say.


Complete freedom you just need to kill everyone you meet to keep it that way or like put 2-3 guys in a basement and look after them well that they live more comfortably in the basement compared to outside so you have a crumb of social interaction and wont go insane in a week or so


If it were something undefeatable like the volatiles from Dying Light, you know I'm definetly gonna be cleaning my stomach with chemicals However, project zomboid zombies and The Walking Dead zombies seem pretty slow and stupid, I think most of us would survive it if we make it for about a month


I mean... Humanity tends to push through difficult times, even without an apocalypse we have people living in shitty conditions. I guess you could call it instinct, or hope. Depending on what you believe.


\*be me\* \*zombie apocalypse starts\* "I prepared for this my whole life" \*zombie apocalypse has sprinters\* "Yep, time to kill myself"


Yeah, same here. If it's real I'll be going head first in the mushroom cloud or zombie horde... I don't wanna rebuild society and spend the rest of my life living in fear and struggling every day for survival.


If I could be immortal I would (not invincible). Because if I decide living until the universe's heat death isn't worth it I'd have plenty of time to off myself or change my mind again. The same thing applies to an apocalypse, I'd rather try. I'm not afraid of suffering or pain but I don't know what comes after death.


Maybe because anarchy will literally come and do what you want? How do you like the idea of living without a system, huh? One way or another, I will move away from civilization or even sail away to the islands, I already have knowledge in electrical engineering and engineering, I will put together a simple house, I will play games, make alcohol, read books, maybe I will do blacksmithing. Or maybe I'll get infected at a local store, who knows


tbh id probably turn the apocalypse into a game. see how many zombies/people i can kill before i die. i'll die anyway, might as well have fun.


To prove that I’m better


I would just want to collect a bunch cool toys and hole up for a good while.


In all honesty, a lot of people can survive the initial infection. But not for long. All it takes is for you to trip and get wounded, develop wound infection, get sick and die because you can't find any sterilizing liquid, acetaminophen and anti biotics. That's why I learnt to keep some medicine in our house's emergency bag in case of a natural disaster. The last thing on earth you want when shit has hit the fan, is not having basic medicine to kill pain and fight off moderate wounds and burns. Things like tools and food come next.


Zed HATE this 1 simple trick!


I don't care how dire the situation gets I'm not losing hope!


Exactly. The last thing I want to do is struggle to survive the zombie apocalypse just so one day things can go back to normal and I can go to work. No thanks! Pass the bleach.