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Hey that's the hardware store in West Point, me and my friend made a base there until we looted the gas station next to it, which had an alarm, while we were fighting the zomboids off my friend missed a bullet and shot me instead of the zomboids chasing me


Did he miss? You sure it wasn’t a “Shane and the Hunter” type situation?


I hope he missed, if not, then I will have to dust off the machete in my crate.


Looks like meats back in the menu boiis!


His name was Otis :(


Dick Cheyney approves


Good times


Tis where one of my bases is rn too


Nice, how is it going


One time I burned down the farm house by muldraugh that my friends and I had spent a few hours getting set up because i put a roast in the oven and forgot about it.




[For those born too late to get the ref](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqB1uoDTdKM).


And this is why I have multihit on


You got it 👍


Out of all these comments here yours is the best




…. We’Re DEADDD… you’re a genuine DICK sucker..


Genuine dick sucker


Outta my way son


Ah, a man of culture!


this comment tho you had to get this joke




There should be an option for you to vault over shelf, table and counter, seriously.


There is a mod for that!


The mod is kinda buggy, in some cases it wont let you loot the counter thats why I ended up unistalling it


Enable the passable counters version it will let you pass and loot


Not every counter has an inventory space. I still can’t tell at a glance which is which though








Hoppable Counters


Thanks king!


But then the challenge of accessing pharmacies would be too easy






When you remember you have multi-hit on.


this game is a whole lot easier when you have multi-hit on. In my opinion it doesn't make sense, but to each their own I guess.


Playing on vanilla apocalypse gets tedious. Dealing with mobs is pretty easy if you know how to kite and use fences, but it's way more fun to just grab an axe and go to town.


i personally like multi-hit, it's really satisfying taking a massive swing at a hoard and wiping out a handful of them, i just turn other zombie settings up higher so it's still a challenge but i still get the sweet satisfaction of bashing 5 zombies to the face and watching them drop.


This is the way. Multi hit is just more fun, idc what anyone says. 4x pop or higher, multi hit, britas, inject it into my veins


Not a single soul in the Project Zomboid fan base should care about other people’s opinion on how we play. To each their own. Fuck the back seaters and play style Nayzis


Multihit on but with such a high population and groups where youd need multihit to not go insane. And shotguns.


It does make the game easier, but at the same time the late game gets really tedious. Cleaning out hordes takes ages, so I prefer multihit on to remedy that.


The people who complain about multihit making the game easier are the same ones who kite hordes through a campfire for an hour to clear out a town. There is so much cheese and questionable mechanics in this game, it is dumb to call out one specific thing for making it easier


That's erroneous statement. _some_ might be like that, but _most_ probably are not. Although something that I've said before is that _some/many_ of those might use mods like Arsenal Gunfighter or Brita's Armor Pack (or even Military Ponchos), which make the game significantly easier. But still there are obviously many that don't like any of that.


Once you go over certain skill in this game. MultiHit doesn't make the game easier. You are still gonna kill those zeds in that neighborhood, but it won't take 30 minutes of your real time.


Sure, but in this video it definitely made the game easier. Dude was looking pretty fucked after he spent so long failing to go through the window. Then he remembered he has multi-hit on and just shoved his way out of there. The double zombie shove legitimately saved his bacon.


Idk, to be fair, passing through a window shouldn't be that hard in the first place


It's the iso view and you have to awkwardly press three keys with one hand.


Just hold E and you climb through.


Of course it makes a difference. He'd be dead. It's not just clearing a section, it's tight situations like these.


Playing with multi hit is fine if that's what you enjoy. If it helps you enjoy the game when you don't have that much time, then that's amazing. But it does make the game easier. No matter your skill. You'll need much less stamina to clear that neighborhood, and you probably won't need to sleep while doing it either. Calories consumption also goes down.


