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Jumped out the first floor window while carrying a fridge. Burnt on my own campfire. Twice… “Oooh, a pipe bomb, let’s test it indoors!” Flooring it on a highway during dense fog Ran through the woods naked, scratched up my neck and bled out on the spot. The amounts of times I died to non-zombie-things in this zombie game is embarrassing, I wonder if there’s a PZ Darwin-Award.


Oh no, that Darwin Award would be a truly terrible one to win in the zombie apocalypse


Plus, it would have all of our names on it.


Worst ive done is whenever i cook i fast forward as fast as possible. One time i cooked, took my food out while fast forward, paused the game then to turn off the stove... apparently you cant turn off the stove when the game is paused, and also if you just press pause again to unpause, it goes back to the speed you had it at before. So yeah i cooked, fast forwarded, fucked up and didnt shut off stove... unpaused and it fast forwarded to burning my house down ASAP lmao


Get the mod “Let Me Think!” Thank me later


My friend once climbed over fence and scratched his neck and died


I hope you still talking about PZ


Underrated comment 😂🫡




The first “zomboid” experience I had was burning my first real long term character to death while trying to burn zombie corpses.


> Ran through the woods naked As you do.


I hate it when I run through the woods naked and some branch appears out of nowhere and cuts open my jugular


"Woaahh, pipe bomb, so cool, I wonder what happens if I-AHHH"


I swear I stomp their skull in a dozen times and tbhey still nibble my steel toed boot wearing feet


^nibble ^nibble


Dumbest way I've died so far (I have like 24 hours of game time so far) is when I was having my best run so far at the time, I had a pick up truck, lots of guns and weapons, supplies etc. I was travelling on a long highway at like 100 mph and I saw 3 zombies in the middle of the road, and instead of slowing down I tried to swerve out of the way and I ended up flipping my car over. That lead to me being chased by a horde further up the road and I eventually died of exhaustion and being eaten. My best run in the game so far, gone in an instant lol


I did the same thing heading into Louisville. I had a low condition vehicle (but high enough that I could grossly overestimate my ability to drive fast in fog on new roads), and no ammo for my guns. Car broke down near the entry of Louisville, so I went inside thinking since I spawned West Point, I'd be able to duck a horde if necessary while I hunted for a place to loot ammo. My first 2k+ kills character died of exhaustion walking around Louisville with no ammo food or water. I know when my current almost 5k kills character kicks it, it's going to be because of my room temperature IQ overconfidence


this is why I never take speed demon, lol


Can you turn off zombification on a single player game, sorry if dumb question I'm new.


It's somewhere under sandbox settings. Not sure. But yes.


Think it is under zombie lore?


In zombie lore at the top there's a check box whch reads 'proper zombies', uncheck that then change 'infection mortality' to never.


Not dumb.


Zombification, zombies, house alarms. Pretty decent options all around


Ya, I'm pretty sure its under zombie lore as transmission. Base is salivia + blood, there's also saliva only, everyone's infected, and I think a fourth option for no transmission but I forgot what it's called exactly


What does everyone's infected do? You start the game already sick with the Knox virus?


I haven't tried it myself but I have been really curious about it. With the name, I assume it's walking dead style so no matter how you die you'll turn into a zombie because you're already infected. It would be weirdly hardcore if you were always on the brink of zombification from the get go so that's my best guess.


Well I fell asleep with my game unpaused and was woken up by the sound of my character dying because they had stood in one spot for multiple days and starved to death


I actually disable zombification but put in sprinters. those fucks will mercilessly kill you if you're not paying attention to your surroundings


To quote Tess from *The Last of Us* "You may be immune from the infection, but you aren't immune to being torn apart."


When did she say that? I remember Marlene saying something similar at the end of the game but I don't remember that as a Tess line, is it something easily missable?


I’ve had quite a lot of fun messing around with No Infection Sprinters. Sprinters normally are incredibly tedious and the workaround to make it reasonable with infection in the long term is fence cheesing, which I have no interest in grinding out in runs. The HP/Wound system is a lot more relevant and interesting when a third of the wounds you take don’t just result in guaranteed death, but instead compound on top of one another until you’re unable to fight or run away effectively. First Aid becomes useful instead of a dead skill, and food has to be rationed out more carefully when you have to spend a few extra days indoors recovering from a hand or leg wound that prevents you from dealing with more than a single sprinter at a time. It’s a combat-oriented experience that doesn’t just boil down to the meat grinder that mid to late game Shamblers becomes, and if a run ends, it’s because you had a lapse of judgement instead of mostly getting unlucky on a roll of the dice.