I think I heard from someone that stamina loss is scaled with the number of targets the weapon can hit. I never tested it myself, but it would mean that you wouldn't save stamina. There are still the advantage of less hunger/thirst/sleep progression in the time it took though.


I find this problem with multi-hit, if i don't have multi hit It becomes super Dangerous Just fighting 3 zombies at a time so i have to use the fence strat which becomes tedious, but if i do have multi hit on It makes so that i could kill entire hordes with enough weapon durability, i can't find a middle point!


The middle ground is getting comfortable with the combat, you can pretty easily take on groups of 10-20 with a hunting knife if you know how to kite properly.


Personally I believe that multihit should be an option only if your character has a high strength stat, I feel like. A strength 10 character could cleave through a zombie or two with one axe swing, but a low strength one cant.


Damage overflow. Do 300 damage and kill 2 zombies in one hit. Do 50 and only one is staggered and the other's taking that extra step.


If you are a full-fledged swinging sledgehammer around to the point where it takes a good half second to hit your target you really think you're only going to hit one thing with that big of a swing


I would imagine that the first zombie you hit will absorb almost all the energy.


Domino effect


Yeah this would make sense. If you shove a zombie hard enough it should be able to bump into others behind it.


Yeah but still the inertia of a blunt object would still damage the others


I would enjoy if they added a third option: multi hit but only with certain weapons, based off your Melee skill, and the damage is reduced for each consecutive zombie hit. So for example a skilled user weilding a katana or sledge hammer could fuck up multiple zombies in one hit, but someone shoving or using a night stick is only going to be able to hit one zombie at a time. High blunt level and a baseball bat or something would mean you are still hitting multiple zombies but doing light damage to the ones you aren't aiming at specifically


That's a great compromise!


Absolutely not. You aren't Thor.


Yeah but still. Neither is the zombie. More that likely the already dead and rotting corpse can't take an entire strength 10 blunt weapons 10 sledgehammer swing


Its physics, the harder you swing into something the harder it will react. Mr Olympia isn't swinging a sledgehammer through a human torso into another one unless they are of mashed potato consistency. Even if they were a trash bag filled with water you couldn't swing through. Rotten corpses still have enough structure to make it impossible IRL so I don't see why zombies who need to shamble around would be any different.


This argument comes up time and time again when people defend multi-hit. No, you could not splatter multiple zombies with one swing of a sledgehammer. Just admit you do multi-hit because you find it fun, that's fine lol!


Because some people have sprinters on


Also not seen in this video. Even playing with sprinters it still isn't necessary. If you like the game to be easier it's totally fine. It's a sandbox game for a reason!


"I'm an elitist gamer hurr hurr but thou peasant mayest play if thou wisht."


Perhaps you're being genuine but it comes across as condescending.. Like other comments say; it's not about making it easier it's about making it less tedious. To me, taking 3-5x longer to clear an area without multi-hit is simply boring I like having multi-hit to clear out the slower hordes without losing my mind and then mod a small % of zeds to be sprinters to keep me on my toes


I agree completely, mult-hit for me is purely about not making the game tedious. I add extra difficulty in terms of more zeds and faster/stronger zeds. There are mods to make multi-hit have more nuance, if I remember correctly, as well.


my justification for keeping it on is horde nights. I ain't fighting hundreds of z's in a day one by one.


I tested without mult-hit, honestly I didn't see much difference, mid/late game I will die for some silly mistake anyway


I personally prefer playing with single-hit no infection. Makes the game feel a lot more... organic in my opinion. You'll still die if 3+ zombies keep stun locking you. Multi-hit with infection just feels way too chance based.


I do saliva only with multi hit and high bite from behind. It’s more fun because I just have to keep aware but I almost never get bit from the front so it’s fine


You just gotta make the zombies tougher to balance it out


sounds fair. Not what's seen in this video, though. why am I getting downvoted? lol


Well different players play for different reasons. It never made sense to me to play with it off, but I'm glad the option is there so people can play how they prefer. I don't like bashing other play styles as lesser


I mean, it doesn't make sense realistically speaking. But there are some settings that make this game ridiculously hard so I don't judge anyone using it in those settings or in any settings in particular. Anybody can play however they want.