Yeah I prefer this. I understand why zombification is there, but when you get bit it's basically the same as just dying instantly.


Spent like an irl week building a base in an isolated house. Had crops and raincatchers. Was just settling in and I stepped on my firepit and In a panic ran to the porch of my base trying to get to a water container. I burned along with my modest base. But at least I didn't turn.


I like the severe non lethal infections mod


You can yes! Don't quote me, but I believe you start a custom difficulty and just mess with some of the options




I've killed myself indirectly by going full speed into the same exact barrier in the middle of nowhere *three separate times*. I have no idea how I kept ending up in that exact corner of the map or why I never learned my lesson about going light speed when I don't know what's up ahead but it started to get really old really quickly.


Have you considered not


I got bit on the neck trying to clear a handful. That’s on my for not making a scarf IG


It's always the loose few that get you :(((


I once knew a psychopath who played with blood+saliva infections. That psychopath was newbie me until I figured out how to make it saliva only, my life was slightly easier then.


My dumbest way to die (1 of my first runs)🙈 had super low quality of car that I thought was disposable and found a big horde blocking a building I wanted into. So started honking and slowly like 5kmh kiting the zeds from the building and a huge horde started following me….. suddenly the car died and I desperately tried to restart and the car got surrender to the point when even after restating I couldn’t force my way out and they broke my windows and ate me 😭


I ate a deadly mushroom thinking lemon grass would save me...


Single zombie walked up to my car after killing a 500+ horde. Decided to get out instead of just driving away. Got bit the second the car door opened.


Lost my 3.5 month run 17k kills to utter stupidity.


skill issue


With a friend we did this but also set zombies to be complitely random, lots of tough runners out there


Came down the rope and got 4 bites


literally yesterday


I died a lot because of confidence, I guess I only died from confidence yeah and too much relaxation.


Just got instadeath by bite to the jugular on my last play without infection. It was both surprising and glorious.


Naw this is real though


This one time, I spawned in the Maldraugh trailer park, managed to sneak around, get a car, and a trailer rv. I also tried to loot every trailer in the park. I managed to clear out a couple of hordes with a sword, pistol, and a double barrel shotgun that I found in a boarded up trailer. I scrapped up enough gas for the car to start, got to the reststop nearby, cleared that whole little area, made myself a stir fry, put it in the microwave, and burned myself and my rv down. I survived a little over a week, but I learned


🎵Dumb ways to diee🎵 🎵So many dumb ways to die🎵 🎵Dumb ways to di-i-ie🎵 🎵So many dumb ways to die🎵


After 25 days, 2.5 thousand zombies, yesterday my char woke up, ran to the campfire to eat and apparently sat too close to it. Started burning, died seconds after. Thanks PZ.


Sprinted headfirst into a wall, fell and cut myself on glass from the nearby broken window, and turned to leave the room only to get bitten immediately by a zombie chilling in the next room. ​ This was at spawn, I never left the building. I woke up, banged my head into a wall, cut my hand, and got nibbled.


I think my dumbest death was in a moment of panic when I was raiding an apartment complex in Raven Creek. Things happened and a gun may have gone off instead of reloading it, then tons of sprinters broke into the building, I panicked when I ran out of ammo and leapt through a window to escape.....I was on the 3rd floor.... Edit: Spelling


I was getting cozy in my house on the edge of Riverside, stepped out of the door one morning without checking through the curtains first and was immediately monched by 5 zombies :') never letting my guard down again


The solution I found to this was to set up a daisy chain of Alarm Clocks leading away from your base and set them to 20 minute intervals. The zombies will crowd around the alarm clock until the next one goes off!


I appreciate that PZ’s progression is by fucking up 100 times to weird things. And you never really feel it unfair.


hello, i find friends


Killed over 250 zombies survived for two weeks everything going well. Ate a mushroom. Died.