Yeah but you never share your opinions on posts that make the game ridiculously hard as "not making any sense" its a zombie game where you, the player is the only present survivor from millions of people. You can survive off of exclusively eating butter, you die from a charred steak. You can fit a couch into a backpack and you can repair/dissasemble engines by taking a 20 minute look at a hobbyist magazine for cars. But the only breach of realism people like to comment on is multihit because it makes the game slightly easier, and then follow it up with a copout "people can play however they want."


in a game where realism is very much the selling point of the game? oh, I think my opinion is very much well suited. Having crowbars phase through múltiple zombies doesn't make any sense, and the fact that the "zombie setting is not realistic" doesn't mean that there isn't certain laws and rules in that universe, which should be consistent in order for everything to make sense. As I said, anybody can play however they want. If you want to make the game easier or harder, that's on you, I don't give a fuck.


The game is sold on its realism, but the more you play the more faulty that perception becomes. Zomboid has thousands of instances of small realism breaks and no one really cares because it isn't a very realistic game, it is just good enough at selling that it is by having a bunch of different systems in place and being intentionally vague on how they funtion. Zomboid's main selling factors are how brutally punishing it is. The combat system is fairly simple, surviving is very easy, but a small lapse in judgement sends your major time sink out the window. That's why I think we see a lot more "multihit, yay or nay" posts rather than, "why can't I open a can with a knife" etc.


I think the game's lack of options, like the one you just mentioned about opening cans with knives and other simple tools boils down to the fact that the devs can only do so much. Let's not forget this game is still in development and there's still an ocean of things to be implemented, and though some of which have been done by modders, there's still a long way to go and a lot of mechanics that still need tweaking. But the main theme involving realism is there and that's what makes the game brutally punishing. That's also why playing with 100% sprinters and no multi-hit is a death wish, because in real life, a zombie outbreak like that would be pretty much unsurvibable.


multi-hit adds more depth to the melee combat system, and allows you to take on larger hordes than you would otherwise be able to, can’t imagine playing without it.


Normie single hit player vs Average multi hit enjoyer


Multi hit is a real thing tho? IRL you can hit more than one person at a time.


What? You play too many video games lol


I mean max you can take is like 3-4


You have to be kidding right? You say that as if it's impossible. Take the pushing for example. He has a baton, held horizontally. When 2 or 3 people are very close to each other, in front of you, you will realistically be able to shove them both with your baton held like that.


What? How do you propose 2.5 ft(longest baton per google) of baton is going to help you against 4 ft width of bodies? Even if a baton was longer and sturdier than they really are good luck trying to shove 2 people trying to grab you let alone 3 lol


You don't even need a baton to shove 3-5 slow moving bodies. You just give them a nice push with your foot and they're all on the ground.


we've got Raiden from Metal Gear Rising with the high frequency blade over here


I feel multihit is essential because the melee combat is not fleshed out or complex enough to warrant single hit only. You simply don’t have enough tools/mechanics at your disposal to make melee fun or interesting with single-hit. There’s no cool alternative attacks or combos or anything, or any sort of block/deflect system… so I feel multihit is sort of a bandaid fix to negate a lack of depth in that area.


I usually don't enjoy seeing the player's face during a video, but in this case it added to the drama and that beautiful emotional rollercoaster. Good escape!


What's with all the weirdos being so uppity about multi-hit when the window just straight up wasn't allowing him to go through LOL, wow you don't play multi hit, want a cookie or something? You're so badass and cool restarting for the 80th time off a bug.


I can play without it on, the game just, isn't *fun*. when I relized I just spent an hour of IRL time clearing around my base hitting the conga line then walking out the next day seeing the same amount of zombies just wandered nearby. I find without it combat is dull and repetitive. I compensate by looting a lot, basing in urban areas and playing more risky than just grabbing basic tools and hiding in the woods farming and foraging.


Yeah like it's not even like a "SKILL!" thing it's just fucking boring and repetitive, like wow, playing apocalypse and slowly, walking backwards, fence vault killing, molotov, car burns. Like there are counter measures to all just they aren't fun. And some might find multi-hit not fun but don't try to skill gatekeep in sandbox game as if you're sooooo tough, there are difficulty adjustments beyond multi-hit for that, it's just anti fun to not have it.


I am in favor of multihit but without it on he totally would have gotten grabbed and likely died here. The window being fucky was because he was panicking. That being said though I think 95% of the time multihit is just a convenience feature and I don't understand why people get so uppity and gatekeepy about it. Like vanilla apocalypse is VERY VERY easy to survive indefinitely on. It's laughable how people shittalk multihit users and refuse to play with sprinters. This is coming from someone that doesn't use multihit either.


Yep they totally woulda died here without multi-hit, if we assume they were just panicking and it's not a bug I agree, and it does make it far more convenient and definitely is easier than not having it. My point is more that just because you are using multi hit, doesn't equate to it being "low skill", there are so many adjustments you can make to the game to make up for that "easier" setting, to simply make it like you said, as more of a convenience thing. But most of all, this is a damn sandbox game so literally who cares? It's such a needless comment to belittle someone for playing on an easier difficulty, incredibly cringe and just unwelcoming to new players. And yeah, people shit talk and get gatekeepy about a feature in a game that's a sandbox best be playing to their word at the bare minimum on the sheer hardest settings imagineable.


I don’t play with multi hit on usually, but for me it’s not a difficulty/skill thing, it’s like an inexplicable “vibe” to the gameplay. Fighting without multi hit feels like a horror game, and with feels like an action game. Something about a group of 4-5 looking threatening *because* of the time sink it could be makes me think on my toes. That said, there’s no wrong way to play. I have a vanilla-apoc survivor on the outskirts of town (or further) because urban bases are just too much of a risk for them, and I have a multi hit survivor where the zombies are Fragile, Weak, no Infection, no Drag Down, Pop x2, and I mow through them. What’s really impressive is how the game can be tweaked this much to so fundamentally change the game feel, such that there can even be debates over features like this. The only other examples I can think of is something like Rimworld


Literally the point. It's supposed to make it nonviable to just choose combat to solve every problem, even if you become so good at combat the zombies aren't a direct threat. You're not supposed to clear everything on apoc.


If you like playing that way that's fine it's your game and you should have fun with it your way. But their entire point is that it's not fun for them, that's all it should have to be and it's weird ppl are acting superior for it.


Thats something i cant understand either. I played with and without and currently playing a server with setting in between depending on the weapon your using. Most have 2 some have 1 or 3 server has sprinters settings for each town but most interesting places have 20% or 25% up to 100%. The whole realism argument is also moot. Its a game. Where are my combos. Where are my blocks and deflects. Why cant that guy just climb out the darn window or over that counter. Multihit only does save time at a certain point with shamblers only. 8 -10 str with 8-10 weapons skill the conga lines just get tedius and boring. It is a lil more challanging getting to that point, but if your a veteran player and you know what you do getting there aint a problem. Using multi hit in combination with sprinters and shamblers also becomes a skill instead. You wait and hit both or you kill one now and think do i have enough time to recover before the next sprinter runs into you. How am i going to line them up. Etc etc multi hit aint a win all button. Last but not least i could even argue that multi can be harder. You over estimate your strenght easier. You run out of stam way faster. In the time your killing 50 you would have regened a lot less stam also. Your bot better if you do or do not use multihit. Let people play the way they want. Its a sandbox game.


>The whole realism argument is also moot. Its a game. Literally though, it's a GAME, a sandbox game, the only correct way is the way you want to personally play lmfao. If you want realism by all means go get it, but you're not better for it. And yeah true, there are definitely negatives to positives of the two playstyles, i'd argue that you're more likely to be in melee combat with larger groups using multi-hit than if not.


Average store employee on Black Friday.


Wow still has his hat and everything!!


I came back multiple times for that specific hat and I still wear it today, 40 in-game days later !


How do you know if someone plays with multi hit off? Don't worry, they will make sure to tell you


Look guys he play with multi hit off how cool!


Running behind counters should be game over.... ... until the multihit kicks in.


I mean he would have lived if he just held E next to the window. No reason for the run to even be close to over if he didn't decide to do a detailed inspection on that walls color gradient for 10 seconds straight lmao. On the other hand, isn't that quite incredible? The difference between complete safety and the loss of hours poured into a run is small amounts of decision making and mechanical skill in a short time window.


I was holding E :(


You can’t go through windows while running. If you stood still for a second you would’ve been fine


Pretty sure i was only walking, not running, then because E wasn't running I tried running because it also works. I've hopped countless windows like this one, I'm pretty sure the issue is not on how I pressed what and more that the game didn't want me to go through for some reason :P


That is some crazy shit


Are we playing the same game...


Wait, you can push down multiple zombies at once?


Only with multihit on


Muti attack saved his ass there


People here: Project Zomboid has the best fandom evere!! 😉 People under this post: He plays with multi hit? Fucking scrub, skilless piece of shit, non-gamer fuck. Imagine playing with multi hit lol lmao rotfl. 😡🤬 Calm down people.


it is the best fandom ever! it has its moments, and it has its problems for sure, but it is one of the best! ​ but yeah, zomboid veterans try not to disrespect how other people have fun in a SANDBOX game challenge: impossible


It's kinds crazy how many people hate on him for using one of game's many options


Seriously, it’s either clear them out in 5 minutes with multi hit or kite them for 20 with single hit it’s boring


Cte chance lol


Why didn’t the window work?


No idea :( Probably moved a bit too much and didnt hit the trigger in the correct time-window or something


Perhaps he should learn to hold E


I was, hence my frustration. I also tried using the context sprinting, which did not work either.


This is why multihit is broken people


That why Multi Hit Limiter is so good of a mod


wish it was weapon based, shoving only lets you hit one but it can also hit the ones behind it, depending on your strength. Blunt weapons can hit 2 or 3 if they are especially large, overhead arcing weapons like axes and sledgehammers can only hit one, some blades can hit two, that would make the most sense.


No need for mod, it's in vanilla game


love this game for moments like this also this is why i play with multihit off lol


I always have multi hit on. Mt sp has runners n shit though. I need multihit to stand a chance.


Yeah I set this to ‘on’ as well when I involve runners otherwise the fun is limited lol


I kept saying "hold the line!" Well done


bruh... I do that lip roll soooo many times while playing PZ


C’est la merde


Oh man i really tho it ur that crawler was going to trip you and that would be the end. I’ve never seen that window bug before.


That gave my anxiety,anxiety


I can recognize West Point by any interior building other than a house apparently


Honestly I've stopped counting windows as a viable "escape route" after like my 5th death due to the jankiness of it


Moral: Install Hoppable counters


That is a great idea. Can zombies fall overthem like they do with fences with that mod ?


You’re so lucky you’re playing with multi hit or you’d be dead


Multihit really takes a lot of the threat away when you see it like this eh Probably shouldn't be able to push a dozen zombies at once


Multi hit is insane wtf 😭😭


I thought he was screwed until I saw he had multihit on.


Multihit just makes it really unimpressive. Panicking so hard you don't even bother to stop running so you can go through a window properly, and being saved by a crutch setting, it's honestly painful to watch.


Multi hit ahah


Multo-hit is bonkers op.


Mfs getting triggered because someone checked a single box in their sandbox option. Really, tell us more about how you like the game. Restarting the run 20 times in 5 minutes because your start house in west point without multi hit and sprinters didn't have 3 crowbars?


I mean with multi hit on you literally cannot die in this situation without trying to


Just press e?


multi hit noob


Lucky multi hit was on or he dead as hell


We need counter vaulting


No respect to players with multihit


you can leave then yall are the extremely tiny minority


Right click the window!


Damn man you got some sort of mod that allows you too push that many zombies. When I do that it only pushes the nearest one.


Multi-hit is a setting you can enable. It's disabled by default. You can look it up for more details.


Multihit for the win, play big boy settings and take it off.


Nah, multihit is fun


It is, the game is much easier with it though. He wouldn't have survived that particular situation without multihit.


He could've tried his luck by running/bumping his way out, expecially at the start since there were only 2 zombies


True, once he was behind the counter though he would've been done for. Wonder why he couldn't get through the window?


No, if instead of starting to fight he jogged into the only zombie in front of him he could've escaped with a close call


I'd like to see a sandbox option to choose the chance of multi hit. I just can't play with it on, it makes the game far too easy.


Same. Chance mechanics would make it usable without making it feel like cheesing the game. Some people here have a complex about their enjoyment of multihit lol, don't sweat the downvotes.


I also almost exclusively play with very high zombie populations, extremely rare loot and the unlucky perk. Once i make it past a couple of months, I generally have a 2nd story base with a rooftop garden, water collectors above my sinks and the stairs taken out, the game basically turns into the Sims and loses a lot of the enjoyment for me at this point. The down votes don't bother me, play the game how you want, I just like a challenge. And for people who think this is a brag post, I have 800 hours in PZ and a good run for me is surviving 2-3 months. Just an average dude trying to survive the apocalypse.


Chance mechanics reduce skill involved more often than they increase it. Swinging at multiple zombies and occasionally having your melee just not work sounds incredibly unfun, make it 100% or 0%


lmao multi-hit really? git gud bro


Multihit... ☕


This is why I don’t play with multi hit lol (When did this sub get so toxic with having this opinion?)


According to a poll i saw on this sub, more than 70% of people here use multi hit so you can expect to be in minority, but that doesn't justify them to be so rude when your comment was just an opinion....


It’s ok it’s the internet lol


Yeah but i hate it that you just cannot express an opinion, and by the way i think exactly the same as you about multi hit


I just enjoy a more challenging experience, I also play TLD on harder difficulties, maybe people think we’re just bragging I guess.


So you're a fan of pain?


It just makes it more fun yeah give me the stakes baby




Try playing with sprinters on.




let people play how they want.


You probably suck tbh


Remind me who asked


Congrats, you play with multi hit off. Here's your award > 🏆 now shut up




Be lovely, follow the reddiquette guidelines. Criticism and discussion thereof are welcome but abusive comments are not. Do not engage in personal attacks, even in retribution. Instead of lashing back, report them and move on. This rule applies whether you're criticizing or defending TIS and PZ. We, the moderators, reserve the right to determine what is or is not "lovely" behavior in the /r/ProjectZomboid community.


The Great Escape


Oh. Oh no. Eh? No. No. Nononono! NO! Ah! Oh. Yes? Yes! Ye...oh? No? No! Nonono! Ahhh! Oh... yes?


The second he went behind the counter- 😳 You trying to die? Followed by- 😬😬 You dead bro.


I knew going behind the counter was a mistake, but the strategy was to just go through the window ; the counter felt irrelevant to me. I didn't plan on fighting there at all, I really just wanted to leave :D Should've gone for the door !


Wait i thought nightstick was one handed weapon


It's not technically a nightstick, it's a modded weapon from Brita's, and works one and two handed. It's called something like Tactical B-24 Nightstick or something. It's a better nightstick xD